To Tame A Wild Heart || Book...

By MayaDemonAngel

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*People's choice awards winner/ YA Fan fiction/ Young Blood awards 2018* *COMPLETED AND EDITED* Florina Woods... More

Characters (must see)
CHAPTER 1 : Freedom*
CHAPTER 2 : Do You Remember Me?*
CHAPTER 3 : A Magical Tinkerbell Class*
CHAPTER 4 : Alliance*
CHAPTER 5 : David Dickenson*
CHAPTER 6 : The Agrippa family*
CHAPTER 7 : Evilingston's Sin*
CHAPTER 8 : Deathly Storm*
CHAPTER 9 : Noble Blood*
CHAPTER 10 : An Elf's mystery*
CHAPTER 11 : Ghost In The Cabin PART 1*
CHAPTER 12 : Ghost In The Cabin PART 2*
CHAPTER 13 : A Half Of A Whole*
CHAPTER 14 : Cursed*
CHAPTER 15 : Punishment*
CHAPTER 16 : The Tale Of Augustus Agrippa*
CHAPTER 17 : Whistleblower*
CHAPTER 18 : The Trail Of Sins*
CHAPTER 19 : Into the cave*
CHAPTER 20 : The Unbinding Ritual*
CHAPTER 21 : Solitude*
CHAPTER 22 : Realm Of The Wandering Souls*
CHAPTER 23 : The Scapegoat*
CHAPTER 24 : Deep in comatose*
CHAPTER 25 : Will you always remember me?*
CHAPTER 26 : An Old Man's Greed*
CHAPTER 27 : A child's innocence*
CHAPTER 28 : Fantasia Port*
CHAPTER 30 : Awaken*
CHAPTER 31 : Call Me Markov*
CHAPTER 32 : A heated visit*
CHAPTER 33 : I Was Once Glowing*
CHAPTER 34 : Memories*
CHAPTER 35 : A trip to Hell and back*
CHAPTER 36 : Kidnapped*
CHAPTER 37 : A Halloween Adventure*
CHAPTER 38 : One Mysterious Cat*
CHAPTER 39 : A lost friendship*
CHAPTER 40 : Quidditch*
CHAPTER 41 : The Mirror of Erised*
CHAPTER 42 : A Very Merry Christmas*
CHAPTER 43 : Rekindle our friendship*
CHAPTER 44 : An Unbreakable Vow*
CHAPTER 45 : Nixie's Decision : A Farewell*
UPDATES/ What the characters look like

CHAPTER 29 : Reunion*

536 31 46
By MayaDemonAngel

Nixie (Fairy Queen):

Florina's POV:

"I have never thought there will come a time where we get separated. I am going to miss you so much Rose. Please don't be late," I said to my fairy when we landed on the rocky ground at the edge of the forbidden forest, just a little further away from Hagrid's hut. 

It was almost midnight and the moon was fully visible behind the thin layers of cloud. I saw the lights in Hagrid's hut still lit which made me wonder if he is still up drinking his favourite whiskey.

Rose held me by the shoulders and gave me one final hug, "I never thought such time will come either but I don't need you to worry my Flo. It should be a few days, you won't even realize I am gone."

I nodded waving as she slowly backed away from me, looking like she is on the verge of breaking into tears. Once she was away a considerable distance from me, she beat her wings once and flew upwards. 

She picked up momentum and flew towards the moon, shrinking gradually until she was the size of a tiny star and suddenly disappeared from sight.

I sighed to myself and remembered what she had told me earlier. Nodding in determination, I ran towards the castle. I felt my feet very light almost hovering over the ground. 

Normally, I am not that light. In fact, I am horrible when it comes to running long distances owing it to the fact I am extremely out of shape. But I noticed in just a few long strides, I was able to run miles without breaking a sweat. 

A few seconds later, I reached the castle gates.

I noticed the gates were locked so I put my hands on them. As I placed a hand on the solid metal, my hand went through the huge iron gate smoothly almost like a knife cutting through butter.

I forgot I am just a soul with a half-baked body, I chuckled to myself I should thank Augustus, he made me light enough to run quickly and translucent enough to walk through objects.

I placed my two hands on the gates and just like I did many years ago with platform nine and three quarters, pushed myself in as if the gates didn't exist. 

Once I was in, I raced myself to the hospital wing feeling my pace quickening the farther I ran. 

Suddenly I was stopped by a sharp pain that penetrated my very being. I crouched on the ground and screamed when I felt the pain stab the place where my heart could have been.

The pain kept intensifying as if it was stabbed by a long sword. I cried out clutching my fake body, gripping violently at my aching heart. The pain took but a moment however and it suddenly vanished leaving in its wake a new refreshing feeling. I slowly got up from my position heavily panting.

Why did that happen? I wondered. Maybe the bound between my soul and body is weaker than before.

Deciding that I didn't have much time left to sit back and wonder, I found my footing once more. I started running once more to the hospital wing but felt my speed hasn't fully been restored.

After a couple of long strides, I finally regained my speed and in a few moments I reached my destination. I took a deep breath and smoothly went through the infirmary's doors.

What I saw next petrified me in place. Both Severus and David were chatting together as if they were best friends. Granted, I couldn't hear exactly what they were talking about as their voices were muffled. 

But as I got closer to the couple, I saw their relaxed facial expressions. 

Stepping forward, I saw a scene that was even more horrific. I saw myself laying in my night gown on the hospital bed with a heart rate monitor by my side. My heart beats were very faint but they kept getting stronger the closer I got to my body.

I got closer to the couple and stood in front of them. 

They couldn't see me and kept staring ahead at my unconscious body. They both were finished with their chat and David drew his knees to his chest resting his head on top of them. 

The potion's master nodded for him to take that rest and he too laid back in his chair. They both seemed very exhausted. I turned away from them and got closer to my body.

Her eyes were closed and I saw a faint smile on her lips, almost like she was having a peaceful dream. I didn't notice the couple started chatting again while I touched the sleeping girl's hand. 

I felt my soul shiver like it was being slowly detached out of place. Kneeling down to the sleeping girl, I wrapped my arms around her body gently and gave her a tight hug. 

She seemed very vulnerable in her state and I felt myself unconsciously consoling her. I knew very well that things aren't going to go back to what they used to be. Things were never normal to begin with. I knew both of us are carrying an enormous weight on our shoulders, the weight of our past. A past that we didn't choose nor want.

Tears rolled softly on my cheeks and I let them as I hugged my body tighter. A few seconds later, I felt her hugging me back patting me on the shoulder.

'Everything will be fine,' she whispered. 'No matter what happens, I will always be there for you.' 

I slowly let her go to look at her face. Her eyes were open. She was smiling at me and the world around us disappeared. It was just me and her. She took my hands in hers and gave them a tight squeeze.

'I finally found you,' she whispered chuckling, 'and I am never letting you go again.'

And with a white bright light, my soul was morphed back in my body. I blinked and then she blinked and then I was blinking with her eyes. 

Our bodies were finally one. 

I looked down and found myself sleeping on the soft bed with an IV drop needle in my arm and a heart rate monitor beside me. I turned my head to see both the wizards chatting once more but this time I could somewhat hear them. The only sentence I could make out clearly was

"She doesn't remember me Snape. It's like she completely forgot I existed."

Rose's POV:

I flew upwards as fast as my fairy wings could carry me. I shrunk myself to the size of an actual fairy in order to conserve my energy. The moonlight was hitting my face the more I got closer to it.

The second star to the right, I whispered to myself, I cannot miss it. Oh how I miss you Fairy Land. What will your reaction be when I set foot in you?

Once I pierced the first atmosphere layer, I stopped my wings from fluttering and suspended myself in mid-air. I slowly closed my eyes feeling the wind on my face.

Wind oh wind,

Float me where the air is thinned,

Float me where the spirit is kind,

Float me to a land we find,

Away from the eyes of mankind.

After I was done with the last verse, I felt a strong force lifting me up. The force kept increasing gradually lifting my wings almost as if they were resting on it. 

Once I felt I had the maximum power, I zoomed out of the Earth's atmosphere with a speed matching the speed of light. 

Getting rid of my human body gave me full access to all my powers. I couldn't feel the heat from the burning sun or the coldness of space. I became invincible to everything that would make a human crawl into a ball and die.

A massive network of tunnels laid in front of me with many fairies going in and out of it. Some of the tunnels gave off a blue translucent hue indicating creatures are going through it and others gave off a red hue to indicate coming out of the tunnel. 

We call that network of tunnels, the portal of lands. 

Flying towards it, I read the label on top of a shimmering blue tunnel, 'Fairy Land'. The writing was very elegant and bright green.

I got closer to the portal until it recognized my atomic structure and immediately its gravitational force pulled me in. I let it as I felt its gravity increasing the more I was sucked in until finally it spat me out the other end with force.

I grunted smoothing my short blonde hair that got messed up with the force. I noticed how short my hair became when I wasn't in my human form. 

Normally, I am the exact size as Florina and have all her prominent features including her luscious long brunette hair and her deep ocean blue eyes. 

But since I got back to my original form, I transformed into my true self. The form that Florina is not allowed to see and will probably never know.

My true form was completely different from Florina's. I was very short and my dark blonde hair reached just below my ears. I had round olive hazel eyes. They were my most prominent feature.

It took me a few minutes to go to my homeland. Once I arrived at the gate, I heard a squeaky voice speaking quietly to another deep voice one. I smiled to myself.

'Valentina and Twix,' I whispered as I got closer to the gate. 

I knocked softly on the flowery door. The voices were at once mute and a pair of violet eyes peaked from the hole on the gate. Once they saw who I was, the gate was suddenly threw wide open and the fairy behind it crushed me in a bear hug.

"Prim Rose!" she exclaimed in a squeaky voice, "It has been ages since we saw you last. We have missed you so much."

I chuckled as I hugged her back tightly to me, "I have missed you too Valentina. Oh God how long has it been?"

The purple haired tiny fairy let go of me and laughed, "Ages I tell you! Ever since you were assigned to that human Evilingston girl...what was her name...Flo...Flower –"

"Florina!" I exclaimed hitting her playfully on the shoulder "When will you learn her name. Most of the fairy land knows her name by heart and you still don't."

She giggled as she moved forward to let me in, "You know I will never learn human names. How could I, I have never even been to Earth. How is it Prim? Please tell me all about it."

I shook my head lightly and went through the gate. "Oh Valentina, I wish I could tell you how magnificent it is but unfortunately I am not staying here for long. I am only here to deliver a message to her highness and then go back to Earth."

She gave me a fake pout but it was replaced with her cute smile and nodded in understanding. I turned to the relatively tall and masculine blue haired fairy and shook his hand. 

His handsome grin never left his face, the grin that makes all the female fairies melt like a bar of chocolate on a summer day.

"It is a pleasure to have you back old friend," he said in his deep buttery voice. My hazel eyes locked with his caramel ones and I gave him a grin of my own.

"Same to you Twix, I have missed you all so very much."

"Indeed. Well," he gestured for me to move forward "if whatever you are coming for is urgent as you say, you shouldn't keep our queen waiting."

I got closer to the tiny cute fairy and the masculine one, "To be honest, I am kind of stalling for time. I really don't know how will her majesty react when she hears the news I am bringing."

The tiny fairy squeaked, "Are you bringing bad news?"

"I am bringing devastating news," I chuckled bitterly.

Valentina was eyeing me suspiciously trying to read my body language and decipher what I am hiding. As a fairy who specializes in mind and body reading, it was extremely hard to hide anything from her.

"No!" she suddenly gasped "Please don't tell me you failed your mission..." I remained silent looking down at my feet " didn't Prim, did you? Please say you didn't.... you know what is the punishment for that..."

I nodded still looking down. I felt strong hands taking mine in their own. My body electrified as soon as the strong hands held mine. Looking up, I saw the caramel eyes pouring into mine and my heart fell. 

There was not a fairy that could resist that deep intense look and that handsome grin. As much as I denied the fact I was always attracted to Twix, one handsome smile will immediately melt my heart.

Cursing myself inwardly, I gave him a weak smile slowly taking my hands away from his before I lose my footing.

"Everything will be fine Rose," he smiled "don't mind Valentina. She can be a bit dramatic –"

"I am not!" the purple haired fairy squeaked pouting.

Twix nodded for me to move forward and I did leaving my friends behind. My heart was beating a thousand miles per second from fear. 

With every step forward I felt my heart beats raising, almost as if my heart will puncture its way out of my chest. I was taking deep breaths trying to calm myself down but it wasn't working, it just made it worse.

I looked behind me to see the two fairies watching me intensely. It was at that moment that I wished to invite them to follow along with me for emotional support. But I knew I had to do it by myself. It was going to be just me and the Queen.

Our fairy land was heaven in the sky to say the least. But I knew there was not nearly enough time to devour the beauty of my homeland. Before I knew it, I was in front of giant tree arch like gate. 

Two tall and buff fairies stood on either end of the gate holding golden spears and were armored from head to toe with golden armor, their faces only visible. We call them the kamala twins or the Queen's personal guardians. As I got closer, they blocked my path with their spears forming an X.

"State your division?" the one on the right spoke, his voice monotone and thick.

I took a deep breath cringing inwardly from his voice, "Superior Human's Saviors."

He stayed as monotone and impassive as ever nodding once curtly. "Your Carrier's current state?"

"Uh..." I swallowed visibly meeting his cold eyes with slight hesitation, "Nor...Normal."

He gave another curt nod. "Your Carrier's current loyalty?"

What are these ridiculous questions coming from, I thought angrily. I however tried to stay as calm as I could as I boiled with rage within.

"She is extremely loyal to our cause," I spat a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"State the reason of your visit?" the one on the right spoke once more, his thick voice filling my ear.

I cleared my throat trying to sound confident despite my slightly shaking hands, "I will inform her highness of the state of my mission."

The other fairy on the left spoke in the same tone, "Your mission's password?"

"Evilingston's curse," I said as calmly as I could feeling my feet shuddering beneath me.

They nodded robotically in unison and finally removed their spears from my path allowing me to enter. I sighed glaring at them and moved forward quickly before the Kamalas change their mind and bombard me with a million more questions.

Usually, any fairy is required to answer their useless questions before we meet the queen but none of us understood why were they necessary. We were not allowed to carry any weapons when we are meeting Nixie. And if we were to carry a weapon, the beeper on top of the arch gate will detect it. None of us were going to assassinate our queen without any weapons.

Their job is to protect our Queen from outside threat not from her own fairies.

'They just want to seem useful and not just stand around for days looking dumb,' I chuckled bitterly to myself. I wished Florina was with me at that moment, oh the many jokes we would have cracked on them.

Nixie was sitting on her throne made of entwined green vines that were wrapped around the arms, legs and seat of the chair. Every long vine had red roses blooming along its length. Her throne always had that eccentric pulling force that would make every fairy kneel down in submission at the sight of its magnificence.

Our queen has two female Kamala twins similar to one outside but yet very different. 

They were extremely beautiful, almost seductive and had a wide grin plastered across their faces. They are tall almost model like height with extremely long pink hair and an hour glass body. 

Their eyes were as red as blood and their skin was perfectly tanned, showing their toned complexion. Their perfect skin was hugged by a light peach colored sleeveless tunic showing more of their cleavage and long legs. They were the only creatures who were wingless in our land.

When they spotted me from afar, their smile intensified and gave me a slight greeting bow.

I bowed back giving them a smile of my own. "Welcome back miss Prim," they chirped in unison.

Nixie turned to me on the sound of her Kamalas and smiled. 

She was by far the most stunning fairy in all the fairy land, even more than the Kamalas which was practically impossible. 

She was a little shorter than them but that didn't chip away from her beauty one bit. Her slender long legs were crossed elegantly, her hands entwined on top of them. A long sleeved red and black lace dress hugged her body and ended a little above her knees. She was fairer than the Kamalas, her skin as white as snow and blemish free.

Her dark red blood eyes gave a shimmering twinkle pouring into my caramel ones. I saw her red lipstick covered lips curve up into an elegant smile prompting me to come closer. I stood in front of her and bowed as low as my back would allow me.

"Come closer my child," she spoke softly her voice steady and graceful "the Kamalas informed me you are bringing news regarding the Evilingston girl's case."

'They already told her!' I exclaimed in my mind feeling my heart beat rising again. Her throne pulled me closer to it giving me a peaceful feeling that counter balanced my racing heart.

I gave her a crocked smile and nodded. "Yes your highness. It is about Florina Wood's curse specifically."

She narrowed her eyes slightly but still maintained her elegant smile. There was a pause between us. She slowly wiped her blood red shoulder length hair behind her and nodded once.

"Good news I trust?" she asked the red in her eyes pouring into mine.

I visibly swallowed hard resisting the urge to lower my gaze as it's an enormous offence to our queen. As long as I am standing in her glorious glowing light, my eyes should always meet hers.

I spoke as calmly as I could muster, "Unfortunately it is not your highness. Augustus Agrippa escaped his bindings a few minutes ago and—"

She immediately interrupted calmly, "How did he escape?"

"Uh..." I wasn't expecting her to respond so quickly and I stuttered. Taking a quick breath, I spoke my voice barely a whisper, "He was able to modify the unbinding ritual's verses to his personal gain. When the ritual was performed, he was able to escape your highness."

She nodded her demeanor remained eerily calm which was shaking my every being. Her eyes poured into mine once more almost like she was reading my mind.

No one knew for certain what our Queen's powers were but we could confirm that mind reading was one of them.

Suddenly she gave me a wide smile uncrossing her legs, "My dear prim, a human is needed to perform such a delicate ritual. Can you confirm that he asked the assistance of a human to perform the ritual?"

I nodded, "Yes your highness."

She nodded the smile never leaving her face. "Please provide me with the name of said human."

"Uh..." I stopped myself enable to speak. 'What was I going to say? Should I tell her it was Florina who did it or should I just tell her I don't know who it was,' I argued with myself 'But if I told her then how did I know Augustus escaped?'

Seeing my obvious turmoil, Nixie gracefully got up from her throne and walk over to me her face not flattening once. 

Her smile fell slightly but she still maintained intense eye contact, "My dear child, should I gather from your confusion that that said person is someone dear to you and you fear for their well-being?"

The urge to lower my gaze was through the roof, so much so that I wanted to keep my head raised with two sticks. I swallowed hard feeling my palm getting sweatier and my heart racing. After a few moments, I simply nodded making up my mind.

"The person's name is Florina Woods, my carrier your highness."    

Author's note:

Hey guys! I hope you are liking this so far!  In the next chapter, we will get to know more of David and Florina's point of views in there so called "adventure".

So question of the day is, what are your opinion's on Nixie, the fairy queen?

If you liked this chapter and my story, please click the lil VOTE STAR. Make sure to tune in for the next chapter ;)

See ya all in the next one. Love ya!

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