Blood is Redder than Roses (K...

By 1person7_6

123K 6.5K 7.1K

The world is separated into two species. One of them is known as the Vampires; a notorious species that harbo... More

CH. 1 Why?
Ch. 2 Human
Ch. 3 I can't resist
Ch. 4 Remember
Ch. 6 Seriously?!?
Ch. 7 I said stop
Ch. 8 Hypocrites
Ch. 9 Uh-oh
Ch. 10 Have you kissed yet?
Ch. 11 That wasn't...
Ch. 12 Torture
Ch. 13 School
Ch. 14 Dangerous
Ch. 15 Friends
Ch. 16 Don't forget me
Ch. 17 You've changed
Catching up

Ch. 5 You Murderer

7.5K 342 438
By 1person7_6


I whipped around, foot slipping out from behind me, my whole body suddenly lurching forward. 

I closed my eyes, bracing for the impact, willing for my skin to harden again.


Bakugou and I exclaimed at the same time.



My back never made contact with the floor.

Blood dripped onto my shoulder as I slowly began to feel the two supporting hands behind my back. Almost immediately, those hands retreat, and I hear Bakugou wince in pain. Not knowing what was going on, I glanced at my arm. Jagged spikes were sticking out of my sleeve, blood all over it. Had my skin pierced Bakugou as he was trying to catch me? Weren't vampires supposed to be impenetrable?

Something came over me at that moment. I was supposed to be taking this opportunity to run, but my body moved towards him. 

Was this concern I was feeling?

Teenage hormones?Hello? Brain? Are you there?

Whatever came through me at that moment, willed me to go forward and check to see if he was alright. Just as my realization kicked in, I saw blood gushing out of a wound on Bakugou's right arm.

Surprisingly, the blood was red, like a human's blood.

Like a blood red rose.

How could a weak person like me damage a vampire and so severely too? I was never good at anything; school, sports, arts, you name it. Everyone except Kaminari mocked me to be a failure. The only good I am is probably dinner for the vampires. Maybe that's why my family died.

(A/N) : That's a straight up lie, Kirishima, lol.

For a few moments, I just stood there as Bakugou lay slumped by the base of the oak.

I didn't know what to do. A part of my head screamed at me to run, but the majority of my brain cells reprimanded me saying that, even if he was a vampire, I shouldn't leave him here.

Tearing my hair out in frustration, I eventually tore a piece of my shirt and threw it at him, slowly backing away with my hands in front of me. Bakugou looked up, his painful expression lasting only for a split second before dissipating.

"Kirishima, you're treating me like an animal, or worse, a monster." He drawled, pressing the strip of the shirt over his deep cut.

How ironic. 

I thought as I crossed my arms in front of me.

"I should've left you to die. Sorry about that, but I can't die tonight. There's just one more episode of Boku no Hero Academia I have to catch up on. It's a great anime. You should go check it out."

Before Bakugou got a chance to respond, I tore another piece of my shirt, threw it at him, and ran away as fast I could. Surprisingly, the injured Bakugou didn't pursue him. As soon as I was near Kaminari's house, I stopped running and remembered that I had left my thin blanket crumpled on the moss floor of the garden.


I'll probably be seeing Bakugou again soon anyway, so it shouldn't matter.

It was around six in the morning already, so I wandered off to buy some soba first. My stomach growled in protest as I ordered a bowl of soba at the restaurant.

"Five scoops of chili sauce please," I mumbled, tired from the constant commotion that seems to find its way to me. I ignored the cashier's curious look as I sat down, face headed straight towards the table in a bam. I just sat there for a few minutes before they called my name. 

Grabbing a pair of chopsticks, I begin eating my bowl of soba, looking out the window that showed a reflection of the streaks of bright red noodles curled around my chopstick.

"This isn't even spicy enough." I thought, fidgeting in my chair. I lifted the bowl to sip the last of the soup, I paid for the soba, bowed, and left towards Kaminari's house.

It was a Sunday; the day every human in this neighborhood was required to go to church. It was still early morning, but some early birds were already dressed and ready to go. Children hopped about excitedly, mostly to see their friends again and play, while the adults sulked about, the lack of sleep visible under their eyes.

Living this lifestyle is exhausting. One moment, you could be living and then, the next moment, you are on the floor bleeding to death. It's that simple.

I slowly rounded the corner of the block and started walking north. 

Advancing on the doorstep, I knocked on the door.

No response.

Huh, that was weird. Kaminari was always there for the church; his family was strict followers of the church, so he never dared to go somewhere on a Sunday, even if his parents were on a trip.

"Kaminari..." I dragged out the 'i' slowly. "Kaminari? Denki Kaminari? Where are you??" There still was no response. "PIKACHU! ARE YOU IN THERE?!?" Usually, Kaminari would be so provoked by this nickname that he would rush out of whatever he was doing and punch me in the face.

Still no response. 

Worried at this point, I tried turning the doorknob.

It clicked open instantly.

Frowning, I cautiously entered the hall, maneuvering to the dining room where he would usually be seated, eating breakfast.

Just as I was about to enter, I saw a blood stain. That was certainly not mine. Walking forward a bit more, I saw a tuft of yellow and black hair on the floor.

Suddenly my vision started shaking, my whole body convulsing under panic.



"Who's there?"

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