I Mean Disrespect : ( RWBY )...

By Ninjamain

310K 4.7K 13.5K

One super cocky and badass teenager headed for Beacon. However, he will have to endure a crappy life before t... More

Bio: Who am I? I'm Awesome!
Chapter 1: One Big Fucking Entrance
Chapter 2: My Initiation
Chapter 3: Be A Man
Chapter 4: Ye Forest of Doom
Chapter 5: Alpha Ass
Chapter 6: Vale is Stale
I am a loser (self ads)
Chapter 7: Vale is Lit
Short: Spartans Never Die ( Pyrrha x Male Reader )
Chapter 8: Battle Between Allies
Back By Popular Demand
Chapter 9: More Than A "Friend"
Chapter 9.5: A Little Bit of Salt from Me to You
Chapter 10: A Prick's Mission
Chapter 11: Rescue
The Cursed Spartan : A RWBY Story
Chapter 13: Soul Breaker
100,000 Milestone

Chapter 12: Cliche Character Development

8.7K 212 371
By Ninjamain

A/n: Hoorah! An update ready to go. Thank you for 50K views! You all are the best. Let's get right into the story!

(Third Person POV):

(Y/n):"I refuse." He stated sternly and stood up. Before he could take a step, Moreno grabbed his shoulder and stopped him. She looked deep into his eyes.

Moreno:"I need to know why someone who a few minutes ago, could care less about our lives, suddenly endanger his to save ours." She demanded. (Y/n) gave her a weird look.

(Y/n):"It's funny how you're making demands when I just saved your life. In fact, you all owe me!" He emphasized the last sentence to everyone around him. Moreno sighed and removed her hand.

Moreno:"Can't you just answer a simple question?" She asked tiredly. (Y/n) took a few steps away before speaking.

(Y/n):"I could...." He trailed off, and Rin looked at him with hope.

(Y/n):"But I won't. Because I like leaving people hanging." He flashed a smug grin at everyone. Moreno sighed tiredly, and Lopez had already seen what was coming. The Atlas soldiers and Aaron were trying their best to restrain Winter, while Rin looked sad.

Rin:"B-But (Y/n), if you don't want to do it for them, could you do it for me?" She requested, and (Y/n) looked at the ninja confused.

(Y/n):"Now why would I do that?" He questioned in annoyance. However, his eyes widened when Rin stood in a shy pose. Her cheeks were tinted red, and she struggled to make eye contact with the (s/c) male.

Rin:"B-Because I-I know you're a good person. I just want to prove it to the others." She stuttered. Suddenly, the Atlas soldiers and Lopez suffered from nosebleeds.

Atlas/Aaron:"Kawaii....." They muttered and passed out.

Lopez:"¡Kawaii!" He muttered and passed out as well. Rin began to panic to why all the males, beside (Y/n), were sporadically bleeding.

Winter:"G-Get a hold of yourselves, men. We're still on duty!" The white haired lady scolded while covering her slightly bleeding nose. Moreno was rapidly wiping her nose and averting her gaze, so no one could see her blush. (Y/n) suddenly cleared his throat before speaking.

(Y/n):"Anyways, I still don't...." He trailed off when Rin was staring at (Y/n) with her innocent, cute eyes.

(Y/n)'s mind:"Dammit (Y/n), don't fall for that weak shit."

(Y/n):'Ay fuck you man. I'm definitely not falling for that weak-'

Rin:"Please?" She tilted her head at a 45 degree angle.

(Y/n)'s mind:"Fuck. She's good."

(Y/n):'Godammit....' He internally cursed before sighing in defeat.

(Y/n):"Fine...I'll tell you." He admitted defeat. Rin's face beamed with a mix of surprise and joy. The others watched in disbelief that Rin's actions worked.

Winter:"No way. Of all people, you were beguiled by her feminine charms?!" She exclaimed in disbelief and a little jealousy. (Y/n) scoffed.

(Y/n):"No! What gave you that idea? I don't let charms control me. I control them." He denied, but clearly did not convince anyone.

Winter:"Whatever. Since you agreed to tell us-" (Y/n) held up his hand to stop the woman from speaking.

(Y/n):"Hold up. I only agreed to tell the ninja. Not anyone else." He clarified. Winter was about to protest, but (Y/n) was already walking away.

(Y/n):"Nope! Nothing else can change my mind! If you don't mind, I'll be gathering my stuff and getting the fuck out of here!" He hollered before picking up his sword and walking away. Once he was gone, everyone looked at Rin, who was currently healing a passed out Lopez.

Winter:"So....once (Y/n) tells you his reasoning, are you going to fill us in as well?" She asked curiously. Rin looked up and tapped her chin in thought before shrugging.

Rin:"Hmm...I think I'll keep it between me and (Y/n) for now." She answered sternly. Winter gave her a look of defeat, while Moreno just sighed tiredly.

Moreno:"Well, at least one of us will sort of know what goes on in his head. That's good enough for me right now." She stated and shoulder her giant sword before following after (Y/n). Rin nodded in approval and picked up Lopez before joining her team leader. That left a befuddled Winter and Atlas soldiers alone.

Aaron:"So what are you going to report to the General?" The lieutenant asked his leader. Winter remained silent and just stared off in the distance.

Winter:"For now..." She trailed off and pulled out her scroll. The screen turned on and displayed multiple files on (Y/n).

Winter:"We have to consider him threat level one. Without his justification behind killing the Grimm dragon, he's equally or more dangerous than the creature he killed." She finished her statement and tapped the screen. The scroll lit up red and displayed (Y/n) to be targeted for Atlas SAE unit.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi (Y/n) dating chibi Pyrrha to flex on chibi Jaune...

(Y/n) POV:

Rin:"So that's why you decided to save us?" She questioned with a surprised face. I nodded yes.

"Yes." I confirmed. Suddenly, Rin's lip began to tremble, and her face scrunched up. I began to fear what was coming.

Rin:"I'm so sorry!" She cried and began bawling on my arm. I internally screamed in anger.

'Fuck me. Why did I tell her?' I questioned myself and craned my neck to look at the crying ninja.

"Hey." I called out to Rin, but she continued to cry on my shoulder.

"Hey." I stated a little louder. However, Rin kept on crying.

"Bitch! If you don't-" I stopped speaking when Rin slowly pulled away. She rubbed away the tears on her face and sniffled before speaking.

Rin:"I'm sorry. It's just that your story is so sad." She mumbled in a shaky tone. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah. Yeah. So sad." I muttered sarcastically. She should know the full story. What I told Rin was only the peak of the iceberg.

Rin:"Is this why you're so mean to everyone?" She questioned, which immediately earned a glare from me.

"Hey. That's pushing it loli shinobi." I snapped. Rin nodded and sat back down beside me.

Rin:"Sorry." She apologized. I shrugged and looked away. Suddenly, the ship jolted abruptly and the cabin lights began to turn yellow.

Pilot:"Atlas seven has landed. Passengers are cleared to exit the vehicle." The pilot announced before the bay doors began to open. Moreno stood up first and picked up her sword, while Lopez sluggishly stood up with he support of his rifle.

Lopez:"Nota para mí: nunca mire directamente a las chicas lindas." (Note to self: Never stare directly at cute girls.) The sniper stated with a drunken tone. I didn't know what the guy said, but Rin began blushing.

Rin:"L-Let's go, (Y/n)." She stuttered and stood up. I stood up as well, and walked to the end of the plan with Rin.

Moreno and Lopez were waiting outside for us. Before I could join them, I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned around to see Winter with a serious face.

"What do you want?" I asked with an annoyed tone.

Winter:"Can't we just have a normal conversation?" She questioned tiredly. I shook my head.

"Nope. I can't help but view you as someone who willingly sells their body to a broke drunk and a dude with a prosthetic libido." I explained. Winter's face filled with rage.

Winter:"You know what?!" She cried out.

"What?" I asked calmly. Winter then shoved me off the airship. I teleported myself beside Rin, so I didn't stumble. However, Winter was still in her furious state.

Winter:"I actually believed that you had a sliver of hope inside of you, but I am clearly wrong!" She screamed angrily. I shrugged.

"Aren't you always?" I asked rhetorically with a smirk. Winter stifled the temptation to lash back out and instead slammed her fist on the button to close the doors.

Winter:"Until we meet again, Ms. Alexanders." She said farewell to my team leader. Moreno nodded sternly, but I could tell she was still not comfortable around the white witch.

Moreno:"Likewise." She replied, as the doors to the airship shut, and we all watched the airship fly away.

"Well, now that that's over. I'm going to go do nothing to compensate for my prior effort I put in." I announced and began walking away.

Rin:"Wait!" The brunette suddenly called out. I stopped on my tracks and grit my teeth in annoyance. After spending long nights and days with my teammates, I've had enough of their bullshit.

"I swear. If it's another one of these team bonding bullshit you pulled on the plane, I'm gonna flip-"

Rin:"We should all celebrate our victory for defeating that wretched monster with dinner in Vale." She suggested exactly what I meant.

"Goddammit...." I muttered while hiding my rage. Moreno nodded in satisfaction.

Moreno:"That sounds like a good idea. We'll just briefly report in with headmaster Ozpin and then go eat." She agreed. Lopez nodded in agreement.

Lopez:"Sí. Quiero algo de comida caliente en lugar de MRE." (Yes. I want some hot food instead of MRE's.) He inputted in a more collected tone. It looked like he didn't remember what he said a minute ago. I'm going to use that against him later.

"From your unintelligible dialect, I take it that you want to go as well." I commented, and Lopez gave me a dirty look.

Lopez:"¿Ininteligible? Eres justo e ignorante, una mierda rasca que no aprenderá un nuevo idioma." (Unintelligible? You're just a ignorant, racist shit that won't learn a new language.) He growled. I had no idea what he said except for one word.

"Calling me a shit? How about you you crawl on back to where you came from because I don't want a bitch-ass sniper who faints after looking at a knock-off ninja tilt her head 45 degrees watching my back!" I snapped.

Lopez:"Entonces sabes español, imbécil. Ni siquiera estaba mirando tu espalda de todos modos. De hecho, estaba alentando al maldito dragón para que te coma." (So you do know Spanish, asshole. I wasn't even watching your back anyways. In fact, I was rooting for the fucking dragon to eat you up.) The black haired male barked back at me.

"Alright, Jose, do you want to go right now? Cause I'm ready to give you the JFK experience. It should be really ironic." I balled up my fist, and it began to glow (f/c). Lopez unslung his rifle and loaded the chamber with a bullet.

Lopez:"Tu funeral." (Your funeral.) He aimed the weapon at me. Our eyes stared at each other with hate. He probably hated me more than I did to him, but I was annoyed by his stupid accent. That's grounds for execution.


"No!" I interrupted, and caught the fox faunus off guard.

"If Carlos wants to fight, then let him fight. Or will you always fight his battles?" I questioned. Moreno opened her mouth to protest, but then thought otherwise. I had her and Lopez in a bind. If Moreno intervened, she would hurt her trust between the male sniper. If Lopez backed down, he would worry about the thing called pride. Stupid stuff.

Lopez:"No te preocupes Lo pondré en su lugar." (Don't worry. I'll put him in his place.) He assured the woman, but she did not look convinced by what he said.

Moreno:"Guys, please. Hasn't there been enough fighting?" She questioned. Before I could reply, I felt my body stiffen.

"What the?" I muttered and glanced to the side. That was where I found my answer. It was Rin making a hand sign. However, her face was in pain.

Rin:"BOTH OF YOU, STOP!!!" She screamed and shut her eyes. I noticed the faint streaks of tears roll off her face. This intrigued me.

"Now why should I do that when you're only using it on me?!" I retorted. Rin then opened her eyes and glared at me with anger I've never seen before. She radiated with a deathly aura, that was pretty freaky to be in fact. Like an inner yandere just appeared.

Rin:"Who says it's just you?" She questioned in a dark tone. I slightly shivered at that response and looked to where Lopez was. He was frozen stiff. Not only by the jutsu, but also the personality change in Rin.

Lopez:"Bendito sea el padre. El hijo. Y el espíritu santo. ¡Esto es aterrador como mierda!" (Bless the father. The son. And the holy spirit. This is scary as fuck.) He muttered in a scared tone. I looked back at Rin.

Rin:"Now. Are you two ready to stop?" She still asked in her deathly tone.


Lopez:"Sí." Rin sighed in relief and looked at us with a calmer smile.

Rin:"Good." She said in her normal voice, and I felt my body was able to move again. Rin then walked over to Lopez and I. She took the both of our hands and began pulling us along.

Rin:"Come on! I know this great noodle place!" She chirped cheerfully.

Moreno:"Remind me to never piss her off." She let out a breath of relief and followed after us.

"Please, I just want to not spend time with you low life's. Is that too much to ask for?" I whined to Rin, who was still dragging me along.

Rin:"Yes, and stop being mean. We're going to enjoy ourselves tonight, so don't ruin it with your sharp tongue." She stood firm. I mumbled some curse words, but didn't resist. I would ditch these three at the right moment.

"Fine, but I'm not paying." I lied. Rin flashed me a glad smile, while Lopez gave me a dead look.

Lopez:"Este hijo de puta nos va a abandonar." (This motherfucker is going to ditch us.) The hispanic male inputted, which earned a laugh from the female ninja.

Rin:"Oh Lopez, stop being so funny." She giggled. Suddenly, I noticed a trail of blood leaking from Lopez's nose, plus his brown face was actually turning red.

Lopez:"S-Sí." He stuttered. I internally gagged and looked away.

'What a pleb.' I thought to myself at his cliche shy nature. He should be straight foward, otherwise his hidden feelings for Rin could be dragged out for two volumes before a disappointing reveal.

Rin:"We're here!" Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked forward to see where Rin was pointing.

It was a simple, traditional noodle stand. A bench and stools for the customers. The back had multiple pots steaming with broth. Everything looked normal, aside from the two other customers present.

There was a familiar blond monkey Faunus. He wore a white jacket and no shirt, clearly intending to show off his built body. The other guy had slick blue hair. He wore a red jacket and some goggles.

Monkey:"They'll be okay, right?" The blonde monkey asked the blue haired guy nervously.

Fucboi:"O-Of course! You saw how those four girls handled the fight." He assured in a non-assuring tone. This bit of information intrigued me.

"Hey!" I called out to them. The two guys jumped and screamed at a high octave before whipping around with their weapons pointed.

Monkey:"H-Hey! We don't want any trouble man!"

Fucboi:"Y-Yeah! What he said!" I glared at the two with an annoyed expression.

"I'm not here to kill you. If I wanted, you'd be dead already." I grumbled.

Fucboi:"Well that's assuring." He whispered to his friend. The blonde guy then slowly lowered his staff and looked closer at me.

Monkey:"(Y/n), is that you?" He questioned. I turned to look at him.

"Who wants to know?" I questioned. He gave me a surprised look.

Sun:"It's me, Sun!" He exclaimed, but I did not remember him.

"Sorry, I don't have time to remember side character names." I replied with annoyance, which upset the guy.

Sun:"Hey! You tried to kill me!"

Fucboi:"Wait. Is this the guy you were talking about? The overpowered asshole?" He commented. I grabbed him by the neck of his shirt, and he let out a yelp.

"Chances are, yes. Now tell me about these girls you left to fight for themselves. Or are you too of a bitch to answer that as well?" I asked in a deathly tone.

Moreno:"(Y/n)!" I heard my team leader call out my name. I then looked at the fox Faunus, expecting to hear an earful of complaints.

"What?!" I said in annoyance. Moreno pointed behind me with a shocked look. I looked as well.

Ruby:"Whoaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!" The red riding hood herself screamed in terror, as she held onto a giant robot rolling through the city. I let go of Sun and cleared my throat.

"Well that makes it fucking easier. Care to explain what's going on before I go?" I questioned the monkey.

Sun:"Um, we are trying to capture Roman Torchwick-"

I was already gone.


Ruby POV:

'THIS IS BAD! THIS IS BAD! THIS IS BAD!!!' I internally screamed in my head, as I held on for dear life. As of currently, there was a giant weaponized robot running trough downtown Vale. Worse, it was piloted by none other than Roman Torchwick.

Roman:"You're still there, little red? I guess I'll have to fix that." He cackled before suddenly speeding up. I let out a yelp and gripped onto my scythe harder. It was embedded into the chinks of the robot's armor very well, but I didn't know how long I would be able to hold on myself.

Yang:"Ruby, yang on!" I heard my sister's voice from behind me and glanced back.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M DOING-THIS IS NO TIME FOR PUNS!!!" I cried out in terror, as Roman took another sharp turn. Glancing back, Yang was chasing us with her motorcycle. Weiss rode on the back of the bike, but Blake was missing.

Suddenly, Roman came to a screeching halt. Well more like it tripped on something and toppled over. I somersaulted and dislodged by scythe before landing on my feet. That's when I turned around to see Roman's robot laying on the ground.

"What happened?" I questioned and looked around for an answer. I soon found it when Blake appeared with her weapon's grapple fully extended.

Blake:"You all right?" She asked in a calm, but concerned tone. I nodded yes.

"I'm fine. Thanks for the save." I thanked her. Blake nodded before turning towards an approaching motorcycle.

Yang:"Nice trick there, Blakey." Yang cheered and hopped off her bike. Weiss stumbled off the motorcycle and hobbled over to us. Not that I blame her.

Weiss:"Never again..." She gasped in relief. That's the usual reaction to riding Yang's bike. The blonde rolled her eyes.

Yang:"Oh don't be a baby and let's go capture this guy." She reminded. We all nodded and began approaching the fallen robot. Before we could get any closer, it began to pick itself back up.

Roman:"Okay little runts, I'm going to teach you a lesson to stay away from adult affairs. And it's going to be a painful one!" He roared and punched the ground right in front of us. I backflipped back and then began to circle Roman.

"Okay girls! Check-" I was about to call out our practiced moves, but was interrupted by a deafening thunderclap. It was so loud, that I tripped over myself.

"Oof!" I grunted in pain and fell to the ground. After sitting back up, I looked to check on my friends. Yang was rubbing her ear with her pinky finger. Weiss was covering her ears with a scowl. Meanwhile, poor Blake was curled up on the ground covering her cat ears. It must have been very painful for her.

Blake:"Make it stop!!!" She cried out in pain. I looked at her in confusion. There had only been one thunderclap.

"Blake, what do you-"

???:"SUCK A DICK ROMAN!!!!" Someone suddenly screamed in rage. I looked up in the air to see a (s/c) male in a tattered clothing diving towards Roman. He had a sword that I can smell from anywhere.

"(Y/N)!" I shouted his name in disbelief. What was he doing here? Where did he come from? Why is Blake still in pain? Before I could dwell on those questions, (Y/n) finally reached Roman. Instead of (Y/n)'s usual sheer power destroying everything, the most unexpected thing happened.

His sword completely shattered.

(Y/n):"FUCK!" He yelled in anger before getting smacked away by a robotic hand. I watched as (Y/n)'s body flew into a building and completely collapse it.

Yang/Weiss/Blake/Me:"(Y/n)!" We all shouted in unison.

Roman:"Wait-that was that little bastard? Dammit, let me turn this on." He realized who his new opponent was. A canon then deployed from a hidden chamber on the robot and aimed at where (Y/n) crashed.

Roman:"If this doesn't kill you, I'm going to flip." He grumbled and the weapon began to charge up. I wasn't about to let him kill (Y/n).

"Butterfly! Bumblebee! Go!" I laid out my orders. Everyone nodded.

Weiss/Blake/Yang:"Right!" They began to sprint into position. However, Blake suddenly collapsed onto the ground in pain again. She covered her ears like she was protecting her life.

Yang:"What's wrong Blake?!" She questioned with worry. Blake looked at us in agony.

Blake:"You don't hear them? The voices, they're so loud." She answered forcibly. I didn't know what to do. Surely my teammate wasn't going crazy.

Roman:"That's odd, why is all my power getting drained?" He questioned in confusion. I turned back towards our opponent. The robot seemed to sag a little, like it was losing power. Suddenly, I heard rumbling from (Y/n)'s crash site.

(Y/n):"I'm tired of saving your mother-fucking asses. How about carry your weight?!" He snapped and exploded into the air from the rubble. (Y/n) landed in front of Roman. His left eye and body glowed (f/c), while his right eye glowed silver. It gave him a menacing and menacing look at the same time.

Roman:"Can't you just die? It would save us all from hearing your loud mouth?" Roman complained, as he brought down the robot's fist on (Y/n)'s head. Instead of crushing the male, (Y/n) caught it with minimal ease.

(Y/n):"Sorry, but not sorry. I like fucking people's day up." He retorted before throwing Roman aside. However, the robot landed with ease and readied to attack again. Not only that, Blake began screaming in pain again.

Blake:"Stop it, please!" She pleaded with desperation. I looked at her with uncertainty of how to help. That was when I began to feel a shiver down my spine.

"Something is happening!" I cried out nervously. I looked over to (Y/n). He was wincing in pain? But most importantly, his right hand was reaching for his back pocket.

(Y/n):"I guess it's time to use this." He muttered in a regretful tone before pulling it out. My eyes watched in anticipation, but everyone else was not impressed.

Weiss:"A spoon?! Are you stupid you dolt?!" She shouted angrily at the male.

Yang:"Normally I don't care for jokes, but Blake is in pain!! Not to mention a criminal to fight!" She stated seriously. (Y/n) shot them all an angry glare.

(Y/n):"This is why I hate all of you fucking bitches!" He snapped before focusing back on Roman.

(Y/n):"I'll show you!" He roared, and my instincts were right. That was not an ordinary spoon. All energy around us seemed to attract towards the spoon (Y/n) wielded. I watched the cheap, plastic utensil began to transform.

First the handle shifted into a proper metal sword handle. Then the spoon part extended into a fancy blade. It flashed bright (f/c) before returning to normal. A large sword now replaced the plastic spoon. Most of all, it radiated power.

(Y/n):"It's over, Chokeman Dicklick!" He shouted an slashed with the sword. The pure force of the swing sent a gust of wind our way. I stabbed the blade of Crescent Rose into the ground as an anchor. Weiss did something similar with her Myrentaster. Yang covered for Blake by holding onto her.

Once the wind died down, I looked over at (Y/n). The sword he brought out was resting on the ground with (Y/n) barely holding the handle. He looked drained from using that attack. Never have I ever seen him look so weak.

(Y/n):"Did....did I get him?" He panted heavily. I looked over to the robot Roman stole to see it completely in ashes. However, Roman was nowhere to be seen. I began to panic.

"Oh my gosh! Did you kill him?!?!?" I screamed in terror. (Y/n) shrugged.

(Y/n):"Meh. I give myself a pat on the back." He stated with satisfaction. I couldn't believe how (Y/n) could be so indifferent about death. Then again, he did try to kill me a while back.

Roman:"Whew! Good thing I ejected!" A voice I didn't want to hear, but was glad he was alive. Roman stepped out from behind a destroyed wall with his cane in hand. (Y/n) groaned in irritation.

(Y/n):"Come on! Can't you just die before this volume ends?!" He snapped angrily. Roman shook his head.

Roman:"It will take a lot more than that puny sword to kill me. Plus don't you look a little drained there, (Y/n). Maybe you should lay down." He mocked (Y/n)'s weakened state. (Y/n) scoffed and dropped his sword.

(Y/n):"Fine, but what about bullets?" He questioned casually. Roman tilted his head in confusion.

Roman:"What?" He asked before (Y/n) fired off two shots with his pistols. I couldn't stop him in time, but something odd happened. A sudden pink umbrella opened up in front of Roman and deflected all of (Y/n)'s bullets. The umbrella then lowered to reveal a girl with pink and white hair. She looked like a living Neapolitan ice cream.

(Y/n):"Dammit. It's the ice cream loli bitch." He complained. The girl scowled at (Y/n) and flipped him off. Without hesitation, (Y/n) shot the newcomer, but she and Roman shattered like glass. I looked around for the two and then noticed an airship above.

Roman:"Caio, fuckers!" He cursed and then flew off in the ship. (Y/n) lifted his pistol to shoot, but then collapsed onto one knee.

(Y/n):"Shit, not again." He muttered in disappointment. (Y/n) then turned towards us. We awkwardly looked at each other.

(Y/n):"So.....is Queen of Flat Chests still sucking off the professors?" He broke the silence in a way I didn't prefer.

Weiss:"Hey!" She shouted in offense.

Yang:"What are you doing here?" She questioned skeptically. I then held my scythe defensively. I still didn't trust (Y/n) after the last fiasco. (Y/n) went to say something, but decided otherwise.

(Y/n):"I was around...." He answered vaguely. Yang was about to push more, but we heard pairs of footsteps approach us. I looked to see a built blonde haired girl with a massive sword. A brunette with short hair, purple markings on her face, and looked like a ninja. The last person was head-to-toe in camo and had a sniper rifle.

Blonde:"There you are (Y/n)! We were looking all over for you!" She said with a upset and relieved tone. (Y/n) rolled his eyes and spoke.

(Y/n):"I don't need any of your pussy-ass watching-"

Brunette:"AHEM!!" The female ninja cleared her throat in a threatening manner. (Y/n) sighed and looked at us with a dead expression.

(Y/n):"Thanks for covering for me. Woo hoo." He muttered sarcastically. My jaw dropped in shock. Where was the (Y/n) I knew?

"W-Who are you? Who are you guys to control him?!" I asked in shock. The blonde stepped forward.

Moreno:"I'm Moreno, (Y/n)'s team leader." She introduced herself.

Rin:"I'm Rin. Nice to meet you all!" She greeted cheerfully.

Lopez:"Me llamo Lopez." (My name is Lopez.) He greeted stoically. I made contact with my teammates. They were equally bewildered as I am.


Timeskip brought to you by chibi (Y/n) laughing during the Spiderman scene....

(Third Person POV):

Weiss:"So (Y/n)'s in a team now?"


Yang:"He's not team leader and has to listen to you?"

Moreno:"Yes, but he listens to Rin more."

Blake:"And he saved you guys from a dragon?"


Ruby:"Was it heroic?"

Moreno:"I guess you could say so." The four girls doing the questioning all looked at each other before speaking.

RWBY:"No way!" She shouted in unison. Moreno shrugged.

Moreno:"I was a little shocked myself, but (Y/n) actually did it." She assured. Team RWBY looked over at (Y/n) who was picking up the remnants of Deathwish.

Weiss:'No way that bastard protected these people he hates. He's just a monster. Is he?'

Blake:'I knew it. He really is a (L/n). As much as he wants to hurt others, there's the person I look up to in there.'

Yang:'I don't know, but I'm really turned on right now.'

Ruby:'What was that sword? Can only heroes use it? It was so cool! (Y/n)'s so cool!'

The girls snapped out of the their thoughts and looked back at (Y/n). He bagged his shattered sword and began to approach the group. However, he stopped short, when he saw everyone was looking at him.

(Y/n):"Look, I had to deal with a fucking Thanos meme. Don't give me shit right now." He stated aggressively.

Weiss:"Meme? It sounded like your friend died before you!" She said in disbelief. (Y/n) blew the raspberry and waved it off like it was nothing.

(Y/n):"Please! Pyro does that all the time when he needs to head back to his world I summoned him from. He always pulls some stupid, dramatic Peter Parker shit. Not that I blame him, they kill dragons for fun there. Oh wait, we do that here." He explained. Ruby sighed in a little relief before nervously walking up to him.

Ruby:"Umm, (Y/n)?" She called out nervously. He looked down at her tiredly.

(Y/n):"Yes, loli bitc-"

Rin:"AHEM!" She coughed intentionally. (Y/n) sighed and went silent.

Ruby:"Are you still mad at us from before?" She asked nervously.

(Y/n):"I wouldn't use mad to describe it. Imagine getting to your room only to forget your key, but go get the spare only to find out you had it all along. See that happening everyday. That's how upset I am." He clarified his clear anger.

Weiss:"We apologized!" She interjected.

(Y/n):"Yes. Apologies catch criminals." He said stoically, but still irked the white haired female.

Weiss:"Still, that wasn't grounds for attempting to kill us!" She defended. (Y/n) sighed and looked at us.

(Y/n):'I could drop my diss track right now and have ice queen suffer from third degree burns, but....' He thought to himself and gazed into space.

(Y/n)'s imitation of Pyrrha:'Make peace, you must. Redhead, I am.'

(Y/n)'s imitation of Velvet:'Please be nice to others (Y/n), I don't want you to only have me to spend time with. Cute, playboy, thicc bunny girl out!'

(Y/n):'This is about the best of times to make peace. At least Pyrrha and Velvet will get off my back about this.' He concluded and began to speak.

(Y/n):"I have something cliche to say." He announced and walked over to Ruby. Yang, Weiss, and Blake were about to step in between (Y/n) and Ruby, but Rin stopped them and shook her head. Yang was about to protest, but Rin smiled and pointed at (Y/n).

(Y/n):"Ruby....your pocket sized." He strained in a pained voice to say something nice. Team RWBY looked at him in confusion for actually using Ruby's name, but (Y/n) continued speaking.

(Y/n):"And.....I'm sorry." He finished, which astonished team RWBY. Ruby was the most surprised of all, but quickly recovered and hugged (Y/n) tightly.

Ruby:"I missed you, (Y/n)!" She cheered with joy. (Y/n) looked at the others with a agonized expression.

(Y/n):"Yeah.....same....." He muttered in a questionable tone. After Ruby let go, he approached the other members of Ruby's team.

(Y/n):"I'm sorry Yang for assaulting you and your sister. Plus the potential sexual harassment." He apologized.

Yang:"It's fine. Plus I might have liked it anyways~." She teased. (Y/n) moved on with a weirded out look.

(Y/n):"Blake, I apologize and don't ever bring my family into this again." He half apologized and threatened. Blake smiled gently and nodded.

Blake:"I'm sorry too, but I'm glad we're all okay now." She said in thanks. (Y/n) nodded and turned to the last person. His face scrunched up.

(Y/n):"No! I can't do it guys! Why her? Why her?" He protested at the fact to apologize to Weiss.

Weiss:"Why can't you apologize to me, but you can to the others?!" She questioned in irritation. (Y/n) made a disgusted face.

(Y/n):"Because you're a Schnee. And I hate Schnees." He answered in a very discriminatory tone. Weiss looked offended and was about to snap, but Ruby interrupted.

Ruby:"Whelp! That's good enough for today! Let's all go celebrate our peace and partial victory!" She chanted.

Weiss:"Hey!" She cried out in disbelief.

(Y/n):"Whatever. I'm dipping out." He announced and began to walk away, but Ruby then spoke.

Ruby:"You're not joining us?"

(Y/n) POV:

I turned around to see Ruby making those innocent eyes from before. My will began to crumble already. What doesn't help is my body is completely drained from all the fights. Not to mention my current dire situation.

"No. I'm going to head back to-"

Rin:"Please?" She requested in her cute voice and stood next to Ruby. Lopez began to get a nosebleed, while I might as well accept defeat. They used their ultimate cute charms on me.

My mind:"Don't do it pussy! Be a man! If you give in, you might as well jump off a bridge!" I ignored my suicidal, asshole mind.

"Fine. I'll catch up. I need to do do something first." I agreed reluctantly. Ruby and Rin squealed with joy and hugged each other.

Rin/Ruby:"Yay! Our cute tactics worked!" They cheered.

"You motherfuckers-"

Moreno:"Anyways, well be at the noodle shop we were at with Sun and Neptune." She interrupted.

Yang:"Sun and Neptune? We're definitely going to teach them a lesson." She smirked deviously before joining the others.

Ruby:"I'm just looking forward to seeing that cool sword again!" I heard he young huntress ramble before turning to the last person still here. It was Blake.

Blake:"I heard them." She stated seriously. I sighed and looked into the air.

"Yeah. I know". I said in a regretful tone. Blake walked over to me and suddenly hugged me. It caught me off-guard.

Blake:"I forgive you." She whispered and let go. We looked into each other's eyes before Blake averted her gaze. She then suddenly pecked me on the cheek and began walking away.

Blake:"I-I'll see you there." She stuttered with a blush and sprinted off. I stood there in shock and tried to process what happened.

'What the fuck? You know what, never mind. More important matters.' I looked down at my shattered sword, Deathwish. This was why those voices filled mine and Blake's head.

Because Deathwish was now a dead sword from my battle against the Grimm dragon, I had to use Bloodlust. My reasoning for not using that blade wasn't because of it's strength, but the drawbacks.

What Blake and I heard weren't just any voices. They were the millions of souls that have been reaped by the very sword I used. Now they just want more, and I can feel mine slip away each time I use it.

A/n: Extremely sorry for the wait everyone. I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter. It was a little cringe in trying to transition (Y/n) towards less of an asshole. Let me know what you though of it. Should I keep (Y/n) spitting fire like Eminem from 8 mile or should he be more controlled. Considering the new plot mystery I added, let me know in the comments.

Rate this chapter here. :)

PS: A big reason to why I'm taking a while to update is college, however, there is another reason. I'm feeling the loss of passion in this story. But you all, including me, love this story so much. I just need something to reignite that flame inside. Maybe you all could help out. I've been thinking about converting the flow of the story into more of a RWBY story story telling. Short episodes=short chapter. There will be plot, but not in depth like now. I most likely will continue what I'm doing now, but talk to me.

PPS: There may be another RWBY book coming out that I can definitely fit into my schedule. I think you all will like it. (Y/n) will be a side character, and I'm going to really emphasize on that.

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