The Alpha's Elder(manxman)

By zoegland

195K 7.4K 679

To a pack Elders are very important because they are wise, strong and they were very few. To a pack an Alpha... More

chapter one
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Two

11.8K 471 30
By zoegland

Carlos' pov

God knows I love my pack members but right now they are suffocating me, I mean come on can't a man get a break, I have already been smothered by my family. I was expecting a warm welcome but this is a fucking parade, as I was still trying to maintain my calm facade I felt a domineering aura and the crowd parted  for someone to come through
    "Alpha" I said  in a respectful tone bowing my head slightly ,I heard a light chuckle ,I looked at my Alpha who said "oh no, that title had been given to my son three years ago I just go by Edward now".

Edward Stanton had been the alpha when still lived here four years ago and as it seemed the title  had been given to son while I was away, hmm am not sure I remembered this son. I snapped out of my little reverie when Edward placed a hand on my shoulder "it's good to have  you back" "thanks" I replied.

After that the crowd that had formed around me started to disperse. So I went back to my family's house for the dinner my mom invited me to. I felt so calm and at peace as the evening breeze blew lightly around me.

When I reached the house, I walked in to find my sister Anna on the couch, cooing at her baby, she looked up at me and smiled, her green eyes shone with happiness ,seeing her like that made me  to realize  just how much I missed her not only her but my family as well, I smiled back and her smile only grew.

Anna was very beautiful,she was 31 ,she stood at the height of 5'6 with a red wine hair that she got from our father it fell to her waist, she always  left it wild,it wasn't  surprising as her wild hair  depicted her personality, wild, untamed and free and I loved it. I walked into the dinning room to find my younger brother, Jules setting the table, Jules was 20 ,he stood at the height of 5'5 with the same strawberry blonde hair I have which we got from our mom, it fell to his mid-back, he had the same green eyes that we all possessed, he was lean, small, cute and had a very feminine build. My dad was very protective of him, he died during a rogue attack when I was 20, he died trying to save Jules.
    "Jules" my mother called from  the kitchen
My mother was 5'7 with a strawberry blonde that fell to her waist and had a dark chocolate eyes, she was very beautiful  with a slender body that had curves at all the right places, Jules looked exactly like her except  the eyes which we all got from our father, my sister  didn't look anything like   mom she got all her looks from our dad, while I got my hair  from my mom, I had my father's build, height, stature even his character  ,my father was also an Elder, a very strong and wise one, I missed him.
      "Dinner everyone ",my mom called, we all sat down and caught up on what had happened in past years, after dinner, I went to the kitchen  to help my mom with the dishes while  others  retired to bed.  I looked at my mom and smiled God I missed her, I hugged her ,she chuckled  she knew what was on my mind,  she always  knows, she patted my back and said "I missed you too hun". Then we continued with the dishes.

"so have u found your mate yet"she asked,  I couldn't  see her expression ,"No not yet" I said  with a hint of sadness tainting my voice "don't worry hun you will " she replied and I just nodded.

After that silence descended on us like a thick  blanket, making me feel uncomfortable "am going for a walk " I said after some time, turning and leaving the kitchen
"don't  stay out too late" she called after me.

      As I stepped  outside,  I took in the cool evening air and I felt a little  better but still felt bitter.
I have been searching for my mate for more than a decade now and I was already on the  verge of giving up, I wanted a mate, someone to love and love me  ,someone to care for and protect, someone who is always  there for me.
      "ugh" now my thoughts just  made me feel worse,  I wanted to clear my head so I decided to run, changing into my wolf, my wolf was huge with the white fur that Elders were known for, I dashed into the forest to find my 'spot', the place I always go when I want to clear my mind.

when I reached there I didn't changed back, I just sat there in my wolf form glaring at the waterfall  then I sensed a very densed and strong aura, I was annoyed, this is my spot and intruders weren't welcomed ,I was still seething  until I was hit with a strong scent of freshly cut grass and pineapples. I knew what it was.

"MATE" my wolf bark, immediately I turned around to find a wolf that was almost as big as mine, you'd think we were the same size it had a very dark fur and piercing  silver eyes,  it was a male, well that's okay  I have waited to long to care , but the aura was strong, my breath hitched "An Alpha".

"Oh Shit".

*pineapples- I know don't blame me, I love pineapples
Please forgive me if there are any grammatical errors, English isn't my first language
Updates will be twice a week
Hope you enjoyed it
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See ya.

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