The Legacies (PJO/HOO)

By CharityMoon

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When mysterious legacies show up at camp claiming to be from the future, and not knowing who they are, the Se... More

Chapter 1: Hera's Blessed Legacies
Chapter 2: Do You Think It's Ours?
Chapter 3: We Have A Future
Chapter 4: A Glimpse Of The Future
Chapter 5: More Future To See
Chapter 7: A Helper You Thought You Knew
Chapter 8: Lovesick Teenagers
Chapter 9: Oh Sacred Ping-Pong Table
Chapter 10: Amber Orange
Chapter 11: I Don't Like Being Pregnant
Chapter 12: September 1st, 1989
Chapter 13: Unlucky Numbers
Chapter 14: Well, That Was Fun
Chapter 15: I Can't
Chapter 16: A Mandatory Explanation
Chapter 17: Calm Hides A Storm

Chapter 6: Tests

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By CharityMoon

This is basically every time the couples realized they were pregnant. It's important to the story, and it's fluffy. What's better than that?

They're all third person POV :)

okay let's go then


Pick up, pick up!

Another part of Annabeth was thinking:

Ignore me please, ignore me please!

But it was Percy. What did she expect?

"Annabeth?" he asked. "Everything okay?"

"Get to camp. It's a big deal," Annabeth ordered.

"What? Why? What happened?" Percy asked.

"I think I'm pregnant." The line went dead.

Annabeth sighed. Of course Percy would stay with his mom. Why would he want a kid? They're twenty-six, too young for this. They only got married three months ago, too. Of course Percy got scared off.

Oh, but little did Annabeth know, she was just having mood swings. In all reality, Percy was zooming  to camp, excited and nervous at the same time.

The test was sitting on the bathroom counter. She hadn't checked yet. Annabeth was ready to look when the front door slammed open.

"Annabeth?!" Percy called frantically.

"In here," she whimpered. He sped into the bathroom, terrified by her state. Messy hair, bloodshot eyes, and yet, she was still gorgeous to him. But it scared him to see her like this, she hadn't been this was since Tartarus.

"Did you check?" he whispered. Annabeth shook her head softly.

"Wanna check together?" Percy comforted. Annabeth's eyes watered, and nodded.

He grabbed the blonde's hand and pulled her close. "Ready?" she asked him.

Percy smirked. "As long as we're together."

"In 3," she started.



They slowly flipped over the test, where two lines were obviously shown.

Percy whipped the test into the trash can and pulled Annabeth into a firm kiss, one so loving, it made Annabeth all giddy. They could only process one thing in that moment:

I'm having a kid.


"So. Another kid, you think?" Percy smirked.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. They were twenty-seven now, and she had questioned being pregnant. "Maybe," she hummed.

Percy pulled her into the classic big-spoon little-spoon position. "Well I sure hope so."

"Can we name it Thalia?" Annabeth asked hopefully.

Percy laughed. "If it's a girl, yeah. But I was hoping we'd name a daughter of ours after Zoe Nightshade, considering she saved out butts, and-"

"Okay, yeah. But like Leah, let's put a spin on it."

"Why are we talking about this? We don't even know if you're pregnant," Percy pointed out.

"I've already had a daughter. I know what it feels like to be pregnant, Seaweed Brain."

"Well, if you are pregnant with a girl, let's name it Zoella."

"That sounds like the YouTuber."

"Crap, you're right...Zoelle?"

Annabeth laughed. "Sure, Seaweed Brain. Whatever you want."


"Another kid? We gotta calm down, huh?" Percy laughed at his beautiful wife.

"Ha ha, funny funny," Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"So. Girl or boy?" he asked.

"Still a girl."

"But we've had two girls! I want it to be a boy. Then we can name it Luke."

"You're right," Annabeth smiled.

"I'm sorry, did you just say I was right?" Percy faked astonishment.

"Yeah, yeah. Get over it," Annabeth laughed.


This had to be a prank. They were just joking with her! I caught you, gods! You can stop with the joke now!  There was no way Piper McLean Grace was pregnant  with Jason Grace's child. 

What should she do? Did Jason even want  a kid? She seriously doubted it.

Piper wacked her head on the wall. "You're fricking kidding me," she muttered, as she looked at the test. Positive.

She took a deep breath. "Okay, okay. Chill, Piper. Just...go tell him."

The charmspeak must've worked on her own body or something, because Piper guided her way out of the bathroom. She slid on a big shirt, and walked out of the Aphrodite Cabin. As she got closer to the Zeus Cabin, her breathing hitched. I'm doing this. I can't believe I'm doing this.

She knocked on the door. Quietly. If she was being completely honest, she didn't want to be here. She wanted to be hiding in her room, crying. Of course she wanted a family with Jason! It was just so much to take in. She never even thought she'd live to see the day she started a family.

But nooooo, Jason had  to hear.

"Yeah? Oh, hey Pipes!" he smiled. His smile quickly faded when he saw Piper's concerned face. "What...what's wrong? Did I do something wrong? Because I swear I can fix it."

Piper shook her head. "Just...just let me inside." Jason obeyed, and closed the door behind her. He sat beside her on his bed and pulled her into his grasp.

"Why are you upset?" he asked her, face in her hair.

Piper sighed. "I...I'm pregnant? Yeah. Yeah, I'm pregnant."

Jason's breathing stopped, his heart skipped a beat or two. Then his heart started beating out of his chest. He looked up at her. "You''re what?"

"I'm, errr, I'm kinda pregnant."

Jason's eyes gleamed. His shocked mouth formation turned up. It got brighter, and brighter. "Seriously? This isn't a joke?" he asked excitedly. Piper shook her head, laughing a little.

Jason pulled Piper to him, kissing her happily. "I love you, I love you so freaking  much," he confessed. "And I love whoever is in your stomach right now, too."

Piper smiled brightly. "You're sure? You're sure you want this?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know. I was scared, I guess."

"Ugh, mood swings already?"

"Shut up, Sparky."


It had been three years. Three years since Piper was last pregnant. Three years since Griffin Leon Grace was born. And now Piper's sure she's pregnant again.

She wobbled past Griffin's nursery, heading to her room, trying not to have morning sickness. But here's the issue: Jason and Piper aren't on best terms right now.

Well, obviously they are, how would Piper be pregnant otherwise? But they recently had a fight, and Jason and Piper were not  taking it well. So this, this could've easily topped the first time she had told Jason she was pregnant, any day. In Piper's opinion.

She knocked. Silence. Knocked again. Silence. Knocked again. "Jason?"

Piper heard shuffling in the room. "Yeah, Pipes - err, Piper?"

"Can...can I come in?"

"It's your room, too, isn't it?"

She walked into her room, slowly, and closed the door, so Griffin wouldn't hear his parents if they fought.

"So, uh, what's up?" he asked her. Piper sighed, and a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry. What's wrong?" Jason comforted.

She won't admit to this, but she buried her face in his shirt. "I'm so sorry," she cried.

He softened in her presence. "About...about what?"

"The fight. It was stupid. And now I'm pregnant, and-"

Jason stopped listening right after that word. His vision tunneled, and he remembered the first time she had said that. Knowing Piper, she probably didn't even know she dropped the secret.

"Wait, you're pregnant?" he asked her. Piper's eyes grew wide and she facepalmed. 

"Did I just..." she muttered.

"Wait, so you are  pregnant?" he asked. Piper nodded.

He threw her into his arms. "Oh my gods, another kid?" he smiled. Piper was shocked, but eventually melted into his arms.

"You're...not mad?"

"You said that last time. And you should know that I'm not."

"Well, yeah, I'm pregnant."

And you should know, they haven't had a fight like that since.


Hazel knew  she was pregnant. She didn't even have to take a test! She had heard all of Piper and Annabeth's complaints from when they were pregnant with their children, all five times. 

The question was, how was she going to tell Frank?

She knew he was too much of a teddy bear to say he was upset. Hazel knew he would be happy. It was the part of saying she was pregnant out loud that scared her.

"Frank, I'm pregnant," she said into the mirror. She shook her head. "Um, Frank, I'm kinda pregnant," she tried again. Hazel groaned.

"You're pregnant?"

Hazel spun around, only to see Frank blushing madly. "Frank?"

He scratched the back of his neck. "Is that true?"

Hazel nodded. "Well...maybe a little..."

Frank ran over to her and enveloped her into a bear hug, not literally.


Calypso sat on Festus's back, waiting for Leo to get back. They were going on another little vacation around the world, and Calypso was exhausted.

She had a good feeling she was pregnant, but she didn't want to get Leo's hopes up. She didn't want another episode like last time.

Last time. Oh, only the worst moment in all of Calypso's thousands of years of life. When their to-be-daughter, Piper Valdez, died, because Calypso was unable to have kids. She guessed it had to do with her curse.

But now, now she had been sure for about four months. That would mean she was in her second trimester, and hadn't even checked if she was pregnant.

But she knew she had to tell Leo.

"I'm back! Now, Sunshine, how are you and the kids going?"

Calypso almost choked on her own spit. "What?"

Leo laughed. "Aphrodite told me in a dream. You know, that you're pregnant? With twins, too."

"You mean I can have kids?"

Leo nodded. "Aphrodite blessing."

Calypso jumped off of Festus into Leo's arms. "Oh my gods, oh my gods, oh my gods!" she cried. Leo and Calypso stayed that way for a long time.


Katie dropped the test. It had said positive.

"Katie? Katie, you okay?" Travis called for his wife.

"Fine!" she yelled back. But she knew how much of a lie that was. ", Travis, come here!"

Travis sped into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around Katie's waist, resting his head on Katie's. "Yeah?"

"I...We're pregnant."

Travis spun Katie around and looked her in the eyes. "S...Seriously? You're not working with Connor or something? Or Lou Ellen? You're not pranking me?"

Katie shook her head. "I'm scared."

Travis kissed and hugged her. They eventually were sitting on the floor, cuddling. 

"We're starting a family," Travis muttered.

Katie weakly laughed. "Yeah, yeah, I guess we are."


Clarisse ran right past Chris and threw up in the toilet. He held her hair back.

"What have you been eating?" he laughed, but Clarisse didn't think it was so funny.

"Less than I should! Because I'm freaking pregnant!" she scolded.

Chris dropped her hair. He brought her up, and wiper her mouth with a towel. He was surprisingly calm.

"Aren't you surprised?" Clarisse asked.

"Took you long enough to figure it out," Chris said, before hugging her.

"You...knew? And didn't tell me?" she asked.

"I didn't think it was polite for a husband to ask his wife if she was pregnant." Clarisse sighed, and rolled her eyes.


"A KID?!" Nico shrieked. Will steadied the panicked son of Hades.

"We're blessing her to you. If that's alright," Aphrodite smiled warmly.

"I - yes, yes of course!" Will smiled. Nico gaped at him.

"Are you crazy?! I'd be a horrible father!"

"Oh shut up. Yes, we'll accept the daughter."

Aphrodite smiled. "Thank you, boys. She'll arrive at your house soon. The Fates know when. Ta ta!"

Nico stood in shock and Will smirked, as Aphrodite left CHB.

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