Encounter [Boku No Hero Acade...

By Honey-Kim

141K 4.5K 2.4K

At such a young age of 4, [Y/N] [L/N] was able to manifest her quirk. Just like Katsuki, but is her quirk pow... More

Chapter 0.5: beginning
Chapter 1: U.A.
Chapter 2: Ready.. Set-
Chapter 3: Start!
Chapter 4: Morning
Chapter 5: Combat Training
Chapter 6: Alarm
Chapter 7: Rescue Training
Chapter 8: Evildoers
Chapter 9: Battle
Chapter 10: Fast Approaching
Chapter 12: Sports Festival
Chapter 13: Explodo Kills
Chapter 14: Cavalry Battle

Chapter 11: Starting Line

4.5K 147 82
By Honey-Kim

It was now the day before the Sports Festival of U.A.; same day; after-school on last chapter. [10]

Chatters filled in the halls outside Class 1-A's room as students from the same year crowded over the open front door.

"W-What's going on?!" Uraraka said as she looked at the people outside their classroom, "What business do you have with Class A?" Iida asked, Y/N went beside Uraraka as she looks at the door, confused as they are, "I wonder..?"

"We can't get out! What'd you come here for, anyway?" Mineta said, desperate to go home by now.

"Scouting out the enemy, small fry." Bakugo said as he walked passed Mineta towards the front door with his hands on the pockets of his pants, "We're the ones who made it out of the villains' attack. They probably wanna check us out before the sports festival."

"No point though." Bakugo said, standing in front of the students, "Out of my way, extras!"

"Stop calling people "extras" because you don't know them!" Iida scolded and gestured his hand like slicing on the air.

A voice from the crowd stated, "I came to see what the famous Class A was like, but you seem pretty arrogant."

He slowly pushed his way through the crowd and looked at Bakugo in the eye, though he glanced at each one of the people in the classroom, then suddenly his eyes landed on Y/N for a few seconds then back to Bakugo.

"Are all the students in the hero course like this?" the young man had indigo hair and purple eyes with dark bags under them, "Huh!?" Bakugo yelled with his eyes flaring.

Some people in Class-A shook their heads furiously as a no including yourself, "Gotta say, I'm a little disillusioned if this is what you're offering." He says as he scratched the back of his head, his other hand on his pocket, "There are quite a few people who enrolled in general studies or other courses because they didn't make it into the hero course. Did you know that?"

"The school has left those of us a chance. Depending on the results of the sports festival, they'll consider our transfer into the hero course and it seems they may also transfer people out." He continues, "Scouting out the enemy? I, at least, came to say that even if you're in the hero course, if you get too carried away, I'll sweep your feet out from under you. Consider this a declaration of war."

Y/N looked at Izuku with hesitating eyes, "Should we stop this..?" Bakugo only stared at him with furrowed eyebrows, until-

"Hey, I'm from Class B next door!" A manly voice called out, "Heard you guys fought some villains. Wanted to find out more, but.."

"..All I'm seeing is this arrogant bastard!"

"If you bark too much, it'll be embarrassing for you durin' the real fight!" The same student from Class B said, he had grey hair and razor sharp teeth - though Bakugo didn't pay attention to his words and walked outside the classroom, "You ignorin' me bastard!?"

"Wait, you jerk. What're you doing to us?" Kirishima asked with sweat on the side of his temples, "Thanks to you we've got a whole mob of haters now!"

"I don't give a crap.." Bakugo simply looked back at him, "Huh?!" Kirishima asked, "Why should I care? I'm heading for the top." Bakugo said, after that he shoved the students from the crowd as he went pass them.

"Damn it, you bastard!" Testutetsu [Class 1-B], "Tch..! so straightforward and manly." Kirishima said with a tear on the side of his eye as he clenched his fist.

"I- excuse me." Y/N went in front of Shinso, the one from the General Department [Class 1-C]. Shinso's eyes went to her, including students near them.

"I'm really sorry for the trouble he caused." Y/N slightly bowed down with an embarrassed face, after all she doesn't want to people to despise her classmates, including herself.

Shinso's eyes widen slightly though the barely seen pinkish color on his cheeks also appeared, "It's fine, I was guessing all students from hero course were like him. Sorry for the mistake, then."

Bakugo looked back at them slightly with the corner of his eyes after hearing her voice while talking to the other male, glaring at them as hard as he could and clicked his tongue. 'Idiot.. You didn't have to apologize to that dumbass.'


A day has passed in the blink of an eye, and the morning of the sports festival finally arrived.


Iida opened the door, "Is everyone good and ready? the event's about to begin!" Y/N's heartbeat increased as she inhaled and exhaled, sitting beside Ojiro, "Aha.. I'm so nervous."

"I know right!" Mina sighed and slouched her back with a lazy expression while putting her hands on the table in front of them, "Jeez, my hard work would go to waste.. Man, I wish I coulda worn my costume."

"To keep everything fair, we can't." Ojiro said with a tiny smile as he warmed-up for the competition then looked at Y/N, "Are you okay, Y/N? you're sweating." Y/N fans herself with her hands as if it was hot inside and shook it off, "Oh- uh, I guess it's too hot."


Todoroki's voice filled the room and it alerted your classmates as they look at the scene, "Todoroki.. What is it?" Izuku asks with a bit of sweat on the side of his face, Y/N turned her head towards them.

"Looking at things objectively.. I think I'm stronger than you." Todoroki boldly said as he faced Izuku, "Huh? Y-Yeah.." Izuku nervously nodded.

"But.. All Might has his eyes on you, doesn't he?" Todoroki asked, making Izuku shocked by his sudden question, "I'm not trying to pry about that, but.." Todoroki continued, "I will beat you."

"What's Todoroki trying to do?" Y/N asks with a frown on her face, "I don't know either, ribbit." Tsuyu said while putting her index finger on her chin, confused too.

Izuku's eyes widen in surprise, "Oh? declaration of war from the strongest in the class?" Kaminari asks, then Kirishima stood up from his seat while making his way towards the two as he puts a hand on Todoroki's shoulder, "Hey, man, why pick a fight now!? we're about to go on..-"

"We're not here to play at being friends." Todoroki said as he shook his hand off his shoulder, "So why does it matter?" he then walked away.

"Todoroki, I don't know what you're thinking when you say you'll beat me, but of course you're better than me. I think you're more capable than most people.. Looking at it objectively." Izuku said, making Todoroki stop on his tracks.

"Don't be so negative, Midoriya. No need..-" Kirishima said as he kept getting interrupted, "But, everyone.. Even the other kids from other courses are aiming for the top with everything they've got!" Izuku said.

"I can't afford to fall behind." Izuku continued, "I'll be going for it with everything I have, too."

"Right." Todoroki said as he once again faced Midoriya. Then Bakugo, that was sitting near them, gritted his teeth as Izuku said his speech.

The two then parted their ways as the sports festival was about to start. 'Did something happen between them?' Y/N thought in her mind.

-Sports Festival Stadium [U.A.]

"Hey!!" Present Mic greeted as the most of the audience cheered, "Pay attention, audience! swarm, mass media!" besidePresent Mic was Eraser Head, Class A's homeroom teacher who is just looking bored at the front and his bandages around his torso and face were still there.

"Gather round, mass media! it's time to see the high schoolers you know and love revel in their youth..!" Present Mic announced, "It's U.A.'s sports festival. Everybody are you ready!?"

"It's U.A.'s sports festival! the one time each year.." Present Mic said loudly through his directional speaker on his neck, "When our fledgling heroes compete in a ruthless grand battle!"

"First up.. You know who I'm talkin' about!" Present Mic said, "The miraculous rising stars who brushed off a villain attack with their steely willpower! Hero course, Class 1-A!"

Y/N and her classmates walked towards the ground of the stadium, "They're really giving us too much credit.. But we won't let it shake us, right, Bakugo?" Kirishima asks while looking at the people on the bleachers as all of them were cheering.

"Nope. Just gets me pumped up." Bakugo says with a smirk-ish grin on his face.

"Following Class B, it's Classes C, D and E of General Studies..!" Present Mic continued, "And here come the Support Course Classes, F, G and H! and the business course!"

"Th-There are so many people.." Izuku said with a nervous expression and sweat all over his face.

"And we're expected to put on the best performance we can in front of so many spectators..!" Iida asks as he scanned the audience, "I suppose this is merely one more necessary skill if we hope to become heroes."

"Yeah, let's all hope we can do this." Y/N says with an encouraging smile towards Izuku and Iida since Uraraka was on the other side of the class, Izuku smiled back at her with his cheeks a bit flushed in pink while Iida also smiled and nodded, "Same to both of you, Y/N!"

"We're just here to make others look good." Someone from the General Studies stated as a certain Indigo-colored hair male heard them, "Hard to get motivated.." His other classmate said.

Midnight then walked in front of the small stage and whisked her whip, "Now for the athlete's oath!"

"Ooh! the first-year's referee this time is the R-Rated Hero Midnight!" Someone from the crowd on the bleachers said with a blush, "What about the principal?" His friend asked, "He's always assigned to the third-year stage." Most of the men in the bleachers were probably either blushing or having a nosebleed.

"What is Ms. Midnight wearing?" Kirishima asked with an embarrassed flush on his cheeks, "That's an R-Rated hero for you." Denki says with the same look, Y/N was looking at Midnight with her mouth slightly gape open by her costume since it was revealing.

"Is it okay for her to be at a high school even though she's R-Rated?" Fumikage asked quietly, "Yes!" Mineta suddenly popped in with a thumbs up.

"Quiet, everyone!" Midnight said and whisked her whip again, "Representing the students is from Class 1-A, Katsuki Bakugo!"

People then looked at Bakugo, especially some of his classmates that were near him looked at him in surprise, "What? it's Kacchan?" Izuku asked.

"Must be because he placed first in the entrance exam." Y/N answered, a girl from General Studies sighed and crossed her arms, "In the hero course."

"R-Right." Izuku said while your other classmates near you both looked at her, "It's obvious she hates us." Sero said quietly, "And it's all Bakugo's fault." Kaminari said.

Bakugo puts his hands on his pant's pockets on his tracksuit while going up the stage and faced the audience on the bleachers, "The athlete's oath.. I'm gonna take first place."

'I knew he'd do that!' -everyone's mind at the moment.

Class A's face were now full of terror as they knew what's going to happen. "Don't get cocky, Class A!" "Why must you show contempt for the dignity of this event!" "You dirty bastard!"

Iida went near Bakugo but not too close to the stage, "Why are you doing something so disgraceful?!" and sliced the air once again with his hands.

"At least become a nice bouncy step for me to jump off of." Bakugo said while looking at the students behind him with a thumbs down, "How confident can you get?! I'll crush you!" Tetsutetsu growled.

Bakugo then walked down the small staircase with a deadpan expression, 'What happened to him? was he always like this since we were kids?' Y/N thought in her head as she looked at Bakugo closely, 'He would just laugh it off if he said that..'

"Now without any delay, let's get the event started!" Midnight said with a grin, "The first game is what you'd call a qualifier! every year, many drink their tears here!"

"Now, here is the fateful first game!" Midnight said and raised her whip to show a modernized hologram, it was like playing a slot game. The words that are barely seen were spun in great speed as it tried to choose what obstacle the students will have, "This year, it's.. this!" Midnight stated as she motioned to the screen.

'Obstacle Course Race'

"All 11 classes will participate in this race." Midnight explained as the hologram changes into:

[Hero Course] - A, B

[General Studies] - C, D, E

[Support] - F, G, H

[Business] - I, J, K

The hologram then shows that all the classes will be participating in the races that the sports festival will hold, and then shows what the students should do.

"The course will be the outer circumference of the stadium--about four kilometers!" Midnight said, "Our school's selling point is freedom!"

Midnight then licked her lips, "As long as you stay on the course, it doesn't matter what you do!" she then smiles at all the students with an encouraging pose that is appropriate as everyone cheered. Y/N clutches her fist to her chest, "I hope I'll do my best."

"Now, take your places everyone!"


A/N: Coincidence our school's sport festival is on Monday til' Thursday next week, so that means more updates! I feel like I sucked at the exam earlier but yolo. xd

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