Suffer. (Chris Brown Love St...

By princesstakeover

83K 2.2K 795

23 year old Ranae Collin who joins Chris Brown crew as a dancer, escapes her pass and starts her life over. B... More

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1.3K 40 21
By princesstakeover


"Oh my gosh yes, right there"


"Mhm harder...mmm"

I waited about 10 seconds.

"Ok I'm good" but he kept going.

"Chris I'm good!" I pulled away.

"My bad"

"Damn you about to break my shoulders" I said robbing the side of my neck.

"I said I'm sorry, look I didn't have to give you a massage"

I rolled my eyes.

"Is Mijo coming?" I asked.

"Yeah he said he's on his way"

"Ok let me go back out here and make sure everything's ok, you coming?"


I took his hand and we walked out the room.

"Wowww" I said. It was a lottttt of people out here.

It was Friday, it was the day of my father's funeral and it was just the beginning. We was going to start in about a half. I had on my black dress with a bun and Chris had his suit on looking handsome. My mom was talking to some people, I didn't know know who they were but I walked over there.

"Hey mom, you doing ok?" I asked.

"Yeah baby, I want you to meet some people. This is Calvin's brother James and his sister Carolyn and these are their children Stephen and Devon"

"Hi" I said smiling and giving them a hug. Stephen and Devon looked about 16.

"So we cousins?" Stephen asked.

"Yup" I smiled.

"Wait so what is the goat doing here?"

"Who?" I asked looking around.

He pointed next to me and Chris was standing there.

"Oh yeah, this is-"

"Dude I love your music and your dance moves are so freaking fire" Devon said cutting me off.

"Thanks guys I appreciate it" Chris smiled and gave them a fist bump.

"He aight, I don't know about all that" I said playing around.

"Well you're clearly crazy" Stephen said and they all laughed.

Chris phone started ringing and he took it out his pocket.

"I'll be right back Mijo must be outside"

"Ok" I nodded.

"We'll go sit down now Cassandra, it was nice meeting you honey" Carolyn spoke.

"It was nice meeting y'all too" I smiled.

They walked away leaving me and my mother by ourselves.

"Who else is here?" I asked her.

"My friends, his friends, my family, his family. So you better be ready because you about to meet everyone and you going to be tired by the end"

"Oh I'm ready"

"Ok let's go" We started walking towards some people my mom knew.

The half of hour went pass quickly and we was starting the service. I sat in the row with my mom, her sister, and Navaeh by my side since she wanted to sit with me. People were taking turns speaking about my father and by listening to them I learned more about him and it was fascinating. So many celebrities was here and I was fan-girling the whole time. I done seen Will Smith, Forest Whitaker, Alfre Woodard, Don Cheadle, Eddie Murphy, Keith David, Viola Davis, so far and I thought I was going to die. Right now Cicely Tyson was speaking, such a Queen.

Kait and Brandon made it and they sat behind me along with Chris and Mijo. Just in time for me to go up. My mom gave me a nod and I walked up to the pulpit. I took a breather and spoke.

"Hello everyone my name is Ranae Collins. I am the child of Cassandra and Calvin Beniz. When I was 16, I lived in Brooklyn New York and my life was not good at all and it been like that ever since I was little. But that was until they adopted me and everything changed for me. I was in a better environment, going to a better high school and even got to go to college which I thought I had no chance of because my biological mother didn't have the money for it. I thought it would've been hard to get comfortable around these guys because it was just too crazy to me. But they ended up being the best thing that happened to me. It was a huge blessing." I started to tear up.

"They helped me through stuff that no one ever had helped me through and I'm so thankful for that. They really treated me like I was their own and that amazed me over the years with them. My biological father wasn't really in my life so Calvin took that place and I couldn't ask for a better father honestly. He gets me a lot and he would always brighten my mood." I smiled thinking about all the times he made me laugh.

"What I'm saying is, I wouldn't change nothing if I could. Calvin made me feel like his real blood daughter and so did Cassandra. Calvin is amazing, as a father, actor, and friend. He told me to be strong when he is gone and I'm going continue to do that, for him" I said looking down.

"Thank you" Everyone clapped and I went back down over to my mom who was waiting to hug me.

"We love you baby forever" She said in my ear.

Throughout the service people sung, I laughed and even cried. I got to meet more people and celebrities and it was so cool.

After the service was over we drove over to the grave and placed the casket in the mausoleum and said our goodbyes. Even though he was gone I knew he was still watching and protecting me. He was in my heart. Forever.


My mom, Chris, Mijo & Navaeh, Kait, Brandon, and I went back to my moms after everything was over. She was going to whip something up for us thank god.

"I'm so tired" I said sitting on the couch and taking my heels off.

"Tell me about it" Navaeh said sitting next to me doing the same.

I laughed and shook my head.

"The funeral was very nice Ranae, I like how y'all planned it out" Kait said.

"Thank you so much" I smiled.

"Ranae and Kaitlyn help me in the kitchen please!" My mom yelled.

Me and Kait stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"All I need y'all to do is cut me up some peppers"

"What you making Alfredo?" Kait asked.

"Yeah, it's quick so why not"

"True" I said.

I grabbed the peppers out the fridge for us and placed them on the island.

"Wasn't the funeral nice?" She said.

"Yeah mom we did a great job and it was a huge turnout"

"Shawn said he was going to come but something came up, but he would go to visit when he can"

"Shawn?" Kait asked.

"Jay Z" I said grabbing knives.

"I'm sorry what? Your dad knew Jay Z? And he almost came??"

"Yup" My mom said laughing.

"Sooooo you meaning to tell me I could've met the Queen B?"

"Mhm" I nodded my head.

"Well there goes my only shot"

"Same" I sat down and started to cut.

"I'll be right back girls, I put the water in the pot. I'm just going to change my clothes real quick" mom said.

"Ok" We nodded.

She walked out the kitchen and Kait spoke.

"Bitch I'm so mad"

"Why?" I asked chuckling.

"Mi still didn't get dick" she whispered.

"Well did you ask?"

"I didn't even get to. This nigga act like he too busy for me. The other day he told me he was going to be more busy then usual but damn"

"You just gon have to wait babygirl"

"Girl I'm not like you, I can't wait this long"

"Then you have a problem"

"Well I'm just going to have a problem because this is too too long of a wait"

"Girl you got issues" I mumbled.

After we finish cutting the peppers, my mom came back downstairs and took over. Me and Kait put the plates and stuff on the table.

"Babe do you want some Strawberry Lemonade?!" Kait yelled putting ice in her cup.

"Yea!" Brandon yelled back.

I gave her the juice and she poured it inside the cup. I turned around to pour my juice and put ice in it. When I turned back around I saw Kait steering the drink with a spoon. I was confused but maybe she was just steering the ice, who knows.

"Ok guys time to eat!" I yelled.

"Oh goody, I'm starving!" Navaeh said running in.

"So cute!" my mom laughed.

We all sat down at the table and started digging in. Conversations started among all of us. This was a moment I wanted to remember, everyone looked so happy.


"Bro what you over there drinking?" Brandon asked.

"I ain't drink it yet but it's some kind of pineapple juice"

"I didn't even know that was in there"

"Here you can have it, lemme get that strawberry lemonade. You ain't drink it right?"

"Nah not yet" he passed me his.

I took a huge gulp and put it back down.

"This food hitting Mrs.Beniz"

"Thank you sweetie" She smiled.

"I bet it is good" Ranae said next to me.

"Ya goddamn right"

About 20 mins later, we was still at the table because niggas wanted seconds ok. Mrs.Beniz went upstairs but everyone else was still at the table and Navaeh was only sitting here to talk our heads off.

But all of a sudden I got this weird tingling feeling in my body but it was weird because it was only in my dick. I looked at Ranae and looked back at my plate.


I laughed at Navaeh, she was so cute and funny. She was telling Mijo about his self and it was just too funny. While I was listening to her talk I felt a hand grip my thigh. I looked over and it was Chris. He continued gripping my thigh going farther to my area but I stopped him.

"Chris what are you doing?" I whispered.

"We got to go"

"What? Why?"

"We got to go Ranae... now" He said rubbing his face.

"Everything ok?" Brandon asked.

"Um I need to use the bathroom real quick, excuse me" He quickly got up and walked away.

"He aight?" Mijo asked.

"He probably gotta shit, I don't know" I said grabbing my juice and drinking it down.

"Nae Nae? One day can we have a sleepover at your house please!" Navaeh said.

"I'm ok with it but you have to ask your uncle Mijo and your daddy"

"Uncle Mijo can I go to Nae Nae house to have a sleepover?"

"I'm cool with it but I have to ask your dad first ok?"

"Ok!" She smiled and clapped.

"And Kait you have to come too so it can be even more fun!"

"Ok princess" Kait smiled.

5 mins went pass and Chris wasn't back yet, I hope he's ok. Shortly after, I heard him call my name from the top of the steps.

"Ranae!" He yelled.


"Come her real quick!"

"Excuse me guys" I said scooting my chair back and getting up.

I walked up the steps and down the hall to the bathroom. I knocked lightly and he opened it looking to see if someone else was behind me.

"Wassup?" I asked walking in.

He closed the door behind me and stared at me.

"Wassup?" I asked again.

He didn't say nothing but walked towards me, hovering over me, and grabbed my butt. He leaned down and gave me a kiss.


He kissed me again but this time slowly and with tongue. I was confused for a second but I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck. He bend down and pick me up and placed me on top of the sink. He went down to my neck and started planting kisses all over. His hands went from my waist to my bra strap and he was about to take it off until I stopped him.

"Chris stop, we can't do this here"

"Where else we gon do it? Look at me" He pointed to his private part.

"Wow Cj...i-"

"Why am I hard out of no where?? And it won't go back soft"

"I don't know"

He sighed.

"Stay here, I'll get everyone to leave and then we can go ok?" I said getting of the sink.

He nodded and looked me in my eyes. I hated when he gazed into my eyes, he was so fine i couldn't resist. He leaned in for another kiss but this time he slips his hand down my pants and stroked my clit a couple times through my panties. He took his hand out and smacked my ass.

"Hurry up" he calmly said.

"O-ok" I said trying gather my thoughts.

I shut the door behind me and slowly walked downstairs back into the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Kait asked.

"Y'all ain't gotta go home but y'all gotta get the heck up out of here" I said but I was so serious.

"You kicking us out? Oh that's how you feel" Mijo said.

"No it's just me and Chris tired and ready to go home ya know" I said trying to sound convincing.

"Yeah same, I'm about to leave. You ready NeNe?" Mijo said.

"I'm not ready to leave yet! I want to talk to Kaitlyn and Nae Nae" she pouted.

"She's about to leave too, come on"

"Well I guess" She said getting out her chair.

"We should get going too" Kait said to Brandon.

"Yeah she's right I'm tired also" Brandon said getting up.

"Can you be untired damn" I heard Kait mumble.

"Where Uncle Chris? I want to say bye"

"He's doing a stanky on the toilet right now so yea I wouldn't want to interrupt him right now"

"Ewwww me either" She said laughing away.

Brandon and Mijo dapped each other and walked out the kitchen.

"Bye Nae Nae, bye Kaitlyn, bye short man" she referred to Brandon.

All of us busted out laughing.

"Haha yup that was funny" Brandon said walking off.

Kait pulled me to the side and looked to make sure no one was looking or listening.

"Bihhh I'm about to get that dickkk" she started dancing.

"How you know?"

"I put viagra in his drink, it should be kicking in by now"

"What?!!" I whispered.

"What? Is that bad or something?"

"I told you to ask him, not drug him! Does he even know?"

"I'll tell him when we get home. All I did was sprinkle it in his lemonade and steered it all up"

I looked at her crazy.

"Wait... Brandon didn't have lemonade"

"Yes he did, I gave it to him"

"Yeah and he gave it to Chris, Brandon had pineapple juice"

"Ohhhhhh oops" She said covering her mouth.

"Bitch you just gave Chris viagra and now I know why he acting weird now he rushing me to go home"

"I'm sorry?" She shrugged.

"Bitch you better be sorry"

"I mean you about to get some powerful dick why you tripping, you ain't have none in years"

"That's not the point!"

"Damn girl my bad, just give him some lotion and tell him to take care of it"

"Do you know how long viagra can last?"

"Kait you ready?" I heard Brandon say.

"Listen girl I'm sorry but I got to go. Just tell me how it goes" she stuck her tongue out.

"I'm glad you think this is funny"

Her and Brandon left and now it was just me. I had to clean the mess they left before I even left out. I didn't want my mom to bother with them since she was upstairs sleeping or relaxing, whatever she was doing.

I grabbed the plates, scraped them then put them in the sink. When I began washing them I felt Chris come behind me and wrap his arms around my waist.

"Can you wash any faster" He quietly said and kiss my cheek.

"No" I said.

"I want you bad Nae" he said pressing his pelvis against my butt. It caught me off guard when I felt how hard he was, I had forgot lmaooo.

He began kissing my neck and rubbing on my butt making me forget what I was doing.

"Not here Chris, not here" I said.

"Well let's go home then"

He smacked my ass again and walked away.

"I'll do this another time mama" I said to myself before walking away.

We grabbed our stuff and quickly left out. I decided to drive since Chris was complaining he couldn't.

"You're being extra" I said pulling out the driveway.

"I'm not" He did putting his hand in his pants.

I looked at what he was doing and then looked back at the road.

"Why am I hard Ranae"

"...don't get mad"

"I'm not I just want to know"


"Viagra? If you wanted me you could've just ask"

I shook my head.

"No, it was meant for Brandon. Kait put it in his drink but then you took his drink"

"And she didn't say nothing?"

"She didn't know y'all switched"

"Well I don't care I just need some" He said grabbing my thigh and squeezing it.

"Can you wait till we get home" I chuckled moving his hand.

He groaned and laid back in his seat. I tried to get home quickly as possible but safe at the same time. When we finally got there, Chris got out the car quick asf but I took my time.

I walked in and saw Chris taking his suit jacket off. He looked so sexy with this suit on ohmygoshh.

"Can I take a shower first, I feel dirty. We been out all day" I said.

"You can take it after"

Well I don't think I'm going to be able to feel my legs to be doing all that.

"Oh snap, can you get the stuff out the trunk real quick. I forgot"

"Right now?" He said walking towards me.

"Yes that will be nice"

He tried to kiss me but I moved my head.

"Please" I said.

He sucked his teeth. "Aight damn"

"Thanks" I smiled.

While he was walking away I walked towards the steps and then ran up there.

"Shower after my ass" I mumbled.

I hurried and took my dress off and stockings then went to run the shower. I locked the door and took the rest of my clothing off and jumped in.

The hot water felt so good hitting my skin. I grabbed my body sponge and started cleaning my body. While I was doing that I heard a knock on the door.

"Ranae the fuck are you doing? And why you locking doors??" I heard Chris say.

"I'll be out in a minute" I said.

"I can't wait a minute" He jiggled the door knob.

"Yes you can big daddy" I laughed.

"And you think this funny ok bet!"

"Calm down"

I didn't hear him say nothing back. About 5 minutes later I was finished and I hopped out. I grabbed my tow and dried off a little and then unlocked the door to walk out. When I opened the door I saw Chris clothes on the bedroom floor and him in his draws on the bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing don't worry about me"

I gave him this looked and rolled my eyes. I went to the dresser and grabbed the baby oil to put it on.

As I was putting it on my legs I heard moans coming from where Chris was. I stopped what I was doing and listened.

"Are you watching porn???" I asked.

"I gotta do what I gotta do"

I walked over to him and snatched his phone. I locked it and threw it across the bed.

"You don't need porn, you got me" I said moving closer to him.

I looked down at him and put my hand on the back of his neck and gave him a kiss. I backed away but he just pulled me back. He pulled me on top of him and he laid back across the bed. I laughed and climbed on top of him, towel still on and everything. We started making out and he moved the towel up to rub his hand on my booty.

He moved his hand between my thighs and starting stroking me with his cold fingers. I stopped kissing him letting my moans out. He kissed and licked my neck. His magical fingers did something man.

About 10 minutes later, I was now soaking. I removed the whole towel off me and threw it somewhere. He flipped me on my back and kissed me.

"Wait" I mumbled.

I sat up and turned on my stomach. I arched my back and poked my ass up in the air. I looked behind me to look at him.

"I want it from the back"

He grabbed my waist and brought me closer to him. He smacked my ass and then I felt him slowly putting his head in.

"Damn you tight as hell" He said.

It been months, I bet I was.

He slowly thrust in and out until he was all the way in.He was bigger than usual and it kind of hurt at first. My toes curled up and I moaned lightly every time he stroked now feeling the pleasure.

Once he heard my moans, I felt him beginning to go medium then faster. I clutched on the covers and squeezed my eyes tight. He started pounding into me causing me to moan loudly. He grabbed onto my chin/neck area and lifted my head up. He kissed the side of my neck and bit my ear. I put my hand on the backboard as he kept going.

After a couple minutes he flipped me back over and spread my legs wide. He centered himself between me and entered me again. I bit my lip hard and whined. He put his hands in mine and we locked them together. He kissed me as he was slowly thrusting in me. He stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes. I looked for only a second then looked away and he quickly spoke.

"Look at me" He mumbled.

I did as he asked and we made eye contact for a long time but this was different. This moment was special to me. No one ever looked me dead in my eyes during sex and I know that meant something. I felt the passion and intimacy rising. He began thrusting faster making me throw my head back and tighten my grip on his hands. He kissed my chin.

"I love you" He said out of breath.

I felt my walls tightening around him and it was coming. I felt this sort of tension building up in my body.

"I'm coming" I managed to get out and he kept going.

I screamed when I felt all the energy release from within my body and he pulled out also cuming. I felt hot tears rolling down the side of my face.

"Flip over" He said out of breath. I slowly rolled over and tried to lift my lower body up but I was struggling. He grabbed my waist and helped lifting me up. I arched my back and closed my eyes.

He entered me once again and began stroking. I grabbed onto the covers and moaned. My body couldn't take it anymore. Usually after we both come it's over but he decides he wants to keep going and honestly my body was getting weak but then again I was with the shits.

After many strokes, I felt the same feeling happening again to my body.

"I'm about to come!" I said putting my arms behind me trying to get him to back off but that didn't help because all he did was grabbed my wrists and held them together and pounded into me harder.

"Stop running all damn time" he said.

Moans and screams filled the room for about a minute until we came. He plopped down next to me and we both tried to catch our breath. I wiped the sweat beads off my forehead the tears on my face.I closed my eyes wanting to go to sleep now.

I felt his arms wrap around me and a kiss on my shoulder. I smiled and put my hand over his.



Ranae in MM.

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