All for you

By pumpkinwrites

28.1K 1.2K 485

Third (and last) book of the you series. Check out: It's you and Because of you. The stories are linked :) More

Random meows


894 46 15
By pumpkinwrites


I shuffled out bed that morning, getting ready as quietly as I could, not wanting to wake Jinyoung. He stirred as I changed, yawning while he lifted his head to look at me.

"You're leaving?" Jinyoung asked, propping himself up while rubbing his eyes sleepily. The blanket pooled around his waist, his wide innocent eyes staring up into mine.

My heart jolted, his voice and posture making him seem so vulnerable. I found myself leaving my stuff on the ground, moving towards the bed to pull him into my arms instead.

"I can stay..." I start before Jinyoung interrupted.

"No no. Not this again" he frowns, shaking his head, his hand rubbing the nape of my neck.

A/N: Bu... 근대 (Geun dae) - but.

"끝" he smiled proudly, giggling at his own joke.
A/N: End. Ggeut Wordplay on the first character (G) :)

I laughed in response, cupping Jinyoung's squishy face in my hands, using my thumbs to stroke his cheeks.

"Squish" I whisper, his eyes sucking me in.


"I love you" I declare, watching a smile form on his face as I gave him a goofy grin.

"I love you too. Now go. Before you're late" Jinyoung laughs, the sides of his eyes crinkling just the way I love.

"I'm going. Text me about anything and everything" I sigh, looking into his eyes again before finally letting go of his cheeks.

"I will. Go go" he waves, smiling as he stood in the doorway.

I nodded, hesitating to leave still. Should I say that I'll miss him? I don't want him to be moody though...

I turned around as I walked, still hesitating. I rushed towards Jinyoung in the end, pressing a kiss on his forehead before dashing into the lift, waving back as he waved me off until the doors closed.


The first two days in China crawled by, my mind filled with thoughts about Jinyoung. Jinyoung kept true to his word though, texting me all kinds of random things.

I smiled to myself as my phone vibrated, reading Jinyoung's message discretely under the table.

From: My squish, my warmth, my life, my husband, MINE

Hey darling
I'm having my lunch now.
I'm so sleepy
Will probably head back to bed after this

I frowned, my heart clenching as I started worrying about Jinyoung again. He never sleeps this much...

I quickly typed a reply, feeling too concerned to wait till break time.

Hey squish
Are you alright?
Any fever? Flu?
I'm discretely using my phone

Jinyoung's reply was instantaneous, probably staring at his phone as well.

Concentrate on filming!
I'm okay
Just tired
Please don't worry

How does he expect me to not worry about him when he's always on my mind? I looked up and smiled, pretending to be involved in the filming before quickly typing my reply.

I'm always worried about you
You're always on my mind


I smiled to myself, looking around the set pretending to be involved before typing my reply. Who knew? He only needed that one word to make my heart skip a beat.

Your poet
Let me know about everything
I mean it

I would like for you to concentrate on filming now

Yes sir

I smirked to myself, anticipating his reply. I think it's kind of sad... that I actually like it when Jinyoung nags.

And that I love you too. Sir.

Oh God, my heart... I sputtered, reading his message.

"Jackson you alright?" the director asked.

I nodded, raising my hand up to signal 5 minutes as I coughed and hid offset for awhile. That was... unexpected.

I quickly sent my reply to Jinyoung before heading back on set.

Just laughed to myself and pretended it was a coughing fit
You can't do that to my heart
This idiot is texting you while hiding in one corner
This idiot loves you. A LOT.
Going back to filming now.
Once again, let me know everything.
I'll reply you later love.

I quickly kept my phone in my pocket, adjusting my pants and clearing my throat briefly before heading back on set.

"I'm sorry for disrupting" I bowed, apologising to everyone.


I checked my phone as soon as filming was done, smiling to myself as I saw a couple of notifications from Jinyoung.

From: My squish, my warmth, my life, my husband, MINE

Who knew?
Apparently I still have a stupid smile on my face when reading your messages
You would be glad to know that I ate a lot for lunch. Sir.

Who knew?
You typing "sir" gives me a hard on as well
Thank you for eating well

I smiled to myself, knowing that he would probably start teasing me about it again.

Thank you. Sir.

Hah. I was ready this time.

Well sir, have a good lunch.
I'm going to nap.

Rest well love


It was going to be dinner time and I decided to text Jinyoung again, seeing as he didn't reply my last message.

To: My squish, my warmth, my life, my husband, MINE

Have you had your dinner love?

Going to now
I'm still so sleepy...

I texted Bam immediately after replying Jinyoung, he really never ever sleeps this much...

To: Double Bs never As

Hey. I'm worried about Jinyoung
Has he been sleeping the whole day?!

Yeah. He left for his room after lunch
We're all in the living room waiting...

Go out for dinner?
My treat.
Wait. Let me ask him where he wants to go

Hyung treating us because of this?
Let me bow down to the prince for a bit

Ask him before I change my mind


I laughed to myself, seeing Bam's reply.

From: My squish, my warmth, my life, my husband, MINE

Bam's so efficient
Did you threaten him?
He's clinging on to me now

Me? Threaten? Of course not :)
I dangled a treat in front of him
And then pulled it away

... that's called threatening.

It's called getting him to do what I want
Plus I do give the treat in the end...


Haiiiiiiii-I love you. Enjoy dinner

I love you too idiot.
Thank you for dinner.

I smiled to myself, keeping my phone before joining the others for dinner.

My friends smiled knowingly at me, catching the grin I had on my face as I entered.


Jinyoung's mood seemed better after that night, replying me even during the day as he went out more.

It definitely boosted my mood, my filming going by smoother than usual. I smiled as my phone buzzed when I was getting ready, quickly unlocking it to read my message.

From: Markie Pooh

Hey Jack
Not to worry you or anything
But Jinyoung's puking


My heart started pounding against my chest, my palms sweaty as I stared at my phone while waiting for Mark to reply.

I quickly punched in another text, unable to wait for him any longer.

Where is he?
Call me.

I answered my phone immediately as Mark called me shortly after.

"Mark? How is he?" I blurted out.

"Hey Jack. He's still in the toilet. I'll bring him to the doctor's. But I don't think he'll let me... convince him will you?" Mark mutters.

"Where is he now? Let me talk to him"

"He's in the toilet showering. It's been going on for a few mornings apparently" he sighed.

I closed my eyes with a sigh, my heart aching at the thought of him being sick alone.

"Why didn't he say anything..." I mutter to myself, clenching my hand into a fist.

"He's coming out" Mark announced. I snapped my eyes open, staring at myself through the mirror while I waited.

I heard some shuffling in the background before Mark spoke to Jinyoung.

"Why would you? Argh" I heard Jinyoung complain before Mark murmured something in response.

"Squish? Answer me love" I called, hearing Mark hand the phone over.

"Hi Seunnie" Jinyoung whispered, his slightly hoarse voice making my heart ache further. How long has this been going on?

"Are you alright? I heard. Should I come back? Please go to the doctor's. Or call the doctor over if you're really unwell. Please" I blurted out, needing to know.

"I'm alright darling. It's probably some bug. And I probably puked it out already" Jinyoung replied, his tone so soft.

"I'm worried. Please go to the doctor's" I mumbled, his voice sounding too far away.

"I'm really okay..." Jinyoung starts causing me to sigh.

"If it means that much to you I will go darling..." he quickly adds.

"Please do. And let me know. Please" I pled.

"Jackson we need to continue filming in 5 minutes" the coordinator announced, looking apologetic as she caught the look on my face.

"Okay. I'm coming" I nodded, blinking away my unshed tears while getting up.

"I'll be fine. I'll go to the doctor's now darling. Please don't worry" Jinyoung convinces as I put my phone back to my ear.

"Always will love. Always will. I love you. And text me" I replied, clenching my fist tighter.

"I will" Jinyoung replied before hanging up.

I stared at my phone feeling so far away. Why do we have to be apart?

I ran my hand through my hair constantly during the filming, too distracted to concentrate, my stomach flipping at the thought of Jinyoung unwell and at the doctor's. I should be there one with him now...

I took my phone out of my pocket during our short break, sending a quick text to Mark.

To: Markie Pooh

Any updates?

He's still in the room
I'll let you know

Please do

I kept my phone in my pocket before going back on set. I was caught zoning out a couple of times during the second part of filming and had to reshoot some parts.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry" I bowed, apologising to everyone after we officially ended the shooting for the day.

I checked my phone in the van, seeing only one message from Jinyoung.

From: My squish, my warmth, my life, my husband, MINE

I'm alright
The doctor gave the all clear

What was it? A bug?
Are you still nauseous in the morning?
Please don't hide anything love

It's nothing bad

What caused it???

I'll tell you when you're back

I'm worried love...

It's nothing bad!!!
It's something I have to tell you face to face

It sounds serious love
I can't take this tension...

It's nothing bad. Really...

I tried calling Jinyoung after only for his phone to ring endlessly. I texted Mark again, only for him to reply me with a "wait".

I know Jinyoung told me not to worry but I couldn't help fretting. He is my everything...

I quickly texted Bam, knowing that I could dig something out of him before heading back for filming. Just 2 more days at least.


The shoot ended up being cancelled the next day due to the rain, my manager letting me know that I would have to stay in China longer. Why. Of all times. Why.

I was already in a crappy mood, all the members choosing to either not reply or reply with just a "wait".

None of them answering their phone even when I called. I hate this.

A/N: I'M SORRY THIS IS LATE. FORGIVE ME. 🤦‍♀️😞 I was unwell for the past 2 days and was swamped with work today... my body tends to give up on me. I'm not complaining though.

Thank you for reading, commenting and voting! Hope you all enjoyed this part. I'm wondering if you all already know what is coming next...

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