Storm Grey

By Bookworm_Noodle

11.1K 296 253

Only those eyes would take her mind off of everything. The storm grey eyes. ... When Hermione finds out she's... More



588 13 16
By Bookworm_Noodle

A/N: Song- press song! If you want. Song!;


There might be details as to some shenanigans Hermione and Draco pulled, that are not to be done in Hogwarts, as it is out of conduct and against the rules.
Lol 😂
'Back to Hogwarts' was all that went on in anyone's mind. How would it be for everyone when Hermione arrives back in one piece and completely unaware to how terrified the school was with her absence?
Draco would already be with seen with her on the train, if not then entering the castle and everyone would spread nasty rumors that are not true.
"You ready Hermione?"
He turned to the brunette and admired her beautiful chocolate eyes as she nodded with worry clear on her face.
"What if the professors interrogate me?"
"They won't, I'll make sure of it. We can surprise them into a state of shock that they'll forget".
"How would we do that?"
"House unity, us two being respectful and conversing on a daily basis, if not, hourly"
"That's actually pretty smart. Maybe it will be alright. Oh, but what about my classes? I missed a week of lessons, I'm behind in everything and I'm going to be the failure in our year!"
The blond's eye roll went unnoticed and he was glad she was back to her old self. "You're still the top of our year, don't worry"
"You won't leave my side, will you?" His genuine smile that came in his eyes and on his lips comforted her.
"Not even when you don't want me around. I promise you" assured Draco.
Relieved, she gave him a hug as tight as she could without hurting herself. Not even half of her body was healed yet. Only her elbows, right arm, and throat were any better.
"Come on, time to leave" he said before picking her malnourished figure up in his arms.
"You've got our bags, right?"
Yes, in my robe pocket under the shrinking charm" he confirmed.
"Good, now where's-"
"Angel where's Crookshansks?"
"Alright now we can go"
He carried her to the fireplace with a puppy and cat in tow. "You're going to leave without a goodbye?"
Hermione smiled and turned to her father who's appearance had changed to appear more human. The potion that Wormtail made during the Triwizard Tournament wasn't fully correct.
No bother, he figured out a way to make its full effect over the break with his daughter finally home.
"Goodbye father" she said quietly.
"What have I said about calling me father?"
"I don't have to" she remembered aloud, "sorry." He smiled at his little daughter and gave her a kiss on her forehead, hoping she might feel better at school.
"If anyone dares to even slightly make you upset I will gladly go to their home and eliminate them, just owl me. Have fun. Goodbye"
"I will owl him if you don't, Hermione" said Draco to the girl in his arms.
"Thank you, Draco. Better get going before I decide to homeschool you" said Voldemort.
The teenagers chuckled a bit before Draco reached for the floo powder. "Kings Cross Station platform nine and three quarters"
The two were enveloped in smoke, and appeared at the train station for the Hogwarts Express. A couple of seconds later the two furry animals followed them thanks to Voldemort.
"I'm sure my friend might be here to help your spirit" said Draco. "Unless your friend is a book I doubt it" said Hermione.
"Pansy Parkinson is not a book, sorry. But she is a true friend who has helped me through Hogwarts and through my younger years. She's the only person that's understood me before I actually got to know you" said Draco.
"Well I'm glad you had someone to talk to" said Hermione.
Most compartments were only half full and didn't pay attention to the two and their companions as they passed to the back of the train.
"Oh look, Blaise is here too. At least Theodore isn't here, he's a bloody pain in the arse" said Draco before he entered his usual compartment.
"Draco, finally-! Why is Granger in your arms?" "Why is there a filthy Gryffindor in your purely clean hands?"
Hermione cowered into Draco's chest, and started to prepare for the worst. Maybe she'd be cursed. She hoped it would be the unforgivable that could end her life. It truly was a mess for her.
"Calm down you two, and shut up Blaise! She's my close friend now and there's nothing you two can do because it just so happens she's a certain dark lord's daughter" Draco whispered the last part.
Blaise nervously sat back down in his seat but Pansy still remained to look at him with a questioning expression.
"Still doesn't explain why you're carrying her around" argued Pansy.
"I won't tell you anything until you both apologize" said Draco.
"Fine, I'm sorry Granger" apologized Pansy.
"S-sorry your highness" stuttered Blaise, getting a smack in the back of his head.
"Now tell us why in Merlin's name your carrying her"
"Well if you must know, she's incapable of walking as she's in bad condition. To get the more detailed explanation you must get permission from Hermione" said Draco.
"You're kidding, right?"
"No one would kid about something like this" said Draco.
"Granger, will you please let me know what's making this dumb ferret so protective of you?"
Hermione still kept her face hidden in Draco's chest, not wanting to face anyone. She really didn't like having attention especially now.
"Hermione, are you okay?" He noticed her strange behavior and wouldn't allow her to be uncomfortable for one second.
She mumbled a "Yes" in his chest, but it was obvious she was lying.
"Make room for Hermione, will you Zabini?" Blaise caught the tone in his voice when he called him by his last name.
That usually meant either he was talking business or he was angry, and there was only flames coming out of Draco's eyes to him.
He quickly jumped from his seat and wiped off imaginary specks of dirt as a kind gesture for the Gryffindor.
The moment Draco was laying her down on the cushion, Blaise caught a glimpse of the girl's arm that her sleeves were hiding and screamed into his hand, muffling it so the sound couldn't escape the compartment.
"What the hell is wrong with you, Blaise?" Pansy's anger for once didn't faze him.
"What in Merlin's name happened to her?" Pansy confusedly turned to her best friend and looked to the girl in his arms.
She wanted to know what he was talking about and grabbed at the girl's sleeve and pulled it up to her elbow before she saw enough to understand.
"Merlin's beard, that looks painful" she said gritting her teeth. It brought Draco back to when he heard her screams when she was being healed the tiniest bit.
"Painful is an understatement" he said to the two.
"Where does it end? The injuries, I mean?"
"It doesn't" Hermione spoke up with her voice nearly breaking.
"Couldn't your mother heal her?"
"She's tried with my aunt's help, but she couldn't continue with her screams" said Draco.
"Why couldn't her muggle parents take her to a muggle hospital at some point?"
Draco sighed and he got up and leant towards his friends and answered them in a hushed tone.
"They were the reason she has all of these bruises, cuts, and broken bones. She was raised by an abusive family. The male would beat her every day and the female was ignorant. About a year ago the female died of cancer and just this month the male killed himself"
It kept the two Slytherins silent for a long time. Most of the ride to Hogwarts. Draco held Hermione's cold hands in his for the entirety, even when the train came to a stop.
He got her in his arms and continued with a calm Angel and Crookshanks following closely. "Would you like to sit with us during dinner?"
Hermione still didn't turn to face the two Slytherins. It was enough to converse with Draco with his awareness to her situation, but now more people she didn't know all too well are trying to talk to her.
Draco was on the right path as to why she was acting the way she was, but didn't quite know what specifically bothered her.
"I don't think she's ready to face a large crowd of people that noticed her absence from school" said Draco. His friends nodded and they said their goodbyes and they parted ways.
The two Slytherins left to the Great Hall while Draco carried Hermione to the kitchens to get some dinner for them there.
Soon they were full, Hermione not eating too much as she's barely started eating properly. Draco carried her to the one place he knew she would love to see again.
Her smile was so beautiful it made his lips curve to one when she could smell the parchment of books.
It was the best thing ever, being alone in the large library with a variety of books.
"Ever wanted to check out what's in the restricted section?"
"We cant do that. It's restricted" said Hermione in a duh tone.
"That may be true but nobody's here to stop us"
Draco's smirk made Hermione's shocked expression giggle. He started to run to the section that rarely anyone had permission to enter.
Hermione's amazement made him curious as to what was so important that they needed a professor's approval to look at.
"What's that one?" He started to reach for it to open up.
"No, don't-!"
It was too late as it's pages flapped open and a face came out of them screaming. He dropped it shut and pushed it back with his foot.
"That's the shrieking book"
"More like the bloody eardrum killing book"
"We better go before Madam Pince gets back" thought Hermione.
"Are you kidding, this is the most access you'll get to all the books in Hogwarts" said Draco.
"Fine, let's look at one more. They have Book of Spells, pass me that one!"
Draco grabbed the slightly dusty book and handed it to her with caution. He hoped it wouldn't try to murder his hearing like the last one.
When she opened it and looked through its contents he looked at the pages. "What's so special about this book?"
"This is a rare book, the first edition. It's got all sorts of spells you can use for defense or offense. See, someone wrote down their own charm for tickling" pointed out Hermione.
"Tickling? They put a book about tickling in the restricted section?" Hermione rolled her eyes and performed the charm on him.
His laughter made his back hit the bookshelf behind him. She stopped the charm so she wouldn't fall out of his arms and hit the floor.
He quickly recollected himself and took the book from her hands and put it back where it was.
"Alright, let's start heading out of here" said Draco. He carried her out of there and without telling her headed to a place he could be around her and make sure she's alright.
"What're you doing?"
The hallway wasn't near her common room nor his, and he was going back and forth. When a door opened up she knew where they were. She's read about the Room of Requirement.
"Why are we here?"
"So I can keep an eye on you and make sure you don't have any nightmares" said Draco as he reached for the knob.
I can handle myself just fine" she argued.
"Come on, at least try it out one night and if you don't have any nightmares then I'll let you go back to the Gryffindor Tower"
"Fine, but when I don't have nightmares and wake up, I'm going to laugh in your face" said Hermione.
Draco only rolled his eyes while walking inside a large bedroom with a large king-size bed against the wall.
He just let her believe what she wanted to and lied her down on the bed before going around and lying down himself.
"This is ridiculous" muttered Hermione as she pulled the blanket over herself. Draco lifted it to cover him too and closed his eyes.
"Goodnight Hermione"
She huffed and moved her legs in a comfortable position. It just so happened that they were on Draco's legs. He didn't mind, and neither did she, so they just fell asleep.
Draco's hand held hers as he drifted off into deep slumber and they both subconsciously smiled in their sleep.

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