Virtual Endearment

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Third Person P.O.V.
Bendy got home from school one day. He got out his phone and saw that he had a new friend request. It was from someone named Cuphead. Bendy accepted it thinking nothing of it. Until...
C: Hey
B: Umm hello?
C: Wyd?
B: Just doing homework. Wbu?
C: Oh. Just chillin
B: Okay then.
C: Well text ya later
B: Uh-huh bye.
C: Bye
*End of Convo*

Third Person P.O.V.
This small talk continued for a few more months and the two became best friends. Cuphead was starting to catch feelings for Bendy despite never meeting him in person.

Cuphead's P.O.V.
{Why do I even like him? Heck, I've never even met the guy! What if he isn't who he appears to be? Should I tell him? Or should I keep it a secret and bit longer?} I have no idea what to do right now. I mean, I guess I can trust him. He is my best friend after all. {Okay just tell him. If he doesn't like you back then just deal with it.}
C: Heya bestie!
B: Oh hey buddy😃
C: So umm I was just wondering, do you have a crush on anyone at your school?
B: Hmmm...nah they're all lame😂
C: Oh Haha wow
B: It's true haha and why are you asking?
C: I was just curious.
B: Oh okay then. Well how about you? Do you have a crush on anyone at your school?
C: Nope😅
B: Wah haha
C: Yeah but uhh I do have a crush on someone that isn't in my school
B: Oh really? Who's the lucky lady?😉
C: Ummm it's not a girl...😅
B: Oh? So who is it then?
C: It's umm...
B: C'mon tell your bud
C: It's you...😅😅😅
B: Sure sure tell me the truth
C: I'm not joking I swear.
B: Well crap man
C: Sorry...can we still be friends?
B: I never said I didn't like you back now did I?
C: Wait a like me too?
B: Well...yeah
C: Wow that's so awesome
B: Riiigghhhtt😅
C: So umm wanna go out?
B: Well sure I guess😊
C: Yes!😊
*End of Convo*

Third Person P.O.V.
They dated for a few months and Cuphead really wanted to see Bendy. He wanted to hold him in his arms and do everything that couples do together. The distance was killing him.
C: Hey Bends?
B: Yeah Cups?
C: I suddenly have this urge to see you. Really bad.
B: Awww well I wanna see you too. We just have to wait for a bit longer.
C: I know but I can't wait. Everyday I'm not with you is just hellish.
B: Don't worry Cups. After we finish high school we'll be together forever.
C: I guess you're right Bends.
B: I have to go to sleep now Cups. Good night and I love you❤️sweet dreams.
C: Aww man. Well good night Bends. I love you too and sweet dreams to you too❤️😘.
B: 😊😘
*End of Convo*

Bendy's P.O.V.
I sigh as I put my phone down and get into bed. {I wanna see Cuppy so bad too. I just have to be patient. Well tomorrow's Friday so I guess that's a good thing. I just feel so bad for Cups.} I slowly drift off to sleep, dreaming of me and Cups together.

Cuphead's P.O.V.
{Hmmm...I know! I can get on a plane! I'll just call in sick tomorrow for school! Perfect idea. I'll be able to spend a whole weekend with my boyfriend!} I rush to my room and start packing my things. I have an aunt where Bendy lives so I'm sure she'll allow me to stay there for the time being. I quickly go to the airport and get a ticket. Once I get on the plane I can barely contain my excitement. Soon enough I fall asleep.

-Timeskip to the morning!-

Bendy's P.O.V
I wake up and slowly start to get ready for school. I wait for my bus and get on once it comes. When the bus arrives at school I go straight to my class. I'm always the first one to arrive.

Cuphead's P.O.V.
Once the plane lands I look at the time. Still one more hour until Bendy gets out of school. I go to my aunt's house and greet her. She's so happy to see me. I settle in then walk to Bendy's school and wait outside. I check the time again. One more minute. After what seems like forever the bell finally rings. The students start coming out. I scan the crowd for Bendy and once I see him, my heart stops. {He looks} I blush deeply. I work up the courage to shout his name. "Bends!!"

Bendy's P.O.V.
I hear someone shouting "Bends" and I only know one person who calls me that. I lift up my head and look around. Then I see Cuphead. {Am I dreaming? Is this real? What is happening? Is this actually Cuphead? Holy crap he's fucking ten times hotter in person!} I run as fast as I can to him. I crash into him and give him a huge hug. "Cuphead is it actually you?!!???" I ask happily. "Of course silly! I couldn't wait any longer." He says as we hug each other tight. "I love you so much Cups!" I say as I look up at him. "I love you so much too Bends!" He gives me a warm smile. "So let's go hang out and do the things we wanna do before I have to leave" he says. "O-Okay!"

Third Person P.O.V.
Bendy and Cuphead spent the rest of the day having fun and doing everything they've been wanting to do. Now they were walking around the football field. It was evening so it was a bit chilly and windy.

Cuphead's P.O.V.
"Bends this was such a fun day. The Best day I've ever had!" I say. "Same here Cuppy!" He says cheerfully. {Now to do the thing I've always wanted to do for someone special.} I slow my pace a bit. "Hey Bends?" "Yeah Cups?" He asks. "You know I love you very much right?" I ask. "Sure I do" "Well I just wanna show you just how much I love you." I say hesitantly. "What? Holding hands and walking around isn't romantic enough?" He teases. (Some fluff and cringe coming up😏) "Well Bends..." I smirk. "It isn't as romantic as this." I pull him towards me and give him a kiss. He seems startled by this sudden action but he melts into the kiss. I put my hands on his waist and he places his arms above my shoulders. I deepen the kiss slightly, wanting more. I lick his lips asking for entrance and he complies. I explore every inch of his mouth which deepens the kiss even more. I suck on his tongue gently. Bendy lets out a few soft moans. Minutes later I pull away, leaving a trail of saliva and leaving both of us breathless. Bendy is a deep shade of red as he pants trying to get his breath back. I smile at him and say, "Wow Bends... you're an amazing kisser." He blushes even more and says, "Y-You are too Cuppy." "You taste sweet too" I say before kissing him again. Once the kiss is over he giggles and we start walking to our houses. I'm so glad I got to see my boyfriend. He's even better in person💖.

The End😇😋😍

Bendy × Cuphead (One shots) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें