The Entanglement {Book 1}

By DLChronicles

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"Most gods throw dice, but fate plays chess, and you don't find out until its too late that he's been playing... More

Chapter 1: The Fruit Fiasco
Chapter 2: Visions v. Nightmares
Chapter 3: Sweet like Honey
Chapter 4: Worth Wild
Chapter 5: Jealousy and a little fighting
Chapter 6: Unhealable
Chapter 7: Shattered into a million peices
Chapter 8: A Mother's Word
Chapter 9: A Mind Unrest
Chapter 10: Clear Intentions
Chapter 11: Egoistic and Entitled
Chapter 12: Undeniable Attraction
Chapter 13: Right Under Your Nose
Chapter 14: My Final Request
Chapter 15: Welcome Home
Chapter 16: The Lord's New Lady
Chapter 17: My Dearly Departed
Chapter 18: Once Upon a Sappihire
Chapter 19: Behind the Mask
Chapter 20: A Vow
Chapter 21: On the Brink of Death
Chapter 22: The New Me
Chapter 23: Desire Unmatched
Chapter 24: A True Mother
Chapter 25: A Gift
Chapter 26: A Loss Like No Other
Chapter 27: A Union
Chapter 28: One Goodbye was Hard Enough
Chapter 29: A Decision
Chapter 30: A Dull Flame
Chapter 31: The Sacred
Chapter 32: The Real Threat
Chapter 34: Is Blood Thicker than Water?
Chapter 35: Neck and Neck
Chapter 36: Unmendable Bonds prt 1
Chapter 37: Unmendable Bonds prt. 2
Chapter 38: The Beast within us all
Chapter 39: What Will you Fight for?
Chapter 40: The Unwilling
Chapter 41: My Last Goodbye

Chapter 33: Welcome to the Family

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By DLChronicles

The news about Theodore's real death is still fresh in the air. It has been a quiet two weeks as they grieved him all over again. Damien claims that he needs time to himself, so he stays in another guest room and spends hours of his day rereading Theodore's diary.

I have decided to busy myself with fixing this town that they let fall to shambles. I spoke with previous staff workers who had quit when the family completely shut down and asked if they would want to return. They had agreed, and before I knew it, the castle was filled with the same hard-working staff. They worked avidly to restore the castle to its formal beauty.

A lot of things had fallen to the elements since the staff abandoned the place. Different parts of the garden were overrun with weeds, critters, and rain damaged. Dishes were piled in the kitchen, and the furniture was collecting mountains of dust. But all the mains, kitchen staff and garden workers fixed and cleaned the entire castle.

Alina and I even helped fix up the servants quarters under the castle for them and made sure it was comfy for them. I had noticed Alina wore different gowns than before. Her dresses use to be loose and flowing, but now they are larger gowns. And all the gowns she wears now are paired with large cloaks.

I tried to act as if I didn't notice. No need to bring up old things, but I had to admit that it was a tad weird. Both of us decided to go out to town and speak with the townspeople. To help guide them since everyone seemed to have lost their way. Hopefully, this wouldn't result in any violence against us.

They could be too far gone, and the only way to regain control would be to display an act of dominance. Something that townsfolk, like I use to be, hated. It could range from a public whipping or escalate to a public execution. But we did not want to come at them like that. Hopefully, a talk will be enough.

Alina and I headed towards the town without the guys knowing, no need to worry them. We decided against taking a carriage because that would only draw more attention to ourselves. So we walked down to the village where the sound of broken glass, rough fighting and screams could be heard. I'm starting to doubt that anything that could say would register to them. Perhaps we should return and inform the men about where we had gone.

But I noticed Alina's perseverance, so I followed closely behind and ignored my doubtful gut. We stood on a large wooden stage that was often used for plays that the town actors and actresses would perform. No one paid us any mind and continued fighting, looting and harming one another.

"People of Nothar!" Alina shouted. This seemed to gather some of their attention...for a few seconds at least.

"I am sure you all know who we are. So we demand your respect as we stand here and tell you about all the new changes that will soon go into effect." The crowd began muttering, and the number of angry faces in the group let me know that they were not particularly happy with what we had in mind. Alina opened the document that she and I had written and forged the Kings signature on it.

"All the violence against one another has to end. Whoever rapes, kills or harms another citizen will be held in the dungeon and executed for their crimes." The murmuring grew louder

"All citizens guilty of looting from homes and stores will be indicted for their crimes, and if enough evidence is present to convict you, then you will be tried for your crimes and punished as the royal family sees fit."

"The royal family will be more present over this town, and all the lax behavior will end." After a tense silence, Alina turned her back to the crowd and made her way to the steps. Someone called out,

"What makes you think the royal family has any influence on us?!"


"Excuse me?" Alina questioned while turning her head to the crowd
"You people disappear for years, and then all of a sudden pop back in control after Ms. runaway queen shows up." Umm ouch.

"You don't get to take that tone with m-"

"Who do you people think you are?!"

"Yeah, we don't listen to you anymore!"

"Where were you guys when the famine came? When all the humans were forced off, and we had to refrain from eating for months. What about when the soldiers came down here and raped some of our wives? Or what about when some witches started taking kids."

"Witches?" I mumble

"You people have no idea what's going on in your town, and you think you have the right to reprimand us? Go take a hike!" An older woman yelled, and the crowd rallied with her. Just like I feared, they were too far gone. I turned to look at Alina who was fuming. Her eyes had darkened tremendously, and I scrunch my eyebrows in worry.

She turned her head and looked over at the soldiers who were lazily standing at the end of the stage. Almost instantly the soldier pulled his sword out, and some of the crowd members gasped and clutched their loved ones. She continued to stare at the soldier who was now moving through the crowd. It dawned on me that she was controlling his every move. I looked between the swift-moving soldier and my hardened gazed friend. I walked a little closer to her.

In an instant, the sound of body thumping to the ground caused me to halt. We agreed that killing was the last resort. That we wouldn't kill anyone so what the hell is she doing? I tried to move faster, but it felt like I was moving at a snail's pace. The soldier had shoved his blade deep into the older woman's chest, and her body slid off the sword and landed on the ground. I finally reached her and grabbed her arm,

"What the hell are you doing? We said we wouldn't hurt anyone."

"Drastic times call for drastic measures," she replied dryly to me as the soldier once against swung his weapon against the second person who spoke out against our new rules.

"Alina, stop. Making them fear us isn't going to change anything." I reason, but she ignores me. The soldiers goes for the third victim, and by this time the crowd is screaming and frantically running. I shove Alina hard, and she tumbles to the ground, breaking the connection.

She lands on her side and looks up at me. Her cloak had slid off, and her legs and stomach were exposed. Her stomach was looking much rounder and fuller than the last few weeks I saw her. I squinted my eyes at her belly and then looked back at her,

"Are you-"

"Don't you dare speak of this," she hissed as she stood to her feet.

"This is a good thing right?" I question

"Last time I got my hopes up about a child...I lost it," she replied glumly as she wrapped the cloak securely around her body. She walks off the stage in rage and heads back to the castle. I watch her retreating figure and turn back to the frenzied crowd.

"Everyone! Please calm down!"

"She just killed two people!"

"I understand that Alina acted rashly, but I assure you I do not want to harm any of you. Just please hear me out." Some of the crowd members hesitantly approach the stage while others stagger back.

"I would like to formally invite all of you to the castle this evening. There we can discuss changes, solutions and every concern that all of you without fear of retaliation. I promise I won't let anything happen to you." The crowd looked around uncertain

"And if we refuse?" one of the crowd members question.

"Well that would be unfortunate, but we would hope to have all of you in attendance." I gave them a nod and then walked off the stage and headed to the castle.

"So no one decided to let us know that you two planned a ball tonight?" Jace complains as he straightens his tie. I was getting dressed in Jace and Alina's bedroom since Alina asked me to help her get dressed. She was back to her old ways of hiding things just because she thought that would be best.

I didn't want to remind her of how terrible that went the last time, but she was her own woman. Alina finally called me into the bathroom to help her get into her gown. The gown was very large and beautiful, but I got concerned when she turned around to ask me to help her with the corset.

"Are you sure that a corset is the best thing to wear..." I trail off, and she slams the bathroom door and turns to me,

"Can you not announce that?" she asked and I rolled my eyes

"We both know how fantastic lying went the last time."

"Don't be a smart ass."

"How far along are you?" I question

"It's only been four months. Only one month extra from the first time. I don't want to get my hopes up. So tie the damn corset so we can get this evening over with."

"You've been real snippy since we left the town. What's going with you?" I question as I hesitantly hold the strings to her corset.

"I don't know...the damn baby has been messing with my emotions all month. Jace has noticed because he's caught up in his own mess." she vents as I tie the corset as lightly as I could. I just simply agree with her even though I think the murder of his brother is a pretty valid excuse to be distant from your wife.

Once we finish we head out the bathroom and down towards the ballroom. The town people had already arrived in, and surprisingly nearly 80% of them showed up. That's way more than I expected.
The party was going well. The townsfolk spoke about there issues while Damien and I listened.

Once they aired out all their grievances even the ones about Alina, we finally spoke about the new changes that we wanted in place. Almost the entire night, both Jace and Damien were in a daze. Explaining to them the new changes we have in mind was the most challenging part. Everything that we said went in one ear and out the other. I almost feared they would slip up and say something stupid during the ball, but they just nodded and played along.

Sabin was there, and she socialized with many people, but I'm sure none of them truly know who she is. Many people thought she was the Kings new mistress or maybe Jace's. The townswomen were always the most spiteful out of all the realm. They were quick to throw dirt on people's names and label them as whores merely because they are unwed and around prestigious men.

But thankfully the ball went off without a hitch or surprises.
But I kept finding myself looking over at Alina. She looked a bit light headed after we finished answering all the townspeople requests and questions.

I wondered if it had something to do with the corset. I wanted to approach her about it, but Alina was surrounded by people every other second. Whether it was Jace, or another Duke or even another King, the woman was never alone. Finally, I was able to corner, and I walked by her side,

"Something's wrong," I stated, and she threw me a look,

"Nothing is wrong."

"You look sick. Almost as if you are about to throw up all over the ballroom floor."

"Oh haha, I'm just a bit tired that's all."

"I'm not joking around Alina, when will you get serious about this and go see a medic?" I press. She glares at me,

"I don't need a damn medic. Now leave me alone," she growled before stomping off. She had unknowingly run right into a server who was carrying four blood wine drinks. The server stumbled backwards, and the tray tipped over. All of the drinks flew into the air and landed right on her cream-colored gown and cloak. The server looked up at the now shocked and wine-soaked Alina.

"Oh my stars, your grace I am so sorry." she hurriedly apologized. She rushed to her feet and tried to pat the already stained dress with a dry rag from her pocket.

"Forgive me," she whispered. Jace came behind Alina.

"It's fine, honestly," Jace replied to the frazzled servant. He reached around Alina's chest and unclasped her cloak. Before Alina could process what was happening her protruding stomach was exposed in front of the staring crowd. Alina must have loosened the corset when she went off on one of her many bathroom trips.

So now her stomach poked a little more than it did earlier that night. It only took Jace three seconds to process the news. Once those three seconds were up, he moved from behind his wife and stood in front of her. Everyone was expecting him to lash out. They thought he would scream at her for keeping it from him.

They thought he would shout this wasn't his child or make some dramatic scene and then leave. But instead, he shocked us all. He dropped to his knees and placed his hands on her stomach. He also laid his head on her stomach as well.

"Thank you, gods," he whispers to her stomach. When he is back on his feet, he kisses Alina on the temple of her head and turns to show the crowd his expecting wife.

"That is how you know the gods are pleased with us! They have granted my wife and me a second chance at raising a new life. The gods will bestow gifts to all of you. I know this to be true!" he gushes as a single tear runs down his cheek.

I was happy for them, they both truly wanted it. Despite Alina's less than cheerful attitude, she was nervous about doing this all over again. I felt a hand intertwined with mine, and I looked over my shoulder and saw Damien. He seemed proud of his brother and sister in law.

"And before we forget, this lovely woman," Jace announces while pointing towards Sabin. She had a glass in her hand as she looked at them both with a happy smile,

"Is our beautiful niece. Daughter of our late brother Theodore."

"We're not only introducing one new family members but two." Damien beams and the crowd erupts in applause.

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