Chapter TwentySix

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Her eyes were the darkest of black and Dean could speak for a moment he just looked up at her face. His insides pulling at him to grade the blade and stab her stab the demon.

Jane stood there looking at Dean feeling her heart burn in her chest as she slowly become weaker. It was as if she was possessed and her soul was coming forth once more to reconnect with her body. She blinked twice before her eyes turned her usual beautiful blue, her breathe slowed and she stumbled a little looking down at the mess she had made.

Sam groaned coursing Jane to turn to him and run towards him in worry.

"Sam, oh god Sam are you alright?" Jane helped Sam stand to his feet before he nudged her away.

"Please just let go of me," Sam looked around him the Demons dead on the concrete knowing they needed to get it cleaned up before anyone would find the bodies, luckily for them the rain had started again and it was clearing the blood.

"Dean!" He called to his brother who was still looking up at Jane confused.

"Dean we need to clean this up" Sam caught Deans attention when he pulled him to his feet quick and swiftly.

"I'll help" Janes head was heavy and she knew she needed to explain herself now her heart was full of regret if only she had told them a few minutes earlier maybe Sam wouldn't be hurt right now, she hated herself and she could tell that the boys hated her too.

"No you need to go inside," Dean almost yelled at her his voice stern Sam not paying attention only turning to figure out what to do with the bodies staring at them.


"Jane," Deans face was also full of regret probably regretting helping her, letting her get close to them both, she understood and nodded leaving them outside to head back into the motel room.


A few hours later and Jane was teary eyed inside the room, she had been crying alone while the boys were disposing of the bodies. She wondered if they would listen to her explanation or just kick her out or maybe even kill her, she imagined them ramming the blade into her chest Deans face enraged and satisfied so many scenarios in her head of how this will turn out and none of them good, she knew them to well to know that they wouldn have been hurt by her lies.

The door swung open and Sam and Dean walked in their footsteps firm on the carpet standing infront of the door letting it slam shut from the wind outside.

Jane quickly stood from her bed and whipped her eyes. "I-I can explain,"

Sam and Dean looked at each other and then back at Jane

"Please do," Dean replied Jane now noticing the utter upsetting expression he had on his face looking as if he had been betrayed and in some way he had been.

"Well I don't know all the details,"

Sam laughed annoyed rolling his eyes not believing her.

"Please I promise you, you know me I was going to tell you," Jane closed her eyes squinting them not letting tears fall, that's if he had any left. "I- I'm a."

"Spit It out," Sam exclaimed his voice surprisingly calm

"I'm a demon, but you have to believe me when I say I don't think that is who I truly am," she spoke in a begging tone trying to make them truly listen and understand. "I can only tell you what I know, and that is that I worked with Crowley that is how he knew me and that demon out there I knew him too he was a friend, I guess if demons can have friends, I will answer any questions but I only know so much"

"How long have you known?" Dean spat out as soon as she was finished

"Uh, a few months," she swallowed hard seeing Dean and Sams faces turn to anger

"A FEW MONTHS," Sam yelled that time putting his hands on his head turning to face the door.

"Why the hell did you tell us," Dean wasn't yelling, yet. But his voice was deep and mad.

"I didn't know how to but I was going to, I wanted to be the one to tell you,"

"Wait, who else knows," Sam turned back around confused then he realised "CAS?"

Dean looked at the ground.

"Yes but that is only because Crowley told him and he told me, I mean I had an idea but I didn't believe it, I didn't want to, please I didn't want this,"

"We know," Deans voice was calm and his face wasn't angry just, hurt. "But you lied to us,"

"Jane you've known who you are this whole time an-" Sam was interrupted by Jane

"No but you don't understand this isn't me, that wasn't me I don't know why but I know that when I turn into that thing I am not me, not truly," she watched them and looked at their faces understanding what they were trying to say and she knew that this was the best thing, she understood that it was this or being killed so she turned to her bag and packed it up.

"Jane it doesn't matter what you say you are, you are a demon and you didn't tell us," Sam replied staring out of the window his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

Jane put her bag on her shoulder letting it hang at her side. "I know I understand, this is for the best,"

Dean looked at the bag and then back at her. "What are you doing,"

"I know that you have to do what you have to but if you just let me go I promise I will not hurt anyone you can trust me on that," she replied looking into his eyes as they changed to a look she hadn't yet seen it almost looked at if he didn't want her to leave like was asking her to stay.


"Like Sam said, I know who I am," she lied "And so I don't need your help anymore, it's this or," she paused "That," she signed glancing at the blade on the table hoping they get what she meant

"You think we would have killed you," Dean laughed like it was unconceivable

"Jane we wouldn't kill you but-," Sam turned trying to find the right words.

''I know, " she walked towards the door "I knew this was coming, I'll be alright on my own," she didn't know if that was completely true. She smiled at them both trying to hide the fact that her heart was braking. "Thank you Winchesters and I'm sorry for hurting you like this," Jane opened the door walking through it and stared to head out towards the road. She heard the door slam behind her and her heart jumped as the tears started to fall again.

That was it no goodbye nothing but a door slamming behind her, the last time she would see the Winchesters again and she never got to tell them how she really felt, not even Dean.


The guys let the door slam while they both sat silent on their beds.

"We should have said goodbye at least," Sam replied looking at the door

"Well then why didn't we?" Dean looked at Sam catching his attention with his gruff voice.

"Dean," he paused looking at his brother seeing the hurt in his eyes he was trying to hide "She's a demon Dean, we had no other choice,"

"I know," Dean said before laying on his bed turning away from his brother still trying to comprehend what just happened and not helping but feel as if he had let down someone he truly cared about. Jane.

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