By Gucciknight

132K 3K 2.3K

❝And then I realised, I don't think I could ever love you.❞ More

001 | jjk
part two ↑
002 | kth
003 | pjm
004 | jh
005 | myg
008 | jk
009 | pjm
0010 | kth
0011 | kth
0012 | pjm
0016 | jjk
0017 | ksj
0018 | part 2 ↑
0019 | jjk
0021 | jjk
0022 | kth
0024 | pjm
0025 | jjk
0026 | pjm
0027 | Nmj
0028 | kth
Part three | kth
0029 | jjk
30 | kth
31 | pjm
Just a question

Part two | kth

1.6K 40 73
By Gucciknight

The Unpredictable boy
pt. 2
- warning; read at your own risk -

"How are you so fluent with English? You have no accent, nor do you stutter. Impressive really." You blow on your chai-tea.

His lips tug upwards, proud of himself. "Well, my parents did move to Australia for some time. I guess I must've just picked it up from a young age." He shrugged.

You nod understandably, sipping the hot tea.

"What about you?" He narrows his eyes.

You tilt your head, "what about me?" You chuckle.

"What convinced you to study here?"

You pulled at your lips in contemplation. You don't know. It occurred to you that you didn't necessarily have a specific reason to move here. Yes studying was a major reason, but besides that, there was nothing.

Although, now that you think about it, it could've been the lifestyle back home. You wasn't quite fond of your situation nor past, thinking it was best to move forward in life, ideally, in another country. You never once thought you'd actually go through with the plan, it was all an idea. An idea of wonders.

So that was why you moved here, to escape.

"I don't know, really." You zoned out. "I guess I just wanted an escape from everything, escape the life I lived back home. The life I wasn't proud of living." Your presence was here but your mind was elsewhere, you felt like you were reminiscing through the past again.

"And this was your escape."

You looked upwards, his eyes on yours.

"Moving here, million miles away from home was the runaway you had planned, am I right?" You fluttered your eyelashes, gulping in surprise.

"Yeah." You lower your gaze.

"Hey," he calls out softly, so soft you feel like crying in his arms. "Don't hurt yourself about it. Things like that happen, it's life. What can we do?" He shrugs sympathetically, leaning forward and sinking those beautiful puppy eyes at you.

"You're a strong girl, give yourself some time. Obviously, you're still a bit taken back from the new chapter in your life. It's all an experience, a time in your life that you won't regret." You instinctively nod your head along his soft-like words. His tone is so soothingly calming, you listen closely like it's the ocean singing in a shell. "Once you're used to everything here, you'll be absolutely fine. And it's not like you have no friends." He chuckles.

• • •

Four weeks passed by relatively quickly. You and Taehyung had on and off conversations, sometimes even meeting each other on campus or going to cafe's to catch up with each others days. You were starting to know him a lot more better, but sometimes he was a bit reluctant on opening up about himself on bigger issues.

Of course you completely respected that, giving him the time he needed. There was no rush in becoming friends, obviously it was meant to just slowly happen. Although you did occasionally wonder, whether this would turn into a relationship than a friendship between you two. But given the time between the both of you becoming close friends was only a few weeks, isn't quite the right time to start assuming things.

So whilst reading your book in the library on campus, pretty much devouring every single word on display, you jump when someone hits your shoulders and starts immediately laughing.

"Taehyung?" You narrow your eyes, placing the book on the table. "Dude, I could of died." You cackle, leaning upwards with your palm against your chest.

He chuckles, taking a seat across from you. "I was planning to just tap your shoulder but you seemed way too interested in that book." He leans forward, grabbing the book.

"Taehyung—" you try to grab it back, failing as he swipes it up into the air.

Your shoulders drop and you sulk in your seat.

His eyes suddenly widen. "Woah—holy shit."

You furrow your brows, leaning closer in your seat. "What? What? Tell me."

He glances at you then back at the book with his mouth open and eyes rounded in surprise. "You didn't tell me you had a kinky spot."

You gasp. "Kinky?" But then you remember why you were so deeply into the book, it was obviously a smut scene in full and exotic description. Shit. You groan aloud, feeling awful. How could you have let him find out?

"Little miss innocent isn't so innocent anymore."

You narrow your eyes before placing your hands in front of your face and sighing in annoyance.

"Wait—" you look up at him. "Do you actually get turned on by reading sex scenes in books?"

You groan at the predicted question, sitting up straightly and running a hand through your hair. "Do I have to answer that?"

"Well of course." He deadpans.

"Fine." You heave. "Yes. Yes I do get turned on."

His eyebrows raise but he seems calm. Questionably calm really. Why is he so calm?

"So, do you get like.. wet?"


"What?" He shrugs averting his gaze. "I just wanna know."

You roll your eyes, not understanding the point of how and why these questions seem so important to him when there nothing but irrelevant.

"No, I don't get wet. I just.." you pull at your lips at the loss of words. How do you explain that you do get turned on but you know it's not real, it's exotic and produces heat in between your legs but doesn't actually make your underwear wet? It's like a fantasy sort of thing, you know it's not reality but it's like your imagination is feeding you with pleasure.

"I just get turned on. Can we just leave it at that, please?"

Taehyung takes a moment to just stare in your eyes before placing the book down on the table. You hold it close to yourself and rest in your seat, a little more comfortable now that he's not asking questions anymore.

"Anyways.." he purses his lips inwards, "there's this party–a small party really. I just wanted to know if you'd like to come with. It'll just be me and a few friends from here, don't worry loads of exchange students will be there so you don't have to worry about not understanding anyone." He smiles.

"Er–I don't know, Taehyung." You say queasily.

"Come on, it'll be fun." He knocks his elbow into yours, a grin across his face. You purse your lips into a thin line, weighing out the reasons to go and to not go. A lot of them are just lazy reasons to stay indoors alone watching a few movies or finishing off this book. But he seems so reliant on you, like you're his date sort of thing.

So you finally pick an answer. "What time?"

"9pm. I'll have you home within two hours, safe and sound."

"And this is tonight?"

He nods. "Precisely."

• • •

You aren't wearing a dress. Instead you're wearing mama jeans with red stilettos, and an off the shoulder white top. You've just straightened your hair, placing on a reddish and orange toned lipstick for the finale.

"Oh mama." He bites his lips, leaning a bit backwards whilst shamelessly drinking in the sight of your body and makeup. "You look absolutely beautiful." He whispers and your cheeks instantly heat up.

You shyly retrieve from the awkward tension and close the door behind you, manoeuvring next to him. He suddenly wakes up from his blatant mesmerisation, clearing his throat and beginning to walk with you by his side.

"Um, you look really good too." You're so flustered.

"Oh, um–thanks." He scratches the back of his neck, smiling at you before holding the door open of the building and walking out into the streets. He's wearing denim jeans with holes on his knee caps, and a loose collared white shirt tucked into his jeans.

What are the odds, the both of you are matching.

By the time you reach the road of the party, you've both had a few conversations and kind of eased the tension. The closer you walk to the particular house, the more jarring the music gets. It's a nuisance, especially the pounding of the bass against the quiet and lonely street.

You glance at Taehyung wearily. "Um, I thought you said they'll be only a few people here."

He swallowed thickly, glancing at the open door of the house that was swarmed with university students—basically people you've never seen in your life.

"I'm sure it's not as packed as it looks." He reassuringly attempts to smile but you know better.

Regardless, you enter the building anyway. You're instantly welcomed by the unusual greeting of couples eating each other's faces, scrunching your face up in disgust and glancing at Taehyung. He grimaces as well, holding your hand in his and walking further into the house.

You immediately feel more safe with his hand in yours.

"I didn't know it'd be so packed." He whispered into your ear as the both of you were standing in the kitchen that was just as packed.

You suffocatingly dodge people's bodies, moving closer towards the warmth Taehyung provides. He lets you get as close as you want, as safe as you want to feel. He knows you've never actually gone to a party as filled as this—or any party of that matter. So he lets you do as you please, as long as you comfortable.

But you weren't. You wanted to leave already.

"Taehyung—" you flinch at the boy that pushes his way through the people, his bunny smile distracting you from the people. And the closer he gets, the more masculine you notice him becoming. It absolutely blows your mind, especially with his cute baby face.

He suddenly looks over at you and you swallow nervously.

He says something in Korean to Taehyung and Taehyung and him both laugh. You stand there confused and interested, but decide best to just keep quiet and let them chat. But the way they both keep side-glancing at you, makes you feel a bit uncomfortable. You can't help but feel as if they're talking about you.

And you don't think it's an appropriate topic.

"Come with me." You joggle out of your mind, staring at Taehyung before leaning in with a perplexed look.

"What—?" You yell aloud.

He laughs, holding your hand and taking you out the kitchen and up the stairs. You're confused, rather suspicious actually. Now you've read many books, but you're not certain about what exactly happens upstairs in closed doors at parties.

Theoretically, it's always sex.

And no, you weren't interested in sex. At least not now, you barely had any interest in sexual desires. You'd only get that slight satisfaction from reading books, that's as far as it got.

"Um, Taehyung. Where we going? What is this?" You eye the doors carefully.

"Jungkook–the boy downstairs, said there's a guest room here for us. I assumed you didn't like the hectic room downstairs, or really anywhere in this house so I thought you'd be better here. This way we can just chat." He nonchalantly shrugs, opening up a door and closing it after you reluctantly enter.

It's nothing but a bedroom, but a fancy and well decorated one. The grey aesthetics really seem to work in your favour, you absolutely love home decor and beautifully made interior design. It seems to relax your heartbeat for a moment.

"Um—do you want something to drink?" He scratches the back of his head, looking slightly nervous which is weird. Taehyung was always so confident, what's with him being so shy now?

"Yeah, sure."

He nods and leaves the room. You just look around the room, taking in everything that doesn't seem to be a lot–it is a guest room after all. And before you know it, he's back.

"Er, well. I got you some soju." He hesitantly raised the two bottles in his hands.

Your brows crash together. "S-Soju? What's that?"

"Oh, basically an alcoholic drink." He sums up.

"Does it taste nice?" You eye the open green bottle.

"Well yeah, I guess." He shrugs, taking a sip.

You purse your lips inwards before shrugging too. "Cheers!" You clink your glass bottles together. You laugh before drinking it and instantly squirming over the bitter taste.

You don't notice how he stares so intently at you drinking the drink, and how emotionless his face seems when you swallow the liquid. His eyes seem so focused, it seems a bit strange.

"Ugh–too bitter." You scrunch your face up, turning to him. He suddenly starts laughing, almost as if it's a bit forced but you don't think much about it.

Instead you drink even more because why the hell not.

Until your eyes become a bit blurry. You instinctively start blinking, careful not to rub your eyes because of your makeup. Your head begins to ache, slightly dizzy even. You place your hand on your forehead, closing your eyes and wincing. The pain only becomes stronger, you nearly fall if it wasn't for his arms to quickly catch you.

He doesn't say anything and you question if he's still there.

You can't feel his hands around you. Your body is heated and numb, you're losing consciousness, losing the ability to breathe. Your lungs feel thin, it's so hard for you to breathe. Why is it so hard to breathe? Why is your throat in pain?

And just before you can do anything, or even just call out his name, you fall unconscious in his arms. Fallen victim to a masked man that has yet to be discovered.

And no, he doesn't try calling out for you. He doesn't say your name, he doesn't hold your weak form against him in need of help or attempt to lay you down; instead he smirks triumphantly and begins to plan his already successful idea.

He takes both your drinks, placing them on the book shelf beside him and taking your light jacket off whilst placing you on the bed. You shift slightly, your eyelids becoming a lot more heavier and in an instant, your sound asleep.

He locks the door, taking off his jacket and licking his lips as he rounds the bed and crawls over you. He moves your hair out your face, pitying you for what he'll be doing. Your still very much unconscious, unaware of anything he's going to do. And it doesn't even hurt him, the fact that he'll be taking advantage of you.

He rips off your shirt, your cleavage area exposed to his lustful gaze. He licks his lips hungrily as unhooks your bra and almost instantly starts sucking on them. He marks your skin, painting something of your worst nightmares across your chest and you don't even know. You don't even have the chance to open your eyes, you're just stuck in a dark cloud with something telling you to wake up.

Something. There's something. Wake up.

He starts moving downwards, his mind taking over him. He never intended to actually go through with the idea of raping you, but today just seemed so perfectly planned for him to do it. And the more you lay their lifelessly, almost persuading him to go even further, he takes it as an advantage. He unbuttons your jeans, pulling them down your legs and taking your shoes off.

And as much as you would scream if you were awake, you lay there still and let him do anything he pleases.

Your underwear isn't even attractive, but he doesn't care. Your bra wasn't even seductive, but he still didn't stop. Your body is beautiful, but your marked with stretch marks. You're certain that at the very least that isn't attractive, but he doesn't care and exploits the canvas of your exposed body and lets himself get the pleasure he craves for.

And although you would love a man to accept your body like that, you would never want them to do anything without your consent, let alone being unconscious.

He doesn't finger you, finding it irrelevant if your not going to moan for him. So instead he unbuckles his jeans and pushes his boxers down. His erection slightly shifts higher, extremely turned on by your naked and fragile body whilst he eyes you with his lustful gaze.

He places a condom over his penis, holding your legs upwards and prying it in order for him to slide through. He starts thrusting once he gets the perfect position, throwing his head back with pleasure and satisfaction. His moans fill the room up, his thrusts becoming a lot more faster.

He doesn't even realise that you're moving. But your still very much deprived and unconscious. And although you seemingly appear to be awake, almost making his heart stop for a moment, you're subconscious is there. But you can't feel anything, at least not yet.

But he keeps going. He keeps going as fast as possible, as painful as possible. And the thing is, your not even awake to pry him off, fight him back and cry in agony. Your just letting him do something you don't want him to do because you're frozen and stuck in a hole that's deemed you from the real world; the world you never knew could be so evil.

He feels the pleasure build up in his stomach, the spiral of satisfaction swirl into a spill of delight. The juices remain on the bed instead of in you, and he breathlessly collapses right next to you. He holds your body close to his, suddenly a bit guilty for doing such a disgusting thing especially to such a beautiful and naive girl like yourself.

And he knows how broken you'll be when you wake up. He knows how your world will go crashing down, a traumatic experience flushing through your mind with no memory of how it happened or whom did it. And that really shatters his heart, sinking his head in between your breast as he hugs you tightly. Tears whelm in to his eyes because he's deceived you out of all people. A friend, a good friend.

Someone who was there for him.

He was blinded by lust.

And at the end of the day, that cost him everything.

A/N : ngl, I have the worst motivation these days. It takes me a lot of strength to pick myself up and write a detailed chapter. I'm sorry for the long wait. BUT WAIT, this chapter is a WARNING for those who are going into college, University or even just high school (or a job). BE AWARE of the people you hang around with, don't fall so easily with peoples charms, it could cost you everything. I want you all to be safe, content and happy. Don't be someone your not, I like you just the way you are ;)

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