A Contract between SuKor (com...

By Sukorian

20.9K 869 413

A contract between SuKor (exclusive Sukor) U, Chakor will be the mistress of Suraj Suraj is the only man in u... More

New story
Chapter one
It happened again
Chapter two
Chapter three {+18}
Chapter four
Update information
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chakor's will
Suraj self
The force +18
The payback
The confrontation
Love or Lust

Suraj anger

676 38 19
By Sukorian


Target 25 votes

Recap: Chakor changed behaviour. Suraj anger...

Suraj was at office and he was shocked to see the contract which was in front of him at his desk. Someone of his staff members is trying to ruin him. He is smart enough to read all the contacts more than once before he signs on them. This time again someone has changed some clauses. He took the file and throws away with anger. The staff members heard it and most of them fears his anger.

His PA come in and looked at him. "Sir, is everything alright?". She asked him as she could sense his changed behaviour. She closed the door and come near him, one hand on his shoulder the other one on his cheek. "Sir? I know what you need now!". She comes closer and starts to kiss him and Suraj pushes her away. "Stay away from me! I told it you earlier and I'm telling you again. Don't cross your limits!". He shouts at her. "Who made this file? Tell me!". He looked at her in anger, which scares her the most.

His PA was frighten, she couldn't move and Suraj didn't gave her any heed. His glare at her was fixed, she struggles to speak, but she tried to explain herself. "I... I... do..don't know?!". Suraj shouts at her. "You don't know! Then What the fucking hell are you doing here? For what am I paying you? You should know who is doing this work! Get up and got of the company you are fired! I don't need someone like you, who isn't able to look after my staff work!". She shook her head. "Sir you can't do this!". She was looking dull and scared. "You can't fire me! I need this job!".

Suraj shook his head. "You need this job! For what? I wonder why I hired you at first place! Get out!". He pulls her up with one hand and pushes her out of his cabin door. "I'm warning you all. If I will get betrayed by anyone of you again, I will fire you all! I will exchange the whole staff membership! Did you got it!". He shouts and made his statement clear.

Chakor has come to the office. She was witnessing it all and for a moment she was hell scared what Suraj could do to the woman. "Suraj?!". She rushes to him and releases his PA from his grip. She was still in the black dress and pushes him inside his cabin.

Suraj was annoyed. "What the hell are you doing here?". Chakor looked at him. "Saving as much as possible. Have you gone mad? How can you behave like this to your employee? You know she can sue you? Have you thought about it?". Suraj pulls her by her hairs in anger, she didn't hisses. Her eyes were showing the same toughness like usually. "Suraj calm down!". Suraj loses his grip off her. "What the hell are you doing here?". He turns away in anger. "Suraj she is your employee, like I am! I come to fulfil my work, you are paying for!". She comes from the back and hugs him. Her hands were on his chest and her chin was resting on his shoulder with closed eyes she was inhaling his fragrance.

Suraj could feel her hot breath near his ear. "Chakor I told you, when I will need you I will call you, you don't need to be here with me! Get lost!". Chakor refuses to him and stayed there, she tries to calm his anger by kissing his earlobe. "Suraj I'm not leaving you! Never!". She hugs him tight and rubs her nose on his shoulder. He too closed his eyes feeling her close to him makes him calm. He places his hands on hers and pulls her in front of him.

Chakor smiles looking at him. "Do you want me to eat you again?". Suraj shook his head. "Go from here! I don't need you!". Chakor pouts. "Suraj do want to fire me? You can't do that you know I read the contract again. I'm yours for at least 2 years, afterwards it is in your decision to keep me longer or not. But you can't fire me before that 2 years aren't over!". She smirks and Suraj shook his head. "What?". Chakor nods looking at him. "You thought I wouldn't read that contract? But I did... and I accepted it!". She smirks looking at him.

Suraj again pulls her forcefully toward him. "What the hell do you mean with 2 years? You are mine as long as I want! I never add in a period of time in my contracts with my mistresses and I haven't started with you!". He stared straight into her eyes. Chakor nods. "Yeah right! I'm yours for a lifetime or not it depends on you! But you should try to calm your anger and as I can see I'm the only one who can distract you, so if you don't mind I think I should be here often!". She caresses his cheeks while cupping him. She comes closer and starts to kiss him...

This time Suraj let her as he felt a relief...

Chakor made him sit on his desk and starts to open his shirt. "Suraj I wonder why, why you are not using me like the other women you had before? I mean to say that, if you had a problem with me, then why didn't you took your Revenge from me, when you had the time more than once?". She looked deep into his eyes. "Say Suraj What is stopping you touching me?".

Chakor was really wanting the answer for this question and Suraj doesn't wanted to tell her. He removes her hands and turns away from her. "Go home!". Chakor refuses. "Why should I? I belong to you, keep me here or sent me free!". She said in stern voice....
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