X-Men; The Story of Anori Rav...

By xmultifangirlx

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The Story of Anori Raven Lehnsherr is about the daughter of Charles and Erik. How she deals with her Mutation... More

Authors Note
Prologue; The Baby arrives.
Input Chapter; The Birth Of The Bad Wolf
Chapter 2; The New Girl
Chapter 3; How could she?

Chapter 1; Her Mutations reveal ( 2 years later )

658 12 0
By xmultifangirlx


I just woke up, a few minutes past 8, to see that Erik had already left our Bed. I stretched and yawned before I got out of Bed. I opened the Window and went to the Bathroom. When I entered our Bathroom, I looked into the Mirror and saw how the sleepless nights had affected me. I had dark circles under my eyes, my eyes were all red and puffy and I looked kind of pale but it was worth it. Anori may be a little sleepless but she still was as sweet as sugar and gave us so many things back. Erik is so caring for her, even though I'm the one getting up at Night.

I don't know how he does it but he seems not to hear her, when she's screaming at the top of her lungs. Sometimes when I enter her room, Raven is already with her but only if I'm lucky. I washed my face and went down into our kitchen. Erik was cooking breakfast and Anori played with her cubes on the carpet. Erik gave the cubes to her, they contain a small metal ball in them, in case when she discovers her powers, so she can train in the play full way. We wait for that day to happen very soon, as she is likely to reveal her mutations at a way earlier age then others.

I made my way towards Erik, kissed him Good Morning and made myself a cup of tea. I watched Anori play on the ground, building some sort of a tower with her cubes. She always made me smile. Only Yesterday she managed a first attempt of speaking which sounded like Daddy.

''How was your sleep?'' Erik asked me. ''Well, apart from waking up at 2 am for little Miss Sunshine, perfectly. Yours?'' He looked at me, his 'I'm-sorry-I-didn't-hear-her-scream' look upon his face. ''Charles I'm really sorry but I really don't hear her. Please wake me up the next time.'' I nodded and we both took a seat at our table when he spoke again ''Anything heard from Raven or Hank?'' I shake my head and say ''Probably still asleep.'' I grinned. They both like to go out until late in the next morning. ''Did you came any further with you school plans?'' He asked. I put down my cup and drive through my hair with both hands. ''Sadly no, but I hope to open soon. Erik imagine-''

But I was cut off with a cube flying in front of my nose, making his way to Erik and then fell down to the floor. We both turned around at a laughing and clapping Anori who watched the cube and lifted it once again with her tiny hands. ''Charles...'' Erik whispered and I nodded. We both stood up and I lifted her up.

''Hey princess. That was wonderful.'' Erik said and kissed her forehead. Anori smiled at us and then reached for my forehead with her little fingers, when she touched it, I saw an image of Erik and me sitting at the table, just as we did before. ''Erik, she's a Telepath too.'' I said. He looked at me and then at her, a huge smile made its way on his lips. He kissed her forehead again and said ''Now we can start train her mutations so it won't get out of hand, right Charles?'' I nodded and added ''But the play full-way.'' Erik nodded and I placed her down at the floor again, Erik sat down in front of her, letting the cube fly to her and around her. She claped and laughed again and then took over the cube.

This went on for a good hour before I left them alone to work on the school. I walked up the stairs and down a long corridor before I entered my Study. The desk was cover in plans and contracts I had to fill out. I only needed to do a brochure and to find some more students. I already had an eye on some, found with Cerebro. Soon Erik and I can go and find some young, maybe even some older, Mutants so they can stay here and train their Mutations. After 2 hours of working at the brochure, I was pretty happy with it and printed it out.

I walked back down into the kitchen but Erik wasn't there so I yelled ''ERIK?!'' His shout came from the living room. ''In the living room!'' I jogged into the living room, hopped on the couch and showed him the brochure. He read through it and I looked around to see that Anori is gone ''Uhm, Erik, where is our Daughter?'' ''Raven and Hank took a walk with her, I guess it's a Hangover Walk but well.'' He said without looking up from the brochure. After he was done with reading, he looked at me and said ''That is perfect. Charles I can't wait for the School to open.''

I smiled and he pulled me into a kiss. I kissed him back, slowly but passionately. ''Hey you two lovebirds, get a room!'' I jerked to face Raven and Hank, whom had Anori on his hand. Erik got op, took Anori and thanked Raven and Hank for taking her on a walk. ''No problem.'' Raven smiled. I got up as well, planted a kiss on Ravens cheek and asked if they would join is for Lunch. ''Sure, if it is no problem.'' Hank said. ''Oh no, really. No problem.'' I smiled and made my way to the kitchen.

Erik and Anori got up to redress her, since her clothes got dirty on the walk. I prepared lunch, vegetables, hamburgers and some salad. Soon we all sat at the table and began to eat. Raven broke the silence after a while ''So, she is a Telepath and a Metal Bender?'', she smiled at us. ''How do you know?'' I asked. ''Well she showed me, I guess. She kind of touched my forehead and I saw this picture of her playing with these cubes.'' Erik and I nodded and both smiled. ''We both are happy and eager to show her more ways she can use her mutations.'' Erik said.

After Lunch has been eaten, Raven and Hank went for a nap and so did Erik and Anori. So it was just me left. Like usually I went into my Study and edited the Brochure until I was completely sure that I couldn't add something else, I printed 50 copies. Soon I could open the school. After I printed and pleated the Brochures, I checked the watch which read 5.30. I groaned and pushed myself out of the chair. I just hoped that Erik woke up Anori, if not she won't sleep tonight. I sighed at that thought.

I walked into her room to check on her and indeed she was still asleep. I sighed again and toke her out of her bed. She was still a bit sleepy when we arrived in our bedroom but soon she was bubbling with energy. I woke up Erik and we laid in our Bed, he was reading her favourite story to her, Peppa Pig. She was giggling when he mimicked the voice of Peppa and her Friends. I smiled at them and planted a kiss on each of their heads. ''Want to help Daddy cook?'' I asked and picked her up.

Erik followed my downstairs, I turned around ''Could you ask Raven and Hank if they want Dinner too?'' He nodded and left, but not before kissing me. He vanished and I smiled. I seated Anori at the table and gave her her cooking play set. She instantly began to 'cook' and so did I. After about 30 minutes Dinner was ready, Spaghetti with a tomato sauce. We Adults were talking about the school and Anori was babbling for herself.

Soon Dinner was eaten and Raven helped me doing the dishes, where as Erik and Hank talked about the latest Sport Event. After a Glass of Red wine, it was time for Anori to go to sleep, this time Erik put her to bed. We stayed up a bit and eventually we all agreed that it was time for us too. I just hoped that I could get at least 5 hours of sleep tonight.


Sooo :) Chapter 1 is done. I think I'm doing a time skip, until she's 15 or 16. Or maybe a make a short chapter about her third mutations :D. Aren't they cute parents? *-*

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