
By gooniesneversaydie1

440K 11.4K 17.7K

Louis is the youngest in his family, raised by his three older brothers Scott, Drew and Edward after their pa... More



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By gooniesneversaydie1

"Darling, can you wake up for me?" Harry asks gently as he strokes Louis hair.

"Mmph" Louis makes a disgruntled noise.

"Sorry angel, it's time to go home" Harry says sweetly.

Louis blinks his eyes open and comes face to face with a smiling Harry.

"Hi" Harry smiles goofily.

"Hi" Louis smiles back.

"Ready to go?" Harry smiles.

"Yeah, sorry" Louis says as he sits up, Harry helps him gently.

"Don't be, you were out to the world, I'm sorry I had to wake you" Harry says.

"It's fine" Louis says a she stand up wobbly, he has an ache in his backside and Harry smirks knowingly.

"Don't laugh, You're the one who will have to carry me" Louis says playfully.

Harry smirks.

"I would carry you everywhere" Harry replies.

"Can I use the bathroom before we go?" Louis asks,

"Of course, I have some files to take to the car, Scotts already there, meet us there?" Harry asks.

"Yeah sure" Louis says and gets up to go to the bathroom, he hides his limp well and makes it to the bathroom without anyone noticing him.

Louis feels a bit tired and flu like, he knows he's going to get in trouble for keeping it from the boys but he doesn't want the fuss, he's sure he can get over a stupid cold by himself.

As he finishes up in the bathroom, Louis walks to the car park, when he slips out the side door to walk down the side of the building, he runs into a hard chest, he's grabbed and pushed harshly into the brick wall, he hits it with a umph.

"You stay the fuck away from Harry, you aren't good enough for him, got it" Dan spits at Louis.

"Get off" Louis says as he tries to push Dan off him, he's bigger and stronger than Louis though.

"See, you're weak as piss, good for nothing, you're scum and Harry will se that eventually" Dan says.

Tears spring to Louis eyes, the grip on him his tight and Dan is hurting him.

"Do you understand Louis" Dan says and he brings Louis forward by the collar of his shirt before he's slamming Louis into the wall effectively hitting his head, causing Louis to wince.

"Get the fuck off him now" Harry's voice then rings through the snow covered alleyway.

"Harry...I" Dan says startled as he tries to think quick, knowing he's been caught and he's fucked up.

"Save it Dan, let him go" Scott says coming next to Harry,

Dan does and Harry grabs him while Scott moves towards Louis. Making sure he's okay.

"You can kiss this case goodbye, you better be in a car heading back to your own town by tonight, if I ever see you ever again I'll make sure you pay for what you just did to my boy" Harry snarls.

"Harry please" Dan tries.

"I'd shut up before I report you, now fuck off" Harry says and he lets Dan go and he runs from the ally.

"Okay kiddo?" Scott says.

Louis has a slight ringing in his ears and he looks at Scott a bit vaguely.

"Louis, kid, focus on me babes" Scott says

Louis tries and eventually finds Scott's eyes,

"Good boy, kiddo, are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Scott asks worriedly.

"Um, my head, I feel fuzzy, he hit my head on the wall" Louis says as Harry makes his way over.

"Baby?" Harry asks he senses Louis isn't right, he can tell.

"He hit his head, he's a bit out of it H" Scott says concerned.

"Lou?" Harry asks and Louis looks to him.

"Okay?" Harry asks.

"My heads fuzzy" Louis says,

"Shit" Harry curses.

"Let's get him to emergency, get him checked out" Scott says and Harry agrees.

He picks Louis up and they make their way to the car and emergency.

They don't have to wait long before Sammy is bringing Louis into a room for an examination, turns out Louis has a slight concussion, he will be fine as long as he goes home to rest. Sammy also picks up that Louis has a nasty cold brewing and sends him home with medicine and strict bed rest.

"You're quiet Lou" Scott says as they drive home.

Louis is looking out the window, not sure what to say back, he's just been assaulted by Harry's ex and now has to stay in bed for a week.

"Sorry" Louis says.

"Don't apologise, tell us what's wrong" Scott says.

"I just feel yuck and Harry's ex tried to hurt me, am I that bad of a person?" Louis asks upset.

"Baby, no, Dan is a jealous fuck head, you're such an amazing, gorgeous boy and I love you to pieces" Harry says.

"Well why did George try to kill me then?" Louis asks.

"Cause he's a psychotic dick"Scott says before he can stop himself.

Louis laughs at that, like actually laughs, he's thankful Scott made a joke of it he sees Scott and Harry smile in the rearview mirror.

"I love your laugh Louis" Harry says and Louis blushes.

"Kid, we miss that sound" Scott says.

Louis sighs and looks out the window, he knows how hard he must be to live with right now.

When they pull up at home, they make their way inside and Harry scoops Louis up in his arms bridal style. Causing Louis to let out a small Squeal.

"Bed for you baby" Harry says and Louis sighs.

He gets Louis ready for bed and Louis doesn't protest or make conversation, Harry eyes him warily.

He tucks Louis in bed and sits down next to him, the boys then enter the room. They all sit around the bed.

"Okay kiddo?" Drew asks.

"Yeah" Louis sighs.

"We're sorry we let Dan get to you, he's left town though, Finn just called" Scott says.

Louis is relieved to hear Dan has left town.

"Want to talk about anything?" Edward asks,

Louis sighs, he does and he doesn't, the boys sense this and decide to try and start a conversation with Louis.

"We know you must be upset about what happened with Dan" Edward says.

Louis huffs.

"I'm more upset that he hated me so much he tried to hurt me" Louis says.

"He was jealous kiddo, he would have hated anyone who was with Harry" Drew says.

"Yeah and George too? Is that his excuse too? He was jealous?" Louis asks.

"Well, that's part of the reason, but none of that is your fault" Scott says.

"I must be really fucked up if one of my best friend wanted to kill me and some guy I've met once before wanted to hurt me so bad, so he could have my boyfriend" Louis says.

"Lou, it's nothing to do with you as a person, it's their fucked up selves" Harry says.

"I can't believe that someone would hate me so much to want to kill me for a guy" Louis says.

"I know it's hard kiddo, and maybe it's okay to never understand someone's actions entirely, nothing can justify what George did, or Dan for that matter, but in the end it doesn't matter, you're alive, you're here and that's what matters" Scott says.

"Yeah but Jax is dead, I'll never see him again and George will be out in two years, what if he comes after me?" Louis asks tears spilling down his cheeks.

"Kiddo, never will George lay a finger on you ever again! We promise, he'd be stupid to come back to this town anyway" Harry says.

"You're so important to us Louis and you need to know that, you need to understand that. We won't let anyone hurt you again" Drew says.

"I just want to be normal again, I miss Jax, and my life was great and now I feel so lost and like I just want to scream, I feel like I'm drowning and only Harry and you guys can bring me back up" Louis says brokenly.

The boys all feel for him, Louis is their world and they will do everything to help him.

"Lou, do you know how good that is to hear, that you rely on us to bring you back?" Edward says.

"You have all of us kiddo, all of us are here for you, here whenever you need us, we love you to death and we want to be the ones to help you" Drew says.

"The next few months Lou, will be hard and challenging and some days will be shit but others will be great and eventually all of those shit days will turn into great days. No one is asking you to forget Jax but you're allowed to move on and be happy and we are here to help you" Scott says.

"You make me so happy Louis, you're it for me, you're my life and I love you. I'm not going anywhere and I'm here for you every second you need me, I need you to rely on me and I want to be there for you. We will get through this okay, you're not alone" Harry says.

"I love you...thank you" Louis says to the boys.

The boys all smile and give Louis cuddles and kisses and hair ruffles, which causes Louis to laugh.

"Now, let's get you settled, I'm sure we can make the next week of bed rest fun" Drew says.

Louis giggles and the boys smile at each other. They are so happy Louis is letting them in, so happy they can help him through this. They know it will take time but they love Louis like nothing else and the last few months they have all had a huge reality check. Louis Harry and their family is what counts, the thought of that being broken sends them into a panic. They are all so glad Louis is still with them and they will all be there for him whenever he needs.

18 Months Later.

"Louis William, You're going to be the death of me" Harry says causing Louis to giggle.

"I love you" Harry says kissing Louis hard.

"I love you too H" Louis says back smiling.

Harry escorts Louis to their shower where he washes Louis gently, Making Love to Louis and caring for him afterwards has to be one of Harry's most favourite things in the world.

Louis and Harry Moved in together eight months ago, they brought a house a street over from Scott and Sammy, who are now a very happy engaged couple. Edward and Drew are still living together, next door to Sammy and Scott, Vanessa moved in around six months ago and Her and Drew are going really well.

"Im going to be late for Uni" Louis says as he finishes dressing in his black jeans and grey sweater.

"I was worth it though wasn't I" Harry asks smirking as he pulls his holster on looking sexy as ever.

"Always H" Louis smiles.

"We've got Dinner at Scott and Sammy's tonight, ill pick you up from uni at 5?" Harry confirms.

"Yep i know, Okay" Louis sighs.

its finals week and he's been completely run down and tired this last few weeks studying, its been late nights and early mornings and Louis is just so tired. he hasn't mentioned it to Harry or the boys but Harry can see straight through Louis.

"Drew and Sammy will look you over tonight too, We know you haven't been feeling the best" Harry says.

"Haz, I'm just stressed" Louis says frustrated.

"All the more reason to get looked over baby" Harry says sweetly.

Harry kisses Louis and they make their way to Harry's rover, Harry drops Louis to uni and kisses him goodbye before he heads to work.

Harry is absolutely in love with Louis and things have been going so well between them. having Louis move in with him sealed the deal and Harry cant wait to spend the rest of his life with Louis.

Louis makes his way to his first class of the day, he succeeded in gaining entry to his architecture course and settled right in to uni life. He has made new friends easily and has a group of four really close friends now. He was hesitant to get close to anyone but the boys helped work through his anxiety about it and Louis is so thankful.

The boys are still as over protective as ever though and the slightest cough has them freaking out, Harry isn't much better but he understands Louis frustration.

by the end if the day Louis is utterly exhausted, he says goodbye to his friends and Louis gets in Harry's rover thats waiting in the car park. Harry smiles and kisses Louis on the lips, handing him a coffee. his daily routine, Louis loves how amazing Harry is and how thoughtful he always is when it comes to what Louis likes and needs.

Harry starts the drive to Scott and Sammy's and watches Louis concerned out the corner of his eye. he reaches over and places his hand on Louis forehead.

"Im fine H' Louis stresses fondly.

They pull up at Samy and Scott's and head inside.

"Kiddo!!" Scott announces as he hugs Louis tightly.

Louis looks at him confused at his greeting, its a bit over the top and as he looks towards the lounge room, he sees everyone gathered with worry on their faces. Louis heart rate picks up and Harry senses something is wrong too. They make their way in and the the TV is on. the boys all stare at Louis sympathetically and worriedly. Louis breathing picks up as he looks at the TV.

"George Smith has been released today from juvenile detention. He was sentenced to two years for the Murder of Jax Burrows" Is all Louis hears, he doesn't hear anything else, doesn't hear his brothers calling his name, or the TV, he doesn't hear the panic around him. all he hears is the rushing in his ears as he feels himself falling as he passes out completely.

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