By MangosandMangos

492 21 75

Alex and her friends are about as popular as used chewing gum, so why is someone following them, watching fro... More

Episode 1 Laser eyes
Episode 2 The team
Episode 3 Masked
Episode 4 Joined
Episode 5 Migraine relief
Episode 6 One for the books
Episode 7 Little red light
Episode 8 Windy
Episode 9 A little damp
Episode 10 ZAP!
Episode 11 Blackout
Episode 12 The second accident
Episode 13 Who?
Episode 14 Seen too much
Episode 15 Fight! Fight! Fight!
Episode 16 Snap Crackle Pop
Episode 17 Super friends
Episode 18 Cat and mouse
Episode 19 Eighty-year-old guinea pig
Episode 20 Sun down
Part 2 Note to readers
Episode 21 New girl
Episode 22 Same old guy
Episode 23 Wet noodle
Episode 25 Turned down
Episode 26 Mischief
Episode 27 Wind blown
Episode 28 Crazy
Episode 29 Fire and water
Episode 30 Be mine?
Episode 31 Confrontation
Episode 32 What you gotta do
Episode 33 Wrong place
Episode 34 Too hot
Episode 35 Found out
Episode 36 Fist to jaw
Episode 37 Unbreakable
Episode 38 Who to trust?
Episode 39 Who indeed?
Episode 40 Show down
Part 3 Note to readers
Episode 41 Garbage girl
Episode 42 Not good
Episode 43 Uncovered
Episode 44 I spy
Episode 45 With my little eye
Episode 46 Something... strange
Episode 47 Touchy, touchy!
Episode 48 Water in the lungs
Episode 49 The Note writer
Episode 50 Hacker
Episode 51 Houston? We have a problem!
Episode 52 In or out?
Episode 53 Weird stuff
Episode 54 In this together
Climax Note to Readers
Episode 55 The bonfire
Episode 56 Super
Episode 57 Powers
Episode 58 One of us
Episode 59 Super Climax
Easter egg
Last note to readers
The Story Goes On
Promo #1
Promo #2
Promo #3
Promo # 4
Promo # 5
Promo # 6

Episode 24 Arrg!

4 0 0
By MangosandMangos

October 31st, Eight weeks later, Halloween, Waterfront park

"I just think it's ironic." Tom said as he and Lee strolled through the waterfront park, people in costumes were everywhere, and soon night would fall, making everything feel much more like Halloween.

"Oh- such a big word!" Lee teased, she was dressed like a water tribe girl- her dark skin tone and teal eyes fit perfectly, and her fake fur scarf kept her warm from the chilly air. And as always- she looked gorgeous. Sometimes Tom wondered why such a stunning girl would choose to hangout with him. But then he remembered how difficult Lee could be- maybe he was the only person she could find who didn't get scared of by her cold shoulder.

"Yeah- it is a big word! I learned it in school the other day." Tom joked in his dead pan way, "And you don't think it's 'ironic'?" he emphasized his 'big word', "I mean all of us had met him through the week, and then he shows up to our first quiz practice and becomes our sixth member!?" they were of course talking about Hudson; the newest member of the team. A month and a half in and still they were talking about him. "It's like he was scoping out our team before joining!"

Lee snorted, "Do you know how paranoid you sound?" she laughed, "Look he's probably just one of those guys that talks to everyone- I mean he's pretty much a giant tower of charisma! I've heard more then one girl at school crushing on him. Is it really that strange that we all met him before he joined the team?" she reasoned.

Tom shrugged and adjusted the eye patch of his pirate costume. He just hoped that their team got a whole lot better before the first quiz meet in November.

"No, the one I find weird is Chrissy!" Lee went on.

Tom frowned; the blonde was so quiet and shy he had almost forgotten she had joined the team, "What about her?"

"I just- I know when someone is hiding something; and that girl is hiding something!" Lee said with a healthy dose of sass.

Tom laughed, "Who sounds paranoid now!?"

Lee shrugged this time.

Tom grinned, "Gabino sure likes Chrissy."

Lee smirked, "You got that right!"

"What I don't get is, why a nice girl like Chrissy would be friends with Josh!" it really didn't make sense to Tom.

"See! It's weird! She's hiding something!" Lee insisted.

"I didn't say that!" Tom defended himself, "I don't think she's hiding anything; she's just super shy! And that's why I think it's weird that she hangs out with Josh!"

Lee sighed, "Yeah... some girls just don't get it; where there's fire there's smoke."

Tom smirked, "You mean 'where there's smoke there's fire'?"

"Yeah that- and Josh? Ahg! He's on fire- and not in a good way."

Coming to a fork in the path, Tom turned right.

"Wait! Where are we going?" Lee asked, stopping on the path.

Tom hitched his thumb down the darkening path, "The stage; to see who won the costume contest."

Lee made a face, "I don't care who wins- besides I gotta pee and the bathrooms are this way."

Tom shrugged, and they turned left- away from the stage. As they went they passed two girls dressed as fairies. When they neared the bathrooms, Tom's interest peeked when he saw a juggler performing with flaming sticks. "I'll be over here." Tom said as Lee scurried to the bathrooms.

The fire juggler was quite good, and a small crowd had gathered. Making his way to the front to get a better view, Tom watched the flaming sticks with wide green eyes. The juggler placed one stick that was flaming on both ends on a stand to one side while he prepared for a new trick.

Tom was pushed to one side as a girl stumbled forward; she was dressed in a cumbersome banana suit, she had a pale, freckled face- that's all Tom could see before the girl tripped on her own feet and went tumbling forward.

Tom's eyes widened as he realized she would land on the flaming stick! He reached out and caught hold of her hand. He pulled her back up- but didn't realize how small she was. His pull flung her against him and they stood toe to toe- and practically nose to nose, and he found himself staring into wide green eyes.

"Chrissy!?" he asked in astonishment.

"Nah- I'm Jen!" she said automatically, "You're a pirate."

"Yeah..." he stepped back, and glanced over her shoulder to where she would have fallen; he was surprised to see that the stick- was no longer on fire.

"You're a pirate and you saved me!" Jen said, cracking a goofy grin.

Tom laughed slightly; nothing got past her! "Ha, yep. Arrg!" he said sarcastically. It was like he had proposed marriage or something, she giggled and clung to his hand- apparently unaware of how silly she looked as a banana.

Tom pried his hand away from her, and peeked again at the stick on the stand- how had it gone out? Weren't they soaked in gasoline or something? How could it have just gone out?

"What's your name?" Jen asked- she was still uncomfortably close.

"Ah, Tom." He said trying to create some distance between him and the crazy eyes girl.

"I'm a banana!" she said if as it wasn't obvious.

"Yeaaah. Ok, there's my friend... so..." Tom inched away through the crowd when he spotted Lee.

"Is that your girl friend?" Jen asked- her face looking down right crest fallen.

"Um, yeah sure. See ya." Tom darted away- afraid she would follow, he weaved this way and that through the crowd before reaching Lee.

"Hey- woah!" Lee exclaimed as Tom grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the crowd, the juggler and most importantly- Jen.

"Come on- quick before she see's where I go!"


Tom looked over his shoulder one last time, "Garbage girl! I think she likes me!"

Any early guesses on what anyone's super powers will be? Also, has anyone dressed up as a banana before? 

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