Dancing with a 구미호 Gumiho

By BorealisCassiopeia

44.9K 3.1K 574

An excerpt previously published in Love Journey's AMBW Anthology: Shades of AMBW: Asian Men and Black Women S... More

The Story of the Legend Chapter 1
The Story of the Legend Chapter 2
The Story of the Legend Chapter 3
The Story of the Legend Chapter 4
The Story of the Legend Chapter 5
The Story of the Legend Chapter 6
The Story of the Legend Chapter 7
The Story of the Legend Chapter 8
The Story of the Legend Chapter 9
The Story of the Legend Chapter 10
The Story of the Legend Chapter 11
The Story of the Legend Chapter 12
The Story of the Legend Chapter 13
The Story of the Legend Chapter 14
The Story of the Legend Chapter 15
The Story of the Legend Chapter 16
The Story of the Legend Chapter 17
The Story of the Legend Chapter 18
The Story of the Legend Chapter 19
The Story of the Legend Chapter 20
The Story of the Legend Chapter 21
The Story of the Legend Chapter 22
The Story of the Legend Chapter 23
The Story of the Legend Chapter 24
The Story of the Legend Chapter 25
The Story of the Legend Chapter 26
The Story of the Legend Chapter 27
The Story of the Legend Chapter 28
The Story of the Legend Chapter 29
The Story of the Legend Chapter 30
The Story of the Legend Chapter 31
The Story of the Legend Chapter 32
The Story of the Legend Chapter 33
The Story of the Legend Chapter 34
The Story of the Legend Chapter 35
Epilouge {End}

The Story of the Legend Chapter 36

441 37 0
By BorealisCassiopeia

Ever since his fight with Tae-Woo, the wounded Su Hyun had been asleep, bedridden for three days, so he could heal and regain his strength and stamina.

It was the day of his and Amari's wedding.

Amari had never left Su Hyun's bedside. She hadn't eaten for three days. Her friends In Hye, Luo and Chol came to check on her and Su Hyun to make sure the two of them were both okay.

Amari had told In Hye about how the wedding can't be rescheduled and why, so she would understand the situation.

This time it was Amari's turn to hold Su Hyun's claw as he laid in their bed healing. She was still in the same night gown that was covered in Tae-Woo's blood. She was fast asleep soundly on the floor when Su Hyun woke up still in his Gumiho form. Him stirring around and yawning, woke her right up to make sure everything okay.

"Su Hyun?" She asked as she watched his beady eyes open and his wide mouth yawn fervently.

Su Hyun looked at himself and then at Amari, confused, but glad to see she was okay. He had thought she heard her voice when he was laying on the beach unconscious. He quickly got up and stood on all fours, staring down at Amari.

"What happened?" He asked her. Of course his lips never moved because it didn't need to. In his Gumiho form, Su Hyun could communicate telepathically to anyone.

"I finished Tae-Woo off. Tore his arm and head clean off his body". Amari told him, motioning to her gown.

"Tae-Woo is officially dead? He had supernatural powers which he got from extracting blood from you from when he kidnapped you".

Amari nodded her head.

"I don't believe he can recover from being decapitated". She assured him.

Su Hyun sighed in relief and was finally able to truly relax. It felt good. Tae-Woo has always been a thorn in his side. He felt so relieved when the thorn was finally pulled out and tossed aside.

He then looked at Amari's appearance and her hands. He instantly grabbed them and looked at them. They were still covered in Tae-Woo's blood.

"I didn't want this for you. I didn't want you to have to kill for me. I was going to take and keep that burden. I'm used to it by now". He said, bringing her hands up to his mouth and licking the blood clean off of her hands.

"I'm glad and happy to take that burden from you. I don't regret killing Tae-Woo. I never will. He deserved what he got. I'm just glad we are finally rid of him". Amari told him, smiling warmly as she watched him clean her hands. "I would do anything for you. You know that".

Su Hyun stayed silent as he finished licking away the blood from her hands. He was used to the taste of blood. They all had that same metallic taste.

"This form. It doesn't bother or scare you?" Su Hyun asked as he looked up at her.

Amari smiled again and shook her head. "You know it doesn't. It's your true form after all. It's just as beautiful as the human form you always transform into". She told him, petting the fur on his head.

Su Hyun cuddled in her arms and chest as she wrapped her arms around his body.

"We have to get married in a few hours. We have to get ready. We will have plenty of time for this for the rest of your lives". Amari told him.

"Not while I'm in this form. I want to enjoy it while it lasted". Su Hyun yawned again, making Amari chuckle.

A few hours later, Amari and Su Hyun were finally getting married. It only took Su Hyun over 400 years to finally find the woman he was supposed to marry and turn him into a human.

This couple met when Su Hyun almost ran her over with his car when Amari ran out into the street to get to an interview he was hosting for the day. They had only met by chance or was it fate? Amari had met Chol Bong, Su Hyun's "nephew" minutes earlier, protecting him from his bullies and then met him later when he invited her to his "uncle's" home. It was like the two was fated to meet each other one way or another.

Amari and Su Hyun had been through their share of trials and tribulations that tested their love, faith and trust of one another and it finally brought them here.

Amari was cynical of love having lost her faith in it after dealing with her abusive ex. Su Hyun never thought he could love another as much as his first love Kali and never believed he would find this "fox bead bride" before his time was up. However, these two had found the love they never thought they would have, especially for each other, in one another.

All their family and friends, even Amari's family was present at the wedding, had flew in all the way from America for the occasion.

Everything was set up just the way the two had planned. It was night and the full moon was out and in retrograde with the other planets. It was finally time to officiate their marriage.

After exchanging vows, the priest asked the two of them, "do you take one another, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live, until death so your part?"

Amari and Su Hyun didn't hesitate to exchange "I do", in reply to the priest, before he quickly announced, "you may now kiss the bride".

Amari and Su Hyun grinned widely as Su Hyun took Amari by her waist and planted a deep and passionate kiss on their lips, making everybody applaud.

The moment their lips touched and their marriage officiated, a golden efflorescent enveloped their entire bodies. Su Hyun's bead was pulled out of Amari by the force the golden efflorescence gave off and dissipated into nothingness, though not before Kali's voice being heard saying, "congratulations and may you live a long and blessed life together". She was finally able to rest in peace like she deserved.

Su Hyun could feel the Gumiho in him disappearing. His eyes opened and widened, flashing golden one last time, before turning back to their dark brown color, allowing him to smile and close his eyes again and continue kissing his wife.

The whole audience was stunned at the light the two was giving off, but only thought it was special effects. Only those that knew Su Hyun's secret knew what was truly going on.

The both of them felt a huge weight had been lifted off their shoulders and dispersed into nothingness. They could feel the relief sinking in and a wider smile forming on their lips as they knew the Gumiho business was finally over.

Su Hyun parted from Amari's lips slowly, picked her up, held her in his arms and spun her around happily.

Everybody clapped again as the two walked down the aisle again, but this time as a married couple.

The two were finally able to live a normal life and together.

The next day, our couple lied on the beach of Seychelles, enjoying the warmth of the sun on their sun kissed skin, the feeling of the soft sand between their toes and the refreshing cold feeling of the ocean on their feet as the waves crashed into the surface.

Amari was lying on her back, embracing Su Hyun's body in between her legs as the two kissed to their hearts content. They were no longer burdened by anything Gumiho related. They were finally able to enjoy just one another like a normal couple should.

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