Voltron Force: Code Green

By AhsokaTanoJedi

855 21 3

This is a Shidge tale, don't hate me. The Galra want to take down Voltron, and the way to do that, take away... More

Suprise attack


126 4 1
By AhsokaTanoJedi


Shiro was asleep next to the pod as it opened up, a disoriented Katie slowly came round once the pod opened. Once her eyes adjusted, she was able to look around, she stifled a giggle as she saw her sleeping boyfriend next to the healing pod. She quietly got out of the pod, and then gently placed a hand on Takashi's sleeping form.
"Shiro, Shiro wake up." She gently Cox's , and he stirs. Once he opens his eyes, they widen to the size of Wenzbees, then he jolts up.
"Katie, your awake!" He exclaims, before pulling her into a hug. Then kissing her, then back into a hug.
"Shiro, I'm alive. Your smothering me." She laughs as he sheepishly rubs his neck.
"Sorry, but you had us all worried. It's been dobashes since we where rescued by Allura." Katie's eyes widen, shed been unconscious for days?!?
"Oh my gosh! Are the others fine?"
"Yes, Jessie, Cathy, and Lena are all fine. Better than fine actually, but more on that later, right now, I need to ask you something that I've been wanting to for a while now." Katie looks confused until Shiro gets down on one knee and takes out a box.
"Katie Holt, I know we've only been dating a year, but we've been through so much together. Fighting Galra, finding he lions, even saving Planets. I've been all over the Galaxy, and I know that there is nobody else I'd rather spend the rest of my life with, and, well, Katie Holt, will you marry me?" He Asks, Katie just gives him a big hug.
"Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes!" Shiro just laughs as he slips the ring on her finger, then gives Kate a kiss.
"Ok, how about we get you some more comfortable clothes? You've been in that armor since we got back, it's kinda scorched." Katie looks down and realized that she was indeed in her suit.
"Yes please, I have a dress or jeans, well, my clothes waiting for me." Shuro laughs as Katie drags him along to their shared room. She didn't even realize that it was one am so to speak.
Time skip two hours or so

Katie is now in jeans, green long sleeved shirt, and brown knee length boots. Her hair is down, and she has a green headband on.
"Shiro, you never told me how the others are doing."
"Oh, well, they are engaged to the others." Katie chokes on her water, shockers.
"That was fast, I thought Keith would take at least a month to ask Lena, dang it. I owe Matt money, I lost our bet!" Shiro just laughs at his fiancés antics, just then, the rest of the castles inhabitants entered the dining room.
"Pidge!" The boys exclaimed.
"Katie!" The girls say with glee. Soon, Pidge is in the middle of a group hug.
"Guys, can't breath, need space." They all back up, and then Katie notices how visibly pregnant she is.
"Oh, yeah, umm, everyone, I'm pregnant." Shiro chokes on the water he was drinking, the girls squeal, and the boys just gape at her.
"What!" Lance exclaimed.
"Congratulations!" Allura squeals.
"I'm gonna be a father!" Shiro exclaims with glee. Katie sighs in relief, and places her hand on her stomach. And the others notice her hand.
"Congratulations! Shiro finally asked you." Katie is confused till she realized they where talking about her ring.
"Oh, yeah. Oh shit! I need to call Matt!" Katie yells as she runs out of the room, with Coran yelling at her saying she shouldn't run while pregnant.
"Wait a second, if Pidge is pregnant, we need to prepare a nursery!" Lance exclaimed, we all nod, then I remember.
"We never told Pidge that Green Lion is out of commission for three more weeks, did we?" The others pale, then we bolt to find Pidge before she finds her lion. We look for about five minutes, till.
" I was just about to tell you before you bolted to call Matt, please don't make me eat Lance's cooking please." Shuro practically begs, Katie just groans.
"Fine, but next time mr." She points a finger and Shiro nods quickly. Let's just say, all the Paladins know not to anger Pidge, she can be quite terrifying. And she knows how to fight, so seriously, just don't anger her.
"I need Allura, I can help her fix Green." Then Pidge just runs off, leaving everyone confused.
"I swear she wasn't that weird before she became pregnant, good luck Shiro, you have the brainiac who's pregnant. You're gonna need luck and maybe the best software you can afford." Lance states while laughing, Shiro just laughs with him, these next few months are gonna be interesting.

Time skip three months

Ok, Katie is eight month pregnant. We got married two and a half months ago, and my lovely wife has been living in her lion for the last two weeks. Since we are still fighting a war, she has been camping out in her lion since she cant really walk. She has been inventing and building things nonstop, and well, we have enough particle barrier generators to make a planetary wide one. I think Katie also made an army of shrinkable Rovers, but I don't know because I haven't seen that yet. Also, she has been tampering with our armor, when I say our, I mean Keith, Mine, hers, Hunk, Lance, Allura, Cathy, Lena, and Jessie's. She has gems in her work area, one green, red, black, yellow, gold, pink, teal, lavender, and blue. We can't touch them, cuz she smacks our hands away from them. Pidge has also tweaked her Bayard, it has another weapon choice, no clue what it is, but there is one.
My wife has also made a lot of other technical stuff I can't name, all because she says she's gone stuff crazy. The nursery was made, and it is a closer to blue shade of teal, with white accents. And tech everywhere.
Pidge also has created some sort of weapon with her wedding ring, I scared to figure out what all this stuff she's made dose. My wife wears green dresses all the time now, and she flies her lion daily. We really should take her out of it, but we need Voltron, and no Katie, no Voltron.
We have to get Katie more hobbies, we honestly keep getting upgrades done by her each day she is in her lion being pregnant, but Allura thinks it's a good idea to let her to continue what she's doing. I'm honestly just missing my wife, and she's glowing stuff crazy in her lion.
Lena, Jessie, and Cathy all have suits and Bayards, courtesy of Allura. They have them cuz they put up quite a fight and we didn't want them to get to hurt. I mean they actually snuck out of the castle to fight Galra troops with us, I thought Pidge would die of laughter that day. But anyway, right now we are going back to Aris, Allura's home planet. Katie is due any week now, and we would like to be on a planet for that. Plus the castle needs supplies, and Hunk needs natural food. I'm heading to Green, when I see Katie attempt to walk out, key word attempt. I managed to catch her before she actually fell.
"Katie, what are you doing?"
"Umm, getting out of my lion, that's what." I just sigh and shake my head.
"Your being stubborn ya know." Katie just laughs.
"I know, but I'm a very stubborn person. Besides, Matt is coming here, and I'm nervous. We haven't seen him since the wedding, hows he gonna react to me almost in labor?"
"He'll be fine, now come on, we have to get you to the hospital here."
"Fine." Katie grumbles Grievous' and I just laugh. We make it out of the castle, and then are swarmed by Arusiens.
It takes us like a long time to get Katie to the hospital, but when we do, she starts to hold her stomach and breath heavily. She yells, and she sounds in pain. Doctors rush out to her, and she is brought into the hospital.
"She's gone into labor, quickly, get a stretcher!" The one doctor yells, and I freeze. Katie has gone into labor, but the Baby isn't due for another week.
"Paladin Shiro, we must go, she is irlabor." I quickly follow the doctor, as we rush to where Pidge was taken.
Time skip
The Paladins of Voltron where all waiting anxiously to see how Pidge and the infant where doing, then, a beaming Shiro walked out to meet them.
"It's ok guys, Katie is fine, and so is our daughter." Allura squeals, and the others coagulate Shiro, then they are led to where Pidge was being put into a healing pod. The infant daughter was in a similar mobile healing pod, Katie smiled at her friends and family before she got into the pod.
"She will have to be in here for about a day, then tomorrow you can have your naming ceremony at the castle. Oh, and Congratulations Voltron force, for the new family member." The Doctor then smiles and leaves them to be.

Time skip 24 hours

The pod opens up, and Katie falls out. Shiro catches her, and she then opens her eyes.
"Hey Katie, you did it."
"I know, now let's go home. It's been far to long since I've been in jeans, and mama needs her jeans." Everyone laughs as Pidge gets up and holds her daughter.
"Pidge we have to know, what's her name?" Asks Allura.
"Nope, not gonna ruin tonight's surprise." Allura pouts, and the rest just laugh. Shiro helps his wife walk back to the castle, while Keith holds his brothers daughter. When they get there, the girls go get ready, and Pidge grumbles about having to wear yet another dress.


Ok, so, I have nothing against dresses and all, but I can finally wear pants, and I'm in a flippin dress! I love the dress though, it's forest green, with silver trim and accents. I have my wedding rings in and my special necklace, yes the necklace has something cool about it. And then Allura insisted on doing my hair in a bun like hers. So I walked to the party for my infant daughter, because I'm basically Alluras little sister, well, Allura adopted me into her family. My family gets royal treatment here on Aris, add to the fact I'm apart of Voltron force.
When I reach Shiro, he is cradling our newborn daughter. And he looks so fatherly, I can't help but coo.
"Katie, you look magnificent." I roll my eyes as I kiss him on the cheek, then I gently take our infant. She's in a simple sapphire blue dress, because she looks adorable in it.
"Oh, be quiet you." I say as he chuckles. We walk over to the balcony, where we make announcements, and see that the whole planet, lots of our allies, and some people who we've run into over these past four years are visible below. Matt is here, sadly dad already went to earth. He congratulated us, then Allura started.
"Today, is a special day. My sister, not by blood, but by our bond. She had her child, and tonight, her and her husband are to announce her name. So. it is my pleasure to allow Princess Katie, and her husband, Fellow Paladin Shiro, their turn, to announce the name of our next ruler." I just laugh slightly, Allura never misses a chance to make me use my tittle, the one I really don't like.
"Well, thank you all for coming. Now, Shiro and I are happy to announce the arrival of Madeline Shirogane." I smile as I hold my baby towards the camera, then Shiro places a hand on my shoulder then says.
"Her godparents are to be Hunk and Lance. Her Aunt is Princess Allura, and Ryner. Her Uncles are Keith, Matt, and Coran." The crowds cheer, then it was time for the party.

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