Bendy × Cuphead (One shots)

By MostBoringFemaleEver

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The title basically explains this??I'm sorry if it's cringy but Imma try my best. More

Meeting the Cupbros
Drunken Love
The Surprise
Lonely Soul
My Poetic Lover
Best Birthday Ever
Thank you!
The Dress_Lemon🍋🍋
Reunited Again
Virtual Endearment
A Love Song for You~❤️
Accidental Kiss...
A Halloween with Cuphead
🍋🍋Just Friends🍋🍋
Truth or Dare?
An Old Friend
A Christmas to Remember
A Christmas to Remember (pt. 2)
Love Spell
His Only One
The fanboys: Our brothers
Abused and Hoping for You
Hey look! Mah face!!!
Li'l Prank
Who Needs True Happiness?
A Demon From Hell
Thank Yoouuu!!!!
Too Little, Too Late
Crappy remake (Happy Ending!)
Rainy Day
The Boy in the Moon
Not a Chapter
Lemme Smash

Bullet for You

678 25 46
By MostBoringFemaleEver

(You can listen to the song above if you want to. But, you don't have to ^^ it's the song I was listening to while writing this, btw.)

Bendy's P.O.V
I'm walking around in this windy weather to cool off with the light of day slowly fading away. Why? You might ask. Well, Cuphead and I got into an argument and I couldn't stand being in the same room with him. He may be my crush but why does he have to be such an asshole? I just don't get why it has to be him. Small water droplets hit my face. Rain. How nice. I groan and pull my hood over my head. {You really didn't think this through did you, Bendy?} I mentally scold myself for being so dumb. "Hopefully Boris or Cup didn't try to follow me." I mutter to myself quietly.

Cuphead's P.O.V.
When Bendy stormed out, I wanted to go out after him but at the same time I didn't want to. Right now Boris,Mugs and I are worried because the storm has started to get worse. "Screw this, I'm gonna go get him. You two stay here." I grab a jacket and walk out, ignoring their protests and retracing Bendy's footsteps.

Bendy's P.O.V.
So, I've calmed down a bit. I just have to find a place to stay for a bit so the storm can pass by. Upon passing by an alleyway, I am suddenly yanked violently into the darkness. "Okay, give me whatever you have or else." A deep, muffled voice demands. Sadly, I really can't identify the person or the voice. "What the hell man! I don't have anything!" I angrily reply. This causes him to tighten his grip on my arm. "C'mon! Cough it up!" I'm extremely terrified but I try not to show any signs of fear. "I-I said I don't have anything!" My voice wavers. He pulls something out of his pocket, a clicking sound is heard. My eyes widen when he holds a gun to my head. "Your last warning!" He shouts. I can feel his hand shaking a bit. The very thought of dying scares me because of the fact that Boris will be alone. And Cup. But he probably doesn't care. Without another thought, I firmly kick him off of me and knock the gun out of his hand. With him being distracted I start to run off. {Wait... why the fuck didn't I just grab the gun?!??? Idiot!} Silently, I curse myself for being such a moron. "HEY! WE'RE NOT FINISHED YET!" The guy behind me yelled. The sound of our footsteps and the pattering of the rain being the only sounds for us to hear. Until a loud "Bendy!" Pierces through the sound of footsteps and rain. I proceed to stop for a split second to look around. {What the hell? That sounded like Cuphead. Is my mind playing tricks on me?} He's nowhere in sight so I continue running, the rain only allowing me see a few feet ahead. The jarring sound of thunder makes me flinch. I've always been scared of thunder and lightning for so long, it's stupid to admit it now. My body comes to an abrupt stop when it hits a wall. A dead end. Quickly, I turn around still unable to see my attacker. Again, the same "Bendy!" Is heard when a bright, blue light flashes. The gunshot is heard and I hear two heavy thuds.

Cuphead's P.O.V.
Upon catching a glimpse of Bendy in the heavy rain, I notice that he's running. What would he be running from? So, in an attempt to catch his attention, I call out his name. He stops for a while but continues running. Groaning, I start running after him. After a few seconds, I finally see why Bendy was running. Some idiot is chasing him with a gun. This angers me and scares me. No, I'm not scared of this asshole. As much as I hate to admit it, the very thought of losing Bendy makes me sick. He's a nuisance sometimes but he makes me feel these weird emotions that are hard to toss aside. The crash of thunder in the distance brings me back into reality. I notice the guy raising his gun up. Immediately, I scream "Bendy!" again. Without a moments hesitation, I shoot the guy straight in the head. But, not before he pulls the trigger, allowing one last bullet to zoom out of the gun. It rips through my chest so fast, I didn't even know I was shot for a split second. The taste of iron fills my mouth and it seems like the world has slowed down. Everything turns sideways. Surprisingly, I don't feel my body hit the ground, so it wasn't that painful. Bendy's worried voice catches my attention.

Bendy's P.O.V.
I notice the familiar silhouette of the figure on the ground. "Cuphead!?" I silently gasp and run over to him lying motionless on the road. I turn him over only to see blood pooling out of his chest. "No, no, no..." I anxiously mutter to myself as I try to stop it. Then, he talks. "Bendy... stop. It won't work." He coughs. "Well, I've gotta at least try!" I cry out, as I place my jacket over his chest. The blood soaks through it and it's extremely cold but I don't even care at this point. "Bendy, please... you're safe... that's all that matters to me." He looks up at me and gives me a weak smile. It hurts. "But you aren't! What's the point of being safe if you aren't safe with me?" I hate the trembling of my voice. "Promise to take care of Mugs for me, okay?" He asks, gently cupping my face. I hold onto his hand, not wanting to let it go. A deep, shaky breath in... then out. "I promise." As if that promise sealed the deal, he took one last breath and stopped. At this point I would've started hysterically crying and screaming but I couldn't. It was too much for me to process. So, I sit there, not knowing what to do. Just staring at the corpse of the one I love. Until a screech of tires is heard. I turn my head to the sound only to be blinded by bright lights and the sound of a horn honking...

But it's too late...

The End.
A/N: Holy hell I am so sorry for keeping you guys waiting. This took forever to get done due to my lack of motivation lately. Sorry😅. I'll try to keep the stories coming but in the mean time, please enjoy this depressing piece of schist =) bye! 💜

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