The Haunting Of 5H

By Jauregui_Cabello456

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Five college girls buy their first house together in Miami Florida. It was built over 100 years ago and the g... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four (Final)

Chapter Fifty Nine

172 10 9
By Jauregui_Cabello456

Nick and Derek went upstairs to hide in Ally's room so Lauren wouldn't see them when she came down for lunch. Camila and Dinah went to wake the sleeping girl while Ally got lunch started. 

"Baby girl Ally is making lunch you need to come down to eat with us."

Lauren woke up and Camila could already tell Mallory was inside Lauren's body. Her whole demeanor was different. She didn't brush her hair out of her face like usual and she didn't smile at Camila either. Camila was kind of hurt that Lauren didn't tell her how her drinking problem started and how Mallory was the main reason that it did.

Camila had to let that go for now she could tell someone thing off with her girlfriend. This wasn't how she usually acted. Something was really different. Dinah could tell something was off with Lauren as well. She hated this. She hated that Normani was gone. She hated that her daughter was sick in the hospital fighting for her life. She hated this house, and everything it had done to this once perfect carefree family. It turned them all into anxiety filled teenagers. 

Lauren got up from her bed and walked down the stairs to the living room. Ally made some food for the girls, she knew Lauren would have to eat before the exorcism. She needed energy. 

"Hey Laur, you doing okay?"

Lauren shook her head, "I'm just tired. I'm probably going to go out later though."

Mallory must of thought the girls were really dumb. Mallory didn't have the piercing green eyes as Lauren did. All the girls noticed this, but they didn't say anything. As they sat down to eat lunch Camila's phone buzzed. 

Nick: Everything is cleared out of your room. It's all in Ally's room. Is Mallory in her body?

Camila: Yes. She told us she was going out tonight.

Nick: Once she's done eating Derek and I are going to come and attack her onto the floor and were going to handcuff her hands together and then we will take her up to the chair and tie her down.

The girls held a small conversation with Mallory at lunch. 

"So Lauren where are you going later? Ally asked

"I think I'm going to go into Miami, maybe look for some art studios hiring. I haven't been into Downtown Miami in a few years. I might also get dinner with my sister and brother."

The girls were shocked. Mallory knew so much about Lauren's life, that if you didn't know Mallory was in her body you would never know anything was off with Lauren.

Ally nodded "Well that sounds super fun Laur!"

Once the girls were finished eating lauren was sitting at the kitchen table painting her fingernails black, Nick texted Camila.

Nick: I know she's painting her nails but I need to attack her now before she decides to come back upstairs

Camila: Okay I'll start cleaning the kitchen like normal then

Nick: You and Dinah follow us, I told Ally to go back to her room to be unharmed. 

Camila sent back the thumbs up emoji, but was actually terrified of doing this for her own safety and her fiancé. 

Within a few moments Derek and Nick were creeping down the stairs. Camila glanced back at Lauren with Mallory still in her body.  The two men creeped down the stairs very quietly and attacked Lauren as she sat at the table. It didn't go smooth though. 

Nick got Lauren onto the floor but Mallory used all the strength she had to get onto of Nick. Derek was standing there in disbelief until Ally came over and ran past him and Got a hold of Lauren's hair. 

"You need to stop! We want to help you Mallory!"

Mallory looked right into Ally's eyes and the voice that came out of Lauren's body was completely different.

"Listen here you bitch, I didn't like you in high school. You prayed you talked to God, you tried to get me to stop drinking and guess what It didn't fucking happen. You tried to help me and I never let you. The day after I died you held a prayer circle and you said may we never forget our friend Mallory, guess what Ally everyone did. Nobody remembered me. My mom and dad spoil my little sister. They take her on vacation and they do everything with her. I never got anything. You think I want help? I want to live my life through Lauren., The life I never fucking got!"

Ally still had ahold of Lauren's hair. Mallory wasn't fighting as hard. Derek and Nick came over and carried Lauren's body upstairs. She was kicking and screaming the whole way. Ally, Dinah, and Camila watched in pure terror. They knew they had to help Lauren but they knew Mallory wouldn't make this easy.

Nick and Derek tied Lauren's hands to the arms of the chair, and then handcuffed her ankles to the chair. 

Nick took everyone but Derek and Lauren into the hallway.

"Camila when I start the exorcism it's gonna be different then before. You're gonna have to shout things to Lauren to get her back. Dinah you stand out in the hallway with Ally. She obviously has some bad blood with Ally. I'm gonna run downstairs and get my briefcase I need my bible my crosses and holy water. Then I will start this."

Camila went back into her bedroom. She saw Lauren's body tied up and heard the moans of Mallory coming out of her fiancé. She hated this. Her eyes her blue. Nothing about Lauren was in that body anymore. Camila got emotional. She had watched Normani pass away, she had watched Amaya almost die. She had lost her dream of living in this amazing house with her family. Dinah and her were the only thing that were the same, except Dinah was going to have to be a mom. Her and Lauren hardly slept at all together the last few weeks.  Camila had watched Dinah almost take her life. This was tearing her apart. This wasn't fun for her to watch. Her life as she once knew it was no longer. She took one last look at Lauren's body and knew she was going to fight hard to get Lauren back. She knew she might have to risk her own life to get Lauren back. 

When Nick returned, Camila was by far ready. 

Nick grabbed a cross out of his bag and as soon as he did that Camila yelled "See that Mallory go to hell!"

Nick looked at Camila and was shocked, "Camila you're supposed to talk to Lauren to have her fight to come back."

"I want Mallory gone Nick. She belongs in Hell. After the horrible alcohol problem Lauren had in high school because of Mallory, God Nick, Lauren deserves to be free of this!"

Nick nodded his head "I understand, but the more Lauren hears you talking to her she'll fight back. Lauren would talk to you when you were possessed and help you back, Lauren would do the same for you. You have to do it now more than ever."

Camila understood, although she wished it was already over and that she had Lauren back.

Nick slowly placed crosses around the room. It got so cold. Cassidy's voice appeared, "Devil is here."

Nick knew Mallory's spirit was devil like, and she would be going to burn in hell with the devil, but it needed to happen soon. Mallory could take over Lauren's body forever and she would never come back. Mallory could end up killing Lauren and then take over her body. It needed to happen soon, every minute was agonizing.

Nick stepped toward Lauren's body and placed one hand on her forehead and the other one on her chest. He looked into her eyes and she spit at him, but he spit back. He wasn't letting her win. He needed Lauren back for her sake and everyone else. These girls had been through enough. 

Nick got his bible out and started reading verses. Lauren's body began levitating and Camila shouted "Put her down!"

They threw Lauren into the wall she was still attached to the chair. Nick and Camila ran over to her and grabbed her. Lauren's body grabbed Nick's hair and started pulling it and screaming. 

Camila noticed the holy water and grabbed it and flicked some onto Lauren's body.  She released Nick's hair and growled at Camila. Camila didn't act scared even though deep down she was. Lauren standing with the chair still wrapped around her legs, and her arms had broken free and she was about to jump onto Camila's body until Dinah jumped in front of her and tackled Camila down to the ground. 

"Mila what were you thinking? She could of hurt you!!"

Lauren was now standing overtop of both of them. She was growling at them with a devious smile upon her face. Dinah was scared but Camila knew if she showed it Lauren would use it as a weakness. She just stared right back at Lauren "Mallory you need to leave Lauren alone. You know this isn't your body.  Mallory you didn't deserve to die, but everything happens for a reason you need to leave Lauren alone. See Lauren it's me Camila. Your fiancé. We're gonna plan the perfect wedding and get married and have kids. I love you Lauren Michelle Jauregui. I need you to come back to me."

Nick was picking up the broken handcuffs quietly off the floor and Nick grabbed Lauren as soon as the last words rolled off Camila's tongue. Nick shoved into a chair and Derek got motioned to help. He and Nick both held Lauren down and tied her hands to the chair, she didn't want to be held down though. She was very cautious of what was happening to her.

Lauren let out a growling scream and blood came out of her mouth. 

Dinah ran over to Nick "God damnit Nick stop you're hurting her!"

Nick yelled back "I can't stop. I'm fighting for her soul!"

A cabinet from the corner of the room started to fall, "Derek look out" Camila yelled.

Derek barely made it before it crashed onto to floor.

Camila and Dinah ran over to Lauren's body as Nick ran over to Derek. A deep laugh came out of Lauren's mouth.

Nick yelled to Camila and Dinah "keep her still, don't let her up!"

Camila noticed Mallory was gaining more control as Lauren's facial features began to change "We're losing her Nick!"

Dinah grabbed Lauren's body no longer afraid more upset than anything. "Listen here you leave my family alone! I don't know what you are but you leave Lauren alone! Let her go! Do you hear me? You let her go!"

Nick picked up a book and started reading latin sayings as Dinah was still yelling at Mallory to let Lauren go.

Mallory cocked her head to side and glared into Dinah's eyes and said "She's already gone, and now you're all gonna die!"

The gun that Ally had laying on her dresser then shot in the direction of Dinah dodging the bullet. Derek grabbed the gun and threw it into the hallway. 

Nick leaned down next to Lauren's body and called out "by the power of God I condemn you back to Hell!"

Lauren's body let out a blood curdling scream.

Camila yelled "This is your family Lauren you can't give in!"

 Nick and Derek threw holy water onto to her. As they noticed Mallory getting weaker and weaker until the body fell completely limp. Nick knew Mallory was gone, and Lauren was back. 

Everyone untied Lauren from the chair and Derek placed her softly onto the bed. Her green eyes opened slowly.

"What happened?"

Nick placed a head on Lauren's forehead who was burning up "We just performed an exorcism on you. I guess you knew a girl named Mallory a few years ago, and she died? Well she's been possessing your body. You're okay now. You're safe. Are you in any pain?"

Lauren was confessed and disoriented. She nodded her head "A few spots on my leg hurt."

Derek placed a few bandages on her legs and checked her heart rate and left her to rest. 

"Should I lay with Lauren?"

Nick shook his head "She'll be okay just let her rest."

The girls headed out of Ally's room and down to the living room with Derek. They all sat down on the couches and Derek looked terrified. 

"You okay Derek" Nick questioned.

He slowly nodded his head "ummm uh yeah. That was all wild. Never in my life have I ya know experienced that."

"It's an everyday thing for me, but these girls have been through hell and back these past few months and now these home is finally clear of spirits. I'm going to bless this house tomorrow and make sure everything is okay and then they should be okay, that way we won't have to call you anymore to scare you."

Derek nervously laughed. 

Dinah Camila Nick and Derek all rested on the couch for a little while. 

After a while Lauren came downstairs with a panicked look on her face "can someone please explain what the fuck happened to me."

A/N I need to apologize for not updating for almost 3 months. I love all my readers but SO SORRY for the delay. If you guys are still reading make sure you comment vote and share! I have a few more surprises and I promise I will end this story!! :) God Bless -Katie Elizabeth :)

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