
By AzureBlu

225 26 9

Mikayla's whole life for the past three years revolved around the Indego, a device that records the user's da... More

3-Opening Sequence
5-Holiday Special
7-Season Finale
9-Series Finale

4-Ending Credits

17 2 0
By AzureBlu

Like I'm on the edgeeee of the Worrrld! You're my perrrfrect girrrl! If I could fiiiind a place-

Indego, Alarm off!

It's 5:02 am. Good Morning, Micky.

I should get that changed. I'm thirsty. Where's that cup? There it is. Mom and Dad are still asleep, so I should careful sneaking around.

Splash! Glug glug glug.

That's better. Ok. Where should I start next. Well, the next week was pretty routine, so nothing to relive there. Then the next week came. I really hate edutech. Doesn't even give me a chance to look at it myself. We're at school all day unless we they want us to check the net during class when do they think we have to look at our grade and explain it to our parents … or hide it from them because it was a one time thing because Ms. Hannigan said we shouldn't worry too much about the specifics of kidney filtering, but the test has a whole section on it so you end up looking like an idiot because they ask you to define the terms in specific detail.

When I came back home that day, Mom gave me the 'you have some explaining to do' face. “I got your science test back today. What do you have to say for yourself?” She projected the page out in the open with my 78% test score flashing in yellow letter as if I couldn't pull the file myself.”

It took me awhile to remember that she was releasing out the assignment file and so my excuse block was running overtime.

“Mom. I know what your going to say but it's just a small quiz. I-”

“Our agreement was that your grades came first, and if you made a C on a test, you have to cut back on the show.”

“It's just one quiz. Not a test! This is the first time you've seen me get a C. It's a one time thing, Mom!”

“It shouldn't be an anytime thing! You never settle for a C on a test. Do you want to remind you of your oath?”

She showed me a video of me raising my right hand from two years ago.

“I promise that if my grades start slipping especially if I start making C's on my test. Can I keep doing my webshow,” I said in the video. I was weird seeing how much I changed. I now know that side ponytails don't look cute on me.

“What do you want to give up?”

“C'mon. You know I can't stop making the show or the blogs or my fans will hate me, and I can't piss off the sponsors. Please can you just trust me on this?” I pleaded.

“Sorry but I can't let you get out of this. You have to make a choice.” she responded.

“That's not fair! You know its not! I can't just give something up!” I crossed my arms and stomped my foot like three year old.

“Ehh. Just go and calm down. I'll give you the rest of the week to decide what your going to do, but it has to mean you spend less time working on your show. School work always comes first.” I guess that was the first sign that this was all starting to fall apart, and I was freaking out.

I sat down at my screen and made a list of all the things connected to my website. Last time I checked it was...

Micky's Life(vlog)-My life and stuff.

The Fashion Show(blog)-Shameless product placement.

Micky's Life Tips(vlog)-Helpful advice and shameful advertisement.

Painting the Town Sunny(blog)-Pretending to be out going/shameless advertisement

Fan Corner(blog)-Genuine appreciation.

SideShows(blog)-Relays of general cool stuff.

Micky's life was obviously the priority, but I was pretty much had my hand tied with all the sponsors. If I was irresponsible, we'd be sued out of the house, but Mom didn't think so. I guess I haven't done anything recently to prove her wrong. After four hours and one strangely balanced pros and cons list, I finally came to a decision. I decided not to give anything up and hire an editor for my videos and luckily Mom approved. Was it that much of a problem to give up at least one of them?

Now that left me with a whole new problem. Who was going to do my editing? I couldn't get just anyone to do it. Giving someone access to all my loose footage almost gave me a panic attack. I thought about using Elle, Wendy or Andrea, but I didn't want to take up their time. Who am I kidding?

I didn't trust them plain and simple, and I was right not to! They can go fall off a cliff for all I care! No... I shouldn't think that. Only one of them caused this mess. No more thinking about that. He told me not to dwell on it. Forgiveness. Forgiveness.

I knew that the only person that I could trust with it was someone who didn't have an Indego. Unfortunately that left Marco as my only option and I was sure Mom wouldn't be as cool with a boy watching all my videos. I really should've left him alone, but the show had to go on. Once I got mom to supported Elle being my editor, I thexted Marco.

Naturally, his first answer was no.

“Can't do it,” he sent to me.

“Please! You're the best person for this,” I sent back and waited for what seemed like forever for him to get back to me because he was one of the few people below the age of 45 who still texted..

“Don't kno y Im the only person u can ask,”

“I told you. You dough have an Indego, so I can trust you with the project.”


“I mean don't. Auto-correct agggh. Come on. Do it for me.”

“Even if I wanted 2. Its alot of work to do 4 free.”

“What if you didn't do it for free?”


“How about fife dollars a video.”

“Don't needa fife. How about a flute?”

“Five! C'mon! Be serious here.”

“Fine. 6$.

“Six? Fine six.”

“So will u send me... all your videos. Cuz what if I see something u don't want me 2.”

“Ohhhhhhh(#3error) Yeah. I'll take those out.”

So I agreed to pay him six bucks a video. Though after all the trouble he put me through with re-editing all my videos for three weeks because he used a shitty editing software that looked like crap on an Indego, I should have took some out as a training fee. After giving him a better program, a training video, and a model of how the quality of the video should be, he finally got the hang of it. He got so good that people told kept telling me how good my videos were looking. It kinda hurt my ego a bit since I've been doing this for three years, and he somehow became better than me in a three weeks, but that was obviously because I'm a great teacher with way too little time to spend on editing.

Good thing Mom never found about it, but I didn't end up giving him a lot of money. I wish I had access to all the money. It's been a long time since I've checked. I must be racking up a lot now with the controversy. Bet all those sponsors who dropped me like a bag or rotten meat are pulling out their toupees, wishing for all the free publicity I'm getting. Ha ha.

And that was it for a while. We talked occasionally about school and life and stuff. He sometimes talked about his girlfriends weird habits like listening to something called an mp3 player. I would talk about how the show runs, who I could and couldn't put on camera, how I got the school to agree and other school stuff. Really harmless stuff but apparently some people see that as “flirting”. How is that flirting? They couldn't even see my face!

Then on Sunday, I entered another awkward situation.. After service was over, I walked outside and waited for Mom and Dad to come out. Then I saw two girls who looked eerily like older versions of Kiara and Jenny, and they were.

When Kiara turned around, A wide smile grew across her face as she ran towards me. Jenny just walked, looking kinda pissed.

“Micky! Micky! Oh my goodness! It's been so long! Hi!” she yelled.

“Kiara! Jenny! Hi! What are you guys doing here?” I said. Jenny still didn't look very interested.

“Well. Our old church, you know River of Hope, closed down a few weeks ago.”

“Oh yeah. I heard about that. Sorry.”

“You heard about it, but you never bothered to check on us,” Jenny mumbled sarcastically.

“What?” I said.

“Oh it's nothing. Nothing at all.” She always did that. Even when we were kids. You could kick her in the knees, and she would still try to pretend nothing was wrong after you heard her scream. I really didn't know what she could be mad about.

“Any way... We've been going around around town trying to find a new church to go to and we decided to come here today. Didn't you do an ad for this place on your site.” Kiara said.

“So you watch my show?” I don't know why I was surprised. I guess it was weird that they saw all I was doing, but I didn't know what they were doing. I fought the urge to look back to see if Mom was coming out to come rescue me. Talking to more than one person is so much better in v-chat than on the outside.

“Of course! We were Micky fans before it was cool! I've watched all you're videos! Oh look at us. I wish Marco was here to complete our reunion.”

“Actually I still see Marco. He still goes to my school. But he's a Revo now.”

“Really? A Revo?”

“With the the hair and everything? I can't see that. I thought he'd be more of a tech-head. I can't imagine him walking with those big headphones,” Jenny said to Kiara.

“Yep. A total Revo. He even has a Revo girlfriend now,” I said.

“Ahhh. We all need to catch up one of these days,” Kiara said.

“Sure. Just message me on the site.”

Finally Mom and Dad came out and our conversation was cut short. They said hello and asked them about what they've been doing over the years, giving me time to settle my nerves. I knew Kiara would be talkative, but it just didn't sit right with me that Jenny barely said anything, but she sure gave me an earful at the party. We left church, and I told Marco about seeing Kiara and Jenny.

It didn't take long for Kiara to come through on her promise. Two weeks later, Kiara gave me and Marco e-vites to her sweet sixteen. The night everything went wrong, so wrong.

It was so much easier when we were the Dragon Force.

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