The Once Seen But Never Menti...

By Tapigbarato_gatoso

48.5K 1.1K 789

(Y/N) is a young 12 year-old girl, youngest sister of Katara and Sokka. She is the second waterbender in her... More

The Guy on the Iceberg?
The village
Aang is the real Avatar?
The Southern Air-Temple
Warriors of Kyoshi pt.2
The Winter Solstice pt.1
Winter Solstice pt.2
The Water bending Scroll
Silent Dragon?!
The Great Divide

The Warriors of Kyoshi

3K 74 54
By Tapigbarato_gatoso

We were currently flying, my brother was looking at a map that we have (which seemed that Gran-Gran had packed). As Katara and I were sewing some clothes.

- "You have no idea were you're going do you?" My big brother asked Aang. Aang turned around to face him 

- "Well I know is by water." I didn't pay much attention after that as I continued sewing being very careful not to accidentally hurt my fingers as I did. I huffed as I got halfway the sewing, I slowly looked to where Aang was and saw him look at my sister. I couldn't stand but feel a like a punch on my stomach at this, but then again why was I feeling this? He's just friend anyways. I mentally rolled my eyes and continued sewing.

- "Hey Katara, check out this air-bending trick" He said, I ignored it and continued sewing.

- "That's great Aang" She said while still sewing.

- "But you didn't even look" He said as he stopped the trick. My sister stopped sewing and turned to face him.

- "That's great!" She said with more enthusiasm.

- "But I'm not doing it anymore" He said disappointed. I just rolled my eyes and let out a groan escaped my mouth as I continued to sew.

- "Stop bugging her Air-head, you need to give girls space when they do their zone." He said as he swing his hand at him.

- "What does us being girls have to do with sewing?" I asked irritated already by his comment.

- "Simple, girls are better at fixing pants than guys and guys are better at hunting, fighting, stuff like that. Its just like a natural order" He said.

- "May I remind you that I ran away and fought, hunted and stuff like that when I was, wait what was it again? oh yeah! 9?!" I told him.

- "Well yeah but you are an exception" He said. Then Katara turned to a very satisfied face.

- "All done with your pants" She said smiling, I went up beside her.

- "And look what a great job she did" I said smiling as my sister threw his pants at him. He quickly grabbed them.

- "Wait! I was just kidding, I can't wear these! Katara! Please!" He said as his arm went through the hole. Just then Aang spoked next.

- "Don't worry Sokka where we are going you won't need any pants" He said as we landed on a small island. I actually felt like I've been here before but I'm not sure when.

- "C'mon we just made a quick stop yesterday, shouldn't we get a little more flying before we camp out?" My brother as always complained. Aang just looked at the water before him.

- "He's right at this rate we won't get to the North Pole until spring" My sister said. I sighed as I knew it might be slightly true.

- "But Appa is tired, aren't you boy?" He said as he looked up at him. He then elbowed him gently on his side. "I said; aren't you boy?" He repeated and Appa let out what seem to be a yawn. I rolled my eyes at this. "I know this tactic pretty well you know?" I said to myself. Aang then seemed shocked by something but didn't put much attention to it as I smile at the memory of 3 year-old me and Katara pretending to be tired so we could sneak out and practice our water bending outside the tent. "I had to elbow her every time" I said to myself remembering the scenes. I shook my head to the sides as I tried to get rid of the thought to come back down to reality. 

- "So convincing" Sokka sarcastically said as he added "But still not gonna argue with the 10-ton magical monster" He said and I send him a quick glare as I looked forward once again. I got surprised at the creature that emerged before me as I ran to the shore near water and pointed forward.

- "Hey, look! Over there!" I exclaimed. Aang then was beside me, and place a hand on my shoulder. I couldn't help as a faint blush covered my cheeks. Then he let go and started taking out his...clothes?! leaving only his undergarments.

- "Elephant Koi, that's why we are here." He stated "I'm gonna ride it! Katara you got to watch me" He said excited. The pain in my stomach returned as I turned away and started walking further from them and into a tree.

- "Hey (Y/N) where are you going?" I heard Aang ask.

- "Nowhere just gonna climb a tree and see the view from up there!" I said.

- "Ok, have fun!" He said in return.

- "I will" I faked smiled at him when I turned around to face him.

- "fine" he said as he went into the water. I rolled my eyes and groaned as I walked in front of the tree. I looked around making sure nobody could see me and used my air-bending to get high (almost to the top) of the tree. But something was off, like someone was still watching. I brushed it off as I sat on a branch and comfortably positioned myself to look at the water. (a/n: KATNISS EVERDEEN STYLE!) I drew my head back at the tree bark. Then closed my eyes and focused on my surroundings. It was peaceful yet I couldn't stop help but keep feeling that little pain at my stomach. "Maybe I'm just hungry" I said out loud. I then opened my eyes and looked at my sister as he cheered Aang while he smiled and waved back. "God, who am I kidding? I just ate but what is this feeling?!  Why does it hurt? Why isn't going away?" I asked myself as I groaned and pass a hand through my hair as to slowly calm me down a bit. I took a deep breathe and started to hum what I used to sing to myself after mom died.

(A/N: This is the song you were humming)

- "Run, run, runaway meet me in our hiding place find me where we'll make our escape" I sung as I finished humming. I soon relaxed as I felt the cold breeze made it's way to my face. I turn to face my siblings and Aang but they were being attacked by...Kyoshi Warriors? I swiftly landed behind the tree. I close my eyes for concentration to see if I could sense someone around like Touph had taught me. Soon enough what seemed to be one of the Kyoshi warriors spotted me.

- "Hey, there's one over there!" One of the girls said as she pointed at my hiding place. I quickly hid my figure behind the tree. I look at my sides to see If there was something I could use to climb up the tree. Bad thing was, It was to late as one of the Kyoshi warriors went to kick me I barely dodged it and then she took out her fan and swing it at me. I ducked and kicked her ankles so she could fall over.

- "Is that how you greet an old pal?" I asked them as I turned to face them with wide arms. "It's me, (Y/N), remember? little 9 year-old water bender girl from the Southern water tribe that came here 3 years ago?" I asked moving my hands trying to make them remember when I came here. Soon their once glares turned to glad smiles and retreated their fighting stances.

- "(Y/N)?"  Said a familiar brunette.

- "Suki?" I said excited and use my air bending to ran to her as I tackled her to the ground in a hug.

- "Easy there teddy" She said while ruffling my hair. I giggled at the nickname she used to tell me when I came. I then let go and both of us stood up.

- "How have you guys been?" I asked.

- "Well as you can see we're just doing the patrol, you know the usual" Meng answered while Suki was dusting herself off.

- "Gosh, you changed a ton! Like your body is" She then with her hands gestured the shape of my body (a/n: add your body shape there! doesn't matter if you think you look like a potato cause author-chan thinks your beautiful just the way you are even though author-chan doesn't know you reader-chan at all!). I couldn't help but feel how my cheeks heated up out of embarrassment at such compliments about myself. I mean of course, I'm passing through some changes  but didn't thought it wouldn't be that surprising. I chuckled nervously as I placed a hand at the back of my head.

| Time-skip to when they three are tied while reader-chan went to greet the village forgetting about their situation (a/n: I know, I know it might seem kind of rude but is just to add a little more of the series into it) |

Aang P.O.V :

Everything was dark, it seem that I was tied to a pole. "Why can't I see anything?" I asked myself as I struggled for answers. It seemed that I had been blindfolded, then what seemed to be a elders voice started to talk.

- "You three have some explaining to do" It said. Then a girl voice was added.

- "If you don't answer all our questions we'll throw you back in the water with the Unagi" It said. Then what seemed to be Sokka's voice interrupted.

- "Show yourselves cowards!" He exclaimed. Then someone took the blindfold from my eyes and before us stood what seem to be a group of girls.

- "Who are you? where are the men who ambushed us?" Sokka asked. The girl who seemed to be the leader of the group talked back.

- "There were no men, we ambushed you" She said pointing at him with her index finger. "Now tell us who are you? and what are you doing here?" She asked.

- "Wait a second, there's no way a bunch of girls took us down" He said a smirk seemed to appear in his face as he said it. I just let out a sigh escaped my lips,nervous for what may come next. The girl who had talked earlier took a hold of his coat.

- "A bunch of girls huh? The Unagi is going to eat well tonight" She threatened. Then Katara seemed to emerge in the conversation.

- "Wait don't hurt him, he didn't mean it! My brother's just an idiot sometimes" She said. I couldn't help but feel guilty about the situation we were in. I tried to look at them as I turn my head a little.

- "It's my fault, I'm sorry we came here. I wanted to ride the Elephant Koi" I said. Then the elder man, who assumed was the voice from earlier pointed at us.

- "Wait a second where is (Y/N)? Sokka she's not tied up with us!" Katara said worried about her youngest sibling. But couldn't get any answers as the elder man interrupted her. 

- "How do we know you aren't Fire-Nation spies?!" He exclaimed. He let his hand fall to his side as he continued to speak "Kyoshi has stayed away from the war so far (a/n: rhyme not intended XD) and we intend to keep it that way" He said sternly. I then remembered one of my past lives was Avatar Kyoshi. My face took a joyful expression as I felt happy that the island was named after one of my past lives as the Avatar.

- "This Island is named for Kyoshi? I know Kyoshi" I said as I gave a smile at the elder man before us.

- "Ah, how could you possibly know her? Other Kyoshi was born here 400 years ago, she's been dead for centuries" I looked at the statue then at my feet. Soon I knew what to say to him.

- "I know her because I'm the Avatar" I said. The brunette girl then joined the conversation once again.

- "That's impossible, the last avatar was an air-bender who disappeared a hundred years ago." She said.

- "That's me" I said happily so they could trust my word.

- "Throw the impostor to the Unagi" The elder man said. The girls took out their fans.

- "Woah, woah, woah  where is my sister?" Sokka asked sternly.

- "What sister?" The leader girl asked. As if on cue, (Y/N) came in running towards the leader girl.

- "Suki!" She yelled from afar running at her. The girl who seemed to be "Suki" smiled at the (H/C) haired girl as she stopped what she was doing and turned to her. Suki's eyes widen as she saw the speed that she was going.

- "Oh no, not again" She groaned as she tried to get out of the way but was too late. The (H/C) girl had tackled her to the ground. (Y/N) just giggled as Suki rolled her eyes at her.

- "What happened know teddy?" She asked while raising an eyebrow at her. Sokka seemed shook at the name Suki had given her as his eyes slowly widen.

- "The boys are following me! Again! (a/n: I know some of you may think "Girl this doesn't happen to me" or "how is that even possible?" please just go with it. Author-chan wants you to have a group of fanboys so you WILL have a group of fanboys end of the story ;) ) " She whined as she pointed to the group of boys who were struggling to find the (H/C) haired girl. I felt myself stiffen at the mention of a group of boys following her around.

- "Hey guys! I think I found her!" One of the guys in the group said as she spotted her.

- "Eeeeeek!" She squealed and hid behind Suki. She then looked up at Suki as her eyes widen with the amount of boys coming at where we were.

- "For goodness sake! They were just 4 when you came and know they have multiplied?! How is that even possible?!" Suki exclaimed as she looked at the (H/C) girl.

- "I don't know, but can you please help me out here? I'm starting to get scarred here" She said trying her best to hide behind Suki. I felt something boiling in my stomach as I heard she wasn't comfortable with the situation she was struggling with. As the boys were approaching I used my air bending and flew above the Kyoshi statue while doing a back-flip and landing softly on the ground.

- "It's true you are the Avatar" Suki said surprised by what I did. The group of boys stopped dead in their tracks amazed by my ability as well. I smirked as I saw them and the village shocked.

- "Yeah, and check this out" I said as I took out the marbles and did the trick I used to show Katara. Everybody cheered except for the boys. They seem to be jealous as I heard (Y/N) giggled at my sudden mood change. (Y/N) then whispered something to Suki and drifted off. The rest of us soon left to what seemed to be a kind of house where we could be in which Suki guide us to.

- "This is where you'll be staying" She said as she gesture to the inside of the house. Katara and Sokka went in. Suki was about to leave but I quickly put a hand on her shoulder before she could leave, she stiffened at first then turned around.

- "Yes?" She asked kindly. I let my hand let go of her shoulder and went to the back of my head.

- "Thank you, for everything. And if you don't mind me asking" I said she slowly turned around to face me with a warm smile.

- "How do you know (Y/N)?" She stiffened a bit but relaxed as she let out a sigh escape her lips.

- "Well...lets just say that without her the Kyoshi warriors wouldn't be a real team like they are right now" She said. I nodded with a smile forming on the corner of my lips. and I gladly turned around. And I suddenly was met with Katara's face close to mine.

- "Hey Aang" She said as she backed up slowly with a smile on her face. That smile made my heart skip a beat as I felt how my cheeks started heating up. I drew my hand to the back of my head.

- "Yes Katara? What'ya need" I cheerfully replied.

- "It's getting pretty late now and I was wondering where (Y/N) would be so maybe you can look for her or wait for her. I'll be inside if you need anything, if I don't come back outside I'll probably be sleeping just make sure (Y/N) comes home okay?" She said with a little sadness in her voice as she let out a sigh.

- "Sure, don't worry Katara I'm sure she will be back safe" I said with a huge grin in hopes to cheer her up. She looked at the sky and giggled as she shake her head to the sides.

- "I'm sure she will, see you tomorrow Aang and thanks" she said and went inside again. I sat beside what seem to be a fence of the house. Soon a group of boys started to emerge from afar. I rolled my eyes as I felt kind of irritated at them for earlier and look away from them. Then I heard a familiar laugh. As I turned to face her she was having fun with the group of boys?! How can she have fun with the group of boys she was scared about earlier?! They were slowly coming into view so I quickly hid on the roof of the house.

- "Did you hear that?" The (H/C) haired asked to one of the boys as she turned around.

- "No, maybe it was just rustling leaves" He said.

- "Are you sure? I thought I sensed someone" she stated as she placed both hands on her hips. I saw how the boys were eyeing her as she did that. I rolled my eyes as I saw one of them looking at her all dreamy.

- "I'm sure of it okay?" The same guy came closer to her and caress her cheek. She blushed deeply at the act.

- "Um? Karma? What are-!" She was then pulled into a hug.

- "Don't worry it'll be okay. I'm here for you" She kindly hugged back and whispered something to his ear and planted a kiss on his cheek. Every boy of the group were shocked by the act and to be honest so was I. I felt so much anger at the boy. I don't know why but I felt like I was the one who was supposed to receive the kiss instead of him. "Why am I feeling this? Why am I suppose to be the one to receive it? Why am I so angry about this?" I thought to myself then (Y/N) seemed to turn her head towards the roof so I ducked quickly just to hear giggling from the (H/L) (H/C) girl. "She saw me!" I told myself. Just then I heard what seemed to be the guy who she just kissed in the cheek.

- "Well I guess you should be heading to bed right? Anyways we'll see tomorrow right?" He said as he took a hold on her waist. (Y/N) just blushed deeply as a squeak left her mouth for the sudden action. The boiling feeling from earlier returned. I stood up and did a front-flip as I landed softly on the ground behind (Y/N). Not caring about the rest of glares I was getting. I then walked up to her, the guy slowly looked up and saw me behind her and shot an irritated look.

- "Um? Karma? What's wrong?" She asked the guy as she followed his gaze to me. Once she saw me she blushed even more. She then untangled herself from his grasp. Then placed a nervous smile and drew her hand at the back of her neck. "Aang! Um...Karma and Boys this is Aang! Aang he is Karma one of my 9 year old best friends and the boys! Heheheheh...." She said quite nervous I just maintained my serious face.

- "(Y/N) it's really late and you know it. Where were you anyways?" I said kind of irritated of her lack of attention on the time.

- "I know it's just I wanted to spend some time with Karma, please understand we haven't seen each other in 3 years!" She said. "But anyways why would you care if I came late or not? I can take care of myself okay?" She mumbled at the end probably thinking I wouldn't hear her. I rolled my eyes at her and let a huff from my mouth.

- "Well guess what I don't okay? Your sister wanted to make sure you came back safe so she sent me to look if you came or not" I stated.

- "Well you shouldn't have okay? I can take care on my own okay? I don't need a babysitter" she said a little more harshly.

- "Well first of all, how can you defend yourself if you can only water-bend?" I said harshly.

- "You just answered yourself dummy, I can water-bend which means I know something" She spatted back.

- "but what if you can't water-bend huh? Then you are useless" as I took a second to look directly at her I immediately regretted to have said that as I saw her eyes filled with tears about to fall from her (E/C) orbs. My expression softened to a more worrisome look. "(Y-Y/N), I didn't mean that I-I" I struggled with my words as I tried to reach for her shoulder she just pushed my hand away harshly.

- "Don't touch me" she stated deadly serious.

- "(Y-Y/N) I really didn't mea-" I was cut of by her sniffing as her tears were slowly going down her face. I tried to reach for her to calm her down a bit. She just dodge my touch.

- "I said don't touch me! You think you know me well by just knowing me a week? Well guess what? You don't! You don't know what I had to bear my whole life before this happened! So don't tell me what I can and what I can't do! Cause believe me even if I don't have my powers I do know how to defend myself! By the way you probably don't know this because I didn't wanted you to "worry" about me but since you don't then I guess you need to know! I ran away from the southern water-tribe when I was 9 years-old! I spent 2 years outside exploring! I had to deal with starvation the first week! I had to learn how to live in the wild! Even in the streets! I barely had anyone to take a little 9 year-old me inside a real house! And when I had the chance I took it! Sometimes I had to escape the place because I knew I couldn't stay for long! But why would you care about this?! You yourself said that you really don't care! So whatever you want to say save it! Cause I won't want to hear! Good night!" She ranted and ran into the forest.

- "God, you really messed up" The guy who (Y/N) kissed, Karma, said.

- "You think I don't know? I saw how she looked at me" I let sigh escape my lips. "I can't believe I'm saying this but what do you think I should do?" I asked the red head guy.

- "Well if you truly are her friend, you should go after her" He calmly said.

- "But you heard her she doesn't want me to go near her, much less hear me or see me even" I sighed.

- "Then she was right, you don't really care at all. One thing I've known about her is that she hates being right, even though she really is. Just prove her she's wrong this time" He said finally. "Well guys, we should also go to our houses and give the air bender kid over here some rest" he said pointing at me. Then one of them looked at him as if he was crazy.

- "Are you kidding? we can't, she's out there all alone we must go after as well!" One of them said.

- "She needs some fresh air guys, ok? Let's just give her some space besides kiddo over here might not go after her anyway" He said as a smirk appeared on his face. I groaned at his statement.

- "I don't know why I even asked you about advice" I irritatingly said.

- "Agreed" he said cheerfully. I just rolled my eyes. Soon all the guys started walking to their home and I didn't waste any other second as I ran to the forest. I suddenly stopped in the middle of the forest and cupped my hands around my mouth.

- "(Y/N)! Where are you! I didn't mean that! I'm really sorry for what I said earlier!" Suddenly something inside of me kind of knew she would be at where I rode the Elephant Koi. I gasped at the thought of her there at night and all alone. "Please don't be in the water! Please don't be in the water!" I repeated to myself. As I used my air ending to get there faster to the shore.

- "(Y/N) please, I'm really sorry I didn't mean to say that. Just don't leave me please" I said loud enough for the water to hear my desperation but quiet enough to not alarm the entire Kyoshi Island. I then heard someone singing at the shore.

- "Two am, where do I begin
Crying off my face again
The silent sound of loneliness
Wants to follow me to bed" it sang, it's voice soft but yet so broken. I swiftly started to follow where I thought the voice was. As I finally saw who it was I stood quiet and let her finish singing.

"I'm a ghost of a girl
That I want to be most
I'm the shell of a girl
That I used to know well

Dancing slowly in an empty room
Can the lonely take the place of you
I sing myself a quiet lullaby
Let you go and let the lonely in

To take my heart again
Too afraid, to go inside
For the pain of one more loveless night
For the loneliness will stay with me
And hold me till I fall asleep

I'm a ghost of a girl
That I want to be most
I'm the shell of a girl
That I used to know well

Dancing slowly in an empty room
Can the lonely take the place of you
I sing myself a quiet lullaby
Let you go and let the lonely in
To take my heart again

Broken pieces of
A barely breathing story
Where there once was love
Now there's only me
And the lonely

Dancing slowly in an empty room
Can the lonely take the place of you?
I sing myself a quiet lullaby
Let you go and let the lonely in
To take my heart again" she finally sung as a few tears fell from her (E/C) orbs. And dig her head between her knees.

(A/n: that's the song you were singing if you didn't know which one it was. If you want another one you can replace it if you want :3)

"I know you're there already. Why are you here?" she stated. I stiffened as she said that, either way I slowly walked towards her.

- "You have a good voice" I complimented. She just turned her head to the side not facing me and scooted a little further. A sighed escaped my lips.

- "Listen, (Y/N) I-I-" I took a deep breathe as I relaxed my shoulders. "I'm really sorry for what I said back there. I didn't knew you had been through much. I really do care about you ok? I guess I was a little frustrated from earlier and I let it out on you, I'm sorry. I just don't want you to leave me...please?" I finally said. Then what I didn't expect was that someone had embraced her arms around me. Wait a second, is she hugging me? She is! Why do I feel so proud about this? I slowly wrapped my arms around her as well. She slowly pulled away and giggled at me. I just gave her a confused look.

- "Aang, I'm not gonna leave you okay? I made a promise remember?" She then gave me her small smile.

-"Yeah but we just fought and well we were angry at each other and you weren't even talking to me just a moment ago and I thought you were going to leave-" I was cut off by her soft giggles. I was more confused than I was just a moment ago. She slowly calmed down and looked me in the eye.

- "Aang, I'll never leave you even if you're just plain annoying at times I'm not going to leave you ok?" She said as she stood up.

- "C'mon it's getting late, we better head to the house they gave you" She said. I then stood up as well but then it hit me.

- "But where are you going to sleep? Aren't you sleeping with us?" I asked worried about where she would be sleeping.

- "Don't worry Suki has a place for me near the Kyoshi warriors training house. Just tell Katara and she'll understand." She said smiling at me with that small smile of hers.

- "Are you sure?" I asked, not totally convinced.

- "Aang, I'll be fine ok?" She reassured and started to walk away.

- "Just let me walk you there please? Is the least I can do after what I said earlier" I said and took a hold of her wrist, then she let out a sigh.

- "You are not going to take "no" for an answer right?" She asked in a defeated manner. It made me turn my head up as I nod with a smile plastered on my face. "Fine, you can walk me there" She said I just nodded and hugged her. "But don't get use to it ok?" She said as she hugged back.

- "What are we waiting for?" I asked little bit hyper."Let's race!" I said as I was about to air bend my way but someone grabbed the back of my shirt just in time.

- "Ok, hold on little buddy" She said as I turned around to face her. "You don't even know where it is" She said letting her hands fall to the side of her hips.

- "Oh! Right! Then we'll just walk there then" I said as I let out a small giggle.

| Time-skip brought to by the amazing Black Veil Brides and their amazing band members|

(Y/N) POV (a/n: it's been a while XD) :

We were walking to the house that the Kyoshi Island had for me. It wasn't big but it wasn't small either. You could say that it was normal, I suppose? Anyways we were at the door and well, we needed to part ways soon. I felt disappointed for some reason but brushed it off.

- "We're here!" I cheered. I swear I saw a hint of sadness in his grey eyes. I then looked at him confused. "Aang, are you ok?" I asked concerned about him.

- "Yeah! I'm fine" He said cheerfully to what I'm not totally convinced but brushed it off, for now.

- "If you say so, anyways I should probably go inside now don't want to worry Suki again" I mumbled the last word. 

- "Wait!" He said as he took a hold of my wrist, I turned my head. 

- "Yes?" I asked.

- "I just wanted to say, thanks for everything it really means a lot to me, Appa and Momo to have you, Katara and Sokka with us" I just snatched my hand from his grip a little harsh as he looked at me confused.

- "Your welcome, is that all?" I asked quickly going through the door about to close the door.

- "Actually just directions for the house we where staying at with Sokka and Katara please?" I was internally groaning but knowing that he would get lost in a matter of seconds worried me most.

- "Up the hill and the big house at the end" I said as I faked smiled and shut the door. Then I heard someone knock on the door. I rolled my eyes as I opened the door. 

- "Aang, I already told you the directions is there something else?" I said as I slowly looked at the person in front of me. My eyes widen as I didn't saw Aang but Suki in front of me. 

- "Suki?" I asked as I saw here trying to stifle in the laugh. I just rolled my eyes. "You can let it out now" was all that I needed to say to hear how she burst into laughter. I giggled but quickly turned back to my smile to a serious face. 

- "So? What happened to Aang huh?" I (again) rolled my eyes at her childish behavior right now. 

- "Nothing okay? Besides we're just friends" I said. 

- "For now" She replied with a smirk. I just glared at her as she giggled and placed her arm around me as a side hug.

- "As if" I said playfully as I pushed her slightly. 

- "I'm sure ok?" She said.

- "Yeah, whatever" I looked away from her.

- "Anyways just came to check up on you" She said as she stood up. I yawned and stretched my arms as she looked at me as if I was the cutest thing on the world. "Your staring again" I said to her. She just shook her head to the sides. 

- "Right, anyway good night! And if you want to you can take your place at the Kyoshi Warriors if you want to!" She said as she ran back to her house.

- "Good night to you too!" I replied as I went inside the house. I then did my "night routine" and lay on the cozy bed. "Wonder what tomorrow will await for us" I thought as soon as my head touched the soft pillow.   



Word count: 5871

There goes pt.1! 

Thank you soo much for the reads! I personally can't believe it myself!

Sorry for the slow update there and for grammar/spelling errors!

English is not my mother language (Spanish is) but to me it makes it easier to write ;) 

Remember there might be a face-reveal for 300 reads!

Hope you liked it! 

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(ZUKOxOC) Soana: Princess of The Northern Water Tribe, a beloved sister to Princess Yue, and daughter of Chief Arnook. A betrothal to Prince Zuko to...
203K 6.6K 30
๐Š๐š๐ข๐๐š ๐๐ฎ๐ž๐ž๐ง ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ˆ๐œ๐ž | ส™แดแดแด‹ แด›แดกแด: แด‡แด€ส€แด›สœ โ I'm doing this because I care about the people who need help. โž โœŽ ๐€๐ฏ๐š๐ญ๐š๐ซ: ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐‹๐š๐ฌ๐ญ...
258K 7.3K 40
๐Š๐š๐ข๐๐š ๐๐ฎ๐ž๐ž๐ง ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ˆ๐œ๐ž | ส™แดแดแด‹ แด›สœส€แด‡แด‡: า“ษชส€แด‡ โ I'm not that stupid girl you led on before. โž โœŽ ๐€๐ฏ๐š๐ญ๐š๐ซ: ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐‹๐š๐ฌ๐ญ ๐€๐ข๐ซ๐›๐ž๐ง๐๐ž...