
By gooniesneversaydie1

433K 11.3K 17.5K

Louis is the youngest in his family, raised by his three older brothers Scott, Drew and Edward after their pa... More



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By gooniesneversaydie1

"Hey kiddo, you okay?" Harry asks as he walks into Louis room, Louis is sitting up on his bay window, head resting against the glass as he watches the snow fall.

"Yeah" Louis smiles.

Louis doesn't know what's wrong with him, he's been home three days and is still sore, still tired and still feels numb, like he can't cope with what happened. Which is so stupid because George didn't kill him and Jax is the one who lost his life but, George, his best friend threw him off a cliff and hated him so much he wanted to kill him. He can't think about it for long or he ends up in a panic attack, he's tried to come to terms with it all, but all that happens is that it all replays over and over and he ends up vomiting and panicking and he can't handle that anymore, blocking it out seems to be working.

Little does Louis know though, that he's been waking Harry up every night with nightmares, Harry has been able to calm Louis in his sleep and settle him but he and the boys want Louis to start talking.

"I've missed you" Harry says.

He saunters over, still in his work clothes, his black shirt unbuttoned to his chest, his tattoos on full display, his jeans sit snug on his amazing thighs and Louis thinks he looks gorgeous.

"Missed you too" Louis says as Harry takes his holster off and puts in on Louis desk, he makes his way over to Louis and sits next to him.

"How was your day?" Harry says as he reaches out to move Louis fringe off his forehead, kissing the scar above his eyebrow.

"Fine" Louis says a little breathlessly.

They stare at each other for a minute, the sexual tension growing.

"Harry" Louis whispers breathlessly,.

Harry cups Louis cheek,

"I'm right here baby" Harry says.

He leans in close and lets their breaths tingle over each other's lips, Harry can already taste the sweetness of Louis, he craves the feeling of Louis lips on his.

"Uhh" Louis whimpers, he wants Harry to kiss him, to touch him like he used to. Louis knows Harry has been so careful with him and doesn't want to hurt him but Louis needs Harry right now.

Harry leans the rest of the way in and it's instant fire for both of them, the kiss in intense and instantly heated. Harry's tongue goes straight in and Louis responds eagerly. It's been so long since they've been this close.

Harry moves Louis so he's straddling Harry's thighs, he doesn't break the kiss and their hands roam each other, Louis' find their way to Harry's hair and the back of his head where he pulls. Harry moans loudly before he's standing up and moving them both to the bed, again, never breaking the intense kisses they are sharing.

Harry hovers over Louis and grinds down on Louis growing hard on, Louis moans and Harry's cock is now fully hard.

"Okay?" Harry pulls back to make sure Louis isn't in pain or upset.

Louis nods frantically.

Harry smirks and he grabs Louis hand and moves it to the huge bulge in the front of his work pants.

"See what you do to me" Harry says sexily as he moves Louis hand up and down.

Louis brings his other hand to Harry's pants and he unbuttons his jeans, he slides them down with Harry's help leaving Harry in his boxers.

Louis then sits up and Harry lies down. Louis pulls the front of Harry's boxers down revealing Harry's hard, huge, pink length. Louis holds in his gasp at how big and perfect Harry is.

"Baby" Harry moans.

Louis reaches for Harry's length and pumps a few times before he's circling his tongue around Harry's length and taking him down. The moans released from Harry are intense and Louis is so proud that he's the one making Harry feel like this.

"Fuck darling, your mouth" Harry moans as he arches off the bed.

Louis continues his sucking and pumping, he deep throats Harry a few times and he has Harry writhing on the mattress.

"I'm going to come, baby" Harry says

Louis doesn't move, instead he takes down Harry's entire load and Harry has never had an orgasim so intense. He sees stars as he comes down Louis throat.

Harry tastes so sweet and salty, Louis swallows and pulls off Harry who's catching his breath back. Harry doesn't take a second before he's then launching himself at Louis and hovering over him again.

He makes quick work of Louis sweats and boxers. Louis length is hard and leaking pre come, Harry is very impressed with Louis length, considering how tiny he is. Harry brushes his hand over Louis cock causing Louis to shudder, he the brings his fingers to Louis mouth.

"Suck" Harry says darkly.

Louis does as he's told and they hold eye contact, Harry getting hard at the sight again.

"Such a good boy for me" Harry says, he takes his fingers from Louis mouth, trailing spit down his lips, Louis looks sinful and Harry can't wait to wreck him further. Harry brings his wet fingers to Louis tight rim and circles, making Louis breathless. He then kisses Louis as he slowly inserts one finger, Louis is tight, Harry's pretty certain he's never done this before and Harry likes it that way.

"Ugh" Louis says, he's feeling pain yet it feels nice,

"Ive got you, so good for me Lou" Harry whispers as they kiss again.

Louis is letting out little breathy moans and Harry inserts another finger, Louis arches off the bed at the intense feeling.

"Harry" Louis chokes.

"Mmmmm you feel so fucking good baby" Harry tells Louis.

They kiss passionately until Harry flicks his long finger inside Louis and hits his spot.

"Fuck" Louis cries out.

"Mmmm that's it, right there, feels good doesn't it Lou" Harry says smirking as he kisses behind Louis ear and down his neck.

"Mmmm" Louis moans.

"Were not going further tonight darling, I want you to come like this" Harry says causing Louis to moan again.

Louis is on cloud nine, he's breathless, needy and Harry is the only one who can make him feel like this, he loves Harry and his fingers are magic.

"Harry, I'm, im " Louis chokes.

"Good boy, let me see that pretty little face when you come" Harry says as he licks all the way up Louis neck over his ear and reaches his lips. They snog the life out of each other as Louis comes hard and fast seeing stars.

When he comes down from his high he's cuddles to Harry's side. Harry is warm and running his fingers up and down Louis back.

"Okay?" Harry asks smiling as Louis looks up at him.

"Yeah" Louis smiles.

"I love you" Harry says.

"I love you too Harry" Louis smiles.

Harry kisses Louis head and brings him back down across his chest where they stay silent for a while just holding each other close.


"Take it easy kiddo" Drew says as Louis comes down the stairs slightly breathless.

"Someone should be helping you up and down those stairs Louis, doctors orders" Scott scolds gently.

"Sorry" Louis says innocently.

Scott and Drew look at each other, Louis is becoming so submissive and agreeable, don't get the boys wrong, there is nothing wrong with it but usually Louis would say a snarky comment back or at least roll his eyes.

"What time is Harry coming?" Drew asks,

"Around 6" Louis says as he limps his way towards the kitchen.

"Are you feeling okay?" Scott asks.

It's a loaded question and Louis knows it but he's not going to answer it truthfully, he's not going to release any of his pent up worries, frustration and he doesn't want to talk about anything.

"I'm fine, just a bit tired" Louis says.

"Lou, you're still recovering you're going to be tired for a while. We don't want you pushing yourself do you understand" Drew says.

"Yeah, I get it, Sammy said I was fine to go to Harry's" Louis says as he grabs a water from the fridge.

"We aren't just talking about Harry's, we've noticed you're doing to much kid, especially when we are at work, we don't want you doing housework, walking up and down the stairs, we don't want you leaving the house either" Scott says.

"I'm not doing to much, I'm doing what I normally did, you always used to get mad when you had to remind me to do my chores and now you're getting mad that I'm doing them?" Louis says frustratedly.

"You're not up to doing them, you're going to end back up in hospital and you've only been out a week.You don't have a spleen Louis and that means you're at risk of sickness and infection, more than most people" Drew says.

"Fine I'll live my life in a bubble then, I won't go out and I won't do anything, just in case I break" Louis says.

"That's not what we meant kid" Scott says.

"It's fine, I get it, sorry" Louis says as he walks away from the boys to the lounge. He doesn't want to disappoint the boys, he doesn't want to be a burden on them and he's so tired of everything he just wants to forget about it all and move on but, he can't seem to stop the nightmares and the flashbacks and it's started taking its toll.

"Hey boys" Harry says as he enters the kitchen, he's changed from his work clothes to his sweats and police hoodie, he's wearing a baseball cap and looks hot as.

"Hey Haz" Drew sighs.

"What's up?" Harry questions.

"Nothing at all, it's just.. Louis acting....well weird" Drew says,

"Weird how?" Harry asks,

"Have you noticed he's, very agreeable and submissive lately?" Scott asks.

"Well yeah in the bedroom" Harry says winking.

"Not in the bedroom Harry Jesus, we don't want to hear about your sex life with our little brother" Drew says shaking his head with a chuckle.

Harry smirks.

"We are being serious Haz" Scott says.

Harry stops his joking around as he sees Scott looking upset.

"I mean, I've noticed he's quieter, and he won't talk about anything, he's more withdrawn" Harry says.

"Exactly and he is doing everything he's told, we told him off for coming down the stairs alone and he said sorry" Drew says.

Harry looks confused.

"Well, I'll talk to him but I think he's obviously still shaken up from everything, he's still coming to terms with what's happened and the nightmares don't help" Harry says.

"Nightmares?" Scott asks.

"Yeah, he's still having them, he's not throwing up though, I don't actually think he knows as I settle him before he wakes, but it's nearly every night" Harry says.

Scott and Drew sigh.

"Do you think we should find someone for him to see?" Drew asks.

"Like a shrink?" Scott asks.

"Yeah like a counsellor or something? Someone he can talk to" Drew says.

"Well he can talk to us" Harry says.

"Yeah but he won't" Drew says.

The boys take in Drew's words and before they can respond Louis is walking back into the kitchen.

"H" Louis beams and Harry is quick to smile at his gorgeous boy. He walks over and picks Louis up, placing him on the bench and standing between his legs,

"How's my boy?" Harry asks kissing Louis head.

"Good, I like your hat" Louis smiles.

Harry smiles his big dimpled smile.

"Alright lover boys, off you go before you make us all sick" Scott laughs.

Harry laughs and turns around so Louis can climb on his back.

"Bye boys see you tomorrow" Harry says as he grabs Louis bag off the counter.

"Buy Lou" Scott and Drew say.

"Bye!" Louis replies.

Harry carries Louis with ease to his rover and buckles him in tightly.

He runs over to his side, it's so cold outside, he gets into the car and starts it, turning the heater on high.

"Cold?" Harry asks Louis who has no coat.

"Freezing" Louis says shivering.

Harry reaches over the back and grabs his police jacket, laying it over Louis. Louis smiles towards Harry.

When they pull up at Harry's they migrate to Harry's room where he has the fire on in the corner, ready for Louis.

Louis gets on the bed and snuggles into Harry's blankets, his smell engulfing Louis and he feels so safe.

"What would you like to do today?" Harry asks smiling as he takes his cap off and slides into bed next to Louis.

"I don't mind" Louis says as he pulls himself closer to Harry, so they are laying side by side.

Harry smirks.

"I can think of a few things I'd like to do" he says darkly.

Louis swallows hard

"Yeah?" Louis replies.

"Yeah" Harry says as he grips Louis cheek with his hand and pulls Louis for a kiss, the kiss is soft and slow at first before the sexual tension gets to much, Louis feels the fire creep through his body and he moans into Harry's mouth.

Harry loves making Louis so pliant and submissive in the bedroom and when he causes Louis to moan it gets him even more worked up.

"Mmmmm baby" Harry says his voice raspy.

They continue to kiss and taste each other,

"Let me touch you, let me make you feel good" Harry says sexily as he kisses down Louis neck.

Louis nods his head, letting out a slight moan.

Ever so slowly they take each other's clothing off, appreciating every small detail of each other's bodies.

"Fuck darling, you are so delicious" Harry says after he's taken Louis pants all the way off.

Harry is completely naked but Louis still has his shirt on. Harry slowly reaches out to take it off but Louis pulls back from their kiss.

"I.....I" Louis tries, he doesn't like his scar.

"Shhhhhhh, you're beautiful Louis, trust me to look after you" Harry says.

Louis has shaky hands but he does trust Harry and he wants Harry so badly. He slowly nods his head and Harry lifts his shirt off.

Louis scar on his left side is still red and harsh, it long from just under his peck to just below his belly button. Harry thinks it's a sign of bravery and strength and he thinks Louis looks beautiful.

"You're stunning darling, god I'm going to fucking wreck you" Harry says as he hovers over Louis.

Louis moans loudly as Harry dives in and explores his mouth with his tongue.

Harry slowly opens Louis up with his long fingers, Louis letting out breathy moans as Harry teases him, touching his special spot then backing off. Harry is so far gone for Louis, he can't wait to feel him, feel inside his tight little hole, listen to Louis come undone as Harry makes love to him hard and fast.

"Harry" Louis pants, he's ready he just wants Harry so bad.

"You want me darling, want me inside you" Harry says, his voice deep and dominating.

"Yes" Louis whispers as he looks Harry in the eyes.

Harry isn't going to last long, he's imagined this moment for months and now he gets Louis all to himself, he's all Harry's and Harry wants to treasure him and remember ever moment.

Harry hovers over Louis and places the tip of his huge hard cock at Louis rim.

"I don't want to hurt you, tell me to stop if you need me to" Harry says seriously.

Louis nods his head in understanding.

"I'll be so gentle with you" Harry says and he pushes slowly inside Louis tight heat. It burns and Louis tightens his grip on Harry's biceps.

"Doing so well baby" Harry encourages as he goes deeper.

When he's all the way in Harry leans back from Louis neck and looks Louis in the eyes.

"I love you darling, you're all mine now" Harry says as he kisses away the few tears Louis let slip"

"I love you Harry" Louis whispers breathlessly. He's starting to adjust and it feels so good.

Harry begins to move and they both moan as he does, it feels amazing and both boys let go and enjoy each other and this special moment together. Harry starts of slow but picks up the pace and soon he has Louis withering below him, moaning his name breathlessly, Harry is going fast but he can't seem to control himself and Louis is enjoying it.

Soon enough they are both near their climaxes.

"Harry, I need to come, uh" Louis moans, his eyes glassy.

"Baby, me too, I want to see you come for me" Harry says.

Louis can't hold it and releases, spilling white ropes all over his chest. Harry loses it at the sight and follows suit, coming hard.

"Fuck, Louis, Louis, fuck" Harry chants.

When they've both come down from their highs Harry collapses beside Louis and they curl up together, no words are needed as the lie in each other's arms, not caring if they are sticky just wanting to hold each other close.

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