
By gooniesneversaydie1

434K 11.3K 17.5K

Louis is the youngest in his family, raised by his three older brothers Scott, Drew and Edward after their pa... More



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By gooniesneversaydie1

"Louis" Harry says as he comes to a kneeling position next to Louis body.

Harry is a mess, watching George push Louis, knowing it was to late for Harry to do anything, knowing he couldn't get to Louis in time to save him. Scott isn't much better and he kneels next to Harry, Drew and his partner Lucy on the opposite side to them.

They can hear George shouting profanities at Louis and yelling as he's escorted away in handcuffs to get what he deserves.

"Kiddo, can you hear me?" Drew tries but gets no response.

Harry and Scott know not to touch Louis, know to let Drew and Lucy do their job but it's heartbreaking and emotional. The squad watches on and to see their top, most feared, cold, hard detectives like this crushes them into a reality check. They didn't take the bullet for Louis, they couldn't get to him either. They let their bosses down and it's emotionally challenging for all.

"We need to roll him over" Drew says.

"We can't get the backboard down here" Lucy says.

The ravine is too rocky and overgrown there is snow everywhere and they can't get all of their equipment down.

"We will have to risk it, just be gentle. Haz, Scott? Can you help us roll him with as little movement as possible?" Drew asks.

Harry and Scott nod and they all help roll Louis over with little movement.

He's covered in blood and scrapes and he's clothes are ripped, his shirt nearly non existent from scraping the cliffs on the way down.

Drew is swift and professional as he tries to hold it together seeing his brother like this, right now he has a job to do and he needs to do it well. He puts a drip in Louis and they monitor his pulse and heart rate on the monitor.

"We need to get him up to the hospital now" Lucy says as she sees Louis stats dropping on the monitor.

"Shit, Louis don't do this please" Drew says.

"What's happening" Scott says tears in his eyes.

"Fuck" Drew says

"Drew!" Harry practically yells.

"Scott, in the ambulance is a grey bag, I need it right now" Drew says as he places an oxygen mask over Louis to help him breathe.

"Drew?" Lucy asks concerned.

"I have to Luce, he won't make it otherwise" Drew turns to her and says.

She nods and Scott puts an urgent radio call in to the officers at the top of the ravine. It's seconds before two men are racing the bag down,

"What's happening Drew?" Harry asks, he's about to lose his shit.

"He has a collapsed lung and if I don't open him up and sort it right now he won't make it. There is no way he will make it up the cliff and the hospital ride" Drew says.

"What??" Harry and Scott say, neither of them have ever been so scared in heir lives.

"I'll probably need your help, so I need you both to pull yourselves together for me, so we can save Louis life. Can you do that?" Drew asks calmly, ever the professional.

"Yeah, yeah" Harry says as he realises the extent of this.

Scott nods swallowing thickly,

The bag arrives and Drew and Lucy get to placing medical tarps around Louis and around where Drew will cut Louis open.

"Scott I need another ambulance crew here and I need you or Harry to carry him up the cliff when I do this, he may wake up and I need you and Harry to keep him calm. We only have a short window to get this done and get him to a hospital, we need to move fast" Drew tells Scott.

"Okay, yeah" Scott says in a daze, he does what he's told and radios for another ambulance, by the time Drew starts opening Louis up they can already hear sirens.

Drew makes his incision while Lucy keeps an eye on Louis stats. Louis then wakes up.

"Ahhhh" Louis whimpers, he's come to, he's in the most horrific pain he's ever been in before.

"Hey darling, you're okay, just relax" Harry says as he cups Louis cheeks.

"It hurts, ahhhh stop" Louis cries breathless.

"Lou, it's okay, it will be over in a minute kiddo, you're doing so well" Scott says as he lets a few tears slip.

Lucy then hands Scott a green whistle.

"Help him suck on that, it will help with the pain" Lucy instructs.

"Hey bud, suck on this and it helps with your pain" Scott says as Harry takes Louis oxygen mask off.

Scott holds the whistle and Louis sucks as best he can on it crying in between. He's so numb and his body is in terrible pain that he can't really register what's happening or how bad it is, which is what Drew was hoping for. When Drew has finished releasing the pressure in Louis torso he places gauges on top but leaves the wound open.

"Okay lets go, we need to move" Drew says.

Harry picks Louis up bridal style, Louis sucking on the whistle like crazy, it's a tough track up the ravine but Harry carries Louis with ease and when they get to the top they see the other ambulance waiting for them. They bring the stretcher over and Harry reluctantly puts Louis down. He's passed out again and he's led into the ambulance, Drew behind throwing instructions as he gets in the back too. Lucy drives the other ambulance back herself,

"Drew" Scott calls helplessly,

"I've got him, just get to the hospital" Drew says and the doors are shut and Louis is whisked away leaving Harry and Scott distraught and in tears and shock. Their team watches on, everyone is silent. Harry stands with his hands on his hips looking at the ground, he's trying to regain his breathing, he can't do this, he can't lose the love of his life.

Scott comes over and they both share an intense hug, telling each other everything will be fine. They let go and walk straight to their car, lights and sirens as they speed sir way to the hospital and to Louis.


It's an intense and emotional six hour wait for Louis brothers and Harry. No one moves an inch, Drew still in his blood covered uniform. They sit silently on the chairs in the private waiting room, waiting for any news. Drew was told that he saved Louis life by doing the procedure but as Louis was being taken to trauma he stopped breathing, Drew couldn't go any further and he was escorted to the waiting room with the others, listening to the doctors and nurses as they tried to bring Louis back. That's the last thing he heard, last thing they've been told and no one is handling it very well.

"Louis Tomlinson?" A Female doctor asks six hours later as she steps into the waiting room.

The boys shoot up out of their chairs.

"Yes?" Scott says his voice raw.

"Is he okay?" Edward asks.

They all wait with bated breath for the news.

The doctor smiles slightly, she's pretty with brown curly hair and green eyes. She's comforting and the boys are thankful.

"He's stable" she says and the boys sigh with relief as they wipe their tears.

"He suffered a collapsed lung and ruptured spleen, he's got six broken ribs, a fractured scull and a crushed knee. The rest is just scrapes and bruises" the doctor says.

"Oh my god" Harry says shocked, Louis is so lucky to still be alive.

"He's asleep now, we've placed a tube down his throat for now while we keep him sedated for a few more days so his body can recover" the doctor says.

"Can we see him? Can we stay?" Drew asks,

"You can all see him but I can only allow one of you to stay at a time, as it's intensive care. During the day you're all welcome but at night just one" the doctor smiles.

"Okay, thank you" Edward says.

"Come on then, I will take you to him" she says.

The boys follow as they are led to a private ward, and to Louis private room. There is one nurses station with 10 nurses around.

"This is Sammy, she's Louis private nurse while he's here" Doctor green introduces.

"Hi boys, he's doing really well so far, you should be really proud of him" Sammy says smiling brightly.

The boys can't help but smile relieved back at her, Sammy's cheery demeanour is relaxing to the boys and helps them to loosen up a little.

When they enter Louis room, it's quite big, Louis bed is in the centre and there are two recliners to the side and chairs against the side wall. The equipment and computers are impressive. Louis is lying in bed, navy blue scrubs on and the blanket up to his chest. He has drips and monitors all over him and a tube in his throat, he's covered in s crapes and the boys can only see his arms neck and face.

"You've still got a little while until visiting hours are up, Sammy will let you know" Doctor green says.

"Thank you! Thank you for saving him" Scott says truthfully.

"I wouldn't have been able to if it wasn't for this one! You did good kid, you should consider moving to the ER" doctor green smiles at Drew.

Drew can't help but smile back and the boys smile and ruffle Drew's hair, thankful for his quick thinking.

Doctor green and Sammy leave the room and the boys migrate to the recliners, Scott sits first with Edward sprawled over his lap and drew takes the one next to them. Harry ops for sitting on the bed at Louis side, the boys watch on as Harry moves Louis fringe off his forehead and holds his tiny hand.

"Drew, thank you for not....for not freaking out like us and....god....just" Scott says as he thinks of what could have been,

"Don't thank me, I was just doing my job I'm just glad I could help" Drew says.

They sit in silence again just trying to calm down from everything.

"Who wants to stay first?" Harry asks.

"I...if it's okay I'd like to go get changed and have a shower" Drew says.

The boys nod, of course, he's still covered in Louis blood.

"I'll do first shift" Edward says.

"He won't wake up for another few days so don't feel guilty you're all not here the night" Drew says.

"Can I do a shift?" Harry asks,

"Not even a question Haz, he's yours as much as ours" Scott says.

"God...when I saw him go over and I couldn't get there" Harry says shaking his head.

"Seeing him on the ground at the bottom got me, he looked lifeless I was so scared" Scott says.

"If you hadn't have been there Drew" Edward says.

"But I was, and he's going to be okay and George will get he book thrown at him" Drew says.

"Is he going to be like okay? How long will he be here? Will he be able to be normal?" Edward asks.

They all look towards Drew expectantly,

"Well, his lung will heal itself over time, his spleen was removed so that just means he's more prone to getting sick and we just have to keep an eye on him more. His ribs will heal fine and his skull too, his knee will take time but he will recover completely it's just" Drew says.

"Just what?" Harry asks,

"It's just a lot of trauma and emotional trauma, it's going to be painful and hard and a few months recovery, I just hope he's mentally prepared, that we all are. He's going to need us and our support, not like we were, I mean proper emotional support" Drew says.

"That's not even a question, of course we will be there for him" Scott says.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'll be right here the whole time" Harry says.

"Me too" Edward says.

Drew nods.

They all just sit back in silence and watch Louis for the next hour, before it's time to leave and Edward makes up a bed to camp out on for the night.


"Lets change the antibiotics, give him another day before we wake him" Doctor Green tells Sammy at Louis first check up of the day.

Sammy nods and gets to changing Louis antibiotics.

"You're keeping him under another day?" Drew asks from the corner of the room.

It's 8am and like it's been for the last three days, the boys are at the hospital. It was Drew's shift to stay with Louis last night and it was a bit of a rough night. Louis developed a temperature and his stats were all over the place.

The boys all look to Doctor Green for her explanation, they are all dressed in comfy sweats and sweaters and have taken the next few weeks off work to be with Louis.

"I'm afraid so" Dr Green says.

Drew sighs and runs his hands over his face.

"What does that mean?" Harry asks.

Doctor Green sighs and she sits down on a chair to talk with the boys.

"Overnight, Louis temperature shot up, which means he's developed an infection. This wasn't much of a surprise considering what's happened and the open wounds he suffered but having it happen after three days is cause for concern" Doctor green says.

"How so?" Edward asks.

"Usually an infection presents itself quite quickly and we can get on top of it fast. It seems this One was laying dormant. We can treat the infection, it's just keeping him under for longer puts him at risk too" Doctor green says sympathetically.

"Well can't we just wake him up?" Scott asks.

"Louis body has been through a very horrific trauma, keeping him under gives his body the chance to rest and recover a little, if we wake him to early his pain will be out of control which could cause his body to go into shock, now with the infection their are more risks. If we leave him under too long though, we risk him slipping into a permanent coma" Dr green says.

The boys are silent and stunned as they try to fight their tears, Harry is about to throw something, he just wants Louis to open his beautiful blue eyes.

"Look, this time tomorrow I promise we will wake him regardless, we will monitor him closely and keep him comfortable okay. He's been doing so well it's just a slight setback. Try not to worry too much" Doctor green says before she's parting Scott on the shoulder and leaving the room.

They all look towards Sammy.

"He's doing so well boys, I promise, like Doctor Green said, it's just a slight setback" Sammy says.

She then leaves the room and the boys look towards Drew.

"It's all true what they said, they aren't hiding anything" Drew says smiling slightly, knowing the boys don't believe what they are being told.

"What if he doesn't wake up tomorrow?" Harry asks.

"He will, Louis is strong and he's a fighter and I know Mum and dad are looking down on him right now, protecting him, give Louis some credit guys. I know he'd tell you what for if he knew you were all doubting him" Drew says smiling, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah you're right, he'd be his right sassy self if he knew what we were thinking" Scott says with a chuckle.

"Remember the time we told him he couldn't jump off the pool rock wall because he was too little?" Edward says smiling.

The boys chuckle.

"I remember that! We came out at 10 at night to see Louis jumping off the wall for the fifth time" Harry laughs.

"I grounded him good for that" Scott says shaking his head.

"And what did he say to you?" Drew asks smiling.

"He said, "I don't care, it was so worth it to prove you all wrong" Scott laughs.

"That's right, and he was only 10" Edward says.

The boys smiles as they remember a young fearless Louis, it's emotional and they just want him back.

"He's going to pull through this and we are all going to be here when he does" Drew says.


"He's choking, help him" Edward says as the doctors rush into the room.

"This is a good sign boys, it means Louis is breathing on his own, he doesn't need the machines anymore" Sammy says.

The boys watch on as the tube in Louis throat is removed and an oxygen mask is placed over his face. Louis doesn't stir further.

"Now we just wait, just give him a chance to wake up" Doctor green smiles as she leaves the room.

The boys relax as much as they can but they watch Louis like a hawk, they don't take their eyes off him again.

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