Too Little, Too Late

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Cuphead's P.O.V
I walk into the new apartment. New home, new memories, new start. I sigh heavily and check the time on my phone. The screen turns on, revealing a picture of Bendy and I. It has to be, by far, one of my most favorites. We were at the park sitting on a bench when I was getting ready to take the picture. I told him to smile. Instead of doing that, he took the phone and gave me a kiss on the cheek, capturing the moment. My phone screen turns off. Just as I'm about to put it back in my pocket, I take it out again to check the time, since I didn't pay much attention to it the first time. It had been a few weeks without him... a few weeks of absolute hell. It wasn't supposed to happen.... but it did.

Third Person P.O.V.
Cuphead had waited for that perfect person to come along. The one he'd spend his whole life with. The one he'd never stop loving. Well, he finally found him. He was a little demon named Bendy. Cuphead had grown very fond of Bendy in the few years they've known each other. Cuphead decided to pop the question. He'd work late shifts at his job and disappear without Bendy knowing where he was. It all seemed fishy. Bendy decided to question his boyfriend about this, but Cuphead didn't give him a good answer; not wanting to ruin the suprise. The shop lady whom Cuphead purchased the ring from had asked Cup if he proposed yet. Bendy had seen this conversation from afar, not wanting to be seen. He definitely took it the wrong way. A few days later, Cup finally raised enough money to take Bendy on the date of his life. The date that would change everything if it went right. Buuut Bendy was completely intoxicated when Cuphead ran into him while going back home. Cuphead would have to change the date to another time. A time when Bendy was feeling a bit better, a little more sober. So, Cup helped his boyfriend stand up right, supporting him. Bendy only pushed his lover away. "Where the hell have you been the past few weeks?? Where do you go?" He spat out angrily. Not wanting to ruin the surprise, Cup responded with, "I've just been out, okay?" With that, Bendy felt like he couldn't trust his significant other anymore. His heart shattered. He flipped off Cup before running away, tears in his eyes, vision blurred, intoxicated. "Bends! BENDY! WAIT!" Cuphead called out to his drunk lover. It was only then he saw a car speeding, ignoring the red traffic light. "BENDY! LOOK OUT FOR THE-" his sentence was cut off by an agonizing thud. Cuphead ran as fast as he could to his wounded boyfriend. Tears filling his eyes. A crowd had gathered around, a few people calling 911. The driver had gotten out of his car, apologizing constantly. Cuphead just shoved him out of the way. He held Bendy in his arms, cupping his cheek. "Don't worry, babe. It's going to be okay. It's going to be fine. You're gonna be fine." Cuphead tried to comfort Bendy. The scene was so bloody.... so disturbing. "I didn't mean for this to happen. Bendy. Please stay. I was going to propose to you. That's why I was being so secretive. Please don't leave. I'm so sorry. I love you.... I love you..." Cuphead managed to choke out. Bendy only replied with, "It's my fault..... I love you too...."  Before closing his eyes, forever. Cuphead couldn't stand the thought of Bendy blaming himself. It was his fault.... not Bendy's. The guilt crushed him. Just as much as the car had done to his lover. The ambulance came, putting Bendy's dead body onto the gurney and hauling him away. People around him tried soothing him. Especially the driver. "I'm sorry man. I didn't think he'd run onto the road out of nowh-" Cup tackled the man and repeatedly punched him. "He wouldn't be dead right now if you had just stopped for the fucking light. Why didn't you fucking stop?!?! Why didn't you stop!!?!????" Tears were pooling out of his eyes at this point. He was the reason Bendy was gone. It was all his fault. All he had to do was step on the brakes. It was simple. Now his light was gone. Extinguished from his life. Forever. Cuphead pulled out his finger, readying his laser. People yanked him off the driver. The driver ran back into his car and drove off. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!! OWN UP TO YOUR FUCKING CONSEQUENCES!!!!! Just! Just.... fucking own up..." Cuphead practically whispered the last part as he broke down sobbing.
*Flashback over*

Cuphead's P.O.V.
I still partly blame myself for the death of him. If I hadn't been so secretive it wouldn't have happened. He wouldn't be dead. We would be happily married right now. As much as I want to kill myself, I don't deserve to have the easy way out. I had to live with his death and the guilt. I sink to the floor of my new apartment. Pulling the little black box out of my pocket. I take one good long look at the ring. {This would've looked so perfect on his finger....} "I guess I'm just destined to be alone...." I hold the small box in my hand and sob.

The End💔

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