
By ladyofglencairn

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Lady Cassandra Greenwich and her best friend Lady Emilia Lockwood has everything young women in Victorian Eng... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Epilogue

Chapter 3

11.8K 111 7
By ladyofglencairn

Chapter 3

The carriage bearing the Winterley family crest arrived on time. Emilia joined Cassandra along with Lord and Lady Winterley. Decked out in the latest and finest fashions of the season, the little party looked every bit the upper class nobility they were.

"Emilia, you do look stunning tonight!" remarked the Marchioness.

Emilia wore a gown the colour of the deepest sapphire. Her blue eyes were positively luminous as a result. The fitted bodice hugged her intimately and swirled out dreamily from her waist.

"Those dandies will not stand a chance," Cassandra said laughingly.

James looked at his sister. "You are indeed the last one who should comment, Cassie. Every eye will be drawn to the pair of you tonight. You look beautiful, my dear."

Cassandra, who adored clothes and fashion, had chosen a gown the colour of gold. It simply shimmered. And against her dark colouring, the dress was striking.

She nodded her head in acceptance of the compliment from her brother.

"I should take the pair of you across my knee though. Really Emilia, I would think you would know better than to be out so late at night, or early morning as it were! Anyone could have seen you! Anything could have happened!"

Cassandra and Emilia knew better than to argue. Instead, they bowed their heads graciously and took the scolding, knowing it wouldn't last long if they adopted this approach.

"Really my Lord, the night is not for unpleasantness. Shall we forget about his for now? I'm sure both Cassandra and Emilia have learnt their lessons."

Diana shot Cassandra a concealed wink. Her brother let it go and the lady's breathed a sigh of relief.

Once inside the stifling confines of Lady Chancellor's ballroom, the friends mingled as they were expected to. Emilia hated every minute, Cassandra revelled in it.

Soon enough, they huddled into a corner to look on in amusement as the spectacle unravelled before them. All the young fops and dandies, the season's hopeful debutants and their hovering mothers were steadily arriving.

While elegantly fanning herself with her silk fan, Emilia remarked. "My God, Lord Stanford looks like a preening peacock!" Cassandra and Emilia giggled as the said gentleman made his way toward his party on the opposite side of the room. "What say you, Cassie? Would you marry a man like that?"

Choking on her laughter, Cassandra retorted, "Romantic that I am, even I have to draw the line at marrying a man who wears more powders and creams than I do!"

Smiling wryly while turning to look at her friend, Cassandra remarked sympathetically. "I know how it pains you to be here, Em, but you know Lady Chancellor would never have forgiven your absence. Only certain death would have been an acceptable excuse to stay home."

"It is not so bad. At least there is some amusement to be had," she smiled, still looking over at the conceited Lord Stanford.

Lowering her voice Emilia confessed, "By the way, I've put out some feelers regarding the mysterious Jonas Steerpike. Nothing yet. Hopefully one of our informants will have some news by the time we return home."

Cassandra nodded in approval. "Good. Any leads would be helpful in trying to solve these wretched murders." She lowered her tone even further. "Vamperic or not. I grow weary of all these dead ends."

"I know. But I fear we may need some help. This is getting out of hand."

"And all our usual informants are not talking, or just don't know anything. Perhaps I could ask..." Cassandra continued, unaware that their whispered conversation was being overheard.

Lady Elizabeth was making her way through the crowded ballroom toward her husband when she accidently dropped her reticule on her way down the grand staircase. Coming into society really was such a bore, and if it weren't for the sake of keeping up appearances and keeping their way of life a secret, she and Mick wouldn't even bother. Bending to retrieve her errant purse, Elizabeth picked up on a whispered conversation from two ladies standing in a corner far below.

"... I've put out some feelers regarding the mysterious Jonas Steerpike."

Intrigued, Elizabeth stayed crouched, pretending to check if anything had fallen out of her purse. Jonas Steerpike. She knew that name. Mick, Emmanuel and Jasper had been talking about their informant just this morning.

How did these refined ladies know anything about him? Jonas was rather immoral, and not at all the sort of person refined women would know anything about. Vampires? After listening for a few seconds more, Elizabeth made a snap decision.

There was more here than what met the eye. These women could land into some serious trouble if they pursued their plans. These murders weren't child's play.

Straightening, she spotted Lady Chancellor.

"If we get sufficient information, perhaps we can move in on this Jonas fellow tonight. Get him to give us some answers," Emilia told her friend as their whispered conversation continued.


Cassie and Emilia wheeled around, both equally surprised at the intrusion. Lady Chancellor stood before them; gesturing to the most beautiful woman either of them had ever seen.

"My Dears, please allow me to introduce Lady Elizabeth St. John, Marchioness of Konstantin. Lady Elizabeth, these charming creatures are Lady Cassandra Greenwich and Lady Emilia Lockwood."

Cassandra spoke. "Lady Konstantin, a pleasure." She had heard about the beautiful Marchioness, but had never met, or even seen her.

Lady Chancellor withdrew discretely after the introductions were made.

"Elizabeth, please." Astonished, they goggled at the woman before them. She was beautiful. She had the palest, most flawless skin, hair as black as midnight and eyes equally dark. The woman smiled at them before stooping into the customary curtsey. Her reminder of etiquette spurned them both on to return the gesture.

Moving closer to them Elizabeth spoke in her soft, musical voice. "Forgive the intrusion, but I could not help overhear your conversation."

Noting Cassandra's wide-eyed surprise, she quickly continued. "I did not mean to eavesdrop, but you mentioned a name that's familiar to myself and my family."

Looking at the crowd gathering around them as everyone watched the dance floor, Elizabeth hastily continued. "I know something about Jonas Steerpike and if you're minded to listen, my husband and his associates may be able to help you."

Pulling a calling card from her reticule, Elizabeth deposited it into Cassandra's stunned hand. "We cannot talk here. Take my card, and call on me tomorrow, after sunset, if you are minded to do so. We can talk then." Without another word she glided off into the throng of people.

Cassandra and Emilia looked at each other. Emilia was the first to speak. "What just happened?"

"I'm not entirely sure."

Cassandra moved forward and watched the stunning woman weave her way to the opposite side of the room. Emilia followed her friend's gaze and watched the woman too.

Both saw her stop next to a tall, strikingly handsome man. He was tall, lean, had the darkest hair, and the whitest skin. He smiled when his wife joined him, leaning in to press a soft kiss to her temple. His teeth were straight and impossibly white. "Oh my."

"Cassie, I do believe I concur." Emilia swallowed slowly and looked at Cassandra. "It seems we have finally laid eyes on the elusive couple everyone is talking about. Behold, the Marquis and Marchioness of Konstantin."

"Em, I believe he is without a doubt the most beautiful man I have ever seen."

"Good thing he is married then. He might have challenged my plans to remain a spinster forever."

Cassandra looked at her friend and grinned. It was the closest Emilia would ever come to admitting she thought someone was attractive. Cassandra turned her attention from the striking couple and back to where they were standing. Looking around, it was really impossible to discern where Lady Konstantin could have stood in order to overhear their conversation.

"How could she have overheard our conversation?"

Emilia looked around as well. "No idea."

Both knew each other well enough to know they were equally intrigued.

"I take it we are going to be visiting tomorrow night?"

Cassandra nodded solemnly. Something didn't feel right. But they had no choice. Jonas Steerpike was their only lead. And the only person who seemed to know anything about him was the Lord and Lady of Konstantin.

Emilia scowled. "But for more, some more socialising..."

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