Pretty Little Spy

By Lillies-and-Rain

43.7K 1.2K 2.1K

A new and deadly mission is presented to team Voltron and Keith is used as bait. Keith will be going underco... More

A New Mission
Sleepless Nights

A Flashy Exit

8.5K 245 386
By Lillies-and-Rain

Keith groaned as the voice of Allura robotically rang through the speakers.

"Time to wake up. We have a big day today!" She yelled, the highs of her voice splitting out as she spoke.

Keith unraveled himself from the blanket that protected his body from the unearthly chill of the room.
As soon as his half asleep feet hit the floor, he was rushing to get ready for the day.
He fluently tussled on his cloths and proceeded to clean himself up.

A swirl between the anxiety of the coming day and the embarrassment of last night swirled through him, like a twisted version of a chocolate and vanilla ice cream machine.

What a great way to start a day

His automatic door parted open, slashing him with a new wave of frosted air. "Why the hell is it always so cold in the mornings??" He hissed out.

He briskly walked the same path he took last night, down to the kitchen.
His mind flashed back to last night.
His face flushed and his face contorted with a mix of embarrassment and anger.

"What the hell was he thinking?? What was he trying to pull?!" He mumbled just under his breath.

He planted himself in front of the kitchen. The soft swoosh alerted that he had entered the almost vacant kitchen.
He sat down in the first chair presented, resting his head into his slender hands.

Allura and Shiro sat a few chairs away, there routinely chatter echoed slightly off the stark white walls. Allura turned over, seemingly just noticing the sleepy male.

"Ah Keith good morning! You ready to hear more about the mission!" Her voice filled with chipper energy, she seemed eager to start a high class mission again.

'Be excited all you want, you're not the one being used as bait.' He thought angrily.

He unenthusiastic responded with a mumble "Sure, princess."

Suddenly, Hunk lumbered into the room, seemingly well rested and looking forward to cooking breakfast.
As he sped into the kitchen, a small gremlin lurked in.

Pidge's hair was thrown askew and her hazel eyes flashed with 'don't fuck with me'.
She drug her usual sleep deprived body in a chair that was a few away from Keith.
She sat hunched over, staring aggressively at the table.

The door pulled open and out strutted a well moistured Lance, his face shining like the gods.

He walked over and sat down across from Keith, his eyes immediately landed on a grumpy Pidge.

" Damn what the heck did the table do to you?" He teased.

"What is the use of trying to live anymore?" She gruffed, slamming her hands into the table,
earning a large slam in return .

Shiro whipped his head around, his dad instincts kicking in.

"Um..what caused this dilemma ?" He asked, confusion and concern etched into his voice.

Pidge looks up, her face mimicking a blank slate.
"We don't have fucking coffeE IN FUCKING SPACE." Her statement got progressively louder as she continued speaking.

"Language! Young lady..." Shiro sighed, it was the beginning of a day and he was already tired with life.

"Lance..? Did you just say 'heck??" Keith budded in.

Lance whipped around.

"I won't be disappointed my madre, even if I'm like a bizzillion miles from earth!" His arms swished in the air with each word he says.

Hunk came out carrying a large bowl of mulberry colored slime, interrupting the squabbling.

As everyone got ready to eat, Allura spoke up.

"So as you all know, we have the mission today." She said, dragging everyone's attention to her.

"Lance and Shiro, you two will be 'protectors'. Your job is to keep the princess safe-" she was cut off by a angry and sleepy Keith.

"I don't need to be protected." He stated in a cold voice.

Allura looked at him with displeasure.

Coran budded in from god knows where. "I believe you can number 4, though it's not just for protection, it's also how that population shows up to social events. As a group!"

Keith looked a bit less agitated, yet he was still not okay with this.

The white haired woman coughed to signal the focus back to herself.

"As I was saying; you two will need to stay by Keith at all time. That mean no running off the flirt with girls Lance." She stared.

Lances offended face shines in the background.

She continues. " All we need to do is go in. Get information. And leave.
It's a three day event, just so you know. The species of the planet were the party is held, are called Mioks. They are known for there brutal strength, so Keith, don't go picking a fight with one okay?"

"I cannot guarantee that, princess" Keith said honestly, though he did make it a mental reminder to back off a bit.

She groaned.

"Just try not to okay?" She asked, though it was really more of a statement.

She continued her monologue.

" A mix of all cultures will be there. Though it may look elegant on the outside; It's a known place for trafficking and other awful thing. That why it our job to take it down. Lucky for us, the people we are filling in for doesn't look too much different from us, they only have slight adaptation. Such as horns, antlers, or claws.
Also, Keith, I know it may be tough for you, but you need to act a bit more...feminine to blend in."

Keith slammed his head into the table, narrowly missing the food goo that was placed while Allura was talking.

"Well this will be fun." Pidge said sarcastically.

Keith just groaned.

After they finished eating, Allura went up to Keith.

"I need to get you ready for the ball, come along!" She said.

Keith grudgingly got up and followed Allura at the metallic doors, and down to her lively room.

She made a beeline to her closet doors.
It opened up into a whole other room.

"Oh this shall be fun!" She cheered.

Keith grumpy sucked up his ego and walked into the closet.

Allura skimmed through the endless layers of fabric that lined her walls.
Finally she found one she desired.

It was a mesmerizing crimson.

As she held it up , Keith got a better look.

It flowed to the floor like a cascading waterfall in the back, but the front was much shorter, almost as though it was a mini skirt.

It was an off the shoulder style, it seemed to layer in the short sleeves and continued to line the heart shaped from of the dress.

The last thing Keith notice, was the dazzling diamonds, beautifully placed only the fabric.

Keith's face flushed.

"Jesus fucking Christ. I'm going to have to wear that in public. Do you take some sick satisfaction from seeing me suffer?" He asked, his hands covering his beet red face.

Allura waved her hand your nonthreatening manner.

"No no nothing like that. Now stop being overdramatic. Come on we have to go try this on!" Her voice too cheery for Keith's liking.

Reluctantly, he follows.

Lance and Shiro wait outside the launch pad, ready to take off.

"Ugh what's taking them so long??" Lance complained.

Shiro huffed.

"Patience yielded focus." He stated.

Lance dressed in a deep ocean blue tux and a black under vest.

A shining crystal flower is held over his heart .

His brown hair is slicked back and two prosthetic blue horns curved up from his forehead.

Shiro rocked the same style except in a royal shade of purple, giving him a aura of mysteriousness.

Lance hears faint bickering from around the corner.

"I'm not going out like this."

'Oh it's Keith, finally!' Lance realizes

"Oh come on, you look beautiful!"

'Aaannd Allura.'

"Yea that's the reason why! I'm a dude, I don't want to look beautiful!"

"Keith, it's just for a mission. Think about all the people your saving."

A exasperated sigh trails into Keith's next sentencing.


Clicks and clacks echo from down the hall.

"Well I'm glad someone finally decided to joi-" Lance immediately stops taking as Keith comes into view.

His tan face flushed with a deep pigment.

"Oh damn." He whispers.

Keith stands, his pale skin accented with a cherry red blush.

His bare arms fold over his chest and
his stiff posture shines with defensiveness.

The blood colored dress hugs his curves, giving him a feminine physique.

It's a very tight fit in the upper half but drapes like curtains in the lower, giving it a clear divide.
Tear drop jewels shine like his violent eyes.

His exposed collarbone is decorated with a simplistic gold chain necklace with a brilliant ruby hanging heavy from it.

Shiro cleared his throat. His face dusted a dull pink.

"He have to be leave soon, so let's move with a purpose please." He said and turned around to point toward the pod's door, totally not hiding his flushed face.

"Since when did you become a teacher?" Keith said, his voice laced with sass.

"Ever since I've had to raise four children in space." He states in a deadpan voice.

Lance finally stops ogling at Keith and jumps in the convocation.

"Hey we are NOT children, we are practically adults." Lance bickered.

Shiro opens the pod door with a hand print before stepping inside, illuminating him with a soft glow.

"Then act like it." Shiro voice reflects how he looks; dead.

Keith and Lance both mimic a look of concern. Allura shoves Keith forward.

"Go go, you don't have all day!" She usher them forward.

Keith looks back once more before walking in the pod.

They have a mission to accomplish.

And with that, they leave .


Is this decent enough? Sorry that it's not better, but I'm new to creative writing.
Also, sorry, I'm quite slow considering my dyslexia, thought I'm not using this as an excuse by any means!

Dyslexic or not, I shall write!😜

And finally in the third chapter, they started on their adventure!

Love y'all, and see you soon!!❣️

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