Unknown Origins (Supernatural...

By LanaJeanx

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What would you do if you woke up to found you didn't know who you were? Our protagonist Jane is lost and can... More

Unknown Origins (Supernatural Fanfic)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter TwentyOne
Chapter TwentyTwo
Chapter TwentyThree
Chapter TwentyFour
Chapter TwentyFive
Chapter TwentySix
Chapter TwentySeven
Chapter TwentyEight
Chapter TwentyNine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter ThirtyOne
Chapter ThirtyTwo
Chapter ThirtyThree
Chapter ThirtyFour
Chapter ThirtyFive
The End (Part 1)
'Bonus Chapter'
the demon

Chapter Nineteen

409 15 0
By LanaJeanx


Jane couldn't hold in her excitement she was overcome with adrenalin and was jumping in her seat in the back off the impala like a child.

"So it's a coven?" she asked trying to sound serious as she smiled wide and extended her head between the two front seats.

"Yeah I guess you could say that, we discovered it was 4 witches that have been coursing the deaths of all the men in the town," Sam replied chuckling slightly at Jane's face.

"That's what they get for cheating uh," Dean chuckled not noticing the disgusted look on Jane's face. His humour was beyond her she never understood it.

"4 of them huh, what are we going to do?" she asked again, question after question from the diner to the destination; Sam would laugh and reply while Dean kept his eyes on the road.

"Well I guess if worst comes to worst we kill them," Dean said suddenly as they came to a stop.

It was a large old house just a few miles outside of town the usual you would expect although outside looked beautiful. Garden beds of flowers surrounded the old dead house that was home cobwebs and vines along the outer walls.

"Dean!" Jane and Sam exclaimed at the same time.

"What?" he looked at Jane confused but slightly smirking, Jane blushed his green eyes once again mesmerizing her.

"Y-You can't just kill them, they are people," Dean put a finger infront of Jane's face shaking it indicating she was in fact wrong. "uh uh witches are not people they are witches, supernatural, gross, things that kill people and destroy things just like everything else," somewhere Jane couldn't deny he had a point she signed in defeat and climbed out of the impala followed by the boys.

"So you know the plan," Sam looked over to Dean all walking up to the front door the two boys infront. Dean nodded as Jane pushed through them both looking up at Sam.

"What plan? I didn't know there was a plan?" Jane looked towards to boys while they brought out guns from their back pockets.

"It's alright," Dean reassured her "Just follow us, stick with me or Sammy and if something happens and we get separated use this," Dean placed another hand gun in Jane's small hand. She shook her head nervously realising she might have to use it.

Dean toke her shoulders firmly and moved closer his eyes staring meaningfully in hers "Stay with us and you won't have to use it, don't be afraid, this is what you wanted, right?" he always seemed to make her heart race every time he touched her. She slowly nodded trying not to look totally mesmerised, her stomach twisted as Dean quickly showed her how to turn to safety off and use it.

They waited for a moment while Sam unlocks the door slowly but surely and they are in.

Jane stuck to Dean like glue always one step behind him.

Dean felt an overwhelming feeling of protection as she slowly just confidently followed him around to room, she looked so calm but as he watched her he could see her hands shaking by her side. Dean looked back constantly to make sure she was there never letting her stray from his sights. He knows how it feels to be protective and worry, he has been keeping a wary eye on his little brother ever since they were young but it somewhat scared him to feel this protective over someone else other than his brother he didn't want to have feeling for Jane it would only make him vulnerable and that is something he isn't willing to risk and a weakness he does not need.

Jane following Dean into another room hears something coming from the kitchen and jumps pulling out her gun aiming it at the door.

"What is it?" Dean asks instantly standing infront of her coursing her into lower the gun back into her pocket.

"I heard something," he replied her voice a little shaken. She was scared but at the same time excited, she could feel the excitement build every time she walked around the corner hoping there would be something there something new and supernatural.

Dean held his gun forwards and walked closer to the kitchen door ready to pounce when suddenly the door opened and Dean jumped at the receiver at the other end throwing them up against the wall and holding the gun to their head. As he looked up at the face of the person he signed lowing his gun and groaning.

"Really Cas? Right now? What is it?" he walked back to Jane's side making sure she was still there.

"I came here to help, I promised to help you remember," he looked over at Jane and she knew what he was thinking his blue eyes intensifying with every passing glance. As Dean started off in the next room Jane shook her head at Cas not wanting to talk about it. He looked disappointed and signed moving next to Dean leaving her behind to follow and wallow.

"They are upstairs," Cas stated as he turned to Dean who was searching the room. Dean stopped and stood in the middle of the room looking at Cas frustrated. "Maybe you could have said that earlier, yeah," he rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone texting Sam wherever he was to go upstairs and meet him there.

Jane and Cas followed Dean upstairs not one giving each other eye contact as they meet up with Sam.

"There," Cas whispered pointing towards a room far off to the right. Sam and Dean nodded as they pushed Jane back indicating for her to stay behind as they ran up to the door and kicked it down surprising 4 women sitting in a circle surrounded by candles, books and symbols.

"Gigs up ladies," Dean said smiling in success, she turned around to nod at Cas as he disappeared looking at Jane one more time and whispering something that only she could here. "Tell them or I will," Jane stood there for a moment looking at the empty spot where Cas stood realising she was just threatened by an angel.....,an angel.

She turned to Dean who was walking around the women gun to the head of one who had to have been the leader, asking her questions about the men and other things Jane couldn't understand as she couldn't help but stare at his face, there was something different in his eyes that she had never seen before as he stood there it was victory or pleasure she couldn't come to turns of what made his eyes shine like that, was it something about a hunt that brought this out in him. Jane actually couldn't help but be somewhat afraid of him at this moment as he stood there smile on face threatening these women but it excited her all the same witch made her even more afraid, feelings that she supressed were surfacing about Dean and herself.

"I'm telling you now if you don't turn yourselves in and stop this, this will be the last time you have one of your little get togethers," Dean growled voice deep and mean.

"Please," the leader begs for their lives looking up at Dean with a pathetically sad look on her face.

"I bet those guys that you killed would have said the same thing," Dean replied and there it was the sympathetic look Jane knew Dean posed, he did feel bad for those men even if they were assholes, but as quickly it came it left as one of them turned to Jane moved closer to her.

"Hey," Dean growled pointing his gun at her but she didn't stop, Sam tried to run at her but pushed up with great force coursing him to crash again the brick wall. She moved closer to who was Jane standing at the door way, Jane pulled out her gun and held it infront of her shaking it and turning off the safety.

"I don't want to do this please stand back," she said although her hands shaky her voice firm and steady.

"Evil spirit," the women pointed at Jane her face still and her eyes glassy as if in a trance.

"What?" Jane acted surprised but she knew exactly what she was saying. Jane was tempted to shoot her then and there afraid her secret would come out but what would that make her, a killer. A real killer just like she was before she meet Sam and Dean, she couldn't turn into that again not again.

"Sisters she is trouble, she is an evil spirit created to kill, we must kill her before she does us," and suddenly the rest of them all stood in their positions all looking possessed.

"Yes, we must," they said now all walking towards Jane. Jane shook her head in disbelief moving her gun from one women to the next.

Dean's face turned red with angry and his heart bounded not letting Jane get hurt again he ran passed them all and jumped infront of Jane while Sam too balancing himself from the fall and jumping infront of her standing next to his brother. "If you go near her I will kill you," Suddenly they all jump at Jane and Shoots are fired. Dean hitting two in the chest they fall down instantly while Sam finishes off the others with a shoot to the head and chest leaving blood spilled on the walls and wooden floor.


An hour passed and Sam was sorting out the witch problem up stairs while Jane and Dean where down stairs sorting out guns and weapons in the boot of the impala, getting ready to leave.

Jane watched as Dean refilled up the guns with new bullets and she kept on seeing the imagine of him running to help her, his body guarding. She wondered if he knew what she had done what she was would he help her the way he has.

"Why did you save me?" her voice surprised her as she stood there realising she had said that out loud.

"What?" Dean asked slamming the boot.

"uh oh nothing sorry thinking out loud," she shrugged hoping he would leave it alone. But she could see he hadn't as he walked up to her leaning next to her on the impala.

"I promised you when we first meet that I would help you right?" he face was serious.

"Right," she replied quitly wondering where he was going with this.

"I also made a promise to myself that I would keep you safe that I would protect you by any means," he looked up at the now setting sun. "I made a commitment," he paused for a moment "To never see you hurt," his voice was much deeper than usual and Jane stared at him his face beautiful in the sunlight the sweat on his brow shining.

It was then when Jane realised what she had been feeling for a long time as he heart stopped, her stomach was overloaded with butterflies, her palms started to sweat and the only thing she wanted to do was kiss him. She wanted to kiss Dean Winchester right there and she wanted him to kiss her back, feel the warmth of his soft lips on hers his body pressed up against hers as he holds her in his arms and let's her fall into his embrace.

She has fallen in love with Dean Winchester!

"Jane?" Deans voice woke Jane out of the daze she was in realising she had been staring at him and he caught her in the act made her flustered and blush, she felt the heat in her cheeks and hoped to god he could not see it. "Are you alright?" he asked chuckling.

"Yes, thank you," she replied quickly thinking of what he said

"For what?"

"For protecting me," she gave him a sweet smile staring into his eyes, he nodded returning her smile with his.

"You guys ready?" Sam said walked out, cleaning blood of his hands interupting the moment. Jane signed.

"Yeah," Dean replied leaving Jane and heading into the impala

Jane smiled to herself for a moment when suddenly her face fell in realisation that yes in fact she was in love with Dean Winchester and while this was a new and extraordinary feeling that she was so happy to experience she had another new realisation that although she was in love with him, he would never be in love with her.

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