Sea of Blood {One Piece: Kid...

By JustReneeAgain

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Tsukiko, a woman who's blood lust mirrors Kid's. She never found her place in the world, then the Kid Pirates... More

Finally! I'm a Pirate!?
Scared Past
Break Thru
Near Death
Nightmares and Kidnapped;
Back to Square One
Moving On
King and Queen
New Territories
Mending Bonds // Please Read A/N at End! \\
Bad News;

Welcome to Sabaody

730 24 7
By JustReneeAgain

"We'll be landing at Sabaody within the hour." Heat spoke to the red-head as he ate breakfast.

"Alright." Kid said taking a drink of his milk. "I'll have Tsu get an order for the kitchen, get any medical needs. Tell them to find out how long the log post takes to set. Once we get that answer I'll decide if you all are allowed to have fun."

Tsukiko stood in the pantry, her hair in a messy bun as she counted what they had or didn't have that they needed. "Okay, we have no meat. that's horrible on a ship full of ravenous men." Tsukiko spoke to herself.

"Ravenous men?" Kid spoke from behind her with a chuckle when she jumped and glared at him. "If you forget, you're on this crew."

Tsukiko rolled her eyes and pointed her pencil at him. "Yes, but I am the beautiful ray of sunshine who brings life on the ship." Tsukiko said laughing as Kid pushed her, her butt landing on two bags of flour and sugar. "Rude."

"You might be beautiful, but I think Killer's the real pretty one here." Kid laughed as he held his hand out for the green haired woman. Tsukiko smiled and grabbed his hand, his arm lifting her up like a feather.

"You know cap, if you think he's pretty you should tell him." Tsukiko said sticking her tongue out at her captain before laughing and running away when someone yelled land.

"Alright men!" Kid shouted getting the attention of his crew. "Stock up on the necessities first, find out how long the log post sets. Heat and Wire find a ship coater. Tsukiko gather food supplies. Killer medical supplies. we'll meet back at the ship at dusk."

Tsukiko made her way through the archipelago. She smelt the fruit, smiling at the people who nodded at her. After a few hours she headed back to the ship. Multiple bubbles full of food for months. The green haired woman climbed back on the ship, sighing when she realized she was the first to return, minus the three men who stayed on board to watch the ship.

Tsukiko made her way to restock and organize everything. It was about an hour later when she heard Killer and Kid'd voices. "Tsu, we're going out early tomorrow so no need to cook breakfast. the men can fend for themselves." Kid said knocking on the galley door.

"Alright. Is there anything you'd like me to do?" Tsukiko asked looking at him.

Kid shook his head. "No, just relax and enjoy yourself. You deserve it." Kid said walking away before she could reply.

The next morning she woke up and made her way to the deck, she heard a few of the men snoring and rolled her eyes. it was a little after sunrise. Tsukiko slipped on her boots before positioning her weapons on her belt. she was about to jump off the railing when she heard Kid's voice coming from behind her. "Oh, you're still here?" Tsukiko asked as Kid, Killer, Wire and Heat came from their cabins.

Kid nodded. "Yeah but go ahead and do whatever." he said waving his large hand around.

"I'll stay with you." Tsukiko shrugged. "I've got nothing planned."

Kid nodded as she took her place on his left. they walked through the shopping district. Tsukiko picking a few clothing items up here and there. They eventually found their way to the Human Auction. Kid looked over to Tsukiko, he wondered if her being in a place like this would affect her. "Are we going in?" Tsukiko asked looking at Kid with a curious look.

"Yes." Kid nodded as they entered. they all leaned against a wall, looking at everyone in the seats.

"Boss." Heat said pointing to a man in a hat. "That's Trafalger Law."

Tsukiko smirked. "The Surgeon Of Death." Tsukiko sat atop the back of a chair, her back facing the crowd and her front facing the crew. "He's got a pretty high bounty."

Kid looked over to the raven haired male, the smirk falling off his face as he flipped him off. Kid grabbed Tsukiko by the belt when she growled. "Don't do anything stupid girl." Kid relaxed when she nodded.

The auction was going on for a few minutes when Tsukiko narrowed her eyes when a group of people came in. "The straw hats are here." Tsukiko whispered to Kid and nodded to the green haired swordsman. Tsukiko saw Law look over twords them. Tsukiko's red eyes glanced at the stange when the crew memebers seems to be in destress. "Look's like the mermaid is their firend." Tsukiko said. "This will be interesting."

"It's a symbol of how messed up the world is." Kid smirked "I've seen enough of this, let's go."

As the group of you walked out, you looked up hearing what sounded like a shout before the doors flew open, Kid grabbed your waist and brought you close to him. "What the hell was that?"

"Stay Hat Luffy." Kid said as you stepped away from him. You all moved closer, watching things escalate until Luffy punched the Celestail Dragon up a few flights of stairs.

"Is he stupid?" Tsukiko mumbled, her hand over he mouth. It was long before the blond known as Black Foot Sanji kicked another Celestail dragon. Before anyone knew it, almost everyone was on the ground, unconscious as the straw hats kept fighting for their friend. The female of the Celestail Dragons held a gun to the mermaid known as Camie before she had fallen to the ground. Tsukiko's eyes went back to the back of stage as the wall cracked down the middle

A man walked out from the wall, a gaint behind him. Tsukiko's hand placed on her weapons as she stood beside Kid. "Ray-Rayleigh!?" a fishman said looking at the old man as they conversed back and forth, his face turning into a frown confirming Tsukiko's suspicions when he smirked as everyone fell to the ground. The old mans eyes gazed through the stand, his eyes locking with Tsukiko's 

"Tsukiko. How are you child?" Tsukiko froze when Rayliegh called her out. "Seems like you've gotten stronger."

Tsukiko stared at them man she hasn't seen in years. "Silvers Rayleigh. It's a pleasure to see you." Tsukiko said nodding at him.

"Why so formal?" He chuckled. "So you're with the Kid Pirates, huh?"

Tsukiko watched as everyone glanced at her. "Yes." the green haired woman nodded. "I see you got yourself into money trouble again."

Rayleigh let out a long laugh. "Oh you know how it is." Rayleigh made his way up the stairs and to her. He placed a hand on her cheek. "I'm glad you're alright." The man turned to Kid. "Please take care of her, she's a dear friend to me."

Kid hummed before glancing at Tsukiko and nodded. Tsukiko glanced to the door, "Marines are here."

"They've been here pretty girl." Law said from his seat causing Tsukiko to growl. "Since before the auction even started."

Tsukiko sighed when they pretty much antagonized the three captains and they fought the whole way out about who was fighting. "Let's be the toughest captains but bicker about fighting the Navy." Tsukio said as her and Killer walked to the side entrance. "I swear you men are worst than children."

"Speak for yourself." Killer said looking over his shoulder. "Let's just go take care of this side and get to Eustass."

"Killer, Massacre Soilder and Tsukiko, The Emerald Executioner. Kill them!"

"Bet I can kill more than you." Tsukiko smield at Killer, the blonde looked over at her and snorted. 

You're on." Killer said as Tsukiko and him clinked their blades together as they took of, slicing the Navy one by one. "Come on Killer. I'm winning." Tsukiko said going on a mans shoulders and putting her blades into his neck causing him to fall backwards, Tsukiko landing a backflip as she giggled when the chains wrapped around two men yanking them to the ground, their necks cracking.

Killer looked around. "Let's go get Kid."

They reached the entrance of the auction house to see Kid, Luffy and Law talking. Kid looked over at him, not paying any mind to the marine coming closer to him. Killer jumped and cut his throat before yelling at their captain.

"Killer, we've been laughed at and ridiculed for Pursuing the one piece. I've slaughtered people of even snickering" Kid spoke. "I hope we meet in the new world Straw Hat." Kid said looking at him.

"We have to go Kid." Tsukiko shouted to the red head.

"Hey, why don't you ditch them and join my crew." Law spoke with a laugh looking to you.

"Why don't you go fuck-"

"Enough. Let's go Tsu." Kid said as he gathered more weapons before yelling repel. "Get the rest of the men and get to the ship." Kid ordered shooting you a warning glare.

"So your first mate keeps you in check and you keep the girl in check. What is she, your slave. I pretty one I might add." Law snickered getting under the fiery captains skin.

"Let's go." Kid shouted to killer as you walked off. "Cocky son of a bitch." Kid growled as they walked to the ship.

"Get down!" Tsukiko shouted pushing kid down to the ground. A beam of light grazing her shoulder. Tsukiko bit her lip in pain. "Are you alright?"

"Why did you do that?" Kid asked as he see the blood soaking through her white shirt.

"Because you're my captain stupid." Tsukiko rolled her eyes as Killer helped her and Kid up. As they all three stood there, Wire and Heat joined them. Shortly after that, Law and his crew showed up behind them. "Kuma. He's a warlord." 

"Trafalger Law." Kuma said before a bright light emitted from his mouth. 

"What the fuck?" Kid said as the smoke poured around them. "Trafalger. Stay out of this." Kid said to the other rookie. 

"Give it up already, Haven't you figured out that you can't tell me what to do." Law said coming from the smoke. "Move along big guy, I don't want to wait around for an admiral to come around." 

Kuma shot another beam causing everyone to scatter. Tsukiko jumped to a few boulders a few feet away from Kid as he gathered weapons. "Kid, don't be reckless." Tsukiko heard Killer shout, a smile made it's way to her face, her eyes shooting over to where a beam was shot at Law. 

It felt like a lifetime as Tsukiko dodge beams and tried to take down Kuma. "God damn it, what is he made of!?" Tsukiko shouted rushing towards him, her blades cunt into the cloth, not making one ounce of real damage. Tsukiko let out a shout of frustration before she jumped back with Kid and Killer panting. 

"I'm done playing nice." Kid said with a growl as he gathered weapons around them. Kuma's mouth glowed as he shot another one at them, Kid punching the beam and taking the mechanical arm before repealing it at Kuma knocking him down. "About time, stay down." Kid said walking closer to him

Kuma twitched and sat up, his hand pointing at Kid as he stood up. Killer and Tsukiko stepped forward when Kid stared in wonder instead of fighting. Law pushed his long blade into Kuma's chest causing him to fall off and Kid getting angry because he interfered. Tsukiko rolled her eyes. "Kid we don't have time for this, come on." 

Kid glanced at Law once more with a glare. "Next time we meet, it won't be on friendly terms."

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