Infantilism Blaine

By multifandoms23

192K 2.3K 282

Warnings for: infantilism, nappies, bottles, sippy cups, crib, dummies, oversized high chair, stroller, car s... More

Blaine's story
Bringing Blaine home
Blaine's Muslins
Meeting the Warblers
Little Dribbler
Learning how to sit up.
First Words
Birthday Boy!!!
Blaine's new room
Blaine's day at the zoo
Introducing Blankie and visiting the Doctors
The joys of babysitting Blaine and Britt
2 Doctor's Visit
Blaine's Firsts Steps
Barbecue and pool party
Blaine starts to get sick
Bad Nights
Blaine starts to get better
Finn babysits
Tired Babies and Temper Tantrums
Shopping with Blaine
Tantrum in the pushchair and saying a bad word
Cooper comes to visit
Blaine and Daddy Time
Day out at the Museum
Girls' Night In
Trying new things
Trouble Maker
Tummy Bug
Ignored by Daddy
Ignored by Daddy 2
Meeting Mummy
A Trip to the Hospital
The next day
Safety and Park Fairground
Helping mummy move
Meeting the Warblers...Again
No nappy and rainy days
Sick Again...But Worse
Car accident
Ellen Degeneres
Trick or Treat!
Christmas Shopping and Feeling Poorly
Christmas Eve and Seeing Santa
Mean Brittany
Unexpected News - Part 1
Packing and Suspious - Part 2
Flying - Part 3
Jet lag and Swimming - Part 4
Off to Disney - Part 5
Swimming and Packing for home - Part 6
Going Home - Part 7
Grandparents Babysit
Blaine's 2nd Birthday
Terrible Twos
2 Year Check Up
2 Year Check Up - Part 2
Looking for a Nursery
Looking for a Nursery - Part 2
Auntie Santana Babysits
Seeing the Warblers
Beach Day
Glee Choir Room (Shooting)
Glee Choir Room (Nightmares)
First Cinema Experience and Meeting a New Warbler
Bee Stings and Stitches - Part 1
Bee Stings and Stitches - Part 2
Daddy's Birthday
Haircuts and Shopping for new toys
Kurt's Trip to New York
Blaine and Papa Time
Sebastian's in Hospital
Lego Batman Movie
Not a Proper First Date
Unexpected Guests
Not a Good Day
Brittany and Blaine Sleepover - Part 1
Brittany and Blaine Sleepover - Part 2
Brittany and Blaine Sleepover - Part 3
Flu Shots and Ice Creams
A BBQ at Mummy's
Renewing Vows
Authors Note
Seperation Anxiety
Shoe Shopping and a Night Out
Happy Halloween!
Bad News
Terrible Tantrums
A Warbler Sleepover
A Terrible Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Two Sick Boys
A Day at Santana's
A Week in London
First Day of Nursery
Moving Out
Helping Santana Move and Redecorate
Swimming and Lazy Days
First Fights
Milk and Duck Issues
Another Day at Santana's
Stressed Out and Nappy Explosions
Friends and Barbecues
First Words and Daddy's Operation
A Beach Day
Another Warbler Sleepover
Hey guys
Babysitting Adventures
A Sick Baby
A Day In The Life
Another Wedding?
Visiting the Grandparents
Rainy Days and Sleepovers
Rachel's Birthday Party
One Grumpy Baby
Sick, Sleepy Sebastian
Soft Play and Sleepy Babies
New Words and Meeting Parents
A Stalker - Part 1
Reporting and Investigating - Part 2
Interviews and The Court Room - Part 3
Parks and Ice Creams
A Weekend Trip
Another Baby Regressed
Swim and Chill Day
Another Warbler Meet Up
Sleepover at the Grandparent's
More Babysitting Adventures
Growing 4 Months
Sebastian's Week Away
Happy Christmas Eve
Happy Christmas
Lots of Shenanigans
A Surprise Visit for A Sick Baby
Trampoline Park Fun
A Finchel Wedding
Grandparent's Visit
A Joint Birthday Party
Blaine's 2nd 1 Year Appointment
Finn and Rachel Babysit
A Late Night Trip to The ER
First Day Back at Nursery
A Family Photoshoot Gender Reveal
A Bad Bus Expericence
Pamela Babysits
Meeting Finn and Rachel's Baby
Fun Rainy Days with 2 Babies
Blaine's New Habits
A Sick Baby with Smashed Fingers
Blaine's 'No' Day
Looking After Three Kids
Haircuts and Picnics
A Trip to San Francisco
A Warbler Meeting
A Grumpy Baby
A Dinner Date
A Glee Club Reunion
A Proposal
A Marriage
The Aftermath

Baby Shopping and A Date Night

559 7 1
By multifandoms23

Today, I needed to go and do some baby clothes shopping for Blaine before dropping him off at Santana's so Bas and I could have a little date night to ourselves.

"So, what are we doing today?" Sebastian asks me as we clean the kitchen from breakfast whilst Blaine sat in his bouncer chair.

"We are go clothes shopping for Blaine" I tell him.

"Ok and then just go on from there?" He asks.


"Ah" Blaine soon squeals happily as he bounced.

"Alright you, let's go get dressed" I say as I crouch down to watch him for a bit as he happy bounced.

"Is that fun?" I coo as he laughs.

I then pull him out of it and take him up and into his room, I pick out an outfit before laying him on his changing table. I change his nappy before putting him into a short sleeve blue bodysuit, a pair of blue trousers, a long sleeve blue shirt and some blue socks.

"Look at you, my cute little boy" I coo at him and he laughs whilst kicking his legs about.


"Shall we go show baba?" I say as I pick him up and take him down.

"Oh, look at you bud" Sebastian says as he takes him off me.

"Right, let me just pack a bag and then we shall go" I say as Sebastian went off to play with Blaine a little longer whilst I stocked up the bag.

"Bas, can you be putting his cardigan on please?" I call through.


"Right, are we ready?" I ask as I come through to the living room where Blaine crawled away and towards me.

"No, he won't let me put his cardigan on" Sebastian sighs as I pick Blaine up once he got to my feet.

"Here, pass it here" I say, he throws it over to me before getting up and because Blaine couldn't really go anywhere, I managed to put his cardigan on whilst he was in my arms.

"There we go" I say as he now had his blue cardigan on. 

"Oh" is all Sebastian says before putting his shoes on, I try not to chuckle as I grabbed the bag and we headed out. I strap Blaine into his car seat before getting in myself and heading into the city. We soon get there and Sebastian brings out the pushchair whilst I bring Blaine out in his car seat before clipping him to the pushchair.

"There we go" Sebastian pushes whilst we head in.

"Hey bud" Sebastian coos as he looks at Blaine whilst still pushing.

"Babe, look where you're going" I tell him.

"It's fine, I know what I'm doing" he says.

"Here we go" I say as we walk into a baby store.

"Oh wow, look at all these clothes" I coo.

"I know, they're so cute" Sebastian even coos.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I turn around and see Sebastian trying to sort Blaine out, who suddenly started crying.

"Is he alright?" I ask.

"I don't know, do you think he's fed up of being in there, I mean he's just done the whole drive down pretty well and we've only now managed to find a store" Sebastian says.

"Probably, get him out then" I say. Sebastian unclips him and pulls his arms out of the straps before picking him up.

"Is that better?" I coo as I kiss his cheek whilst he sat in Sebastian's arms. We look at some clothes and Blaine pulls a bottle of the shelf, trying to drink from it but it had the lid on.

"No baby, that's not yours" Sebastian chuckles as he pulls it away.

"AAAHHH" he cries.

"I'm sorry bud" he tries not laugh.

"We'll get them anyway" I smile at them.


"Did you want a bottle mister?" I ask him as he continued sobbing. I make him a bottle and Sebastian places him back in his pushchair with his blue muslin cloth and blue blanket.

"There we are, my baby" I coo as I pass it to him. We soon finish up and I managed to get some bottles, sippy cup and a milk powder pot as well.

"Let's go" I say as we head out after we paid.

"Where now?"

"I suppose we could just go look around for something tonight?" I suggest.

"Sure" we find a place and it took us awhile to get the right outfits, but we soon got there and it was now time for lunch.

"We'll have to take the lift" I say.

"What?" Sebastian looks at me confused.

"The food courts are upstairs" I tell him as if it's the obvious thing in the world.

"Oh yeah" he says. We get in the lift and head to the food courts.

"What'd you want?" I ask him.

"Hmm, how about KFC?"

"Sure" we order a KFC before finding a table and sitting at it.

"Here we are" Sebastian says as he brings the tray over and places it on the table and as soon as he did, Blaine woke up.

"Of course, he clearly knows it's lunch time" I chuckle as I stand up so I could get Blaine out.

"Hungry, bud?" Sebastian chuckles as I sit Blaine on my lap.

"Would you like a highchair?" A worker asks.

"Oh, yes please" I say. She goes off to get a highchair and then comes back with those wooden ones that had no try a attached so the baby can join you at the table.

"Thank you so much" I smile at her.

"Not a problem" she smiles back before leaving. I place Blaine in the highchair, before he starts to get even more fussier.

"Ok ok" Sebastian blows on a chip to cool it down before passing it to him whilst I get his jar out. We were soon finished with lunch and Blaine started grunting so we tidied the table and packed things away while we waited for him to finish.

"Finished?" Bas chuckles at him before getting him out. We head to the baby/parent toilet and I wait outside with the pushchair whilst Sebastian changes Blaine's nappy.

"All done" Sebastian says as he came out a few minutes later.

"Are you ok to carry him, we've got to do the whole drive back and I don't really like him in his car seat for a long period of time" I tell Bas as he went to place Blaine in his pushchair.

"Sure" we make our way out but half way there, we swapped.

"Can you take him now? He's getting a little heavy" Bas says and I could tell he was getting heavy because Sebastian didn't know how to hold him whilst being comfortable.

"Sure" I take Blaine from him and he takes the pushchair. We soon get to the car and I settle Blaine back into his pushchair before getting the car seat off the pushchair frame. We soon get in and leave with a whole new set of clothes for Blaine, some muslin cloths, some bottles, sippy cups and a milk powder pot before heading home.

"I'll just drop a few things off and then we shall head to Santana's" I say as I get out, Blaine was asleep so I had to be quick or else he'll wake up. I run a few things in and grab things for Blaine to have at Santana's before heading back out to the car.

"Ready?" Bas asks me.

"Yeah" we soon get to Santana's and Blaine was still asleep so I carefully brought his car seat out.

"Hello" she greets us.


"Unca' 'Bastian" Brittany cheers as she comes through.

"Brittany, we need to be quiet, Blaine's asleep" Santana warns her.


"Hey sweetie" Sebastian picks her up and kisses her cheek, making her giggle.

"Wou 'tay?" She asks.

"For a little bit then I have to go" he says as he looked at her outfit, which was some white tights, blue denim shorts and a short sleeve pink floral and ballerina shirt.

"Yeah, we also have to go out in a bit, don't we?" Santana says.

"Uh huh" Brittany sorta agrees.

"Oh yeah and where are you of to?" I joke.

"Only just to get a few things"

"Oh right" Blaine soon woke up and Sebastian goes and gets him before changing his nappy.

"Hello you" I coo as soon as they walked into the living room.

"Bwaine!" Brittany cheers. Sebastian sits down with him in his lap, but Blaine facing toward Brittany.

"Ewwo bwaine" Brittany says as she holds his hand. She starts doing silly dances moves and Blaine was laughing.

"Keep going, he thinks your funny" Sebastian encourages as Blaine was just laughing and laughing at her.

"Aww, he's so sweet"

"We better go, thanks for offering to look after him"

"No problem"

"Britt, make sure to look after Blaine" Santana tells her as we all leave the living room, leaving the kids.

"Have fun"

"Thank you, call if anythings wrong"

"I will" we soon say bye before heading home and changing and then heading to the restaurant.

"This is such a nice place" I say as we got a seat.

"I know and it's also nice to have that small break from Blaine, as much as I love that kid, it's just so nice"

"I know, I know how you feel" we order our meals and just chat and laugh and just in general have a great time.

*Santana's PoV*

Not long after they left, Blaine started crying and crawled to the door.

"Dada! Baba!" He cries.

"Aww, sweetie, it's ok, come 'ere" I try and soothe.

"AAAHHH" he sobs as he sat by the door.

"Come on, let's go out" I pick him up and place him in one of Brittany's pushchairs for now before getting Brittany's shoes and jacket on.

"Alright, let's go" we head to the store and I get what I needed.

"Mummy, hungy" Brittany whines.

"I know honey, I'll put something in the oven as soon as we get in, ok?" I try to soothe her. We soon get home and I let the kids to play whilst I cooked dinner. Once that was done, I placed them in their seats and fed Blaine whilst keeping an eye on Brittany. Soon that was over and done with and they were off playing again.

"Let's get jimjams on" I say as I come into the living room. I put Brittany into some pink and purple Minnie Mouse short sleeved pyjamas.

"Right, that's you done" I tickle her, making her squirm in my grasp.

"Nooo mummy" she laughs.

"Haha" I chuckle.

"Ughnn" Blaine then whines.

"Alright you, let's get you changed" I lay him down and change his nappy before putting him into a blue sleepsuit.

"Mummy, bwaine 'ired?" Brittany asks me as Blaine rubs his eyes with his fists.

"Yeah, he's getting tired, are you getting tired too?" I ask her.

"Uh huh" she yawns.

"Ok, well let me just make Blaine a bottle and we'll head up" I kiss her head before getting up to make a bottle. I then pick up Blaine and we head up before placing him down in Britt's room.

"Do you need to potty?" I ask her.

"Uh huh"

"Ok" I take her to the bathroom and let her do her thing before washing up and heading back out to Blaine, who just laid on the floor, looking very tired but once he spotted me, he started whining.

"In a sec sweetie" I try and soothe as I tuck Brittany into bed.

"Love you baby" I kiss her.

"AAHH" Blaine cries as he gripped my leg.

"Ok" I pick him up.

"Night baby" I tell Brittany as I walk out. I give Blaine his blue bottle and his dummy.

I lay him down in my arms as he fell asleep before lying him in Britt's pushchair. Kurt and Sebastian soon arrived and picked Blaine up.

"Hey, did you have fun?"

"Yeah, it was nice"

"Glad you had fun, he was fine by the way, he just got a little agitated just before bed"

"Oh yeah, he usually does"

"Thanks again for doing this, San"

"Yeah, no problem" I smile. They soon take Blaine and I head up to bed.

*Kurt's PoV*

We pick Blaine up before heading home, I place Blaine in his crib before going to our room.

"Night babe, love you" I kiss him once I got all tucked up into bed.

"Night, I love you too" he kisses back.

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