Chapter ThirtyTwo

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Sorry this is so late, this isn't my best work but I've been so busy with personal things :P

For a moment they all stared at each other Jane just standing there her hand still on the tray.

Finally after minutes of silence and awkward starring Jane quickly turned away from them, walking away as fast as she could without another word.

"Jane!" Dean called to her getting up and following, leaving Sam alone at the table.

All that stood between them was the bar as Jane starting pouring drinks for other customers trying to ignore Dean as he tried to get her attention.

"Jane, I-I can't believe it's actually you," sitting down he watched as she avoided eye contact

"Jane?" moving his face so he could be looking at hers. "How have you been? Castiel said you were on the road,"

At that moment Jane looked at Dean for the first time since she first saw him at the table, his eyes were as green as ever and his smile had not changed one bit. She was shocked he brought up Cas thinking about Castiel actually talking about her with them, wondering if Dean was concerned about her well being and where she was.

But she shrugged it off saying "I'm busy working," and continued to pour Beer.

"Hey baby, how about you come over here," as Dean went to speak again a guy at the edge of the bar tried to catch Janes attention too. "Hey you, hottie!"he whistled, this time Dean was annoyed looking at Jane's face getting frustrated he thought about how many times she had to hear that on a daily bases, also how long she had been here.

He turned away from Jane and shot a look at the guy "Hey asshole how about you shut your mouth and let the girl work," just as he turned back to Jane she was gone.
Jane was out of there like a rocket, clocking out an hour before her shift was finished she knew she was going to get in trouble for it tomorrow but she couldn't handle it anymore, she needed to get out of there before Dean or Sam tried to talk to her again.

Why were they here? Is there something I don't know? What's going on?
As she walked faster Castiel appeared beside her coursing her to trip and almost fall.
"God, Cas!"

"Hello," he said with a small smile.

"What the hell are they doing here?" Jane came out with it thinking he must
have told them that she as here.


"What do you mean who?" did he seriously not know Sam and Dean were here
"Sam and Dean are here"

"Really?" he looks around as if to find them.

"They're in the bar Castiel," she rolled her eyes.

"I don't understand why this is a bad thing? Did you not want to see them?" Castiel looks into her eyes and she looks at her feet considering her answer

"O-of course I do I just don't want them, I-I don't know," she turned to stand infront of her apartment grabbing the key out of her pocket.

She fumble the keys in her hand "I remember what it felt like to trust no one, to have no one to rely on; but Sam and Dean, I trust them completely and I remember being alone and the loneliness I felt. Yet I feel more alone without them than ever before, they mean everything to me Cas. I love them and all though I want to be with them I'm afraid something could happen, I want to know they are alive, I won't be happy til I know they are safe...without me,"

"I don't think you understand, they are the Winchesters, they are never safe, they are hunters,"

Jane didn't reply maybe because she knew he was right or because she knew that maybe she was running from them because she was scared, scared to be close to someone and lose them again just like her family, she didn't want to have to go through the pain she felt when she lost them all over again.

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