Back To You (Thranduil Fanfic)

By xTheExecuter

169K 5.4K 1.7K

"What do you mean a child jumped off the bridge?" This is where young Lúthien's story continues, after experi... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty One
Part Twenty Two
Part Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Part Twenty Seven
Part Twenty Eight
Part Twenty Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty One

Part Twelve

5.1K 140 45
By xTheExecuter

In the short six months that Lúthien spent in the hidden valley where the mages sought refuge she had learned a great deal. For some reason Eris never told her where they were exactly, she just happened to pick it up from another persons conversation.

She studied magic almost all day and practiced most of the night, supervised by Eris of course. It was difficult at first, and required lots of patients but Lúthien was determined. Soon she'd become a mage herself. Despite everything being so rushed, Lúthien seemed to be adapting well to all the new techniques.

Although her daily life consisted of hard work and dedication, she often wondered what it'd be like to fight Onna. Sometimes it worried Lúthien how powerful she sounded and if she'd be able to live up to Eris's expectations.

As for her ability to create fire, that she had to learn on her own. There hadn't been many instances where people were able to make it and learn to control it. The dragon's blood was sacred and normally kept hidden from others. Dragons themselves weren't rare, but capturing them was extremely difficult and collecting blood even more so. Most people who sought out its magical properties ended up perishing because their bodies couldn't handle its power. And for some reason, it didn't seem to be effecting her negatively.

During the time she spent practicing her new skill, Eris spent studying her. The way she moved, how she felt, her responses to different things. She did everything she could to try and understand her power, but it felt wrong to her. Everything about it made her feel anxious. Of course she never brought it up to Eris, she didn't want to trouble him with such nonsense.

Even though most of the mages lived in the valley where all the grass grew and the animals resided, Eris and Lúthien remained in a cave inside one of the mountains. That's where she practiced and studied, oddly enough she wasn't allowed to leave without him. She didn't understand why, but then again it wasn't like she had anywhere to go anyway.

Even though she wasn't allowed to leave without him, it's not like he was with her all the time. Lúthien enjoyed her time alone to rest and do nothing but relax. Her chambers were quite large and she had a large balcony  that overlooked the entire valley. The view was beautiful at night when the stars shone brightly. It was her favorite thing to do when she wasn't otherwise occupied, it felt familiar and comforted her in a way she couldn't put into words. Watching them glimmer diminished her worries completely, she often fall asleep beneath them rather than in her own bed.


One night she had fallen asleep on her balcony, she used her magic to keep herself warm throughout the night. Normally she wouldn't have awaken until at least dawn, but something shook her entire core. She jolted awake and immediately rose to her feet, prepared to face whatever had awaken her. But she didn't find anything that could've possibly done so in her chambers.

There was something calling Lúthien from beyond the confines of her bedroom. It wasn't a voice though, something internal was pulling her. So she left her bedroom and made her way down the darkened corridor. Eventually she reached a door and once opened she discovered a set of stairs that descended in a spiral.

"It's dark, don't go." There was a voice in the back her mind that attempted to get her to turn around. She simply scoffed at it, and ignited a flame in her palm

"The dark doesn't effect me anymore." She never heard that voice again

After walking for a solid twenty minutes she arrived at the bottom of the stone staircase there were large tunnels spreading out in all sorts of directions. The invisible string that tugged her heart pulled again with a bit more force to the tunnel to her left. It startled her enough to begin running in that exact direction. Lúthien realized that the farther she ran, the larger the tunnel grew.

Suddenly there was this chest vibrating growl that stopped Lúthien dead in her tracks. Nothing was visible in the darkness, even with her flame. Slowly she continued approaching the darkness and eventually she found a large set of bars.

"A cage?" She thought to herself

"Yes." The voice replied, Lúthien immediately took a step back

"You can hear my thoughts?"

"Only when I feel like it."

"What are you?"

"Why don't you come in here and find out?" Lúthien thought for a moment before accepting the creature's proposal, she was small enough to fit through the gate.

So she continued past the sturdy bars of the cage and stride through yet another cave. This one ran deep into the mountain, it was large enough to fit a full sized dragon. As Lúthien made her way around the corner, she could see a light. The moonlight shone through various cracks on the side of the mountain.

"You asked what I was, I am the very being that saved your life. My blood flows through your veins, therefore we are connected."

Lúthien looked around and she still couldn't see the creature that spoke, but she pondered the words it had said.

"You're the one who brought me down here, the one who has gifted me the power fire." She said holding up her flame "You're a dragon aren't you?" The creature said nothing, instead it stepped into the moonlight

"Barely." As Lúthien looked the dragon over, she could see all sorts of scars and cuts, even holes in its wings. The beast was enormous, it's claws sharp and it's teeth even sharper. But it's wings, were beaten and damaged.

"You're hurt, I think I can heal your wings." She took one step

"No!!!" The beast roared, shaking the entire mountain "I've suffered enough because of you mage!"

"Then why did you bring me all the way down here?" Lúthien challenged, continuing to walk towards it

"I was actually going to eat you." Her body halted

"What changed your mind?"

"I find you a lot more useful alive."

"What is your name? Do you have one?"


"That's quite an intimidating name, Abraxsis. I like it very much. I'm sure you already know my name."


"So you said you found me more useful alive, did that mean you wanted me to mend your wings or not?"

"Be my guest." Abraxsis shifted so that she'd be able to reach his wing. Little did she know she was being tested the entire time. It wasn't until he fully extended his wing that Lúthien could see how many gaping holes there were.

"My god, who did this to you?" Gently she placed a hand on wing, and planted a simple kiss upon it. "Mother Earth, please mend the tears your child bears. Father Sky, allow him to fly with you once again." She whispered softly before stepping away and walking over to the other one. Lúthien then kissed his other wing, which had begun mending.

Once finished he carefully outstretched both his wings beside him, admiring Lúthien's work. She looked up at how wide his wingspan was, it seemed they were powerful enough to create a hurricane.

"Eris." He spoke, lowering his head

"I'm sorry?"

"You asked who did this to me."

"Eris did this to you?"

"He has all of us imprisoned here beneath the mountain."


"Other dragons are trapped here with me. He's been hunting them, torturing and testing. Trying to find the solution."

"Solution for what?"

"The ultimate weapon, someone who'll lead his legions of soldiers in the most horrific war anyone has ever seen. Someone with the will to lead and the courage to ride dragons into battle."

"Me." Lúthien breathed

"You're the first person his test has ever worked on. He's been trying to find a way to control people's minds, trying to keep them here to fight for him and his sorceress Onna. Where do you think he keeps finding people to teach magic to?"

"He's been recruiting mages for his armies."

"You might not have been able to see through his lies but all of us down here know what's really coming."

"He spoke about a war."

"I don't know how they expect us to fight in their war when we've been trapped down here for years. Some more than others. I'm sure they're trying to find a way to control us, which is why we've all been trying to remain strong. To not be broken."

"How long have you been here?"

"I'm not sure anymore, it's been far too long to know for sure."

"Why haven't you tried to escape."

"I tired once, but you saw what he did to my wings. And besides, as long as Eris is alive the barrier around the valley will remain intact."

"So if he's dead, the barrier will fall?"


"There's no way in hell I'm leading these bastards into war, I won't fight for them. And neither will any of you."

"What are you proposing exactly?"

"I'll kill Eris, but not right away. I need to wait until I'm absolutely ready, in the meantime I'll come down here and heal every single one of you so that when the time comes you'll be ready to take back your freedom."

"You would do that?"

"You saved my life, maybe not intentionally. But it's fair, a life for a life."

"Lúthien, just know that Eris is one powerful mage. If you're going to kill him, you'll have to rip out his heart and burn his body."

"Is there anything else I should know?"

"Proceed with caution."



Lúthien immediately jerked awake, finding herself sitting on her balcony and the sun rising. The events of last night began replaying in her head, she knew it was to real to have been a simple dream. She would kill Eris, not only for herself but also for the dragons.


As the weeks rolled by Lúthien continued training and studying just like she normally would. Only, every other night she'd make her way down the stone staircase to heal the imprisoned dragons. Everything seemed to be going well for a while.

One evening though, after she had already retired to her chambers for the night, there was a knock at Lúthien's door. She had been reading a book that was dragon related which she immediately shoved underneath her bed.

When she got up to answer the door, she was surprised to find Eris standing outside. He seemed out of place, he defiantly wasn't himself. When he passed through the threshold, it was clear that he was absolutely drunk.

"Eris? What are you doing here? Is there something else I need to do?"

"Yeah, do me a favor and take off that ridiculous outfit of yours."

"Eris you're drunk, just go back to your room."

"Didn't you hear me? I said take that off! Now!"

"You need to leave." Lúthien began walking towards the door, but it slammed shut before she could reach it

"Fine, I'll do it myself."

"What are you-" and suddenly, she couldn't speak

"Now, I want you to lie down on that bed." Despite her mind completely protesting, her legs walked over to her bed and did exactly what was asked

"Good." He purred

"Let's get this stupid shirt off so the real fun can begin." She tried to move, but her body remained frozen

"No no no no!!" She screamed, but nothing came out

Eris continued and removed her buttoned shirt by pulling straight off as if it were nothing. Simmering tears fell from the corner of Lúthien's eyes as he began placing sloppy kisses up and down her neck.

"It's kinda cute seeing you struggle like this." He whispered

"No, I won't give in...I can't."

He reached for Lúthien's undergarment and began pulling it down by the straps. His touch somewhat repressed her powers, but not enough to where she couldn't use them. Eris pawed at her chest, and Lúthien grew furious enough to the point where her skin boiled in anger. He obliviously noticed this which was why he immediately pulled away.

"What the hell?"

"GET...OFF OF ME!" Lúthien snarled, willing her body to move as if her life depended on it. With all her might she grabbed hold of Eris by his neck and began choking him. She didn't have enough strength to ignite a flame, but there was enough energy to make her hand hot enough to burn his skin.


Unfortunately all he had to do was place his palm on her cheek and she'd instantly fall asleep. It was the last thing Lúthien could remember before everything faded away into darkness.

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