My Only Chance (Under Constru...

Unjudgemental97 द्वारा

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Kimberly has been through hell. She was abused by her family and forced to do their work. Two days before her... अधिक

My Only Chance
Final Straw
Meeting the Family
Food Saves All
Party Gone Wrong
Mates and Werewolves
What the Hell and Why?
Is It True?
Reality or Nightmare?
Right Decisions
Start of Something New
Say What?
Who Are You?
No More

Why Me?

267 10 0
Unjudgemental97 द्वारा

Isabella's POV

Why now? Steve had a smug look on his face like he just won the lottery or somthing, and he spoke.

I knew it.

Knew what?

You two were together.

I gave him sarcastic claps.

Congratulations on finding out something everyone already knew! Is that what you came here for, or did you come to try to piss him off? If you came for the latter, I can and will kick your ass for it.

That shut him up.

Now, be a good wolf and move out the way before I make you. I have too much to do today, and you're holding up progress.

He moved, and we walked past him to the elevator. Once we were all inside, I spoke as the doors were closing.

Thank you!

Once the doors had closed, Jake said the word that summed up everything that just happened.


Greg didn't even get mad at him for it either. Mom questioned my methods.

Why not just kick his ass? It's way quicker than words.

Kicking his ass doesn't have as much staying power as a good threat especially since they don't know all that you can do.

I see, so what are we doing first?

We have to go by the bank, so I can add your names to the account then get you some clothes, food, make keys, and sign the deed over to you two. First of all, we have to go get something to eat because I know nobody has eaten today, including me.

Just to prove the point, someone's stomach growled.


We all started laughing as the doors opened, and got into our different vehicles. I rode with Dave along with my parents, and we headed to the diner. We had our lunch there then headed to the bank. I added them to the account, and they would get their cards in a few days. Then, we headed to the mall and bought clothes and shoes for them. They changed while we were there, and we headed to the grocery store. We spent close to $1000 on groceries, and now, it was time to head home. Greg gave me my key, and I let everyone in. I let my parents explore and walk around after I gave them keys and put them into the security system while the rest of us unloaded the cars and started to put the food away. Once the food was put away, I went and found them in my grandparents' room. They were sitting on the bed, and Mom had tears coming down her face. I walked in and spoke.

I miss them, too....


Those bastards ripped my parents away from me....ripped you away....over some stupid power and greed....It's all their fault....

Before I even realized it, I had a tear coming down my face. I wiped it away then went up to her and hugged her. She tightly hugged me back, but I didn't care. She was here.....They were here, and that's all that mattered. Our relationship will never be normal, and we can't interact like a normal family would, but just to have them is more than enough for me.

Once we calmed down and let go, it was time for the hard part. I went into the attic and got some empty boxes then went back to the room. We started taking out the clothes and shoes then putting in my parents'. They were going to donate all of the old clothes and shoes. Once that was done, I took the sheets and comforter and went to the laundry room to wash them. While those were washing, I went and got started on dinner since it was almost six. I wanted something hearty, but didn't take a long time to make, and we did buy fresh salmon. I rolled up my sleeves then washed my hands and took out the salmon. I broke it down into 11 10 oz. portions then put away four of them in the freezer. I kept the skin, head, and bones then broke them down into smaller pieces and made fish stock out of them. I put the fish in the fridge until I was ready for it then cleaned off the cutting board, counter, and knife then started prepping. I made a glaze out of honey, lemon juice, and a few more spices then prepped some fresh green beans by trimming the ends off and blancing them in some salted water just to get them that bright color. I then started making rice pilaf. Once that was halfway done, I took the fish out of the fridge seasoned it with salt and pepper then started searing it skin side down and put it in the oven to finish after I coated it with the glaze. I then sauteed the green beans in a little bit of garlic and a few more spices, and cooked them a little more. Once the rice was done, I turned it off along with the green beans when they were done, and I had to wait a few more minutes before the salmon was done. During that time, I made some lemonade, and Mom and Dad came down and came to the kitchen as I was cleaning up part of the mess I made. Mom spoke first.

And what are you up to?

Cooking dinner.

Ooou! What are you making?

Honey-glazed salmon, rice pilaf, and green beans.

Sounds wonderful. Do you need any help?

No. Everything is done except for the salmon. It still has a couple of minutes, so I'm just cleaning up a little bit. You can get the platters and start plating.


She came around and got the platters and serving bowls and started plating. Dad spoke up.

And what do you want me to do?

Can you set the the table?


No cheating.

He put his finger down.

Dang it.


Ha. Ha.

He playfully glared at her, and she smiled. Then came over and got the plates, forks, and napkins and went over to set the table. While he did that, I took the fish out, and flipped them, so they were skin-side up then put them on the platter, so the skin would not get soggy. I then contacted the other four using the pack link since I didn't see them.

Dinner is ready.

They spoke at the same time.


I then turned my attention back to the food and helped Mom take the food over to the table. I then helped Dad by grabbing the cups and lemonade. I made ice cubes as they came in. I gathered enough water vapor in the air to make a large enough orb of water then froze it and shattered it with a squeeze of my hand. I directed the smaller shards into the glasses while I broke up the larger pieces until they fit. Once there was enough, I made the rest turn back into its original form, and sat down with the rest of them. We talked, played around, and ate dinner. After dinner, my parents offered to clean up everything, and I went to the laundry room and put everything in the dryer. Now, it's time for the hard part.

I headed outside to the backyard and took off my clothes and shoes until I was left in only my underwear. I walked out into the forest until I got to a large enough clearing and got down on my knees and sat back on my heels then interlocked my fingers and put them on my lap. I took a deep breath to get rid of any nerves I had because I was mostly naked and closed my eyes. I locked on to the energy pulses of all four elements and spoke.

Diesa, Juna, Kital, Vigar, grant me the knowledge and power to create weapons in your honor. Take this vessel and give it the materials and tools needed to complete such a task. May the weapons this vessel creates be blessed by you, and may the power contained within grow as I do. This vessel asks for this request as your one and only soldier. May these weapons only be used to do your work.

That's when the tree roots sprung up and latched on to me and pulled me down until I was laying flat on the ground. Now for the painful part. Three thin roots became like daggers and pierced me right through the heart, but I did not die or lose consciousness. They chipped off pieces of my soul and pulled them out, and I balled my fists and gritted my teeth to keep from yelling out in pain. Once that was done, I was healed and released. As I sat up, my body was cloaked in the traditional garmets and the materials and tools appeared. I became this machine as I started crafting. I created the blades out of steel using the strongest of metals then created the handles with a mix of wood, jewels, amd precious metals that I wrapped in black twine for grip then dipped in resin, so it would stay together. I created traditional hilts then put all the parts together. Now, for the critical part. I took the piece of my soul and divided it in half then place it on the weapons. They absorbed the pieces, and that was the final piece to hold them together and make them complete. I created the sheaths out of wood and painted them black then added ancient script in gold. I could read it clearly.

The past and the present merge to create a new future.

Once the paint had dried, I coated it in resin, so it could not get scratched and messed up and polished it. I took the leather sheets and metal buckles and made a harness which I put the katanas in. They were perfect. I put them on, adjusted the straps to my comfort, and unsheathed them. They were just the right weight, not too heavy, not too light. I tested the sharpness by taking a single strand of hair and dropping it on the blade of each one. There was absolutely no resistance. Time to test them out. I created a dummy out of stone, and with one swing of the sword, I cut right through it. It felt like cutting through butter, and the edge was still sharp. Nice, but now, it was time for the blessing.

I sheathed them then took them off. I created a pentagram then put the swords in the center of it. I bit my finger hard enough to make it bleed then smeared blood on each sword before it healed and activated it by placing my hand on it. The gems lit up and changed colors to correspond with the elementals, and the blades absorbed their essences. Once that was done, I got down on my knees and bowed.

Thank you Elementals for your wisdom and power. I will now use these swords to do your work.

The lights from the jewels intensified, and the pentagran started to glow. I sat up, and the blood absorbed into them. Now, they will only respond to me. The katanas were now blessed, and the lights and glow stopped. They are done. I repeated this process with a knife and a set of guns. Once they were all done, the tools went back to the elementals including the outfit, and I was left with the weapons and back to being mostly naked. I made my clothes appear on me as I got up and picked up the weapons and put them on. I heard a branch break, and that put me on guard. I drew my swords then sensed around for any energy signatures. There was a rabbit, but a rabbit knows better than to break a twig like that, and it's not heavy enough. There's something else here, but what? I then noticed it. That tree should not have a fast pulse. That's not a tree.....


That's when it moved, and the elf appeared. I prepared for a fight, but something told me not to do that, so I put the swords away. I still kept my guard up. He spoke first as he kneeled down in front of me.

So you must be the hybrid I've been hearing so much about?

What gave me away?

The werewolf scent, but as I clearly saw, you just used magic.

Damn it. From his voice, he must be an elder. That means there is a village nearby. Double shit.

Yes, I am the hybrid. Who are you?

I am Eukith, village elder.

Nice to meet you Eukith. I am Isabella.

The pleasure is all mine Isabella. Tell me. Are you related to Samuel Walters?

Yes. He was my grandfather.

Then you are our ally.

How do you know him?

He is the one that allowed our village to come here. His fee was for us to protect this side of the territory.

Then I must thank you for all the work you've done.

There is no need for thanks when your grandfather gave us a home.

I understand.

Would you like to go see the village?

Sure. I've never been to this part of the territory anyway.

He offered his hand for me to climb up on, and that's what I did. He stood up and held me up to his shoulder. I got on his shoulder and sat down then he took off. Elves are just as fast as werewolves and vampires depending on their mood. You do not want an angry elf after you. Trust me on that. They have the power to bend the forest to their will, so it's not a good idea to piss them off. I don't care if I'm the most powerful being in existence. I will not piss these guys off unless I absolutely have to.

I held on to one of the branches growing out of him as he ran, so I didn't fall off. Once we made it, he stopped and put me down. As soon as I looked around, I was blown away.

Wow!......This is amazing.

It looked like a hidden city in the forest. Even though everything was covered in moss and vines, there was some kind whimsy about this place. Who would have ever thought that there was a place like this in the territory?

Our arrival did not go unnoticed, and they started to come out and look including the village chief.

Elves are very interesting creatures. The older they get, the more they become like trees. The chief just let the branches on his head down just like Eukith did, so it was like hair. He kneeled down just like Eukith did and spoke.

And who do we have here?

I am Isabella Walters, granddaughter of Samuel Walters.

What is your business here?

Eukith offered to bring me here. I have never been to this part of the territory before. I mean you no harm.

Then why are you armed?

I had just finished crafting these weapons when I discovered Eukith. He saw the entire process. I saw no reason to leave them there, so I brought them.

Then you also must be the hybrid.


Then welcome. I have been expecting you.

He has? He held his hand out for me to climb up on, and I did. He put me on his shoulder, and I sat down as he took me further into town. As he walked, I asked questions.

Why have you been expecting me?

It came to me in a dream. You are the one that can cure this strange illness going on that has been plaguing the children.

I will try my best.

He took me to this building which was a doctor's office and went to the back where the children were. They were asleep, but I can clearly see that the sleep was not peaceful. They were sweating which means they have a fever, and I created a medical face mask and put it on in case what they had was contagious. The sight of them suffering broke my heart, and the chief put me down on the bed. I touched the first child's head, and she did have a fever. I started asking questions.

How long have they been like this?

Two days. This came on very recently.

Were they all playing somewhere or anything like that?


Did they eat something that made them sick?


Any weird bruising or marks?

I wouldn't know since we heal extrem?ely fast.

Ok. Then have you had any problems with Hunters lately?

Yes, but the storm took care of them. I guess that was your doing since the lightening was not natural.

You would be correct.

I took my swords off then sat down on my knees. I placed my hand on her head and closed my eyes. I scanned her body for parasites, poisons, and spells, and I came up with one of them.

She has been poisoned.



When? How?

That is what I am about to find out.

I scanned her memories and looked for the moment and found it. There's a memory of her getting water, and she felt a strange pinch in her foot. That's it.

She was getting water when she felt a strange pinch on her foot. She ignored it because she thought she just stepped on a sharp rock. It was a needle. I have to make a small cut to draw the poison out.

I created a scalpel then made a small cut and drew the poison out. I then placed my hand back on her head and healed all the damage done. She started to sleep more peacefully, and her fever started going away.

That is incredible.

Don't say that yet. I have to help the other kids first.

I teleported myself over to another bed and did the same thing, and I kept going until all the children had been healed.

Ok. Where do you all get water?

The river south of here. Why?

You all have a hunter problem.

He took me to the river and put me down, and I quickly spotted all the needles and took them out of the ground. Some of them still had poison in them. He was shocked.

Why would they do such a thing?

They were targeting children to try and kill off the next generation. I know that for a fact because only children would get that close to the water since they are not tall enough to reach from a greater distance. The hunters know that their power is weakening, so they are trying to kill off as many as they can before it does. They are trying to capture me, so they can use my power to replace all that they have lost.

Are you going to let yourself be captured?

No. I have too much to lose if that happens.

Then I felt someone knocking on the wall I put up, and I let them in.

Bella, are you alright?

That was Dave, and I answered.

Yeah. Why?

We've been trying to reach you for over an hour.

Oops. There must be something blocking mindlinks in town, and I didn't think I was gone that long.


It's alright. As long as you are safe. Where are you?

You don't have to come and get me. I'm on my way back.

Alright, but hurry. Your mom is worrying.


I put the wall back up then spoke to the chief.

I have to go. My mate and parents are starting to worry since I've been gone so long.

Very well. Thank you, and until we met again Hybrid.

Until then.

I teleported myself back to the backyard where Dave was coming out the forest, and Mom was pacing by the pool, and Dad was trying to calm her down. When she saw me, she ran over, and I knew I was about to get tackled, so I just stood there and took it. She tackled me in a hug, and since I was in heels, I did not have very good balance, so I fell.


I fell on my swords which did not feel good at all.


She completely ignored that.

Thank goodness! I was so worried....

She sat up amd put a serious look on her face.

Where have you been?

I discovered an elf, and he took me to his village. I met the chief, and he let me heal the poisoned kids, and I cleared the riverbed of the needles.

You met Olherf?

If that's his name, then yes.

Who was the one that took you there?


That crazy old man is still kicking?


I have to go see them.

Ok, but first, can you get off of me? These swords are very uncomfortable to lay on.

Oooo! New toys! Can I?

If you get off of me.


She finally got off of me, and I got then checked my swords and sheath. They were fine. I gave her a sword, and the tip fell to the ground like a ton of rocks, and she could not lift it.

What the hell? These weigh a ton.

No, they don't. They only respond to me. It prevents them from getting stolen or put in the wrong hands.

I casted a spell temporarily cancelling out the effect, and she was able to lift it.

Wow. Excellent weight and craftsmanship. Think you can make me a pair?


Awww! Why not?

Those weapons contain a piece of my soul and run off of elemental magic. I can't make another pair of swords unless these somehow get destroyed.



No fair....ok, fine. Spar with me at training?


Yes! That will knock some more rust off after I win against Greg.

You must have challenged him while I was gone?

Yup. He wasn't surprised about it either.

Where are they anyway?

Went home. He wanted to get some rest. Speaking of rest, what time is it?

Dad answered.


I spoke.

Yeah. It's time to go to bed.

She gave me my sword back, and I sheathed it, and we all headed inside. I let Dave stay in my room for the night, and when I started changing, he walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.


Where are you going this time?


How long will you be gone?

I don't know, but I know I have to leave as soon as training is over.

I turned around, so I was looking into his eyes.

This never gets easier. Does it?

No......Will there ever be a time when you can stay for a while?

I had to lie because I couldn't tell him.

I don't know exactly when, but I know that time will not be soon. Until that time, I promise to come and see you whenever I can.

I will hold you to that.

We sealed that with a kiss then he rested his forehead on mine since he was taller. We stood there for a moment before he spoke.

What are you doing to me?

I want to know that answer, too.

We kissed one more time then went to bed, and woke up less than two hours later. I let Dave out, so he could go home and change. I changed into my usual shorts and tank top then grabbed my swords. As I came out of my room, my parents came out of theirs. Mom had her swords, and we left and headed to the grounds. When we got there, Greg was already there, and Mom gave Dad her swords then went and stood in front of Greg. He spoke first.

I knew this day was coming. You may be my goddaughter, but I'm still not to make this easy.

I wouldn't expect you to, but from what I heard, you are still playing catch-up.

I knew that struck a nerve, and that was confirmed by Greg's attitude.

Then shall we get started?

We shall.

They shifted, and Greg's wolf was mostly black with white ears, and Mom was a very light silver. That's interesting. They started circling each other and growling, and Greg made the first move, and the battle wasn't that long. They were both heavily injured, but Mom won. I healed both of them before they bled out and created clothes for both of them and gave it to them. They both went and got dressed, and Mom had the Alpha mark on her shoulder. They went and shook hands then spoke.

Nice fight old man.

So you haven't grown out of calling me that yet?

Never will.

He hung his head while she laughed then hugged him.

Thank you for all these years Greg.

No problem Celine, and you're rusty.

They stopped hugging, and kept talking.

I've spent 18 years locked up in a cell, so there's a good bit of rust to knock off.

Yeah, so what now Alpha?

We get to training then we'll sort everything out at a meeting later on this evening.

Sounds like a plan.

We got started, and after we warmed up, it was time to spar with Mom. She has way more experience, but I have more skill. Let's see how this is going to turn out. Coach blew the whistle, and she spoke.

Alright. Go easy on me. I'm hella rusty.

Says the woman that just became Alpha after almost 20 years of doing nothing. Yeah right.

We shut up and drew our swords and got in defensive stances. I limited my speed to just above max werewolf and kept my magic out of it. I attacked first since I didn't want to draw the circling out too long, and I think she was waiting on me to make the first move anyway. We went at it for the whole 45 minutes and drew a crowd, and they stood even further back because my mom and I are too dangerous. We were moving around and cut down two trees each. I think we got a little too caught up in the battle, and we didn't stop until Coach blew the whistle.

We were covered with scratches, cuts, burns, and bruises, and when we noticed what kind of state we were in, we just started laughing. I could hear Dad, and I know she did, too.

Yup. They're both nuts.

We spoke at the same time.

I heard that.

We laughed again then took our swords off after we sheathed them and sat down on the ground. We were both panting and sweating. Mom complained first.

Well, that rust should be good and knocked off now. Goddamn, I'm tired.

You're the one that wanted to spar with me in the first place.

Ooooh. We were supposed to be sparring. Weren't we?

Yeah. I don't know when it turned into a full battle.

Me either, and we made quite the mess, too.

She was looking at all the fallen trees, and I turned my head and looked then fixed them by putting them back on their stumps and healing them with elemental magic, and they were fine.

What mess?

Very nice. I think we're both too dangerous to be sparring together.

We shared a look as she thought about what she just said, and we spoke at the same time.


I then allowed myself to heal and catch my breath for a second. Once I did that, I got up then helped Mom up after she did the same.

Thanks. Oh, I'm going to feel this later on, but let's keep going while I still can.

That was everyone's cue to shift, and we sparred in wolf form. Mom spoke when Coach blew the whistle.

Oh my gosh! You are so cute!


What? You are.

We're supposed to be sparring. You can call me cute later.

Fine. Let's go.

We started sparring, and the same thing happened. We got a little too caught up in the fight, and we didn't stop until the whistle. We healed our injuries, and I shifted back and sat down. Mom spoke.

No fair! Why do you get to keep your clothes?

I'm magical.

I know, in her mind, she was giving me a flat look, and I chuckled then noticed how she was preparing to lunge with a playful look on her face, and I got worried. What is she up to? I quickly found out when she lunged and knocked me over.


Before I could say anything, she gave me a nice and sloppy lick to the face.


She was laughing which sounded like she was choking in wolf form, and I narrowed my eyes at her then disappeared into the ground and shifted. I came up behind her while she was stamping the ground trying to find me. I pounced on her. She yelped in surprise, and we rolled around until I was on top then made a clone of myself, and we licked her face at the same time.

Ew!!! I got it double!

Now you know how I felt.

Me and my clone licked her face again.

Ok! I give!

I got rid of the clone then got off of her. She got up, and glared at me then shook out her fur. The places that I licked were sticking straight up, and I laughed.

I am so getting you back when you come back.

That won't be for a while though.

Then we heard Dad.

They are definitely crazy.

Mom and I shared a look, and she spoke first.

Want to get him, too?


I put up a shield to keep him from teleporting anywhere or escaping, and Mom and I looked at him at the same time. He noticed us looking at him as we prepared to lunge.

Oh shit.

He tried snapping his fingers, but it didn't work. Then he thought about it.

Damn it. She's good.

He then sensed out the shield and discovered that it was a complete sphere around us.

.....really good.

Mom tried to pin him down while he was distracted, but he dodged it at the last second by using wind as his speed. He was fast, but we were way faster. I took the limit off of my speed, locked on to him and quickly lunged and pinned him down. Mom quickly rushed over, and we gave him some nice and sloppy licks to the face.

Aw! Come on! Why are you torturing me like this?

I connected my mind to his and spoke.

Because you kept calling us crazy.

He answered out loud.

But you are.

Me and Mom stopped and looked at each other again then licked his face at the same time, and made sure it was a nice, long lick.

Ok! I'm sorry!

Mom and I looked at each other, and it was a good enough apology, so we stopped and got off of him. He sat up, and his face was shiny from all of our slobber. He touched his face, and a nice spit trail came off.

You two are some torturers.

Mom was laughing, and I did an innocent puppy face. Dad shook his head at us.

This is not funny, and you're not fooling me with that innocent look.

Mom saw me, and yelled instead of speaking.

Oh my gosh! You look so adorable!

Ow! Inside voice.

She was yelling directly into my head, and I knew I was going to have a migraine later on.


It's ok. Let's finish up here. Ok?


We did our laps then I headed back to the house with my parents and Dave. I had to carry both pairs of swords since Mom and Dave were still in wolf form, and Dad was playing mad from earlier. I could tell from his face that he wasn't mad, but I knew he was plotting something. He opened the door for us, and we went in. I created some clothes for Dave and gave them to him then opened the elevator for Mom. Dave went down the hall to one of the bathrooms, and I went up to my room. I put my swords down then opened the door for Mom when she made it and put her swords by the door. I took a shower and changed into my usual outfit. Dave came in while I was taking a shower and sat on the bed. When I came out the bathroom, I was wrapped in a towel and using wind to hurry up and dry my hair because I have to go. I have a plane to catch, and I still have to go get all of my stuff and pay my rent for the rest of the year. I went to the closet, put on the outfit, and came out. I grabbed my keys then  went up to Dave and hugged him, and he hugged me back. I don't know how long we were standing there, but I knew that I couldn't just stay in his arms all day, so I eventually had to pull away and speak.

I'll see you when I get back. Ok?

Alright. I can't lie. I'm gonna miss you.

Me too, but just know that I will always return for you, and if you need anything, just let me know, and I'll come running.

I'm gonna hold you to that.

I know.

He placed his hand on my cheek, and I leaned into it. He then kissed me, and I kissed him back. We were saying a million things without saying a word, but it all has to end, so we pulled away when we had to breathe. When I caught my breath, I spoke.

I have to go. I'll see you when I get back. Ok?


We kissed one more time then he let me go, and I grabbed my keys and weapons and left. I headed down, and there was everyone including Greg, Sara, and Jake. I said bye then teleported myself to my apartment. I grabbed my bag then placed my weapons in it after I shrunk them. I took out the money needed to pay my rent then left my apartment. I slung it on my shoulder then left and locked up. As I was doing that, I felt eyes on me, so I looked, and it was Hanna glaring at me. How the hell does she know where I live? I then thought about it and realized that Steve probably ran his mouth. She was stomping her way over to me and made it by the time I got finished locking my door.

Can I help you?

She was trying to have this attitude like she was so big and bad, but I saw right through it.

You need to stay away from Dave.


He's mine.

Coming from the girl that cheated on him with Steve.

I did not cheat!

Then what do you call it?

That's none of your businesss.

It is my business. You broke his heart, and he rejected you. Now, you're trying to break us up all because you're jealous and bitter. How fucking typical. I have to be at the airport in less than two hours, and you're holding me up for this bullshit? Then let me hurry up and make this clear. Leave us the hell alone. If I find out that you even looked at him wrong or tried anything, you'll have hell to pay when I get back. That's not a threat. It's a promise.

I left on that note then headed down to the front desk and paid my rent for the rest of the year. I went and got on my bike then raced to the airport. When I got there, I made sure to park where there was no cameras or witnesses and shrunk my bike and helmet down to the size a small toy. I changed my appearance and voice to a French woman in a black dress and heels. I changed my bag to an actual suitcase and created a purse with all my false information and headed inside. I made it to my flight then sat down in my seat and looked out the window. I kept looking out the window the whole flight, and we eventually ended up in Paris. I got a taxi then headed right for the tower. I changed my money to Euros to pay him then got out once we made it. I walked up to it, and yes, it was beautiful, but what concerned me was the voice I was hearing, and that's when my 6th sense kicked in. I started listening to that voice. It was in English. Thank the spirits.

Why would he do this to me? Curse him...Curse him to hell!

Then they started crying, so I went over and spoke in English. It was a woman, and she was sitting along the river. I spoke with an accent.

Hello. My name is Mary. Are you alright?

Leave me alone.

I will not. You're clearly too upset to be left alone. Do you want to go get some tea and talk about it?

......I don't have any money.

I didn't say you had to pay for it yourself now did I? Come on. My treat.

I offered my hand, and she hesitantly took it. I led her to a coffee shop that was open this late, and ordered two teas. I gave her one then started talking.

So why are you so upset?

My fiance....ex-fiance....I caught him sleeping with another woman....Our wedding was next week. He had been seeing her for months.

That swine! How could he have done such a thing?

I don't know....I gave him everything.....and what do I have now? Nothing.

No. You still are a young and beautiful woman with her life in front of her. Yes, the man you thought that you could spend forever with turned out to be a jackass, but you live and you learn and get a little revenge while you're at it.

What kind of revenge?

Show him why he should have never cheated. I'll help.

We spent the next hour talking, and I noticed someone staring at me because I felt eyes on me. I didn't say anything though. I had hidden my presence and energy signature, and I already masked my scent, so I should read completely human unless they're trying to detect leftover energy, but it takes extremely skilled senses to do that. Let's see how this is going to turn out.

We eventually left and headed to her apartment that she still shared with her ex-fiance because it just happened a few hours ago. He was gone for the moment, so she grabbed her stuff and clothes. Once we were getting ready to leave, the door opened, and it was him. He wasn't even trying to hide his magic or anger.

Kaitlyn! Where the hell have you been?! I've been looking all over this damn city for you! Who the hell is this?

He was talking about me when he said that, and I almost started growling from his tone. Kaitlyn got scared. I wasn't.

For your damn information, Kaitlyn is my friend, and we're leaving! Let's go, Kaitlyn.

I led her towards the door, but as soon as I was about to touch the door knob, the door caught on fire, and Kaitlyn yelled.

What the hell, Trae?!

You are not leaving!

You expect me to stay after you cheated with that whore?!

His eyes glowed as he looked her in the eyes and gave his answer.

Yes. You are going to stay.

Mind control. She stiffened up as he tried to control her. I stepped in and let enough of my presense slip out to overwhelm him.

Stop this charade right now.

The fire went away, and he stopped trying to control her and realized that he was in trouble as I pushed Kaitlyn behind me.

You're lucky that I'm not reporting you to the Grand Witch for this because I know that Kaitlyn here doesn't want you dead. Get over yourself. You had a good woman, and you lost her because you thought with your dick instead of your head. Let's go Kaitlyn.

We left him standing there, and I know Kaitlyn had a million questions for me, but she knew better than to ask them in public. Good girl. I had hidden my presence again, and when we left the building, that man was still following us. We got a taxi to my apartment, and by my apartment, I mean I altered the records to say it's mine and changed the memories of the people in the building. I changed the decorations to more of my tastes as we went up and opened the door and let her in.

Oh my gosh...this is your place?

Yes. Make yourself comfortable.

I sound-proofed the place and put up a barrier to keep out spells and unwanted people. I sat down next to her.

So how do you feel?

I'm exhausted really. It's been such a crazy day.....Are you one, too?

One of what?

An ability-user.

No. I'm a witch, and so is your ex. There's no such thing as ability users.


Yes. He was lying to you if he said he was one of a kind, or if he could not control his powers very well. It takes more control to make them go haywire than use them normally especially for someone of his level of skill.

What is his level?

He has a decent level of skill, but his power is nothing to be concerned with.

What do you mean it's nothing to be concerned with? He set the door on fire!

And what damage did it do? Some soot marks on the ceiling? I would show you a real fire, but I like this apartment, and I'm not trying to kill you. What's more concerning is he tried mind control. If he tried that and you started to obey so easily, that means he has damaged your mind.

Did you know all of this when you met me?

No. It doesn't take much to figure someone like him out especially after that show of anger. He was nothing but a manipulator after a free ride, but he somehow managed to fall in love with you, and it has turned into an obsession. Romantic story, tragic ending.

Wait. If he was on the weak side of witches, how strong are you?

I don't know. Some say I have the power to challenge the Grand Witch herself. Others say that I'm just a smartmouth rookie who needs to learn her place.

What do you say?

As long as I still have the freedom to do whatever I want or go wherever, who cares? I have no interest in leading or dealing with the particulars, or being set to some standard. They say that every Grand Witch was like that when they were young. Not reassuring. I'll tell you that much. What time do you have to be at work tomorrow?

Nine in the morning.

Then we should get you to bed.

I let her shower and sleep in a guestroom while I headed down to deal with the stranger that has been following me. I went down the street and turned the corner down an alley. I turned invisible and leaned against the wall as I heard his footsteps to try and catch up to me. When he started to run past me, I tripped him, and he fell right on his side. I made myself visible and spoke.

Why are you following me?

He got up and dusted himself off then spoke.

Now, that's not nice.

I'm not nice to people who have been following me all damn night.

Fair enough.

Now, why are you?

Grunt work. I got the job of telling all new witches to go see the Grand Witch in three days of my visit.


She likes to keep tabs on all the witches running around in the capital.

Sounds more like a dictator than a coven leader. And if I refuse?

Then you'll be hunted down and tried.

Then I refuse. I would love to see them try to put a hand on me.

You don't know what you're asking for.

I know exactly what I'm asking for Matthew Richards of Golden Circle. Have a good night.

He looked shocked and confused as I walked away and headed back to my apartment where I took a shower and went to sleep.

= A Few Hours Later =

I woke up to the sounds of Kaitlyn moving around in the apartment, so I got up, put on a robe, and left the room. She was making herself some coffee.

Good Morning. How are you feeling?

I'll be ok. It's just a hard pill to swallow that the person you loved is not who they said they were.

Everything gets better with time. Where do you work?

At the bookstore down the street.

Oh! I've been there! Let me change, and I'll walk with you. You're not wearing that to work. Are you?

She was in a sweatshirt and sweatpants and trainers with her hair in a messy bun.

What? I always wear this.

Not today you're not. Come on. Where's your suitcase?

I took her hand and led her back to her room and went through her suitcase. I gave her a pair of skinny jeans, sweater, pair of flats, and a beret.

You're single. You can wear whatever you want. Now, put this on and take your hair down. When I get back, you better be dressed.

I went to my room and changed into a similar outfit except I was wearing taupe booties with a short heel. When I got back to her room, she was putting on the sweater, and I saw the scars on her back.

Did he do that?

Silence, and she froze stiff. That was the only answer I needed. I kept talking.

I'm not going to make you tell me if you don't want to. Come on before you're late.

She finished getting dressed, and I gave her the cup of coffee that she finished, and we left. We were silent at first, and I let her break it.

I-I'm sorry you had to see that.

There's nothing to be sorry about. I'm the one that should be saying sorry.

For what?

I never thought that he would have gone that far. A man should never put his hands on a woman. I was so busy trying to make you happy that I started to forget everything that you have gone through.

You have done more than I can ever thank you for. You gave me a place to stay and just watching you do everyday things give me a confidence boost, so thank you.

We hugged it out and finished the walk to her work. She got off at six, so I decided to do some shopping for both of us. I noticed that I was being followed as soon as I left the building with Kaitlyn, but I knew that they weren't going to try anything as long as I was around people, so that's what I did. I bought clothes, shoes, and food then headed back to the apartment. I put everything up then sat down cris-cross in the middle of the floor. I didn't have anywhere to train in the city, so I created a space in my mind where it would affect my body. I trained for a few hours then got rid of the space when I heard a knock on the door. I checked before I opened it, and it was that Matthew guy, but he wasn't alone. I changed my appearance and voice just to mess with him.

Hi! Can I help you?

He looked completely confused as I looked around in confusion at all the people. He spoke.

Ma'am, sorry for the intrusion, but we are looking for a young woman with black hair and grey eyes?

I'm sorry, but you have the wrong apartment. My roommate doesn't even match that description. Wish it did.

Have you seen anyone around here recently matching that description?

No. I just came back from visiting my parents in London last night. Why? Is something going on?

No, we just wanted to ask her a few questions about a minor incident that happened a few days ago at her place of work.

Oh! Ok. Well, sorry I couldn't be of any help.

It's alright. Thank you for your time.

Ok. Have a good day.

You, too.

I closed the door and waited until they were long gone before I changed back into Mary. He left some spies in the area, but they were nothing to worry about. It was five, so I decided to cook, and by the time six came around, I was finished, so I went down to meet Kaitlyn at the door, so I could let her in, and she was late. I searched for her energy and two of those spies were holding her up. I went out and stopped them from feeding her lies.

She is a dangerous individual wanted for crimes against the Grand Witch. You need to get far away from her.

I spoke up when I got close enough.

Now, that's a little harsh. I'm only dangerous when you piss me off which is exactly what you two are doing. Is it too much to ask for a few days of quiet time before I go see her?

They got in defensive stances in front of Kaitlyn. I answered my own question.

I guess it is.

Then Kaitlyn spoke up.

Mary, what's going on?

I didn't report back from my trip as soon as I got back. I thought they wouldn't mind, but I guess not.

I went in my pocket and threw her my keys. She caught them, and I kept talking.

Go ahead to the apartment. Dinner is already done, and I bought you a few things. I'll be back. This won't take long.


She walked around us and went to the apartment, so it was just us on the street.

So what happens now?

One of them spoke.

Now, we arrest you.

Good luck. Those spells don't work on me.

That didn't stop them from trying. Every spell they tried, I broke out of with little to no effort.

Can we just go? I'm not going to destroy the place if that's what you're thinking. I'll put myself into my own bindings if it will make you feel better.

The other spoke while he was panting from exhaustion.

Let's go then.


We finally left and went to their headquarters. It was in an office building, and they led me inside. I was getting a lot of stares because one, I wasn't restrained. Two, I didn't have a presence, and three, I wasn't scared or nervous. I could destroy this entire building and everyone in it in an instant, so what do I have to be afraid of? Nothing.

They led me right to the Grand Witch's office. She was looking at some paperwork when we walked in. She looked up and saw me.

So this is the little one who has been giving us so much trouble?

And you're the one that runs this city like a dictatorship?

It's the only way to keep knuckleheads like you in line.

The only rules I follow are the ones given to me by the Elementals.

You are not even worthy to kiss the ground they walk on.

They think completely different. I can stand shoulder to shoulder with them any day.

A weakling like you? Don't make me laugh.

Ok. Don't say I didn't warn you.

I fully released my presence, and her eyes went huge. Everyone in the room was getting crushed with it until I stopped and hid it again. She spoke.

It can't be....There's only one being with that level of power.....You...are the Guardian..

Thank you for realizing that.

The Spirits said there was a Guardian created, but you're supposed to be with the Elementals at all times....

A false story. I am guardian over the world, not the Elementals. I go wherever my work requires me to.

If there is anything we can-

After you just insulted me and called the Elementals words lies? I think not. If I needed your help, I would have asked, but instead you insisted with your petty laws and have made me very disappointed.

If you had just let us known you were coming-

Why should I have? My work is to be done in secret. Not with a coven watching my every move. If my work gets jepordized because of you, there will be hell to pay, and not just from me. Here's a hard lesson in never underestimating who you are dealing with.

I started to walk out, but when I opened the door, I stopped and turned to look at her.

If I ever need your help, I will let you know. Until that moment in time, stay away from me and any companions I may have. Grand Witch my ass. You're nothing but a paper-pusher with an over-inflated ego. If you had any strength yourself, you wouldn't need any of this, and you had the nerve to call me weak. You are the one not worthy because you are unhappy with yourself and built this facade just to have people worship you. You're not even the real Grand Witch. Goodbye.

I slammed the door, and it got a crack in it just how it was predicted. I heard her knocking everything off her desk  and what she was saying as I strutted towards the exit.

Damn it!

I could hear her assistant.

Madame, calm down.

Don't you dare tell me to calm down! How dare that Guardian talk to me that way?! I want a team on her and anyone she's with at all times! I will find out what you're doing in my city you bitch.

On that note, I teleported myself back to my apartment. I took a breath to calm my nerves then found Kaitlyn sitting on the couch and watching TV. She saw me when I walked in.

Hey. How did everything go?

It went fine. I had to curse a few people out, but other than that, it was ok.

I walked to the kitchen and saw the amount of food she left me.

I see you enjoyed dinner.

I'm sorry....It was so good though.

Thank you, and I'm not mad. How was work?


How so?

I never recieved so many compliments before.

Well, you are a young and very beautiful woman.

She blushed.


No one has ever called me that before.

Not even the swine?

That was the name I gave her ex. I had made my plate then came and sat down next to her.

No. He called me pretty, but that's not the same as beautiful.

Did he ever tell you why?


Did he enjoy compliments?

To the extreme. He could have  just ruin everything, and still want compliments.

So he loved getting compliments, and can't take criticism. He's a narcissist. Why were you marrying him then?

I-I didn't have a choice....He said he would kill me if I said no.

What made you fall in love with him?

He wasn' that when we first met...He was so kind and loving....but he slowly started changing, and I didn't notice until it was too late....

He started hitting you.

She nodded and had tears coming down her face, but I didn't comfort her because she needed to get all of it out. She kept going.

The man I knew was replaced by this monster. Whenever he would get angry, he would claim his powers were going crazy and start hurting me with them....That's how I got the scars on my back......How could I have been so stupid?!

And there it was. I put my plate down and hugged and held her. She just broke down and hugged me back. She eventually cried herself to sleep, and I gently placed my hand on her head and started healing some of the mental damage the mind control had caused, and it was a lot. Someone of his power level has no business using mental spells because they don't have the power to do it correctly. Simple mind control should not cause this much damage if any at all. He was trying to kill this girl.

I eventually laid her down on the couch then went and got a blanket and covered her with it. I finished my dinner, turned the TV off and headed out. I have a pig to track down. Good thing I placed a tracker on him. I changed my appearance again then headed to a bar almost an hour away. He was sitting at the bar and drinking away. I went and sat near him then ordered a drink and sipped it slow. He looked over and started undressing me with his eyes. I pretended to be checking my phone then put an upset look on my face and downed my drink like a shot. He spoke.

What has you upset?

My date stood me up, and what's on your mind? You've downed at least four bourbons since I've been sitting here.

So you've been watching me?

A little. Don't think your wandering eyes went unnoticed either.

What can I say? You are a very beautiful woman. I can't believe that you would get stood up.

Well believe it, and you didn't answer my question. What's troubling you?

I got dumped.

Liar, but I had to act like I didn't know that.

What? Someone as handsome as you got dumped? Why?

Yes. She wanted someone with a little bit more money.

Sorry to hear that.

Fucking liar. We continued this pointless conversation for a few minutes then when I had him right where I wanted him, I touched his hand. That quick moment was all I needed to get his memories and then my phone went off, and I checked it. I groaned.

I'm sorry. I have to go. This idiot wants to meet at a different bar.

I paid for my drinks and got up.

Nice to meet you.

Same to you.

I left and went down an alley to seem like I was heading to another bar. I was being followed by him, and he was being hella obvious about it, but I was supposed to be human. Just my luck, Matthew was walking to the bar, and I caught up to him and created a mindlink with him.

Hey. It's me. I'm the girl with the blonde hair coming towards you. Play along and pretend you're here to see me. I'm pretending to be human, so I can't get rid of this tail like I want to. My name right now is Emily.


He pretended to notice me then stopped walking and spoke.

Hey Emily.

Hey Matt. So glad you made it.

We hugged, and he offered his arm, and I took it. He led me inside the bar, and we sat down together at a private table. We ordered drinks, and he started asking questions after I put up a shield that muted our words for the people that were trying to listen in on our conversation.

How long do we have to keep up this act?

I don't know. He's walking inside the bar right now, so I'm guessing for at least an hour and then we can head our separate ways and forget this even happened.

I don't think I can do that.

Why not?

Don't look. I have a few coworkers here, and they are never going to let me hear the end of it.

Why not?  Are you known to be a hard ass?

A little....

I laughed.

I'll take that as a yes. You are allowed to live a little bit and not think about work sometimes.

I don't think he meant to say his next sentence out loud as he sipped his drink.

Not with her.

What do you mean?

I said that out loud?

Yes. Now, answer the question.

We work 14 hours a day. When we're not at work, we're on call in case anything ever happens.

Does anything ever happen?

Some minor incidents, but she thinks it's signs of the end of the world.

Does she not know how society works?

You didn't hear that from me.

Was she a spoiled brat?

Still is.

How did she become Grand Witch?

Bloodline. Didn't you say something about that earlier?

Yes. She is not of the correct bloodline.

How can you tell?

You can tell, too. The way she behaves under pressure. How she doesn't listen to anyone but herself.  Even the facial features are wrong. The correct bloodline is full of natural-born leaders, and don't tell me you haven't noticed it either.

.....I have. Is that what you're here for?

Unfortunately, it's not because I would love to replace her with someone qualified. I'm here for something completely different, and you're the only one I can trust with it.

Me? Why? There are plenty of others more powerful.

I'm not looking for someone powerful. I'm looking for someone who has common sense and a good head on their shoulders. That's you.

What do you need me to do?

Watch out for the woman I'm currently dealing with after I'm gone. You don't have to stalk her 24/7. Just make sure she doesn't do anything too stupid.

May I ask why?

Let's just say she has a big destiny in front of her.

How long do I have before you leave?

Now where's the fun in that?


Thank you.

That's when we turned on the acting and flirting as I got rid of the shield, and he got a little tipsy, and I acted that way since alcohol doesn't affect me. After about an hour and a few drinks later, we decided to leave. We were still being tailed except by his noisy coworkers, and he walked me back to my apartment. We had to keep up this charade until we got to my building door, and he opened it after I unlocked it.

Thanks for the amazing time tonight.

Same to you.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

I'll call you tomorrow. Ok?

I'm going to hold you to that.

I know you will. Good night Matt.

Good night Emily.

I headed inside and went up to my apartment. I changed back into Mary, and I saw that she was still asleep on the couch. Good. I went to my room and sat down on the bed and went through all the memories I copied from her ex. I started a few months before they met and looked for anything of significance. I found it a few weeks before they met. It was a memory of him getting paid and a picture of Kaitlyn. The person that paid him was a shadowy figure, but it was female. Then throughout their relationship, he met with this female several times and even slept with her. I was finally able to see her face from that memory, and I couldn't believe it. It was the Grand Witch. She knows about Kaitlyn and her bloodline and paid that man to ruin her. How could that bitch do something like this? I quickly figured that answer out....power. All of this is about power and greed. Kaitlyn's life is in danger, and I have to protect her and guide her down the right path.

I went through the memories again to make sure that I didn't miss anything then set up a security system to keep away harmful spells and people. I placed a tracker and sensor on Kaitlyn, so I could always tell where she was and if she was in danger or scared. With all of that done, I went and took a shower and changed into some pajamas. I grabbed a blanket then went and slept on the couch next to her.

= A Few Months Later =

= Dave's POV=

She has only been gone for a few months, but it feels like forever. Ever since her mother became Alpha, pack life has been completely different. She informs the pack about everything going on and has intensified training to the point that us guards can actually participate. That also means that the kids have their own separate training session until they become of age. That's fine by me. She also said that everyone has to become proficient in more than one weapon meaning a gun and some sort of weapon that doesn't rely on ammo.

As training goes on, I see her knocking more of the rust off, and she is a beast. There's no one who can come close to her skills, and I see how she became Alpha after all those years of being locked up. I can also see where Bella got all her skills from.

Bella....Just hearing her name makes my heart ache. I know it is her duty to guide and protect the world, but that doesn't stop me from missing her. It doesn't help that Hanna has being throwing herself on me whenever she can. Her scent fucking disgusts me, and her touch is borderline painful. I try to avoid her the best I can, but it's like that girl is stalking me or something.

I'm currently at the pool hall to relieve some stress, and this is the only place where Hanna doesn't come besides my house. She hates pool halls for some reason, but I don't really care. I'm away from her.

I was playing friendly games with some of the friends I had here, and speak of the devil, Hanna showed up and was making her way towards me. Oh hell no. You could tell on my face that I didn't want her here, and one of my friends, Chris, spoke to me while she walked this way.

Man, why is she so set after you?

I lied.

I don't know, but she needs to leave me the hell alone.

Man, I would take that. She's hot.

Then you can have her. Not interested.

That's right. You have the Alpha's daughter. How the hell did you pull that off?

That is for me to know, and you to never find out.

See you bullshiting now. If Hanna is a 10, that girl is a hundred. Come on. How did you do it?

Why do you want to know?

I'm curious.

He then looked concerned and started talking in code.

Dude, what are you doing around six tomorrow?

What are you-

I found out when I felt that painful touch on my arm, and I snatched away from her and turned around.

What the hell Hanna?

What? You don't like my touch?

No, I don't. I don't like being touched period. What the hell are you doing here?

Believe me. It was not by choice. Steve wants to talk to you.

Like I believe that shit. If he wants to talk, he needs to tell me himself.

Do you really think I would be in here if I was lying?


And if it had to do with your... plaything?

She's my girlfriend, and watch your mouth. What could he possibly tell me about her that I don't already know? Get the hell out of here before you piss me off.

She looked upset, but I knew it was an act, and she left. Chris spoke up.

What was that about?

I don't know or care.

And why did you jump like she burned you or something? I know you don't like being touched but still. If I didn't know better, I'd say you two were-

He went quiet as he thought about it, and that was never a good thing. His eyes went wide as he spoke.

No way! You two are mates?

He said that quietly, and I knew I was caught.


What do you mean "were?" Did she reject you or something?

I rejected her. She cheated on me with Steve, man.

What? Damn, and Hanna is all in your face because you're with someone else?

Yeah, and the only reason she's doing it is because Isabella isn't here right now.

Tough being you.

You think?

We played a few more games, and I left and headed to my car. On my way there, I heard heavy and slow footsteps like they were being cocky, so I stopped and looked. It was Steve, and I had an annoyed look on my face.

That's close enough. What the hell do you want?

He stopped walking and spoke.

I see you didn't believe my message.

Why should I have especially with that messenger?

Fair enough.

I put all my senses on high alert. He's up to something. He kept talking.

I found out something interesting about your girlfriend that you might want to hear.

Like what?

I heard quiet footsteps running up then stopping. It sounded like six of them. He's planning on jumping me. How fucking original. He kept going because he believed I didn't hear them over him talking.

She's not who you think she is. She acts so cold and ruthless because she got raped when she was kid.

And only a few people knew about that, and I know they didn't tell you. Hunters got to you. Didn't they?

Caught, and that's when they came out of hiding and tried attacking me, but I made quick work out of them except for one. This one was different. He moved more like a werewolf than a human, but how is that possible? When it got down to me and the strange one, Steve jumped in, but I couldn't kill him like I could the hunters, and he knew that. He wasn't much of a fighter, but he kept me distracted enough for the strange one to stab me in the back, but it was a different kind of pain. It burned and spread quickly through my body. It hurts so damn bad, and I couldn't move. What the hell is this stuff?

I fell to the ground, and I heard Steve panic.

What did you do?! We were supposed to take him alive!

He was putting up too much of a fight! I should kill you, too! You told us that he wasn't much of a fighter! Let's go before they come!

I could barely hear them running off as I started to lose consciousness. Who would have ever thought my life would end this way? I just....I just want to see Isabella one more time...

As I laid here bleeding out, I heard running footsteps, and someone calling my name. It sounds like Isabella, but she's in Paris. She probably doesn't even know.

My vision was going dark, and I felt so cold. So this is what it's like to die? As my eyes started to close, someone reached me, but I couldn't see their face. My eyes were almost closed, but I could recognize those markings anywhere. did make it......Good....I couldn't hear what she was saying, but I'm glad I saw her again.

I felt her hands on me then that same burning pain. It woke me back up as I groaned in pain. Once that was gone, I felt a cooling sensation wash over me, but I was still losing consciousness. I could just barely hear her.

I can heal you, but I can't replace all the blood you lost since you're not a witch. I'm gonna get you to the doctor.

She touched me, and I felt like I was being pulled then it stopped. I felt more hands on me then was lifted and placed on something soft. I fought to stay awake to see what was going on, but I finally succumbed to the darkness and lost consciousness.

= Isabella's POV =

= Earlier That Day =

Today was a big day for Kaitlyn. I am going to help her awaken her powers. I found out that she was a witch few days ago when I was healing her mind. I accidentally went into her memories and saw that she had been through an awakening, but she had been alone and scared, so she never told anyone. I took her to some woods away from the city that we could go to, and we sat down on the ground. I made sure we weren't followed.

Alright. Today, we are going to try and awaken your powers. Are you ready?

As much as I'll ever be.

Alright. First you want to clear your mind of everything. Every problem or anxiety or anything positive, just let it go and breathe deeply.

I knew this was going to take a while, but I did not expect it to take five hours. I knew she was done when her posture changed.

Now, feel deep within yourself. You should feel an energy source. Welcome it. Do not fight it. Allow it to make a home in your body, but do not lose sight of yourself or get lost in the rush.

She began to glow, and she was like that for a little while before she returned back to normal.

Once all of that is done, open your eyes.

She opened them, and I spoke.

How do you feel?

I feel the same.

Now connect to your magic. You don't have to close your eyes or anything. Just feel for it, and it will respond.

I knew she had done it when she gave off a slight glow. Witches don't usually glow, so it must be her bloodline.

Oh my gosh....This is strange..

How so?

It feels like the air is humming.

You're sensing the energy in the air. It is all around us. It is not as strong in the city as it is out here, but it is still there.

So what do we do now?

Now, we go back home. It took you five hours just to clear your mind and another hour to welcome your energy into your body. You have to make sure that you get plenty of rest and food, and we actually missed breakfast, so brunch it is.


We got up and headed back to the city where we ate at this nice brunch place, and I was about to take her shopping when I felt a sharp pain in my back then this burning sensation. What the hell was that? There wasn't anyone attacking me or Kaitlyn, so what could it- Dave. Something has happened to him. I have to get back. Kaitlyn saw the worried look on my face.

What's wrong?

Something bad has happened at the office, and they are making me take care of it.

I gave her my keys.

Go home. The only time I want you to leave the apartment is when you go to work. I'll be back in a few days. Ok?


And with that, I went to an empty alley and made sure that there wasn't any cameras or people watching and teleported myself to Dave. His energy was weak, so I couldn't get his exact location. I was at the pool hall parking lot, and I turned back into my regular self as I called his name and looked for him.

Dave!....Dave, where are you?!

I stumbled upon some dead hunters and a lot of blood and immediately knew that there had been a fight. It looks like Dave was winning until something happened, but what? I kept looking for him and calling his name, and I found him laying on his side and not moving with blood pouring out of his back.

Oh my gosh....Dave!

I ran over and kneeled down next to him. His eyes were almost closed, and I knew I didn't have very much time left to save him, but a single stab wound doesn't make sense, and for it to be bleeding this much doesn't make sense either. He's way tougher than that just to let a wound like this be the end of him. Then I remembered the burning sensation.

Poison....Dave, stay awake for me. Ok? This is going to hurt, but I'm getting the poison out.

I placed my hand on the wound and drew the poison out. He groaned in pain, but I was never so happy to hear a groan in my life. After all the poison was out, I healed him, but I couldn't replace all the blood he had lost.

I can heal you, but I can't replace all the blood you lost since you're not a witch. I'm going to get you to a doctor.

I teleported us to the pack doctor and got one of the nurse's attention.

Please help him. I was able to get the poison out and heal the wound, but he still lost a lot of blood.

She ran and got some help, and they put him on a stretcher and took him in the back. I was left alone, and I looked and saw the blood on my hands.....his blood....

I felt sick to my stomach, and I started shaking as the weight of everything that just happened hit me. I crumbled and fell to my knees and hugged myself as the tears came down my face.

Please.... let him be alright....

Unknown to me, I had accidentally said that on the pack link, and when Mom answered, I jumped.

What's going on? What happened?

We were talking with the whole pack listening, but I didn't care at the moment.

I-I was performing my duties when I felt this pain and burning sensation. I was not being attacked, so it had to be Dave.....I rushed back here....and found out that he had been attacked by some hunters, and he was stabbed with some kind of poison-covered blade.....I managed to get the poison out....and heal the wound.....but he had lost so much blood by the time I found him.....The doctor has him now.....

Ok. Stay right there. Your dad and I are on our way. No rampages.


As I waited on them to show up, I moved from the middle of the floor to in front of the chairs. I was still sitting on the floor, but I had my knees to my chest and my arms on my knees. I put my head down and closed my eyes, and all I saw was Dave laying on the ground basically lifeless, so I opened them and cried. My parents showed up eventually followed by Greg, Sara, and Jake. Dave's parents showed up, too, with Corey. I couldn't even look at them because I felt guilty. He has hunters after him because of me. This is my worst nightmare coming true. Dad noticed my hands.

Isabella, you'll feel better if you wash the blood off your hands.

I shook my head no then spoke.

I-It's all my fault.....

His mom spoke up.

Honey, this is not your fault.

If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have hunters after him in the first place.


We don't know if that was the cause of this. It could be a completely different reason.

I hope you're right......I hope he's alright....

Then Mom started asking questions.

Where did you find him?

In the parking lot of the pool hall.

What did the scene look like when you got there?

There were five dead hunters on the ground, but they didn't have their usual weapons. Dave didn't have a scratch or bruise except....the wound.

So he was clearly winning the fight until something happened. Did you notice anything weird?


I stopped mid-word and thought about it and replayed the scene in my head.

The blood pool had been disturbed by two sets of footprints. He had, one werewolf scent on him. The other was more human than werewolf.

His dad spoke up.

What? How is that possible?

Magic. The hunters have recruited some necromancers to their side, and they give the hunters the powers of a werewolf. They can shift and everything, but they're not true werewolves, so their power will never be the same as ours. They can put up a much better fight though.


What concerns me is who is the werewolf?

I don't know, but it was familiar.

What? It was someone from this pack?

Yes....Wait....He had another faint scent on his arm. It was fema- Hanna.....

I growled that name out, and his mom spoke up.

What? What was she doing there? She's banned from that place.

For what?

Intentionally causing fights. She would flirt with the drunk guys and cause them to fight over her, so the owner of the place banned her.

I'm kicking her ass when I see her.



She was at my apartment when I was getting ready to leave, and said that I need to stay away from Dave. I told her that if she tried anything, I was going to kick her ass, so I'm going to kick her ass.

His mom.

Well, she's been trying since you left.


But that fight is completely one-sided. Bella can kill her with her eyes closed and both hands tied behind her back.

Then me.

I can limit my power and speed, and I'm not trying to kill her. If I wanted her dead, she would be already.


True, and you did warn her of what you would do, so I have no issues with it.

You just want to see a fight.

That's true, too, but I want to see what she's got. All she does in training is the bare minimum and throws a fit when it's time to spar.

I just shook my head, and that's when the doctor came. We all got up, and she spoke.

I don't even have to ask who are you here for, so I'll just get straight to the point. He did lose a lot of blood which caused him to be extremely lethargic and lose consciousness, so we gave him a blood transfusion and fluids. He is going to be fine. We are going to keep him a couple of days, so he can rest and get his strength back up, but he will back to normal in no time.

That was a relief, and everyone visibly relaxed. I spoke first.

Can we go see him?

Yes. He's in room 107. I need to speak with you first Isabella.


Everyone went to his room while I stayed behind and talked to her.

What is it? What's going on?

Are you ok?

I'm fine. Why?

I know mates can share pain and injuries, so I just wanted to check and make sure that you're alright and not affected by the poison because you healed him. Not yourself.

I'm immune to poisons and their effects, and my rate of healing is extremely fast, so if there was any damage, it would be healed by now.

Wouldn't that be shared between the two of you?

No. Our bond is strong enough to share major pains, but not enough to share abilities.

But aren't you two a mated couple?

No. I can't be marked or mate.

What? Is that a trait for your kind?

No. The Spirits made that so.


Because they made me immortal. They saw no reason for me to mate or have children when I'm going to outlive everyone on this planet.

I could see the scientist in her coming out, but she surpressed it.

Ok, and before you go, do you have a sample of the poison you took out of him? I want to examine it and figure out what it is.


I went into my pocket and pulled out the crystal.

I made it into a crystal because you can't exactly carry liquids in your pockets.

I gave it to her.

When you put it into a container, it will turn back into a liquid.

Alright. Thank you, and...

You want a blood sample?

If you wouldn't mind.

Just don't use it for any crazy experiments.

I won't.

I got rid of his blood off my hands then bit my finger hard enough to draw blood then created a small crystal of blood and gave it to her then headed to Dave's room. Seeing him laying there and looking so weak and pale made my heart ache, and I felt so angry. How dare they do something like this?

I walked up next to him, and it was taking all my willpower not to go track the bastards down that did this and kill them, but Mom said no rampages, so I can't do that. I took his hand and lightly squeezed it, and those comforting sparks reassured me that he was alive and was going to be alright. I grabbed a chair and sat down, and eventually emotional exhaustion caught up to me, and I fell asleep.

= The Next Day =

I woke up to the sound of someone creeping towards me, and I sensed something coming towards my head, so I quickly reached out and caught it.  It felt like someone's hand, I felt sparks, so I looked, and it was Dave. I just shook my head.

You play so damn much.

He chuckled, and I sat up and spoke.

How do you feel?

I'm good. I'll be better once I get out of here.

Well, you're going to be stuck here another day.

Damn it.

Yeah. Hospitals are no fun....What happened?

I was going to my car when Steve showed up. He was trying to tell me something about you and distract me from the fact that I heard guys surrounding me. He said something that you were just a scared little girl who got raped, and only a few people knew that besides the hunters, so I called him out on it. I was right, and that's when all the hunters came out. I managed to kill most of them, but the last one moved more like a werewolf than a human, and that's when Steve jumped in. He's a horrible fighter, but he kept me distracted long enough for the hunter to stab me in the back. Whatever that blade was coated in, it was not nice. I couldn't move. I couldn't heal. I just fell to the ground, but I heard the hunter say that he might kill Steve because he lied and told them that I wasn't much of a fighter. Then they ran off together.

I let out a low growl as my parents walked in. Mom spoke first.

What did I do?

I stopped growling and spoke.

I'm not growling at you or Dad. I'm growling because I'm pissed at Steve. You let your hate for someone get that bad that you try to sell them out to the hunters?

Steve? He's the one that betrayed us?

Yeah. Dave just told me. I should have recognized the scent with all the times he's been in my face.

It's ok. We'll find both of them. Don't worry. I already have teams out looking. We just have a name now. On the bright side, we have Hanna in custody.

Good. What was Hanna doing there?


She was trying to get me to go outside with her to talk to Steve.


Then she was a part of this, too. How deep of a part is what we need to find out. Want to kick her ass now or later?

Dave was talking to me.

What is she talking about?

The day I left, she was at my apartment and said that I need to stay away from you. I told her that if she tried anything, I was going to kick her ass.

I want to see that fight.

But you're stuck in here for another day.

That's when the doctor came in.

Actually, he can go home. I got his results, and he is mostly back to normal. No shifting, fighting, training, or any type of strenuous activity until tomorrow just to be on the safe side.


Ok. Thank you.

No problem. Have a good day.

She left, and Mom spoke up.

Alright. Your family went home to get cleaned up. I'll tell them to bring you some clothes and the good news.

Alright. Thank you Alpha.

No problem. Now, we just came by to check, so we'll be on our way.


We are?

Yes. Come on. We have to go do that thing I was telling you about.

What thi- Woah!

She pulled him along and out the room then popped her head back in and waved bye and left again. I just shook my head.

Those two are nuts.

What was that about?

I don't know. I guess she wanted to give us some privacy....What's bothering you?

He may look like his calm and collected self, but his eyes say something completely different.

Before you got there, I thought that this was it....The only thing I wanted was to see you one more time.....I don't know how you knew I was in trouble, but thank you....You saved my life.


You only wanted to see me?'s funny how it took me almost dying to get the courage to say this....I love you, don't have to say it back i-

I shut him up by getting up and kissing him right on the lips. He was surprised by it, but he kissed me back. I missed this so much, but this was not the moment to get carried away, so I pulled away and spoke.

I love you, too....When I found you laying there, my heart sank. My worst nightmare is losing you, and that's what I thought had happened....Thank the Spirits that you were still breathing.....I never really told you just how much you mean to me, and I know it's hard since I have to be gone for such long periods of time, but thank you for putting up with it.

As long as I get to have you all to myself when you're back, then who cares how long you're gone or what you have to do. The bond between us only grows stronger.

That's how I knew you were in trouble.


I felt the pain and burning sensation just like you did.

But I can't mark or mate with you.

I know. Then the bond between us must be very strong even though we can't.

He reached out and cupped my cheek, and I closed my eyes and leaned into it. I opened them when he started talking.

Something new happens every day.

Will you ever get sick of it?


What if the Spirits require me to give my body to someone else?

That's a tough one..... I can't fight the Spirits no matter how badly I may want to at that moment. I also know that you are whatever they require you to be at the moment. If they require you to do it, then I will just have to accept it. Your heart is mine. I'm not giving that up until the day I die.

And it always will be, and you are all mine.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

We sealed that with a kiss, and I could get carried away now, but I also know that his parents are on the way, so when we needed to breathe, I pulled away and rested my head on his.

Why did you stop?

Because your parents might be walking through that door any second now, and I think sex counts as a strenuous activity.

That's no fun.

You have to wait until tomorrow big boy.

How long are you staying?

A couple of days then I have to head back.


We just talked and joked around to pass the time, and we were in the middle of a playful argument when his family showed up. 


Very mature of you.

I stuck my tongue out at him, and he caught it before I could put it back, and I shrieked.

Eek! Let go!

It came out mumbled, but he understood me.

Are you going to stick it out at me again?


Then no.

I narrowed my eyes at him, and he realized what I was about to do.

Don't you da-

Too late. I turned him into a puppy, and picked him up.

Aw! You're so cute!

I could tell by his face that he clearly wasn't amused, and I laughed. That's when his mom spoke up, and I finally noticed them.

That's completely unfair, but he is really cute.

He whined, and I petted and scratched behind his ears. He enjoyed that, but that all came to an end when I put him down on the floor.

Ok. Now you have to go to the bathroom and get changed if you want to see the fight. I'll send you your clothes and change you back.

He whined and sat down.

Oh? You want to stay a puppy, so you can get carried around and spoiled?

He barked yes, and it was so cute. How could I say no?

Ok. You're lucky you're cute.

If he could smirk, he would. I picked him back up, and put him in my jacket, so I didn't have to carry him in my arms.


He snuggled in and got comfortable.

I'll take that as a yes.

What fight?

That was his Dad speaking up.

Mom approved my fight with Hanna, so I'm going to kick her ass and get information out of her, and Mom wants to see what her fighting skills are really like since she does the bare minimum at training.

Ah. That fight is not going to last long.

It might. I have to limit myself enough, so I don't accidentally kill her.

Then Mom contacted me.

Are you ready?


And bring Dave with you. I can't contact him for some reason.

He's a little preoccupied.

With what?

You'll find out when I bring him.

What did you do?

Made him cuter.

I don't know what to do with you two.

I chuckled and spoke to his parents.

Ok. We have to go. I'll take his clothes with me in case I have to change him back.

His mom.

Alright. Make sure you kick her ass for the both of us.

I will.

She gave me the bag of clothes, and I teleported me and Dave to where my mom and Greg were which was at the cells.

Hey Mom. Hey Greg.

She turned around.

Hey- Oh my gosh! Who is this little cute thing?

I answered simply.


What? This is what you turned him into?


What did he do?

He wouldn't let go of my tongue.

How did he get it in the first place?

I stuck it out at him, and he grabbed it.

I don't know what I'm going to do with you two, but you're gonna have to put him down for now.

I know.

I put the bag down and took him out of my jacket and put him down. I took my jacket off and walked with Mom, and Dave followed. We all went into the cell where they were keeping Hanna, and she was strapped to a chair and in cuffs. There were two guards in the room, and Mom let me take control. Hanna was asleep.

Hello Hanna. Miss me?

She jumped awake, and her eyes went wide when she saw me. Caught.

Isabella....w-what are you doing back so early?

Well, someone tried to kidnap my boyfriend, and almost ended up killing him. Know anything about that?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Oh really?


Where were you last night?

At home.

I find that hard to believe.


Well, your scent was on his arm. He was at the pool hall all night. There are witnesses that put you there shortly before the attack. Want to change your story?

Ok. I was there to flirt with him alright, but he wanted no part of me.

Now, we're getting somewhere, but you're still lying to me.

No I'm not.

Then why do we have a statement from Dave that says you tried to lure him outside, so he could "talk" to Steve?

I was there to flirt, and Steve saw me and asked me to pass the message.

Is that so?


Hanna, do you think we would have you locked up if we believed that bullshit story?

She went silent, and I kept talking.

Well, I'll tell you what. If you can kick my ass, I'll let you go. If I win, you'll tell us everything, and I'll kill you if you lie even once. To make it a fair fight, I won't use magic or weapons, and I'll limit my strength and speed to about an average werewolf for this pack. You can take me easily right?

Of course.

Then there's nothing to worry about.

I told the guards to release her while I limited myself. Mom grabbed Dave and held him, so he couldn't interfere. They moved the chair out of the way, and we both readied for the fight. I let her make the first move, and she charged right at me full speed. Too slow. I easily avoided it, but before she fully passed me, I grabbed her face and slammed her down on the ground and stood up.

You'll have to try harder than that.

I quickly put some distance between us as she got up and growled at me. Now, things are getting interesting. Instead of charging right at me, she used her speed to try to get behind me, but I could see her clear as day, and this is with average everything. This girl sucks as a fighter, and I'm losing my patience. Mom saw my face and shook her head. She was basically saying don't, and draw the fight out a little bit more. Ok. I dodged Hanna's attack from behind and kept dodging all of her strikes. I put my hands in my pockets because I was bored, and I could see her frustration as clear as day. When I saw her edge on the verge of shifting, I decided to end it right then. She threw a punch, and I caught it then grabbed her arm and threw her right into the wall. Before she had a chance to recover, I slammed her head right back into the wall then gave her one strong punch center mass. I could feel ribs cracking from the force of the punch, and she fell to the ground.

It's over. How fucking disappointing. You talk big, but your skills aren't greater than average.

I squatted down and grabbed her chin and made her look me in the face.

Now, you're going to tell me the truth, or die over the slightest lie. Your choice.

I picked her up and threw her back in the chair. She was panting as she healed herself. Weakling.

Now, let's start from the beginning. How did this start?

She was terrified, and she sang like a bird.

S-Steve has always been jealous of Dave....Ever since Dave and his family moved here, Steve has been jealous.


Because Dave is everything he could never be. Dave is kind, smart, a natural leader and fighter.... everything Steve couldn't do.

So the fights, sleeping with Dave's girlfriends and you, and arguments were all because he was jealous and wanted to get back at him?

Yes, but I didn't find out that until it was too late.

What happened?

For the longest, I had a crush on Steve before Dave came. Then when I found out that Dave was my mate, that crush started to fade until he started being nice to me, and after that happened, he invited me to a party, and he got way too drunk. I overheard him telling one of his friends that he stole me away from Dave, and I realized that he was with me to get back at Dave. I went and confronted him about it. He dragged me away and tried to make me forget about it, but I wouldn't, so he hit me.

Then why stay with him?

....He said the only way I could leave him is in a body bag, and he was a better fighter than me, so I believed it. I had to do what he wanted when he wanted it, or else he would make me regret it later on. He would beat me so badly that heavy makeup and spray tan were the only ways I could hide the bruises until they healed. He would watch me from the trees during training to make sure that I wasn't improving since training is required.....I had no way out.

How did the plan to get Dave kidnapped start?

It started the day you left this time. We were out, and we ran into some hunters. They were going to kill us until Steve said that he could give them you. He told them that you were dating and in love with Dave, and they let us go on the deal that he would supply them all the information he could gather on Dave. I tried to get him to stop and get out of the deal, but he just saw it as a way to get rid of Dave for good and wouldn't.

Where would he run to?

To the hunters...they had a safe house planned in case anything went wrong.

Where is it?

I don't know.....They blindfolded me because they weren't sure of I was going to follow through on my part or not, and they didn't want that loose end.

What did the place look like?

It was some kind of cabin in the middle of the woods. I know it was near the border because you could see it out the window.

What was your part?

Try to get him to go outside. Thankfully, he didn't believe me.

What is the name of the hunter that Steve ran away with?

Gordon. Something about him didn't seem right.

Like what?

He seemed so strange like he was more than just human.....

Where were you when the fight broke out?

I had went home.....I didn't have the stomach to watch what was going to happen.

Or you just don't have the stomach for a lot of things?

That too.

I touched her stomach, and she flinched, but I got my answer and took my hand away.

Want to know why you can't stomach a lot of things lately?


You're pregnant.

What? But how is that-

Your body can only put up with so much until it fails. Since you are a rejected female, this goes double for you. All the sex whether willing or unwilling takes a toll on your body. Congratulations.

I turned to Mom.

What do you think?

Well, her situation is an interesting one. She wasn't a willing participant, and she did try to get him to stop, and she's pregnant. She still particpated though......

She thought about it for a second then spoke.

I'm not going to kick you out since you are a domestic violence victim and pregnant, but I'm not going easy on the punishment. Five months in jail. You'll be out in time to have your baby and have medical care for it while you're locked up. That's the most generous I'm being. Learn how to fight and stand up for yourself. Let's go.

We all left except her and the guards, and I took Dave back from Mom and put him back in my jacket after I put it back on.

Are you alright?

He nodded, and I gently petted his head. I know he's going to think about this and blame himself for her situation, but this is not his fault. Envy is called a deadly sin for a reason, and this is why. I spoke to Mom.

What do we do now?

The only thing we can do. Hunt them down. I'll have the teams search along the borders for the safe house. We can start there.

What do you want me to do?

I would like for you to join the search party because you can find them almost instantly.

I sense a but.

But..No killing. We need to interrogate both of them including the hunter.

I can do that if I can kill them once you're done.

Save one for me, and you have a deal.


We shook on that and left the cells and headed to the pool hall parking lot. The scent of blood was still heavy in the air. That made following their scents from here almost impossible. Plus the fact that the tracking team has been through here, so their scents are mixed with it and altered it. Greg spoke up.

So what are you going to do?

Scents and footsteps may fade, but energy never does.

I closed my eyes  and sensed out all the energy around me. I started filtering out all the energy signatures until all I was left with was Steve's, and the hunter's. I expanded my range until I had the entire territory covered, and I saw that they were in one spot and not moving. Got 'em.

30 miles away from here straight Northeast. Don't rush them, or they'll head straight for the border before you even get close.


Damn it. The only way to get there is rushing the cabin. That's probably why they chose that spot. Can you get them?

No problem. Hold him to make sure he doesn't run off, and let the search parties know.

I gave her Dave and put the bag down then teleported myself right to the cabin. They were completely surprised, and I controlled thier bodies with a spell before they could run off.

Well, well, well....the two bastards that tried to kill my boyfriend. I would kill you for what you've done, but where's the fun in that? I'll make sure that your deaths are nice and slow and painful, and at the final moment where you are begging me to stop, I'll destroy you.

They both were scared and nervous except Gordon could hide his better than Steve. I turned to Steve.

And like to beat on women. I dare you to hit me like you did Hanna.

His eyes went wide when I said that.

That's right. She told us everything. How you beat her, raped her, threatened her, lied to the hunters about how strong Dave is all because you're jealous of him. You thought you were so superior until he showed up. Instead of becoming friends with him and learning, you let your ego get in the way, and now this envy is your death sentence.

I made them follow me out the cabin, and that's when the trackers made it. I created two chains and wrapped them around Steve's and Gordon's necks and gave them to the lead tracker after I took the blade from Gordon and all his other weapons and anything he might use to kill himself to keep from talking.

I'll take that. You can have them guys. I'm getting this blade to Doc.

I released the spell as I walked off, and I could them struggling to break free, and that's when the chains activated. I could hear them being slammed to the ground, and I turned around and spoke.

Forgot to mention that the more you struggle, the heavier those chains get on your end. The one holding the leashes can still drag you along though. Carry on.

I teleported myself back to Mom, Greg, and Dave, and spoke.

I gave them to the trackers and took all of Gordon's little toys. He still had the knife on him.

I unsheathed the knife, and was immediately hit with a rancid odor.

This shit stinks.

I noticed the greenish hue on it just like the poison I gave Doc. I touched it, and it was slimy. What in the world is this stuff? I thought about it, and it hit me, but there's no way they could get their hands on that unless.....

Those damn necromancers....


What's wrong?



That came from Mom and Greg while Dave looked confused.

Time to change you back Dave. We can't play around now.

Mom put him down, and he went behind a tree. I changed him back, and when he reached out his hand, I tossed him his bag of clothes. He came out fully dressed and walked over to us.

What is wolfsbane?

It's a plant that only grows in one spot in the world. It's deadly to all supernaturals, and the hunters have been trying to get their hands on it for years. The issue with it is that it has a magical coating that keeps it from being touched and disturbed. They must have got their hands on a necromancer that was powerful enough to remove it, and this blade and sheath are covered with it.


Why would the necromancers work with the hunters?

Necromancers only want power, so why wouldn't they? This is turning into a much bigger problem than I thought.


We have to get rid of those I'll call for an emergency pack meeting.


Wait. Before you do that, I'll go take this to Doc to make sure that I'm right. I don't want to cause a panic like that, and I'm wrong.

Alright. Hurry. We'll be in my office in the mean time.


I took Dave with me as I teleported us back to Doc's office. I asked to see her, and the nurse led us back to the lab where she was looking into a microscope. She looked up when we walked in.

Hello you two. How can I help you?

Have you tested that poison yet?

Not yet. I was still preparing it. Why?

It might be wolfsbane. Here's the knife that Dave was stabbed with. It's covered in this stuff.

What?! Ok. Let me get started on this right away.

She took the knife from me and unsheathed it. She wiped some off with a cotton swab then cut the tip off into a small vial of solution. She put it into a machine then spoke.

And now, we wait.

How long of a wait?

Anywhere from a few minutes to a few h-

The machine went off, and the results popped up on the screen. Doc read them.

That's not good.

What is it?

Good news, it's not wolfsbane.


What's the bad news?

It's wolfsbane.


Someone took wolfsbane and uped the killing power by 100. Death would be in no more than five minutes for a werewolf. Instant for a human. This is some nasty stuff.


Can you make an antidote?

Not as fast as you want it. It's going to take months to develop a cure for this stuff.

Damn it. Ok, let's go tell Alpha.



I teleported us to Mom's office, and she was there along with Dad and Greg. She spoke first.

What's the verdict?

It's wolfsbane. It's a deadlier version of it that they cooked up in a lab.

Ok. We have to tell the supernatural world about this stuff, so they can protect themselves.

She noticed the look on my face.

No, you cannot just go blow the place up.

I wasn't going to do that. I was going to get rid of this stuff. That's one less headache I have to deal with later on.

What about the weapons that are already coated in this stuff?

Synthetic or not, this stuff has its own energy signature. Destroy things with this energy signature on or in it, destroy them all. The issue comes with getting rid of all the research and formulas that went into it and erasing the memories of the scientists that worked on it. If they struggle too much, I could always kill them.

I am not letting you do that alone.

Then who's coming with me?

She looked at Dad.

Dave, do you want to go on a daddy-daughter killing spree?



Ok. Will you be ready by tonight?

Yeah. I just have to get my weapons out of storage.

Ok. Well, that's settled.


Ok. While you two prepare, I have to go warn the supernatural world about this stuff and tell our plan.

I spoke up because I thought about Kaitlyn.

Can you just call us two of your best warriors?

Ok...but why?

The people I'm dealing with in Paris do not need to know where I am, or else I'm gonna have to rush back before things go to hell.

Ok. Will do.


She started getting on the phone, and me, Dad, and Dave all left while Mom and Greg dealt with that side of it. Dad went to get his weapons while Dave and I headed to the kitchen. I realized that I haven't eaten all day, so I made myself a sandwich. As I was making it, Dave spoke.

Are you alright?

Yeah, I'm fine. Are you?

No. I'm worried about you.

We'll be fine and come home safe. Ok?

That's not what I'm worried about. You're exhausted.

Well, I was up half the night worried about you.

And I appreciate that, but I can clearly see that it is from more than just that.

He was right about that, and I stopped what I was doing and took a deep breath.

Ok. You're right about that, but I don't have time to rest right now. I'll rest when I get back tonight.

You have seven hours until nightfall, and it will probably be midnight when you two go and actually do it. You can't rest some after you eat?

He had me there, and he walked up to me.

You don't have to be on guard 24/7. Didn't the Elementals say that you could live your life as well? That means you can rest and have fun just like everyone else.

I know,'s hard. I don't know how I am supposed to balance that and the fate of the world on my shoulders.

I'm pretty sure you know everything before it happens, so.....

I chuckled because he was right. Depending the situation, I have to choose to stick with the script or not, and I see the consequences of my actions as I do it. As of right now, I haven't stuck to the script at all. He kept going.

That takes the stress and pressure off of you.

Ok. Fine. I'll sleep until nightfall, but you better wake me up, so I can prepare.


I gave him a peck on the lips then finished making my sandwich and ate it. He then walked with me back up to my room, and I got in bed after I took my shoes off. I thought I wasn't tired, but as soon as I put my head on the pillow, I was out.

= Several Hours Later =

I woke up to someone knocking on the door, and I got up and opened the door. As I headed to the door, I could see out my french doors that the sun had just set. I opened my room door, and it was Dave and Mom. Mom spoke first.

Hey Sleepyhead.

Hey. How did everything go?

Well, the world is in uproar about this new poison. So much so that they want to dissect your mate to figure out how the hell he survived it.

Did you tell them that he was healed by a witch?

Yes, but you know how witches and vampires are.

I know, but I also know that they only want him, so they can figure out who the hell did it. Anything else?

They don't want us to destroy everything. They want the research.

I'm destroying everything. No one needs their hands on that. They're just going to turn it on their own kind and other supernaturals. If they call outraged, tell them Guardian got wind of it and destroyed everything before your warriors could.

Ok. Be ready by midnight, and dinner is ready.


She left and headed downstairs, and I went back into my room and took a shower and washed my hair. I dried off and dried my hair with wind then wrapped myself in a towel and went into my closet. I put on some underwear, a bra, jeans, and a tank top then socks and combat boots. I went over to my dresser and put my hair into a braid then pinned it up into a bun.

Ok. Let's go.

We headed down and had dinner, and I went and prepared. I went outside and warmed up to fully wake up then summoned my weapons from Paris. I hid them away as tattoos after I hid away all of my marks. I hid my presence, scent, and energy signature for now then headed inside to check the time. 11:00. Time to get briefed.

I headed up to Mom's office, and there she was along with Dad, Dave, and Greg. Mom spoke.

Now that everyone is here, we can get started. You two are going in completely blind because we were unable to obtain recent blueprints of the compound. We know that there are more than just hunters there. There are necromancers as well which ups the danger level by a thousand. Your mission is not to destroy the place even though you may want to. It is to destroy the data and whatever else necessary and get the hell out and not get caught in the process especially you. They want you more than anything.

She was talking to me when she said that part. She kept going.

I know you were able to get in and get us out without them knowing, but this time may be different since they have intensified their search for you. Be extremely careful.

I will.

That goes for both of you.


Don't worry Celine. We will be back safe and sound.

You better.

And we're not going in completely blind. I know where a lab is.

A lab? As in more than one?

Yes. I got it out the minds of a few guards. They only knew where one was. There's a total of three.

So you two have to check all three to find out where this stuff is. Great.

She looked at the time.

It's 11:30. You have 30 minutes to get to the border. Good luck, and may the Spirits be on your side.

I spoke to Dad.

Ready to cause hell?


We left on that note and headed to the border. I created a watch to keep track of time as we swiftly and carefully made our way to the border. I reduced my speed to keep pace with Dad, and we made it with five minutes to spare. We made ourselves invisible, and I put a cushion of air under my feet, so they would be silent. Dad saw what I did and did the same. I let my senses and energy detection run wild, and when the time came, I crossed the border and led the way. As soon as we crossed, I knew that Mom was right. They severely intensified everything. I could sense cameras everywhere and pointing in every direction. Thankfully, they were just cameras, so we could easily get past them and onto their territory. Then I remembered something. Dad has a scent, and the hunters have the smelling power of about a dog. Not very good, but they would be able to tell. I hid his scent, and I created a mind link with him, so we didn't have to speak.

So where do we go from here?

Underground. There should be some stairs that lead down once we get inside.


I led the way and made sure that we avoided all the traps hidden. They definitely beefed up their security since last time, but it is still no match for two powerful witches.

We easily slipped inside because someone was holding the door open while they were talking. I sensed out a pair of stairs heading down, and that's where we went. We headed down, and there was someone coming out. Before the door slammed shut, we rushed in, and I grazed his ear with my finger. He froze, and I stole the locations of the other labs and any and all information related to the poison then let him go, and he went on like nothing happened. Good. 

We made it inside, and after we checked for cameras and traps, we started looking for any information or sample related to the poison and came up with nothing. I did find a file on me, but it was too thick to read right now, so I made a copy, shrunk it down, and put it in my pocket. I phased us through the door and led us to the next lab where we struck out again, so we headed to the last one where we hit the jackpot. I copied all the information into my mind, and then with the help of Dad, we destroyed the poison, all weapons, and surfaces covered with it, and destroyed all the information and removed it from the minds of the people that worked on it. That's when there were several large explosions, and how did we know? They caused the ground to shake, and that's when we knew we had to get the hell out of here. I grabbed Dad as soon as the alarm sounded and teleported us back to pack territory. We were in the backyard, and we turned ourselves back to normal. That's when everyone rushed out to us as Dad and I collapsed to the ground from the adrenaline rushing through our bodies. 

That was close. 


Mom had made it first. 

What happened? How did it go?


Not out here, or we're going to have a lot of angry hunters on our tails really quick.


The rest had made it and helped us up, and we went into her office. I created a barrier that disabled all electronics and listening devices and spells before I started talking. 

We got in easily. Yes, they had beefed up their security but was it enough to even get in our way, no. We made it to the first lab where was a scientist. I stole all the inofrmation he had about the other labs and the poison. Dad and I searched the lab, but came up with nothing except a thick file on me, so I made a copy of it. We went to the next lab, nothing, and at the final lab, we found everything we were looking for, so I absorbed all the information, and stole it from all the scientists that worked on it. Then Dad and I destroyed all traces of it and the poison, but then we felt several huge explosions, so we got the hell out.


Ok. Did you two plan the explosions?

No. I chose for it to dissolve away.


I chose evaporate, so I don't know who set off the explosions. 


That means that there was someone else there, and they were using not so subtle measures. Can't you see who they are from this great of a distance?


Yes, but that depends if they aren't dead by now. They knew better than to stir up that hornet's nest. 

True, but find out. 


I closed my eyes then reached out with my energy. I kept going until I reached the hunter's base, and there was an active fight going on. I blocked out the hunters, and I was left with werewolves, but they were completely underequipped. They must have thought it was a pack, and not a hunter's base. There's nothing I can do about that. I opened my eyes. 

Werewolves. They must have thought it was a pack because they are underequipped. There's nothing I can do about that since they are already decimated. 

I see, and you said something about absorbing all the information?

Yes. My mind is the only place that it exists. I have to organize everything before I can tell you what it is.

Duly noted, and what was that about a file on you?

I went in my pocket and pulled out the file. I returned it back to normal and opened and read it. 

Oh my gosh....


They knew everything....even the moment I was born....They did experiments with my blood, tried to create clones, tried giving my blood to human subjects, and they all died because they couldn't tolerate it. They tried the same things with werewolves, vampires, elves, witches, and they all died......they used a synthetic version of my blood as a poison since it wasn't compatible with anything.....They have pictures of my old markings, failed translations, and sections on all of you....They have Dave marked dead.....Those sick bastards.....

I put the file down because I started feeling sick to my stomach. Mom picked it up and started reading it, and she started growling.

This is all a fucking game to them....but we still can't do shit because we're tied up with the politics of everything. Do you know when these games are going to end?

I lied and shook my head no because if I said yes, it would not end well. Plus, I was still having a tough time accepting what I just read. Dave came over to me.

They experimented and used my blood as poison....

I spoke like I couldn't believe it. I know that I'm going to hear and see things far worse, but to know that they used my life force to kill is tough. I took a deep breath to settle my stomach as Dave wrapped his arm around me.

Are you ok?

I nodded then spoke.

Yeah. That's just something that's hard to believe. It's taking everything in me not to go and kill every single on of them right now, but operating on emotions is not a good thing. We have to think and plan this out because we cannot lose this war, or we will lose everything, and it will all be for nothing.

Greg spoke up.

She's right.


I know, but it's hard to keep your head straight when the attacks seem so personal.


That's what they're hoping, so we will make mistakes, but in reality, the only reason they mess with our family so much is because we are so powerful. Everyone is after us including other species and our own kind. They just wanted to be first, and they would have been if I hadn't threw a wrench in everything. Now, they're scrambling to come up with something to get all three of us. That's why they even listened to Steve in the first place. They're desperate, and things can only get worse when people are desperate, so we have to keep our heads straight no matter how bad it gets, or they will win, and that will be the end of the world as we know it.

After my little speech, we all decided to get some sleep, and Dave and I went to my room, but I didn't go to sleep yet. I still had to organize the information I took, or else it would ve in a bigger jumbled mess in the morning.

I sat down cris-crossed on the floor and closed my eyes. I went into my mind and found all the information I just took and started going through it and organizing it. That's when I found out the truth about this stuff. I kept going until I was finished then rushed up. Dave spoke.

What's wrong?


I ran out and went to my parents' room and knocked on the door. Dad opened the door. He saw the look on my face.

What's wrong?

It's not a synthetic version. It's concentrated wolfsbane.

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