Careful What You Wish For × p...

By -jeonchuu

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"Aw man, I wish I had a yandere!" "You know you really shouldn't say that out loud..never know who's listenin... More



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By -jeonchuu

I felt warm, humid air touching me which made my eyelids flutter before opening, I remember Jimin sent me away to sleep in the basement because he was angry about last night, for whatever reason. After all, he's the one that made me pass out.

It took me just a second before I realized Jimin was staring directly at me. Up close.

I frowned before placing my hands on his chest, trying to push him out of my face.

I noticed that being around Jimin has made me a lot more negative. I also decided he didn't deserve the respect of being called professor or Mr. Park.

Jimin grabbed both of my hands and put them on either side of my head, pinning me down.

I panicked as my chest moved rapidly. "What are you doing? Let me go," I demanded.

Jimin just smirked and hovered above me so I couldn't move. I felt disgusted. Tears stung my eyes as they formed. I held them back as I swallowed the lump forming in my throat.

"I carried you upstairs because I missed you," Jimin smiled and kissed me on my cheek.

"Quit it!" I snapped, my face heating up in the process.

Jimin just giggled and kept kissing my face, Jimin kissed my collarbone a couple of times before going to face me.

My top lip raised in disgust. "What's your prob--."

Jimin quickly pecked an area close to my lips. It lasted for less than a second.

I felt my embarrassment level rise to the max, turning into anger. "Are you serious!? Get off me!! Why did you...UGH!"

"Aww you're blushing love!" Jimin cheered.

No. Just no. I remained silent. I never met such an idiot in my life, what if he'd accidentally kissed me on the lips?

"Guess what time it is!" Jimin said with a smile,

I rolled my eyes, "time for you to get the fuck off of m-,"

"Its lunch time!"


A cool trick I just recently learned is whenever I tell Jimin I can't breathe, he lets go of me, no matter the situation. Haha.

"Xiyeon, hurry and finish. I'm showing you more of our home today," he said, tapping his fingers against the wooden table.

"This isn't my ho-." Jimin placed his hand over my mouth.

"I just want one day that you don't talk back, like how it used to be. You don't respect me anymore." Jimin gained a serious look on his face. Tiny bits of fear arose in me.

I was ready to say the rudest thing I could think of, right off the top of my head. But seeing his face go serious made me bite my tongue and remain silent.

"Let's get started then!" Jimin stood up and pulled me by my hand into the living room. I shivered as it was chilly today. My eyes landed on the thermostat as he pulled me past it.

"It's cold," I said as Jimin unlocked a door that I hadn't been to yet.

Jimin froze and turned towards me. He took one step towards me and I just looked at him.

Jimin got closer and I could feel the heat radiating off of his body. "You know what, never mind it's fine!" I nervously laughed.

Jimin pulled me into his arms and rubbed the goosebumps clean off my arms as he hugged me.

I stood there silently as a memory invaded my mind.

It was the first day of ninth grade. I was so nervous, occasionally wiping my sweaty palms onto my white dress.

I was currently lost in the hallway, I couldn't find my homeroom class. I bumped into something as I wasn't watching where I was going.

I quickly glanced up. A tall, nicely shaped girl with semi short hair smiled down at me. "Ah, mianhaeyo." I bowed.

"It's fine, you lost?" She asked me, coming to my side.

I noticed how beautiful she was when she got closer. I was stunned by her beauty for a minute before looking down at my schedule. "Yes. Do you know where room 254 is?"

"Right over there." She bent down so she was my height and pointed two doors down. "Looks like you have the new guy, good luck. Oh and my names Yuha by the way. Bye Xiyeon!" She pat my back before walking away.

I nodded quickly, "kamsamnida Yuha!" I was ready to walk into class when something baffled me. How did she know my name? "Wait, how did you-.." She was long gone.

I sighed and walked towards my first class.

I noticed a young looking teacher writing on the chalk board as students began to pour in. He turned back to glance at me for about one second. Great..I blend right in.

I sat down in the front row, setting my schedule on my desk, taking note that my name was written at the top of it.

The teacher finished writing a simple introduction before turning to the class which was still half full.

He looked at me yet again, as I was the only student sitting in the front row. I flashed him a small smile, since I was a bit shy.

He smiled back at me before clearing his throat and speaking to the class.


When Jimin pulled away from the hug I just stared at him. I couldn't believe he was the same man I met years ago on the first day of school.

"Why..?" I said in a whisper. Why is he doing this to me? Does he not understand the toll it takes on my well being?t

"Did you say something?" Jimin glanced at me.

"Aniyo..," I shook my head. But in reality, I was a mess.

"Showing some respect now, are we?" Jimin smiled at me.

I bit down on my tongue, hard. I felt like I could burst into tears at any given moment.

"Let's go. Hold my hand." Jimin held out his hand to me. I just stared at the ground before taking it.

Jimin led us into some room, it had a big window with lots of sunlight peering through. "This is a room for.." Jimin's voice trailed off as I stared at the ground, completely blanking out.

"And if we come over here.." I only tuned back in when I had to move.

How did I let this happen? How could I be so blind?

After about two months of freshman year, I'd already gotten close to Jimin. Every time I was sad or something was bothering me and he couldn't ask me out loud. he'd just come over to me while teaching and touch my shoulder.

I told him about a lot of things that bothered me. Practically everything. I loved him as if he were family, but now, I felt betrayed. My heart is broken and I no longer can trust him.

"Has Yuha been worried about me? Have you seen her?" I asked Jimin.

"Did you really just interrupt me?" Jimin barked in a pissed off tone.

I kept my eyes on the floor. "I'm sorry. I'm just w-worried about her..she's my bestfriend." I felt my lip quiver as a lump formed in my throat.

"You don't need anyone else but me. I can be your bestfriend. I can be all you need." Jimin sighed.

"Okay Jimin. Have you seen her though? Is all I'm asking." I kept my voice quiet, almost a whisper.

"Give me a kiss and I'll tell you,"

I finally looked up at Jimin and he had a smirk on his face.

I felt my rage began to catch on but it quickly turned to sadness. Damnit.

"P-please Jimin, I-I," I began to stutter.

"You what?" I could hear the anger in Jimin's voice, I tried to understand why he was getting angry.

"I'm not comfortable with t-that."

"No Yuha then," Jimin laughed and grabbed my hand, trying to walk to the next room.

"So you've s-seen her? Please. T-tell me," I stopped my feet which stopped Jimin also. He glared back at me.

"A kiss," he stepped in front of me.


"No Yuha." Jimin crossed his arms as if he were proud that he finally had some type of power over me.

There must be an ounce of the old Jimin in there. I looked into his eyes. Nothing but the same sick bastard.

It started to hit me that I had to do it. Or I would never see Yuha. "O-on the cheek?"

"Sure, why not." Jimin smiled and brought his cheek towards me.

I felt humiliation began to scratch at me as I stood on my tippy toes and quickly pecked his cheek. I wiped my mouth as he stepped away.

Without speaking, Jimin took my hand and walked out of the previous room, perhaps leading me to Yuha.

I felt a little spark of happiness as we arrived at an unfamiliar door, Jimin unlocked it and stepped inside, turning on the light. I followed behind him.

We came to a stop and Jimin began looking through drawers. I was confused.

Jimin stopped, picked up a stack of something and threw it at my feet.

As disrespected as I felt I instantly went to my knees and began to look through it. There were all pictures of Yuha and I together. All off guard. I smiled. It felt good to see her, even if it is just a photo.

"I don't remember the last time I saw her." Jimin said to which I nodded.

I brought one picture to my chest and hugged it with my eyes closed.

"Alright that's enough." Jimin snatched it from me.

"Wuh-huh? No! Wait Jimin!" I reached for it but Jimin quickly put it back in the drawer. "Please Jimin! Just five more seconds," I desperately pleaded.

"Nope. You haven't smiled for me yet but you smile for her. I think I'll burn those pictures alongside her body."

I froze. What? "What do you mean her body? My're sick. Where is she?" I didn't raise my voice but the tone of it alone was enough.

"N-no. I didn't mean's a-a-"

Right at this moment I heard a muffled scream, coming from the door behind Jimin. My eyes widened and I felt something come over me. Like an instinct.

I pushed past Jimin and opened the door. There sat a tied up Yuha. I stepped inside. I turned back and Jimin was just standing there, shocked.

I quickly slammed the door and locked it. I pressed against it and prayed he didn't have the key.

I flicked on the light and turned back towards Yuha.

"Y-Yuha?" My voice cracked as a tear ran down my face. I pulled the fabric off of her mouth.

She breathed heavily and I pushed her blond hair out of her face. "Yuha? Unnie it's me. Can you hear me?" I noticed the bruises she had on her face and body.

"Xiyeon. Get out while you can. You probably already know this but Mr. Park is a psycho! I knew it from the moment I saw him!" Yuha spoke.

I finally heard her beautiful voice after so long. "Yuha." I began to cry as I hugged her. "Im going to get you out of here!" I said, as I went to untie her.

"Did he hurt you?" She asked.

I shook my head, "I'm fine. I'm okay,"

I got her hands untied and she rubbed her wrists. I assumed they ached.

Next were both her feet, I got one down but on the second one I heard a loud bang cause me to flinch and look behind me. Jimin was trying to break in.

I bit at the rope trying to untie it. When I finally got it I helped Yuha stand, to which she wrapped her arms around me and cried as she hugged me tight. I hugged her back.

"Y-you're going to be okay, I'll get you out I p-promise!" I said to Yuha.

She shook her head as more tears escaped. "That guy is a total nutcase. He's obsessed with you, and you only. He'll probably just kill me off. As he already tried."

"No unnie don't say that," I cried. "You cant leave me. You're all I have."

"Its okay. I'm not afraid. You're such a strong girl Xiyeon, and I-I,"

"Don't say your goodbyes, this isn't goodbye!" I yelled and hugged her tighter, stroking her hair.

Yuha glanced towards the door.

"He's going to be in here any minute. Just follow my lead." Yuha painfully stood on her own.

"What are you doing?" I asked Yuha.

Yuha grabbed my hands and looked at the door, waiting.

I was completely lost.

"You know you'll always be my little sis, right?" Yuha softly smiled at me.

I instantly felt better although I was still teary eyed. "Ne."

The door burst open and I didn't have time to look. Yuha quickly pulled me close to her, pressing her lips against my own. I stood there, shocked for a second before realizing her plan.

I shut my eyes and kissed back, gliding my hand along her back. I was too focused on the aftermath with Jimin to think about how weird this felt.

As if it were God himself calling me, I heard a loud, unhumanlike, shout. "XIYEON!! HOW DARE YOU!"

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