My Singing Academia [BNHA AU...

By BuniBoy

71K 1.7K 2.3K

!!FINISHED!! :) Yuuei Performing Arts Academy, the most popular school for aspiring singers in the country. ... More

1. O U T OF M Y L E A G U E
2. S M A C K A B I T C H
4. D E V I L T O W N
5. H E E B I E J E E B I E S
6. W H I T E C H R I S T M A S
7. L O L I T A
8. F I G H T F O R Y O U R R I G H T
9. B E M Y D A D D Y
10. F O O L
11. M U T U M B O
12. P O N Y
13. T R I G G E R E D

3. C A L P O L

4.8K 149 63
By BuniBoy

(Sad boy chapter. Its sad boy hours.


I took a deep breath, walking into the same hospital I visit every week or so.

"Hi," I drummed on the front desk awkwardly with my fingers. "Hm? Oh! (Y/n), back again?" The sweet nurse asked. "Yes," I said flatly, fiddling with my fingers under the desk.

"Your mother...we have to tell you this," she turned in her chair to face me completely. My heart dropped to my stomach as my pulsed raced in my veins. "Is she okay?" I asked, interrupting the nurse as I clenched my fists. "She's doing fine dear, its just...she's refusing to take medication again," the blonde nurse kindly stated.

I sighed, both in relief and annoyance. "Why didn't the doctor call?" I hissed out, feeling left out of the loop. "Because, (Y/N), you've told us how busy you are at U.P.A.A and-" I cut her off again, "my studies don't mean I can't see my mother when she is going through something. Just check me in," I demanded, already infuriated as I stomped to the familiar hallway. I navigated through the few rooms in the corridor, taking a deep breath as I approached a familiar one.

I knocked softly, proceeding to open the door. 

"Mom?" I asked quietly, peeking my head through. "Hey," I smiled as she turned from the book she was reading. I closed the door behind me, now seeing the full display of the bookshelf that was purposely bolted into the wall's books thrown everywhere. I turned to my mom, concerned. I walked up to her slowly, watching her same stoic expression.

"Hey," I repeated softly, lightly taking the book from her hands.

"Thats upside down," I said as I crouched in front of her and flipped the book. She raised her brows as a scowl pulled her lips, "Don't treat me like I'm stupid," she ordered. I nodded, slightly laughing. "Your being stupid by not taking your meds again," I advised, watching her close the book and place it on the table beside her.

"It helps me become livid," She proudly stated. I groaned, scoffing slightly. "It doesn't help you become livid, it makes the voices worse," I informed her, standing up and taking the book from the bed side table. "I was reading that," she slightly murmured, not stopping me from crouching down near the book shelf and collecting the books thrown everywhere. "Mom, you weren't reading it, the book was closed," I finished putting the books in a neat stack.

She shook her head, slapping herself in the face.

"Hey!" I reprimanded, putting the books in order on the bookcase. She looked up, itching at her face violently. Oh no. "Its okay, I'm here, (Y/N), your daughter," I slid in front of her, taking her shaking hands in mine. "Hey, hey, hey, your fine. Why don't we call the doctor in here and get your med-"


She shouted, ripping her hands away and shoving me back violently. I gasped, watching her tug at her hair and rock back and forth. "Shit!" I cursed under my breath, fumbling to stand up as I reached the door and swung it open. "Nurse!" I yelled, seeing the nurse's already running from the alarming amount of shrill screams coming from my mom's room. They pushed me aside, telling me to go home and come back tomorrow.

I just sighed, its not like it hasnt happened before.

Tears welled in my eyes as I watched them frantically restrain my mother. I should stay...but I just can't watch this. I sniffled back my tears and turned around, walking through the empty hall. I cupped my hand over my mouth and started running through the lobby and outside.

I noticed the pouring rain, not really caring if I got soaked. I quickly stepped into the rain, letting it soak through my sweatshirt and dampen my hair. I looked up at the sky, feeling a mix of rain and tears flow down my cheeks. The minute I felt my legs get wobbly I slowly made my way to the bench nearby. My pants absorbed the water that the bench carried, making shivers run through my body as I buried my face in my hands and sobbed louder. Its getting worse...she doesn't have much time left.

I finally broke away from my hands, crying loudly as I faced the sky again. 

"(Y/N)?" A voice asked calmly, it seemed to still be quiet even though it was loud enough to be heard through the rain.

I looked to the familiar two-toned hair, I tried to conceal my sadness by putting on a half-assed smile. "Hey," I sniffled out, looking away from the tall boy. "what are you doing here?" I jumped as I realized he was right next to me. He wasn't sitting down, though. I looked up a bit when I didn't feel the rain pounding against my already cold skin. 

I realized he held his jet black umbrella over the both of us. "I could ask you the same," I said, looking up with a face now full of misery. "This is a psychiatric hospital, I'm visiting family," Todoroki explained as if I didn't know where I was. "I know its a mental institution Todoroki, I was visiting my mom," I spitefully retorted. I bit hard on my lip when I saw the pity in his eyes. "Schizophrenia, right?" He asked, now crouching in front of me but still keeping the umbrella high. I nodded, feeling the burning sensation of tears in my eyes. "Yup, she's ten times worse then the last time I saw her," I confessed, letting the tears roll out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

"Why don't we head back to U.P.A.A.?" Todoroki asked, beginning to stand upright. "Sure," I simply replied as I stood up from the soaking wet bench. I instantly wrapped my arms around myself, sticking to Todoroki's side as we walked silently through the parking lot. We stayed in silence, walking for about forty minutes before my phone started to buzz in my pocket. Todoroki looked my way, slowing down his pace as I went to answer my damp phone.

I put it to my ear, flicking my wrist to signal Todoroki to keep walking. I walked alongside him and let a second go by before asking, "Hello?" I heard the breath hitch on the other line, "Hey, (Y/N), it's dad," the familiar voice replied. I chuckled slightly, "Yeah, I know, I saw the caller ID," I teased, letting my sadness slowly wash away. He quickly chuckled "Whens the last time you visited mom?" his voice got lower, more serious. "I just came from the hospital, why?" I asked, seeing Todoroki shoot me a quick glare. Dad cleared his throat,

 "Mom...she just... Your mother just died," 

Everything in my world stopped right then and there. My heart ached and my blood ran cold. "What?" I choked out, stopping in my tracks as my voice went hoarse. Todoroki walked a few steps forward, raising a brow when he realized I stopped. He quickly stepped back towards me, holding the umbrella over the both of us again. "Mom...she just- she's gone," I started shaking, every fiber in my being screaming at me to say something.

I gaped, "N-no.. I just saw her an hour ago, she was fi- she...she...She can't be gone," my voice cracked as I tried to muster up the courage to accept it. Todoroki looked up from the floor, seeing my frantic state. He quickly reached and calmed my cowering hand,  taking the phone from my grip. "Hello? Mr. (L/N)? This is Shoto Todoroki, a friend of (Y/N)'s. I think she needs a few moments to process this, so I'll make sure she calls you back soon," He said calmly. I heard my dad thank him and hang up, leaving Todoroki and I in silence.

I collapsed, letting the cold rain shoot freezing cold water onto my skin. "Wh-why?" I asked him, looking up as I hugged myself. He crouched down, enveloping me in a hug. "Don't think about it too much," He advised me, sending soothings strokes up and down my back. "I don't want her to be gone," I murmured into Todoroki's shoulder, my arms limp on either side of me.

Todoroki nodded, "You feel like walking?" He asked me, separating and wrapping my numb arms round his shoulders. I weakly shook my head, letting him hand me the umbrella and he lifted me up. 

"You'll be okay,"

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