Voltron Force: Code Green

By AhsokaTanoJedi

788 21 3

This is a Shidge tale, don't hate me. The Galra want to take down Voltron, and the way to do that, take away... More


Suprise attack

204 3 0
By AhsokaTanoJedi

So, this is gonna be kinda like a one shot, but if y'all want, I might do a sequel. Hope you enjoy this, please don't kill me. I know this isn't what really happens in Voltron, but I don't care.


King Zarkon wants to destroy Voltron, and he knows about the Black Paladins relationship with the Green one. So he orders his troops to take down the paladin and bring him here.


Ok, so today I was woken up by the alarm. Not my alarm clock alarm, the were under attack alarm. If that hadn't woke me up, the blast that threw me out of the bed would have. I moaned as I sat up off the ground, rubbing my hurt head and looking around. I see Shiro scrambling out of bed, oh, yeah, you are probably wondering about that. Well, Shiro and myself have been dating for almost a year now. We got together after I found Matt, and we make it work.
I rush to get up and put on my Suit, oh, speaking of my suit. We had to modify it for I have become more physically distinguishable as a girl, mush to my annoyance. Allura had a Green skirt, and not slender fitting suit. It really makes me feel weird, but I have to get used to wearing feminine clothes again. Oh, yeah, crisis.
I rush to green, but right as I was about to board, an explosion rocked to ship, and I was thrown to the side, and thrown over the edge. I managed to save myself with my Bayard, but then Allura shouts.
"Everyone, we have been boarded! Lock down the hangars!! And be ready to fight, put on your helmets!" I quickly activate my helmets, and then sprint to my hangar door. I managed to close it, right as Galra soldiers saw me. I lock the door, then run back towards Green.
"This is Katie, I'm locked in the Hangar with Green, but I was spotted as I closed my hangar door. I'm gonna activate Greens cloak."
"Be careful Pidge." I hear Shiro say, and I can't help but blush. I use my holographic computer and activate Green's cloaking device.
Luckily it activated, not good for me, the hangar door exploded. I screamed as I got thrown backwards, and then I got winded when I slammed into the ground. I moaned as I got up, but then I saw the Galra soldiers rushing to me.
"Get him, king Zarkon wants the Green Paladin." I pale, Zarkon wants me? That can't be good.
"Ummm, guys, the soldiers found me, an Umm."
"What is it Pidge?" Asked a worried Shiro.
"I'm screwed!" I scream as the twenty Galra soldiers open fire on me, I quickly start to dodge the blasts. I activate my jet pack, but, I get a bolt to the shoulder. I scream in pain, and then I hit the ground. I get up, but then I get shot in the side. I collapsed on the ground, holding my wound.
"We got him, we are ready for extraction. Lock on to our location, and then retrieve us." The one said, as I was grabbed by two soldiers. I saw a blast of blue go past my face.
"Pidge!" I look up, and see my team rushing to my aid.
"Let her go!" Shiro yells. The Galra just laugh, and then something goes through my side. I scream in pain, and I start to see black spots.
"Pidge!" Shiro practically scream, I look down and see a sword in my side. Then an explosion happens behind us, and then we are sucked out of the hangar. I can see Shiro trying to get to me, I can see my blood floating in droplets. Then I smash into ground, I'm grabbed from behind, then dragged to a room. They strap me to a table, then leave me. I struggle against the restraints, but it's no use. Then I remember my helmet, its still on. I hit my head against the table, and manage to turn on my com.
"Hello? This is Pidge, dose anyone read me?" My voice is strained, and full of pain.
"Katie? Is that you, where are you?"
"Keith, I'm in a Galra ship, and on a torture table. I'm gonna try to escape, but I'm not likely to get out. I'm seriously hurt, is green ok?"
"Your lion is still here?!? We haven't been able to find it." I smirk, then laugh slightly.
"That's because I cloaked it, now seriously, I'm gonna need help." Then the cell door opened, and I paled significantly. For standing before me was none other than the witch Hagar.
"Pidge, did you say Hagar?" That was Hunk, I really want my friends.
"Ahh, the Green Paladin of Voltron. So, you're the one that the Black Paladin cares fore." I pale, I really don't like the sounds of this. Hagar walks up to me, and I try to get out of the restraints, but then Hagar stops. With wide eyes, and she stares at my stomach, slowly an evil smirk graces her features.
"Well, this is most unexpected." She reaches a hand out to my stomach.
"Don't touch me!" I yell, but it's no use, Hagar places a hand on my stomach. Then all I can feel is unbearable pain, I scream, scream from how much it hurts.
"My my, it seems like even you don't know."
"Know what?" I spit out.
"Your with child my dear, and since your with child, you have to be a female." Then Hagar breaks my disguise generator, and then she gains an evil smirk.
"My my, aren't you a pretty girl. Now, tell the Voltron Force to surrender their lions, or we kill you."
"No, never! I'll never tell them that, you'd have to be crazy to think they'd agree to that." I yell into her face.
"Pidge, what's going on?" Shiro, that's Shiro's voice.
"Oh, they will agree, for they would not want to risk endangering the baby you Carrie within you." She smirks, she's crazy.
"Your crazy, there is no way I'm pregnant. Your mental!"
"Pidge, what's going on?!?" Shuro panicky Asks.
"Oh, wrong am I?" Then Hagar blasts me with her magic, it hurts, I get cuts and bruised, however, my stomach remains unharmed.
"You see child, my magic cannot harm unborn children, or children in general, the Galra soldiers cannot harm children either. They have magic armor made by me, so that if a woman is with child, her womb wouldn't be harmed, also if a child was around, they wouldn't be hurt." I gasp, I can tell that's the truth. So, that means I really am pregnant. I look up at Hagar, shock and fear on my face, and the witch just blasts me again with magic. She dose this for two minutes, then leaves. Right as darkness enters my vision.

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