
By An_Average_Freak

61.2K 1K 245

"Please, just let me go." "Charley, you are never ever leaving." Charley lived in a small town, everybody kn... More

Important AU


7.8K 159 23
By An_Average_Freak

"Charley, Charley it's time to wake up. I know you had a long night last night but we need to be on schedule."

I opened my eyes instantly. My head hurt from lack of proper sleep, and the bright sun shining through the trees into my room. "Mom?" I asked sitting up rubbing my eyes. I looked to the doorway and saw Joel leaning against it, arms crossed a smile on his face. I could see his tattoo more clearly now, it was of a fern and tiny roses going long up his arm. He wore a black shirt that clung to his body and I couldn't help but want to cry again. "Oh... It's you." I had hoped what happened last night wasn't real, just a rather worse nightmare.

"Oh wipe the frown off your face, you're in luck. I made pancakes, and I have authentic maple syrup. After, we can play a game." I sighed, remember, just comply, the police will find you in a day's time.

"Okay." Joel smiled even bigger laying an outfit on my bed from the closet. I stared at it appalled, it was a blue skirt that went down to my knees paired with a white blouse I assumed to tuck in.

"I'll be outside the door," Joel said slowly, shutting it. I stared at the outfit, at least he wasn't giving me dirty or overly sexual clothes. I pulled off my clothes and quickly changed into the others, looking in the mirror at the front of the bed I could see that they fit me well. I tried to calm down my hair by running my hands through it but I hit too many tangles.

Carefully I started to search the drawers for a hairbrush but came up empty. "Looking for this?" I turned around and saw Joel holding up a rather nice paddle brush.

"Oh, yeah... Thanks." I reached to grab the brush but Joel pulled it back to him.

"Sit down," He pointed to the ground in front of an armchair. "Those clothes look good on you." I sat on the floor with my legs crossed as Joel sat behind me. "Say thank you when I compliment you." Joel directed at me. He started to brush my hair slowly, detangling it.


Joel grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked it back so I was looking him in the eye. I felt like I was at the dentist. When you lay your head back on the chair a little too far, and it starts to shut your airway. You struggle to breathe, swallow, and talk, but you already placed yourself there so you can't move. I stared Joel in the eye, I could see the anger in them. "Say thank you when I compliment you, it's impolite to ignore me."

"Thank you, Joel." I struggled to say as he held my head back in his lap. He let go of my hair instantly and continued to brush it as if nothing had happened.

"Of course Charley."

Joel continued to brush my hair until it was perfectly smooth. I sat there pondering, Joel had, from what I could tell from the room, a very nice house. The room I was stationed in had a rather large window facing the east. My bed had the softest sheets and blankets, probably a high thread count. It was decorated with rather pristine artwork and had a connected bathroom. Either Joel once had a well paying job or he was a good thief. Who was he? Other than a psychopath who gets off on kidnapping girls.

My hair was on the left side of my shoulder. Joel finished the last piece and brought it together over the right. His fingers delicately touched my neck, as he pulled back my hair. I closed my eyes at his action, just let him be him. He's not clinically sane, he needs help. You don't anger the mentally ill. I gasped, and flinched, when his lips lightly kissed my neck. All thoughts of not angering him went out the window and I quickly snapped up and flung my hand hitting himself in the face. I ran to the other wall and faced him as he grabbed his nose. I could see blood through the gaps in his fingers.

"I'm, I'm sorry..." I covered my mouth in shock and he dropped the brush on the table. I felt myself struggle to breathe normally.

"You're grounded," Joel muttered leaving the room, and slamming the door shut.

I stared at the door in shock, grounded? Who is he my father? I knew this wasn't real but I started to feel angry. How could he ground me? I wasn't even his child! I sat on the edge of the bed and stared at my soft hair. Looking back to where Joel was sitting I could see a small blue scrunchie, decorated with various pinks of flowers. The blue was a perfect colour match to the skirt, I slowly grabbed it and pulled half my hair up tying it.

I started to feel bad for my actions, I didn't mean to hurt him. I only wanted to protect myself. God, what was I thinking? Just another day Charley, just another day. I fell back onto the bed, what was wrong with him? Was he abused as a child, maybe he was going to murder me. Laying on the bed made me drowsy, still tired from my lack of sleep I started to drift off.

When I woke up again the sun no longer was shining into my room but rather, from what I could tell, above the house. My stomach growled and I eyed the door. Joel did say I was grounded but not that I had to stay in my room. I slowly opened my door peeking out, then shut it silently. I tiptoed down the hall until it opened up into a large common room, all the doors were wide open so it was easy to see where Joel was. I walked down the stairs, testing each one for any creaks, it might be useful to know in any later escape plans. Once I hit the cold wooden floor I saw the kitchen, it had a pile of pancakes on the counter. I could tell that this house was very clean and pristine, maybe Joel has a maid? I might be able to get out using her, or on the unlucky side, he just is an avid cleaner.

I walked around until I found Joel sitting in what seemed to be his office, his back was turned to the doorway. I was unsure what to do but I knew I should apologize, that could've pushed him over the line of murder. I slowly stalked forward to him and reached my hand out lightly touching him on the shoulder. Almost instantly, Joel grabbed my hand and twisted it around making me yelp in pain. I fell to my knees and stared at him in a mix of fear and shock. Once he realized who I was he let go and dropped the book he was reading.

"I'm sorry, Charley, are you okay?" Joel asked his voice frantic, he grabbed my wrist a bit softer and pulled my arm towards him. Out of instinct I pulled back and clutched my arm to my chest.

"I'm- I'm fine." I stuttered standing up and backing away. Joel watched me intensely yet leaned back before stating,

"You're still grounded."

"I know, I just, I wanted to say I am sorry..." I hung my head and watched the patterns on the red and white carpet swirling before my eyes. I nervously brought my foot around and lightly stepped on my bent toes.

"I accept your apology," I looked up to see he was smiling at me, I gave a small smile back. "You were never able to eat your breakfast, let's go." Joel stood up placing his book on his desk upside down and softly grabbed my upper arm leading me back to the kitchen. He pointed me at the bar stool and I obediently sat on the chair, Joel placed the pancakes in the warm oven to heat them up a bit more. He dropped the maple syrup in front of me, then a small plate of pancakes.

Although I didn't fully trust him but I was far too hungry to care if he poisoned me. The pancakes were delicious, I could tell they were made from scratch which truthfully shocked me. Joel seemed to be a jack of all trades. I was only able to eat two out of the four pancakes he served me, though they were doused in syrup. I pushed my plate out in front of me and looked at Joel who was watching me.

"Are you done?" He asked, eyeing my plate.


"Manners." Joel snapped at me, he still took my plate and put it to the side of the sink. I watched his every move unsure of what to do next. Honestly, being kidnapped is boring. "Would you like to play a game?" Joel asked leaning on the counter across from me.

"What type of game? A game where you let me go and we both live happily ever after?"

Joel gave me a disappointed face, I just shrugged my shoulders. "No, like a board game. I have Monopoly, and some other games." I stood up and saw a table which I assumed we would play at. There's nothing else to do here, and honestly, if I'm just stalling until my death then so be it.

"Monopoly sounds fine." 

Updated as of: July 11, 2020

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