Demigods at Hogwarts (under e...

By NotSoComplicated

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Harry Potter is used to being the Hero of his world. He and every other wizard believes he is the destined sa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Coming Soon...
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 6

32.8K 851 785
By NotSoComplicated

Percy's P.O.V

After Defense Against the Dark Arts we walked down to the great hall for Lunch. When we walked in everyone that was already there turned and looked at me. I could feel their stares as we walked to our seats. When we sat down I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Do I have something on my face or what?" I asked them.

"Umm, no. Why?" Ron replied.

"They keep staring at me and the girls keep laughing at me." I said. They looked at me like it was crazy.

Harry laughed and said, "Oh, you're joking."

I stared at him in confusion. "Are you really that blind mate?" Ron asked.

I dropped the matter because I wasn't getting any clear answers and changed the subject. "Hermione I understand the need to protest the house elves situation but you might want to start eating before you pass out."

She surrendered and took a chicken leg. "But I won't enjoy it." She retaliated.

I smiled and took a few slices of Greek style pizza. I almost laughed, not only was professor Dumbledore having them make American food but he was having them make food fit for an American, Greek demigod.

After lunch Hermione and I walked to potions together while Harry and Ron headed to the common room. Hermione had convinced them to use their free period to do the essay for Snape. We didn't have to do it as she and I were the only ones who accomplished the nonverbal spell. Right when we were outside the door she mumbled something about using the bathroom and I told her I would save her a seat.

I walked in and sat down, placing my bag in the seat next to me. I sat there looking around the room when I a mocking voice say, "So you're the new pretty boy?"

I turned around to see a pair skinny boy with blonde hair almost as page as him. It took only one look to figure out that he was the school bully.

"Awww, you think I'm pretty?" I asked.

His face grew angry. "You better watch it Jackson. I have powerful friends that you don't want to mess with."

"Do they think I'm pretty too?" I asked.

His eyes flashed with angry but he quickly calmed down and smoothed back his hair in an attempt to regain his composure.

"Listen Jackson. You're new, I'm not. You obviously need someone I show you how things work here and I'm happy to do that. I can teach you important things. Things like that's it's a bad idea hanging out with Potter and the gang."

"The only reason I would ever hang out with you is to meet your friends who think I'm pretty but that's never gonna happen because I don't think I want to meet anymore people like you." I turned back to face my table as he stormed away.

I went about my business as if nothing ever happened. I heard an astonished voice behind me.

"What were you doing talking to Malfoy?"

Hermione's P.O.V

When we got to the classroom I said I had to go to the bathroom. I was happy when Percy said he'd save me a seat.

I hurried to relieve myself not wanting to be late. I grabbed my books and made my way back to class. When I got there I saw the Percy and Malfoy talking. I watched as Malfoy stormed away from his table then walked up behind Percy.

"What were you doing talking to Malfoy?" I asked. He turned around and rolled his eyes.

"Oh you know, just guy stuff. Insults, threats, the usual." I replied.

She laughed and sat down where I had put my bag when Professor Slughorn walked into the room. Before he could even talk Harry and Ron burst into the room.

"Sorry we are late professor. We didn't know we would be able to take this class until now." Harry said.

"Ah, yes, yes. Professor Mcgonagall explained it to me. You can borrow books from the cabinet back there." He replied.

They walked to the back of the room and there was a bit of noise when they got their books then they walked back and took seats at the table next to ours.

"Now then," said Slughorn, returning to the front of the class and inflating his already bulging chest so that the buttons on his waistcoat threatened to burst off, "I've prepared a few potions for you to have a look at, just out of interest, you know. These are the kind of thing you ought to be able to make after completing your N.E.W.T.s. You ought to have heard of 'em, even if you haven't made 'em yet. Anyone tell me what this one is?"

He indicated the cauldron nearest the Slytherin table. I raised myself slighty in my seat and saw what looked like plain water boiling away inside it.

My well-practiced hand hit the air before anybody else's; Slughorn pointed at me.

"It's Veritaserum, a colorless, odorless potion thar forces the, drinker to tell the truth," I said.

"Very good, very good!" said Slughorn happily. "Now," he continued, pointing at the cauldron nearest to the Ravenclaw table, "This one here is pretty well known. . . . Featured in a few Ministry leaflets lately too . . . Who can - ?"

My hand was fastest once more.

"It's Polyjuice Potion, sir," I said.

"Excellent, excellent! Now, this one here . . . yes, my dear?" said Slughorn, now looking slightly bemused, as my hand punched the air again.

"It's Amortentia!"

"It is indeed. It seems almost foolish to ask," said Slughorn, who was looking mightily impressed, "but I assume you know what it does?"

It's the most powerful love potion in the world!" I said.

'Quite right! You recognized it, I suppose, by its distinctive mother-of-pearl sheen?"

"And the steam rising in characteristic spirals," said I said enthusiastically, "and it's supposed to smell differently to each of according to what attracts us, and I can smell freshly mown grass and new parchment and -" I cut off before I could say anything else that would embarrass me.

"What do you smell Percy?" Asked Slughorn.

Percy leaned forward to smell the potion. "The ocean, books, the library, blueprint paper, bonfire, and olives." He said.

"Amortentia doesn't really create love, of course. It is impossible to manufacture or imitate love. No, this will simply cause a powerful infatuation or obsession. It is probably the most dangerous and powerful potion in this room - oh yes," he said, nodding gravely at Malfoy and Nott, both of whom were smirking skeptically. "When you have seen as much of life as I have, you will not underestimate the power of obsessive love...

"And now," said Slughorn, "it is time for us to start work."

"Sir, you haven't told us what's in this one," said Ernie Macmillan , pointing at a small black cauldron standing on Slughorn's desk. The potion within was splashing about merrily; it was the color of molten gold, and large drops were leaping like goldfish above the surface, though not a particle had spilled.

"Oho," said Slughorn again. I was sure that Slughorn had not forgotten the potion at all, but had waited to be asked for dramatic effect. "Yes. That. Well, that one, ladies and gentlemen, is a most curious little potion called Felix Felicis. I take it," he turned, smiling, to look at me, I had let out an audible gasp, "that you know what Felix Felicis does, Miss Granger?"

"It's liquid luck," said I excitedly. "It makes you lucky!"

The whole class seemed to sit up a little straighter.

"Quite right, take another ten points for Gryffindor. Yes, it's a funny little potion, Felix Felicis," said Slughorn. "Desperately tricky to make, and disastrous to get wrong. However, if brewed correctly, as this has been, you will find that all your endeavors tend to succeed ... at least until the effects wear off."

"Why don't people drink it all the time, sir?" said Terry Boot eagerly.

"Because if taken in excess, it causes giddiness, recklessness, and dangerous overconfidence," said Slughorn. "Too much of a good thing, you know. . . highly toxic in large quantities. But taken sparingly, and very occasionally . . ."

"Have you ever taken it, sir?" asked Michael Corner with great interest.

"Twice in my life," said Slughorn. "Once when I was twenty-four, once when I was fifty-seven. Two tablespoonfuls taken with breakfast. Two perfect days."

He gazed dreamily into the distance. Whether he was playacting or not, I thought, the effect was good.

"And that," said Slughorn, apparently coming back to earth, "is what I shall be offering as a prize in this lesson."

There was silence in which every bubble and gurgle of the surrounding potions seemed magnified tenfold.

"One tiny bottle of Felix Felicis," said Slughorn, taking a minuscule glass bottle with a cork in it out of his pocket and showing it to them all. "Enough for twelve hours' luck. From dawn till dusk, you will be lucky in everything you attempt."

"Now, I must give you warning that Felix Felicis is a banned substance in organized competitions . . . sporting events, for instance, examinations, or elections. So the winner is to use it on an ordinary day only . . . and watch how that ordinary day becomes extraordinary!"

"So," said Slughorn, suddenly brisk, "how are you to win fabulous prize? Well, by turning to page ten of Advanced Potion Making. We have a little over an hour left to us, which should be time for you to make a decent attempt at the Draught of Living Death. I know it is more complex than anything you have attempted before, and I do not expect a perfect potion from anybody. The person who does best, however, will win little Felix here. Off you go!"

I immediately opened my book to page ten and got started on the potion. I could only imagine the possibilities of having that potion.

I was at the part where you had to cut the sopophorous bean with the silver blade. Every time you tried the bean would bounce to the side. I looked over to see Percy try to cut his bean and then when it didn't work he trapped it under the flat if his knife and crushed it producing a load of juice. I looked at Harry who didn't even try to cut his bean, he crushed it right off the bat.

"You supposed to cut it." I said.

"Yeah but crushing it works better." Percy said. I looked at Harry who said nothing but nodded in agreement. I looked at them skeptically then went back to work. This happened again when we had to stir the potion. With Percy he would change it whenever something didn't work but with Harry he would do it right off the bat.

At the end of the class I looked at my potion, it was almost perfect. I looked at Percy's and it was perfect. I looked at Ron's and...well, no comment. Harrys was just as perfect as Percy's. I can't believe it! They didn't even do it right.

Slughorn moved slowly among the tables, peering into cauldrons. He made no comment, but occasionally gave the potions a stir or a sniff. At last he reached the table where Percy, Harry, Ron and I were sitting. He smiled ruefully at the tarlike substance in Ron's cauldron. My potion he gave an approving nod. Then he saw Harry's and Percy's, and a look of incredulous delight spread over his face.

"Oho! Clearly the best potions in the class! Harry, I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Percy, nothing short of perfect!" He exclaimed.

They both muttered their thanks and Slughorn continued.

"Both of yours are the same so choosing is going to be difficult. Which one if you gets a bottle of luck that can change your life for the better?" Well when he put it like that...

"No need to choose professor, Harry can have it. He probably needs it more than I do." Percy said.

I stared at him in complete shock. He turned down drinkable good
luck! The rest of the class seemed astounded too.

"Are you sure mate? Harry asked him.

"Yeah bro, it's all yours." Percy replied while flashing a smile.

Slughorn gave an approving look at Percy and handed Harry the vial. Not fair! He didn't even do it right! At least Percy tried doing it the right way.

After we got out of potions and were on our way to care of magical creatures I exploded.

"I can't believe you won that potion! You didn't even do it right!" I shouted


So sorry about the short chapters. Let me know if you have any suggestions. I know that this doesn't exactly follow up with the sixth book, I'm making some stuff up.

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