MJ Fantasy- Traveling Soldier

By NeverToBeForgottenMJ

1.7K 65 38

Alice, a 16 year old girl, has to deal with feelings that are exposed after she meets a strange, but intrigui... More

Traveling Soldier
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28

Ch. 4

67 3 1
By NeverToBeForgottenMJ

My eyes open just as my alarm clock starts to ring. Without looking I disarm it and jump out of bed. Running into my closet I find something to wear for my visit with Michael. This is my last one until he gets back from boot camp in 9 months. Ugh! These are going to be longest months of my entire life. I am going to miss him like crazy and I’m not going to lose him because he was my first.

Even though I met him yesterday, I feel like he is the one. He should be a stranger to me, only… I learned everything there is to learn about him. He knows my life and I believe that’s all you need when starting a relationship. It sounds crazy, but my heart beats only for him. I smile and run into the bathroom to get ready to see Michael again.

I hear someone knock on my bedroom door. I walk out of the bathroom and go to answer the door. It’s Edward.

“What are you doing up so early?” I whisper looking down the hallways.

“I could ask you the same question.” He says entering my room.

“Come in.” I say sarcastically as I shut the door. I turn around to face him and finally see the reason of why he was up. He’s all dressed up and looks like he hadnt slept. Oh my… “Were you at Bella’s again?”  I ask, shaking my head.

He nods his head, “Just got back. Now anyway, what are you doing up?”

I smile at him, “Oh Eddie, I’m not telling you.”

“If you don’t I’ll tell mom about yesterday.” I skip over to stand in front of him, my smile switching to a smirk.

“No you wont because if you do, I’ll tell mommy that you spent the night at Bella’s when you weren’t suppose to.”

Edward glares at me and I only continue to smirk up at him, crossing my arms across my chest. “You wouldn’t.”

“Oh you know I so would. Now run along.” I grab his arm and push him out of my room. “Before daddy wakes up and sees your not in bed.” I smile at him before closing the door in his face. Gosh, I love blackmail.

Looking over at the clock, I see it’s 4:30. I have 30 minutes to get to the diner and meet with Michael. Checking the hallways again, I run down the stairs with my bag slung over my shoulder. I write a quick note to my parents telling them Anaiya told me to open today and run out.



I make it to the diner in 20 minutes and there is Michael, looking very cute in his blue jacket, white T-shirt and black jeans. “Michael!” I run up to him and wrap my arms around his waist from behind. He jumps in surprise, but soon realizes it’s me and laughs. When I release him he turns around pulls me in for a long kiss.

When we pull away I grab his hand and pull him towards the diner’s front door. When I open the door, I turn on the lights and pull Michael towards the back. Once in the back I turn to him and find him looking me up and down. Bitting my lip, I make my way up to him and wrap my arms around his neck. “Well… we have two hours to kill. So, any suggestions?” I ask seductively as I shrug off my jean jacket.

He chuckles and grabs me by the waist, pulling our bodies close together. “I have an idea.” I hear him whisper then he leans down and kiss down my neck.

“Mm, I like your thinking.” He chuckles at me and looks down at me.

“I’m really gonna miss you.” He says sincerely.

I frown up at him, “Don’t talk like that. We still have two hours with each other. So let’s spend it without any talk of leaving.” I say wrapping my arms around him. He holds me tighter and we stay like this for a while. Soon we result for talking for the time. This is good. This is perfect. I don’t want to leave from this spot.

Being in Michael’s arms make me feel secure and safe. Now I know all problems will be okay and there will never be problems when he’s here. I lean my head on his shoulder and just stare up at him while he speaks. I take the time to memorize every single feature making sure I don’t forget a single bit, especially his eyes and lips. I kiss his cheek and there's is his smile. The smile will burn inside my memory forever! I feel something vibrate under me and Michael slides his arm out. It’s his watch. I frown when he announces it’s time to go. I get off his lap and stand him up. “Do you have to?” I ask.

He nods his head. “Unfortunately.”

I wrap my arms around his waist as tight as I can. I start crying because I don’t want to let go of him. I’m gonna miss him so much. “Email me as soon as you can. Promise?” I ask him.

He nods and smiles, “I promise to call you as soon as we get there.”

“But I don’t want you to get in trouble because of me.”

“If I do, then I’ll take it like a man and endure it because I have a gorgeous woman who will be waiting here for me to return.” He replies sincerely leaning his forehead against mine.

I pull away and grab his hand leading him back outside of the diner. The bus stop is at the corner and I can see it from here. The bus had arrived and others are boarding. I turn to face Michael. He’s staring at me watching my emotions. I try to keep it blank, but I’m just so sad and hurt. “I-I’m gonna m-miss you Michael.”

“I’m gonna miss you too Ali. And I promise, no matter how long it takes, no matter what I have to do, I will return to you. If it takes me months, maybe even years, I’ll come back. Because you can be sure I’ll never leave you alone. I’ll always be with you.” He leans down and gives me a soft, passionate, lingering kiss.

When we pull away I release his hand and watch him as he walks towards the bus. Staring after him, my entire body numb, I watch as he turns to look at me one last time before boarding the bus. He’s the last one on and the doors close behind him. With my heart still in his hands. The bus drives away and I watch until every last bit of the bus is gone. Even after I cant see I still stare after it. Wishing there was a way I could keep Michael here. It’s Anaiya that pulls me out of my trance. She pulls up in her car, directly in front of me. “Girl, you okay?” She asks concerned when she sees my tears that have barely escaped.

I wipe my face and turn to her, “He’s gone… you were right.” I admit to her.

“Whose gone? And why am I right?”

“Michael, the guy from yesterday.”

She motions for me to get in the car. “You and I are going for a drive. The diner can be opened up later.” I nod and jump in the passenger seat. As soon as she starts driving out of the parking lot I tell her everything that happened since yesterday. And I mean EVERYTHING! Not leaving out a single detail.

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