Blazing Crystal

By FaithHarris8

361K 9.3K 5.6K

(Revised Version in separate story. Check my profile under my other works to find it) "Me, you idiot! I love... More

Frozen in Ice
Meeting Fire
Stubborn Water
Boiling Tea
Heated Battle
Moonlight Song
Fire Lily
Cooling The Flame
Hot Springs
Streaming Heart
Flowing Friendship
Raging Storm
Budding Passion
Two Worlds Apart
Heal Me
Dark Water
No Turning Back
A New Journey
Flowing River
Fighting the Current
The Wilderness
Black Flakes
Song of the South
Forbidden Romance
Barren Wasteland
Fates Harsh Truth
Hard Topics
The Gang
The Southern Water Tribe Warriors
An Endless Journey
A Hopeful Journey
Taking Down the Beast
The Search
The Right Path
Tides of Change
The Rescue
A Taste of Victory
Family Conflictions
Bad Luck Charm
The Leopard-Seals Prey
Water and Fire
Her Prince Charming Part 1
Her Prince Charming Part 2
Not His Father
Team Avatar
My Reflection
Rotten Fruit
Burning Flame
Sea Ravens Part 2
Blood Moon
Dark Craters Part 1
Dark Craters: Part 2
Into the Pit
Endless Night Part 1
Endless Night: Part 2
A New Day
The Mend
Scars Run Deep
Courage or insanity
Flight or Fight
The Sage
Merciless Melon
The Reunion
Fire Lord Zuko
Fire Lady Crystal
Epilogue: Happily Ever After
A/N: Thank you! And New ATLA Story

Sea Ravens Part 1

3.5K 91 15
By FaithHarris8

Okay readers... Just an FYI... And please don't kill me for this, but I am switching up the order of the episodes. Since Katara is on good terms with Zuko, I was thinking in my head that I needed to get the Southern Raiders episode going somehow. Well, I think I have figured it out, and it will be this chapter. Yes, I am aware that they don't go after the killer of Kya until after the eclipse, but honestly from here on out the story kind of has to take its own course. Some of the episodes will be included. Others will not. You'll find out which ones as more chapters are posted. Things had to change a little since Zuko hit the group much earlier, so just give it a chance and I promise I will make it just as exciting as the show.

Third Person POV


The double doors swung open wide, and Princess Azula stepped into the room with a tight jaw. Her father, who was seated alone at the head of the large dining table that overlooked the palace garden, placed his chopsticks down calmly upon his daughter's arrival.

"You told my assassin not to kill her!"

She stepped up to the opposite end of the table with fury and slammed her palms on the finely polished wood.

"She's the enemy father, and the only reason Zuko has joined those brats who are trying to end you! Once she is dead, he will come back to us! I thought that's what you wanted! You wanted your son to return so you could make him remember what side of the war he belongs on and control him!"

Ozai kept his composure, deciding to let his daughter have her tantrum. He would punish the guard later who let Azula barge in unannounced and ruin his lunch.

"Princess Azula..." Ozai remained calm even though he wanted to scold her for her improper actions and disrespect towards him. "You are a very wise daughter, and you have never betrayed me. I want you to be happy and remember how proud I am to have one of my children so set on the path at hand. However, you are mistaken." Her jaw dropped in protest, but he spoke so she wouldn't interrupt. "Killing your brother's precious waterbender will not gain the results you seek."

He stood and calmly stepped around the table towards his daughter who shut her jaw realizing she shouldn't argue.

"Killing the waterbender will only cause your brother rage and have him come for you and I's throats. Your brother is a powerful fighter, and as much as I know you can take him I would prefer it not come to that." He stopped in front of Azula and slowly placed a hand on her shoulder. "I intercepted your assassin because I have other plans for the girl." She went to argue again, but Ozai held a hand up to silence her. "I know you want the girl to suffer, and you will have that chance. But first, we need the girl as bait to lure your brother here. Once we get the waterbender and Zuko comes to her rescue, then your time will come to torture her as you please."

Azula was stunned by her father's words, and then she understood.

"Oh. I see! You're going to scare him into obedience by making him watch the waterbending freak suffer. When he sees the only way her pain will end is by submitting to your will, we will have my brother on our side again." She smiled devilishly. "What a wonderful plan father!"

He turned his lip up, but in a sinister way. "Yes.... Now that we are on the same page, return to your friends so I may finish my meal."

Azula nodded with satisfaction, bowed to her father in respect, and then turned to leave. The door shut behind her, and Ozai's sneer fell. In its place was a scowl.

"Foolish girl..." He shook his head. "That waterbender has become a valuable tool to this war... her death will ruin all my plans..." He spoke to himself, letting his madness loose. "No one will ever think of attacking me while the Avatar's friend and this world's waterbending sweetheart is by my side... She will be my way to victory. The Avatar will never hurt me as long as that girl is in the way of his strike."

He grinned.

"And my son will never hurt me knowing to do so would kill the one he loves." Ozai pulled the drawing he had of the girl out of his robe pocket and stared at the young woman with the scar. "You are my assurance to victory, Daughter of the Southern Water Tribe... with you all my plans will be possible and I will be invincible." He smirked. "It's a good thing my men did not kill you the day I sent them to annihilate you and the other waterbenders seven years ago. Their failure will be my victory..."

Crystal POV

The sun beat down on me as I scanned the stall I had approached in the busy Fire Nation plaza.

It had been two days since leaving Piandao's castle, and we'd been forced off course momentarily for Aang to go to Avatar Roku's old home which was just an island of cooled magma. There Aang had a spiritual meeting with Roku, while the rest of us waited nearby in anticipation for what he was being told. Zuko was horrified to find out from Aang that his great-grandfather, Avatar Roku, died a hundred years ago because his other great-grandfather, Fire Lord Sozin, would not save him.

The story seemed to go that Avatar Roku and Fire Lord Sozin were childhood friends, and as Fire Lord Sozin grew vain and avaricious their friendship fell apart. Power became the sole purpose of Fire Lord Sozin's life. Avatar Roku feared for the other nations and was against Sozin's plan towards expanding the Fire Nation. Since Roku was the only thing that could stop the Fire Lord from his victory, Sozin found that letting his friend die was the only way to conquer the world.  As Roku was trapped on his island home and the volcano's magma came towards him, Sozin flew off on his dragon leaving Roku and his own dragon, Feng, to die.

The news upset Zuko greatly, but Aang was encouraging.

"It's okay, Zuko."  Aang smiled placing a hand on the pained prince's shoulder. "Avatar Roku wanted me to tell you he is proud of you for the events that have passed. He said our friendship is a way to rekindle the bond that he and Sozin lost a hundred years ago, and to repair the nations that have been so terribly divided."

Zuko was comforted to hear his great-grandfather was proud of the choices he'd made joining Aang and the group. He was also glad to hear Aang thought of him as a friend.

After leaving Roku's home, we headed back in the direction where we'd meet the others for the invasion. We were still ahead of schedule, so we didn't mind stopping to give Appa another days' rest. Piandao had slipped Sokka some spending money when he had escorted my family out of his home the other day, so we had a reason to browse through the market.

While my sister and Aang looked at Fire Nation pottery, Toph felt clothes, and the other two browsed at a stall with weapons, I broke away getting lost in the excitement of the busy market. I had wandered around the plaza of the Fire Nation village we were in for a good amount of time when a stall caught my attention that had many exotic items. From traveling with Iroh, I had found a great interest in items from different cultures both new and old. The stall I approached seemed to have objects from all areas of the world. There were pearls from the sea, stones of different texture and color, rare gems, wooden carved artifacts, clothing of all shade, and a shopkeeper that seemed more engaged in counting his money than greeting his actual customers.

As I scanned over the items with interest, taking in the details and variety, I found my gaze stop on a familiar pendant flag and every bit of my excitement drained away. Time seemed to stop, and my surroundings faded as I stared at the image that brought dread upon me.

My heart pounded heavily in my chest as I stared at the fabric that rested flat on the wooden table. I could not take my eyes off of the worn and faded object that was being sold as if it were a rare gem worthy of possession. As blood pumped through my ears, sweat started to bead down my forehead. The image took me to a time I tried for so long to forget.

Staring at the monster before me, my eyes were blurred by tears. "You killed her! You killed her!"

The man in the helmet with metal wings jutting on both sides, curled his lip and tightened his fists. His eyes showed darkness. "I did. Waterbenders are pathetic. They deserve nothing more than death."

I stood then, my body pulsing with fury as I blocked the evil man from my mother's body. "You killed her!"

He scowled and looked at his comrade who stood behind him. His comrade held his spear with a firm grip, and on the spear was a fine red flag with a black bird image dangling from where the pole and spearhead met. "I just realized... If that wench was a waterbender, this runt is probably one as well." He suddenly held a flame in his hand. "It's better to take care of this matter now. I'd rather not come back here again." He looked back down at me with nothing but darkness. "You want mommy... I'll send you right behind her!"

My finger, shaking from fear, brushed over the fabric of the small decorative flag and along the red and black stitching. The stitching blurred together into the horrible image of a bird... Not just any bird though... A sea raven. There was only one time I had seen such an image, on a much smaller flag, and it had been dangling from a spear that blocked mother and I's escape on that horrible day.

"Ah. I see you have found something to peak your interest, miss..." A male voice spoke bringing me back to present. "That there was my father's before he retired from his second commander post. Second Commander Hung Wei of the Southern Raiders. Perhaps you heard of him? The Southern Raiders are a valuable fleet that have held wonderful accomplishments in this war."

The thirty-some-year-old shopkeeper with black hair and a goatee spoke about his father with such pride as he picked up the flag which was probably used for decoration in his father's cabin. It was probably hanging on the wall as my mother screamed. As my people died. As that monster showed no mercy.

"Cool story about my father..." He spoke on, not realizing my true feelings. "He helped lead the well-known raid on the South Pole which captured the last waterbender there..." He grimaced. "At least at the time it did, I mean."

He looked around and then leaned forward.

"Turns out they missed two. You heard about the Fire Lord's son falling for the Southern Water Tribe chief's daughter after capturing her for being a waterbender, right? And her sister is one too! Almost gave my dad a spell when he found out they had missed a few. He wrote a nasty letter to Yon Rha who was the one who went into the Chief's hut and failed to capture all of the waterbenders that day."

My fist tightened at his statement. Yon Rha...

The man spoke on. "His mistake is the only thing screwing up the name of the Southern Raider's right now. It's a good thing that man is retired. Anymore mistakes and we'd probably lose this war. The Fire Lord must've been furious when he learned about the waterbending sisters. Especially now that one has stolen the heart of his son."

He stood up straight again and shook his head.

"Such a shame. Everyone thought Prince Zuko would be our future Fire Lord. Now he's just a traitor."

My teeth grit at his insult towards my fiance and the twisted story he'd just told me. The information soaked into my brain as his words replayed over and over.

Yon Rha... That had to be him... The name of the killer... The man who burned me...

My eyes shot between the foolish shopkeeper who was indeed the town gossip, over to the flag, back to the fool, and again to the flag. As rage started to boil within me, I spoke at last with malice. "You know... You should double check your facts. I wouldn't be proud of your father or his fleet... I heard that they didn't capture the waterbender they went there for that day. They killed her in cold blood."

He was stunned by my reveal, and quickly protested. "What are you talking about, kid? That is foolish! Whoever told you that doesn't know what they are saying! They are spewing lies about events they know nothing about! My father and his men were all honorable! Even Yon Rha, despite the fact he overlooked the waterbenders. My father told me they took the waterbender captured to a secure location when they returned to the Fire Nation. She's probably still there today. Father would've never allowed his men to kill the one they were sent to apprehend."

My head spun as his foolish words only sent me into more frustration. His defense towards the very monsters that took my mother and hurt me sent my blood boiling. "You know nothing about the Southern Raiders. You're the one spewing lies..."

He was immediately appalled by my words. His eyes narrowed in immediate suspicion, and he went to question me for my accusation. However, his next words were cut short. A pot of water at the stall beside the one I'd stopped at suddenly cracked to pieces as the water pressure within grew too intense. The man jumped at the sudden noise of shattered pottery and looked over at the damage with surprise. His neighbor and owner of the pot rushed over to examine his shattered object with bewilderment.

"Hey! There you are," Zuko suddenly said, his voice breaking through my rage causing me to release my fist but not soothing my fury. "I've been looking everywhere for you. The others are ready to head back." He grabbed my arm to get my attention. When he saw my gaze was on something else, he followed it to the flag that the man still held in his hand. His hold on my arm wavered when he saw what had gotten my attention.

Zuko was familiar with fleets and their symbols. He'd studied war and politics most of his childhood. He realized just what was wrong as soon as he saw the image before him. Zuko had heard my story, and although I never mentioned it was the Southern Raiders who killed my mother, he had gathered more information from his Uncle about that horrible day. Zuko knew the Southern Raiders killed my mother, invaded my village, and hurt my people. He knew what that flag meant to me.

As understanding came over him, he tried to calm me.

"Hey..." He spoke soft into my ear so the man wouldn't hear. The shopkeeper was still distracted as he gazed at his neighbor who was salvaging the pieces to his broken pot. "We need to go. Let's get you out of here... Before you break another pot..." He managed to drag me away before I could argue with the shopkeeper further and blow our cover. I only followed because his hand was guiding me. My thoughts were elsewhere as everything that man said rushed through me.

Giving the Southern Raiders a bad name? Yon Rha and his father good men? Waving that filthy flag around like it is a beautiful and honorable memory...

I grit my teeth harder as my eyes burned with tears that threatened to spill. My face grew hot, my fist tightened more, and a barrel's lid in an alley shot off as water exploded out of the container. Zuko's grip tightened and his speed increased. He had led me through the plaza towards my family, and my thoughts continued to race with that man's foolish words.

My mom... Still in a prison today? That bastard is wrong... She's not locked up! She's dead! Stabbed by a man named Yon Rha! A man who tried to kill me too!

"Guys. We have to go," Zuko spoke to the group we'd approached who were all gathered by a fountain waiting for us. When another barrel exploded and sent the lid flying at another stall nearby, followed by the shout of a townsperson, the group understood.

"What happened?" Sokka's worried voice broke through my ears, and I knew it was because he was still on high alert about Sparky Sparky Boom Man.

Another assassin sent after a waterbender... Another innocent life the Fire Nation wanted dead.

Apprehend... That shopkeeper was a fool. Murder! That's what those beasts did! They murdered my mom!

"Not here," Zuko spoke. "Let's get out of here before she sends this whole town underwater." He dragged me along again, and the others followed.

"Hey! Knock out of it!" Sokka shook my shoulder as a teapot at a tea shop spat water out of its spout. I grit my teeth as my eyes burned with tears. "What happened? This isn't like you."

"They aren't good," I spoke, my voice tight as I shut my eyes to try and calm the rage in me. "He doesn't know anything..."

"What are you talking about?" Katara tried. "What happened?"

She must've asked Zuko the second question, because he tightened his grip on my hand and answered, "She saw a flag with the symbol of the fleet who killed your mom. The shopkeeper selling it must've said something. I didn't catch the whole conversation though. I could see whatever it was really upset her."

The group was stunned by this reveal, and then they understood.

"Alright... Let's get out of here," Aang suggested. "We're attracting too much attention as it is."

Sokka suddenly grabbed my shoulder and forced me to turn towards him while the others started to walk again. Zuko released me when this happened, letting Sokka take over.

"Crystal..." Sokka spoke firm, but with concern. "Stop... Look at me..."

As I met Sokka's eyes, which were full of understanding, time seemed to stop again. Sokka's eyes, which were the same blue tint mothers had been, calmed me. The tears finally fell as my anger evaporated into loss. A sob escaped me and I shut my eyes to stop my pain. Sokka pulled me to him then, encasing me in his arms as my mind raced with images of the past. The water calmed around us as my blood cooled from his hold.

"He's wrong, Sokka," I whispered. I choked out a sob as my heart twisted from the memory of that awful day.

"Yes... He is," Sokka reassured in a soft tone. He wasn't completely sure what he was agreeing to, but he knew the answer I needed to hear."Come on..." He pressed a hand reassuringly to the back of my head and pressed his mouth to my forehead in a brotherly touch. "Let's go..."

Somehow my brother's encouragement moved me forward from the man that I desired to freeze to a pole. It seemed time barely passed before we were back to the grove where Appa and Momo were lazing around. As we arrived back in the area, I pulled from my brother and backed from the group. I was still hot from the emotions that ran through me, and I didn't want the group to see me in such a state. I was already embarrassed for losing my temper back in town. I never wanted my friends or family to see me that way. While I had significantly calmed, I knew I needed to get my act together.


"I just need to cool off..." I whispered. "I'll be right back... Promise..." Backing away, I turned and left the group breaking through some shrub. I heard footsteps follow me, and knew of course they weren't going to let me go alone. Not with an assassin after me...

I didn't look back to see who followed. I kept walking towards the small creek I had seen earlier when we passed over the area.

Stopping at the creek, I stared down at the smooth flowing stream and listened to the bubbling of the water as it skipped over a rock and returned to its flow. The water calmed my racing heart, and I slowly lowered to my knees to get closer. Taking in a deep breath, I shut my eyes feeling the last of the fire inside simmer.

Carefully cupping some water in my hands, the sun reflected revealing my image in the element. I looked down at the moving reflection as I brought the liquid closer to me, and my features were revealed.

The scar was more prominent than ever as I remembered, once more, the events of that horrible day. The discolored flesh that started right below my right eye where my cheekbone began, trailed down to my jawline licking the corner of my mouth as it went. There was only a break beneath my chin where normal flesh stood, and then the pink tint started again on the lower half of my neck trailing down to the top of my collar bone. The midst of the scar on my cheek was darker than the edges, and almost looked like a flower sprouting out of my skin. A vivid splotchy red on the inside, and a lighter pink shade on the outer edge with small swollen lines in-between from the damage that had never healed. Unlike Zuko, my ear and eye were untouched; but the scar was still there, reminding me always of the day I could not protect my mom.

The scar was a reminder of the day Yon Rha came and took her away... Putting a name to the monster only made me hate him more.

No longer able to look at the reflection before me, I thrust the water up onto my face letting the cool liquid waken me from the memories I was being sucked back into. The scream of my mom. The pain of the fire that ate my skin. The face of the killer who showed no remorse as my mother sacrificed herself to save Katara.

"Crys..." Katara knelt beside me suddenly and placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. Sokka appeared on my other side, and I was surprised that they both had followed. My brother stared at the creek with deep thought, and I knew he was thinking about our mother's death as well. They knew now that the Southern Raiders were the fleet that invaded our home, and I could tell this news gave neither one of them comfort. "Please, talk to us. What happened?" Katara brought my attention back. "What did the shopkeeper say to make you so upset? You can talk to Sokka and I."

Slowly, I lifted my eyes and met her gaze. Her deep blue orbs were desperate for an answer. She yearned to know the story I had refused to tell to her and Sokka over the years.

With a grimace, I dropped my head again. "I know... I should tell you." I took a deep breath, trying to suppress the anger that wanted to arise again. "The shopkeeper... He praised the men who invaded our home and killed our mom. He spoke about them like they are heroes and not heartless murderers." I shut my eyes again. "That shopkeeper knows nothing. He said they captured mom and imprisoned her. They didn't though. They killed her."

My hands had grabbed on to some grass at this point and I broke it from the earth as the irritation returned. Seeing the damage I caused though filled me with regret, and I released the strands of grass taking a heavy breath again to try and calm myself.

"Look..." Sokka knelt beside me and placed his hand on my shoulder again. "You have to tell us what happened that day? All we know is you were burned and mom was killed. There's nothing in between..." Sokka spoke with uncertainty. "We can't understand what you're feeling unless you tell us everything."

Looking over at my brother, who seemed desperate for answers like Katara, I realized it was only right they knew the story I had withheld for almost seven years. If Zuko knew, then they deserved to know as well.

"You're right..." Standing with heavy shoulders, I looked back down at the creek before me. My brother and sister stood as well, waiting in anticipation for what I would say next. "You deserve to know... You all deserve to hear the story."

A few minutes later I sat cross-legged with the group around me, ready to tell my story to everyone. I'd calmed from my rage, drink some water to cool my body temperature, and was seated in the grass avoiding eye contact. Toph and Aang were part of the group that surrounded me, and I didn't mind the extra ears. I was ready to tell them all about that horrible day. I knew doing so would allow me to not have to share the tale again. Plus, Aang and Toph were my family now, and they deserved to know like the other two.  Zuko knew the story and all it entailed, but he was willing to stay by my side for support while I relayed the details again.

"You two remember that day... I know you do... The day the black flakes fell," I began, speaking to Sokka and Katara directly. "That is the day that the Southern Raiders arrived on our shore. When the monsters came..." I shut my eyes as the story started to unfold. "They didn't just come to invade and attack our people... they were sent by the Fire Lord on a mission to specifically wipe out the last waterbender of the South Pole."

I shut my eyes again as the images returned.

"Commander Yon Rha-- I know now that's his name-- he came in our home that day, looking for the waterbender he learned was among Chief Hakoda's family..." Silence was among the group as they listened, but I could tell they were unsettled by their own lack of response. Looking around the group, they fidgeted uncomfortably as they waited for the rest of the story. "That day, when the Southern Raiders arrived and we scattered to protect our family, I'd only got to our shelter a few minutes before the monsters entered..." My blood chilled as the pain returned to its fullest.  A twist in my gut formed. Tears pulled in my eyes as I recalled the fear, and I crossed my arms for comfort. "As I stayed with mom, we heard the cries of the villagers grow. She held me to her... But, we both were afraid."

My cheek pulsed and tingled as I continued. Zuko scoot over and placed a hand on my back knowing the next part would be hard for me.

"The screams sounded closer, and I knew then the enemy was approaching. They came in so fast. A trio of Fire Nation soldiers... All of them dressed in armor and ready to complete their mission. Mom quickly blocked me from them to keep me out of their view. She stayed strong and firm, protecting me even though she was terrified. She wanted to reassure me that it would be okay, and she hid her fear as much as she could."

Gritting my teeth, I saw the image of Yon Rha as clear as day.

"When Yon Rha spoke, he told mom that he had been sent to capture the last waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe... mom and I knew then he meant Katara..."

Katara grimaced, and her fists tightened. Sokka grit his teeth at the thought of anyone coming after his family.

"Instead of telling them about you, Katara, mom was forced to lie and say she was the waterbender. They were hurting me at this point... Yon Rha had grabbed me and picked me up. He burned me in the stomach, and the pain made me scream." My hand pressed to the spot on my stomach that also bore the tinted mark of a burn. Sokka noticed, and he grit his teeth shutting his eyes. "Mom feared for my safety and everyone else... She was willing to sacrifice herself so they would leave her children and the rest of our people alone."

Katara's eyes dropped from my gaze as she was overcome by the painful news. Tears fell from my own orbs as the worst of the story came.

"When mom told them to take her as prisoner and leave the village, Yon Rha admitted his true purpose. They weren't sent to capture the last waterbender... they were sent to annihilate her..." I grimaced as the images replayed in my mind. "He had his men restrain me as he did his deed. He burned mom, and then when the fire didn't kill her he thrust his knife into her."

A sharp pain shot through my heart as the sound of the knife slicing through flesh echoed in my memory.

"When it was all over, they were going to take her body... As proof of their success. I... I wouldn't stand for that. I couldn't let them have her. I managed to break between Yon Rha and mom's body, and I blocked him and his men from their prize. He was furious with my interference. He told his men it was better to kill me too in case I was also a waterbender. That's when he shot fire at me..." I shut my eyes hard as the smell of burning flesh and blinding pain returned to me. "That's when he marked me as his victim." Taking in a deep breath, I tried to calm my racing heart. "He wanted me dead too. But he didn't kill me..."

Looking around the group, I could see each one was horrified by the tale. Zuko had his eyes shut as he was forced to hear the story again.

"I survived his attack... I survived... But mom... She didn't..."

I hugged myself more, and my eyes burned as the tears threatened to spill again.

"Mom sacrificed herself to protect us that day, and I let her... I didn't stop her... I should've stopped her..."

Looking at my brother and sister again, I saw they were both crying from the story they were hearing for the first time. But they also looked like they wanted to argue with me for my additional thoughts. I spoke again to stop them.

"Which leads to your question, about what happened today." My voice was soft as my emotions threatened to spill. "That shopkeeper... saying Yon Rha and the Southern Raiders were honorable... It made me fill with uncontrollable rage." I looked down at the grass below. "But now that I think about it, I'm not angry at the shopkeeper. He's just an idiot who knows nothing about the truth..." I shut my eyes again. "No... I'm angry at the man who caused my pain, and who is living happily knowing his story is being told with falsity. The Southern Raiders are believed to have captured the waterbender that day and brought her to the Fire Nation as a prisoner. There was no prisoner that day though... Just a dead woman who tried to protect her children from the horrors of the war... And who I could not protect in return..."

A silence fell over everyone as they soaked in this information. As the tale was left to hang in the air though, I felt a sudden surge of peace fall over me.

I'd done it... I'd actually done it... I'd accomplished something I hadn't been able to in the past. I had finally told my brother and sister about that day. They knew now why mother was killed... They understood why I was burned. They finally knew about the day I had long protected them from.

"So Yon Rha..." Katara finally spoke, and I could tell from her tone she was full of frustration. "Not only did he kill mom, but he tried to kill you too... A child... And all because he was after me... for being a waterbender?"

I nodded.

Sokka let out a heavy breath. "I can't believe this... how can someone be so heartless... Not only to kill mom, but to try and kill you too. Kill a child."

Toph spoke up. "That's war... Age doesn't matter if someone is already bloodthirsty."

Aang nodded. "It's true... They wiped out my people looking for me. This Yon Rha guy just wanted to complete the task the Fire Lord gave him. He didn't care who he hurt along the way."

I frowned and went to say something to Aang for comfort for the loss of his people, but Katara cut me off.

"Yon Rha..." Katara's eyes narrowed with tears. "That monster deserves to die... He should be punished!"

Everyone was stunned by Katara's sudden shift in mood. The anger that had once been within me had traveled into her.

I hung my head. "He won't be though... He'll happily live the rest of his days not caring about the evil act he commited... He doesn't care about killing our mom, and he will never know the pain he left us with. He'll get away with his evil act, just as he did so many years ago..."

"No!" Katara stood abruptly. "We can show him what he did and make him pay!" She pointed at me with determination. "If he sees you, he will remember the crime he committed. And I will make sure he knows what pain is."

"Katara!" Sokka stood also grabbing her hand to jerk it from my direction. "Your being foolish because your mad. Cool down before you do something stupid."

She jerked her hand from Sokka. "You know I'm right, Sokka! He deserves to feel the pain Crystal felt that day. I say we go to the shopkeeper and find out where Yon Rha lives. He can't get away with taking our mom from us!"

She gestured back to me.

"This is what we all want! To avenge our mother's death!"

Katara's desire made me cool my own wrath and find my own level headedness. In all truth, I had absolutely no desire to see that man again. I knew doing so would be a terrifying thing for me...

To face the man that burned me... The man that killed my mom before my eyes...

"You want mommy... I'll send you right behind her!"

The image of Yon Rha, and the flash of hot red light from my memory caused me to shake my head. Panic filled within, and my heart pounded in my chest. "No... I can't face him, Katara. I- I don't think I'm ready..." Tears started to fall again. "His face... Those eyes... I- I can't look at that right now. We should just forget about today and move on." I dropped my gaze and shut my eyes. Zuko placed a hand on my shoulder for comfort. "I was just upset earlier. Putting a name to the man who killed mom and burned me made that day real again. I shouldn't have gotten so angry."

"Move on?!" Katara threw her hands up in the air. I looked at her with surprise. "How can you say that? After everything that man did to us!"

Sokka snapped, "That's enough Katara! If Crystal isn't willing we're not-"

Katara cut him off. "How can you both just let him walk away! We have a chance for revenge!" She shot her gaze upon me. "Don't you care? Don't you want to face the man who tried to kill you? Who marked you for life?!"

I grimaced and shut my eyes. Letting out a heavy breath, I met my sister's gaze again trying to keep calm. "That man burned my flesh off. Of course I care... But I'm trying to keep focused on what's more important. I'm not ready to face my past demons." My body shook at the very thought. "When I saw that flag in town today every fear and insecurity I'd pushed to the darkest pit of my mind came rushing back to the surface. Yes I'm angry and want revenge. I finally have a name for the man that killed mom, and I want more than anything for him to suffer. But I can't face him... I can't look at his face and relive the nightmare. The pain. You don't know how hard that will be for me."

Katara fell silent in shock, and the rest of the group sat in silence too not sure what to say to better the situation.

Taking a moment, I let out another deep breath. "I'm scared, Katara," I finally admitted. "I'm scared I won't be strong enough to stop him again from hurting my family... I don't want him to hurt anyone in this group." I wiped the tears as they fell. "I can't lose you all like I lost her... I can't face him..."

Zuko moved closer and wrapped his arms around me. I buried my face into his shoulder as he brushed a hand through my hair.

"Please," I whispered. "Don't ask me to."

Third Person POV

Katara paced vividly as Sokka and Aang watched with worry. Toph sat in irritation, wishing the patter of feet would stop. Crystal walked off with Zuko only a moment earlier to cool off so she could forget about the events of the day. While she was gone, Katara lost her cool as confusion fell over her.

"How can she be okay with just forgetting about it! Out of the three of us she should be the one who wants revenge the most!"

Aang spoke up. "Katara... Revenge isn't always the answer... When I found out the airbenders were killed I wanted revenge also, but I realized the best way to get that is to defeat the Fire Lord and restore peace."

Katara scowled. "This isn't about the war! This is about a man who killed my mom! We should go find out where Yon Rha is hiding and end him."

Aang cringed at the anger from his friend.

"We need to show that man the pain he caused our family. Crystal can point him out to us and we can go in for the attack. He doesn't deserve to live for his crime."

Sokka stood firm and snapped, "You're blind to anger right now, Katara. You need to knock out of it before you hurt our sister any further. You heard what Crystal said. She doesn't want to face him. And honestly, I don't want her anywhere near that man."

Katara fell quiet in shock by her brother's firm tone.

He continued with sudden sorrow as his memory pulled him to the past. "You were younger, Katara, so you probably don't remember the weeks that passed after mom's death." He shut his eyes. "You don't remember the state she was in because father tried to keep you away from her. He wanted me to be by her side though when Bato's family could not. When I would sit with her, I'd sit with a girl that only held remnants of our sister."

He met Katara's gaze again with moist eyes.

"She was scared of everything during that time... the smallest sound sent her into a state of terror... night was the worst though. When she fell asleep, her dreams would make her relive the nightmare and she'd scream and cry until someone woke her. During the day when she wasn't dreaming, she was a quiet shell... as if one touch could break her into a million pieces. When someone would ask her what happened to her and mom, she would get so pale and lost in her memory."

Sokka's mind took him back to that time period as he described it to the others.

The cold evening air sent shivers through Sokka's spine as he carried some soup to the small tent where his sister was being kept. The elders felt it was best to keep her out of sight from the children and others impacted by the previous invasion. Her bandages would only cause those who saw it despair at the great loss they had experienced. Sokka hated that his sister was isolated from the tribe, but he understood rest was important for her at the moment.

When he arrived at the small tent that was set up not too far from Bato's home, he heard a sudden scream come from inside. The scream pierced his ears, and his heart pounded with worry for his sister. Dropping the soup in the snow, he rushed forward into the tent shoving through the flaps. When he got inside, he saw Kona was holding his sister down as her body jerked in her sleep.

"NO! MOM! NO!"

Her uncovered eye was shut tight, and her uninjured side was doing all it could to push against Kona.

"Crystal! Hush! It's me! It's Kona!"

Sweat dripped from her forehead as the fever she had started to rise. It had been a week since the invasion, and her fever had been off and on since. Tonight it was at a peak as her dreams kept her trapped in a time no one wanted to be in.

"Crys!" Sokka rushed over to his sister with worry.

As he approached, Kona looked over at the younger boy and released the twin he restrained. "Sokka. Stay with your sister. I'm going to go find my mom and get her to make more medicine."

"What's wrong with her?" Sokka didn't know what was going on in his sister's head, and he didn't understand why she couldn't just wake up from the nightmare.

"Her fever's back. Try and wake her up. I need to go," Kona spoke, grabbing Sokka's shoulders firm. "If anyone can get through to her it's you." He left the tent then, leaving Sokka with his sister who was grimacing and whimpering from the nightmare she kept reliving.

Sokka slowly approached, and then knelt beside his restless sister. His nine year old self didn't know what to do to help her, and he couldn't help but stare at the bandages that were wrapped around her chest and settled on her face. He had seen the damage from the attack first hand when he accidentally walked in on Bato's wife changing the bandages, and he had no desire to see it again. The boils on her skin, and the raw meaty sections had made him puke.

His hand reached for the tightened fist of his sister, and her body jumped from his touch. She tried to jerk away, but he held her hand with strength he didn't know he had. She cried out again from fear, and Sokka knew what he had to do.

"Sister... It's me... It's Sokka... Please don't be scared. I'm here. Katara and Gran Gran are worried about you. You need to get better so you can come back home. We all miss you... Please wake up."

As Sokka's voice filled the tent, his sister's movements calmed and she sunk back down into the furs she was lying on. As her labored breathing slowed, her hand which was originally pulling against Sokka loosened. The comfort of her brother's voice brought her out of her dream. Slowly, her one uncovered eye opened enough for her to see a blurred shape of her brother.

A moment passed as she tried to regain her grasp on reality. Letting out a broken breath, her voice was just a whisper as she spoke. A tear fell from her eye down her pale cheek as the words came out. "Sokka... Mom... The- they killed her..."

Sokka grimaced, and his own tears filled his eyes. "I know... It's okay... She's in a better place now," he tried to reassure them both. He squeezed her hand. "And you're safe... Daddy and the other warriors scared off the monsters."

His words sunk into her ears, and more tears started to fall. "Don't... Don't let them... get her..."

Sokka was stunned. He frowned and whispered, "Get who? We all are safe now."

She moved her head to the side slightly to shake in disagreement. "Protect... We have to protect her like mommy..." A sob escaped her then. "I... I couldn't stop them."

"Shh..." Sokka grew worried as his sister started to cry again. "Crys... It's okay. Don't cry."

Her eye shut again, but the sobs continued. She stopped speaking as her conscious told her to say no more. She didn't want to tell them. She didn't want to tell them that mom died because she was too weak to save her. She didn't want to be hated for her inability to save the woman everyone loved.

"Crys..." Sokka's eyes watered as he realized his sister was closing herself off again. Without saying anything else, he released her hand and grabbed the fur blanket she'd kicked off. Pulling it back over her body, he went to stand to go see if Kona had found his mom. As he went to stand though, his sister's hand grabbed his coat sleeve. Looking back down, he saw her eye was open again in terror.

"Don't... Don't go..." She shut her eye again as more tears fell. "Don't leave me... I'm sorry..."

He was stunned by the apology, but did as she asked. Laying down to the left of her, careful to only touch her uninjured side, he held her hand as she rested her good cheek against his chest. Her skin was burning from the fever, but Sokka was okay comforting her for the moment.

"I got you sis... I'll protect you," he promised, and then shut his eyes as he felt his sister's body relax and her consciousness leave her once more. "I won't let the monsters hurt you anymore..."

Katara was silent as her brother spoke, while Toph and Aang listened with sympathy.

"Her spirit was broken. It seemed hopeless for the longest time, and I feared my sister would never come back. But then something changed in her overnight. It was three weeks or so after the invasion. I woke up to find Crystal already awake and dressed for the day. Her color came back and she started eating again. That must've been when she learned she could waterbend, I guess. She had something to distract her... However, even though she found her will to live she was never the same... the spark in her eye that was once there had faded... that is until she met Zuko..." His brows furrowed. "I don't know how, but he brought Crystal back. The real Crystal..."

He shook his head.

"I can't lose her again though, Katara. That's why we should forget about revenge and do as she says. She doesn't want to face Yon Rha and I will not make her."


Sokka cut her off. "I mean it, Katara. Let it go."

Katara sighed heavily and went off to sulk. While she did so, Sokka let out a heavy breath in disbelief. Aang stepped over to him with worry. "What should we do? Should we just leave this place before anything escalates."

Sokka grimaced. "I want revenge also, but I have to think about my sister. I can't make her face the very thing that caused her sleepless nights and a permanent scar. I can't see her in that kind of pain again."

Toph added, "If princess doesn't want to go after him then it's pretty pointless for the rest of us to try. We don't know what he looks like."

Sokka nodded, shutting his eyes. "That's why it's better we just forget... I don't want Crystal anywhere near that man."

As the group silently agreed while Katara continued to sulk, Crystal and Zuko walked in silence through the grove. Zuko was worried about her silence, knowing the events from today took her back to the past and memories she longed to forget. As they walked, he took her hand in his giving it a small squeeze to reassure her. "Don't worry about Katara... if you don't want to face him that's your choice."

Crystal stopped in her step, and shut her eyes as her sister's words shot through her.

"Don't you care? Don't you want to face the man who marked you for life?!"

Shaking her head, she looked down in dismay. "The thing is, she has a right to want this... but I'm too much of a coward to do what she asks..."

Zuko shook his head. "You're not the only one who doesn't want to face the monsters of their past... Now that I have opened my eyes to the truth about my father, I'm just as eager for revenge. That man burned me and threw me out when I was at my weakest. But, I'm scared to face him too. That doesn't make us cowards..."

She turned and hugged Zuko around the waist, burying her face into his chest. "But I am a coward," she spoke softly as Zuko stroked her hair, "I'm afraid I may fail again. I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you all from him if he gets the upper hand."

Zuko sighed. "You were a kid at that time... A kid who didn't know you could even waterbend. There was no way you could've beat him. But now you have all of us... We won't let him hurt you again."

"So... You think I should do it then?" She looked up at him with great uncertainty. "You think I should find him and even the score...?"

Zuko pulled away from her slightly and pressed his hand to her marred cheek. His thumb brushed against the corner of her lip as he spoke. "I can't decide that for you. No one can make you face your past. It has to be your choice in the end." He smiled weakly. "But I promise I'll stand beside you on any decision you make. If you want to find him and get revenge, I'll do everything I can to help you. I'm sure the others will as well."

Her eyes shut tight as his words settled within her. She knew he was right. Before, when it was just her and her mom against Yon Rha and his men, there was no way either of them were making it out unscathed. This time though... With her family and friends beside her... This time she could defeat the man and protect her family. She was older. Stronger. Braver.

She could defeat the monster who took advantage of her when she was weak. She could defeat the man who killed an innocent woman only wanting to protect her family. She'd show that monster that his evil act only made her stronger.

"Okay..." She pulled from Zuko and met his eyes with determination. "Let's do it... Let's find him..."

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