The Reaper's Keeper (UNEDITED)

By stefymay

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I always thought that when you die that would be the end and you would see a bright light and the pearly gate... More

Authors note...
The deads love Poem
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chpater 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 20

9.2K 218 44
By stefymay

Hey all you awesome Peeps,

So i know it has taken me longer than usual but hopefully that would change soonish.

In the mean time however, please enjoy :D


Steph ;)



"Ethan my friend you owe me more than one."

"I know." I whispered as I stared at Violets sleeping form.

"Night Ethan get some sleep. There's nothing you can do now, except wait."

"You're right. Thanks again Tommy." Then I hung up.

Wait? Wait for someone or something to get Violet... yeah right, over my dead body.


Chapter 20

Two weeks had passed since finding Maria's body in that abandon house.  Tony Mackenzie, the guy that murdered Maria, confessed to the murder and the media was praising the Ghost Chaser for helping to solve a crime and catch a murderer, and the police as well as the media where looking for the woman that followed Maria's ghost to her body.

While me on the other hand... I could be better. By now the entire school had heard about my and Ethan's relationship and everyone was talking about it. We were officially the new hot couple, which didn't sit well with some people, mainly Kyle and Terry. I still remember two weeks ago Monday, when I came to school, still freaked out about finding that dead body, when Kyle approached me on my new relationship status.

I was staring blankly into my locker thinking about when I had first seen Maria in my dreams and all the other dreams I had before and after that. Does that mean all that people are dead? Did all of them die? What the hell is wrong with me? Why is this happening to me?

"What the hell Violet!" I let out a squeal of surprise as Kyle slammed his fist against the locker next to mine. He looked beyond pissed off. I on the other hand, still a little jumpy from finding a dead body, jumped nearly two feet in the air, my heart beating so fast I thought I would have a heart attack. I noticed the students around us begin to slow to watch what was going on, no doubt that fist bang echoed throughout the whole school.

"What? Oh it's you. Hey Kyle." I said in a daze and I started packing random books into my bag, still a little out of it.

"Is it true?" He asked grounding the words out. I looked at him a little confused and asked,

"Is what true?"

"Are you with Leeds?"

"Leeds?" I asked still not understanding.

"Ethan, Violet, are you and Ethan together?"

"Together as in dating?"

"Yes, are you?" He asked as his anger rolled off him in waves.

"Er, yes we are." I said not knowing why he was so angry.

"I thought we were together."

He thought we were together? What would have given him that idea? It's not like we were dating before and it's not like I led him on or anything. Okay so he kissed me, but I had never kissed him back or had done anything to convince him that I was into him or that we were even together, together. I had even tried to tell him that there was nothing between us or at least nothing that I felt, but we always got interrupted. Crap, so did he think that all this time...

"How could you Violet?" He looked so heart broken and I really didn't know what to say. I mean seriously, what would you say if you were in a situation like this? 'Oops my bad, but I really didn't like you the way you liked me. I hope we can still be friends.' I was at a loss here.

"Kyle I- erm...I"

"Forget it Violet. I would have expected something like this from Terry, but not from you." He said, making me feel lower than dirt. He turned around and stormed off.

I sighed at the memory; Kyle still hasn't spoken to me or even acknowledged me when I sat right next to him in some of our classes.

Then if things couldn't get any worse two days ago, Terry accused me of cursing her that time in the cafeteria. She said that I said some funny mumbo jumbo words before I ran off, now weird things are happening around her, doors slamming by themselves, things moving around or going missing. She then accused me of being a witch in front of the entire school and ran away like a weirdo. What did I do? I stared at her with my mouth hanging open. I mean seriously, being accused of witch craft in this day and age is kind of loony, even for Terry.

I still hadn't told anyone that I'm the Ghost chaser and it was hell keeping quiet while people speculated on who it might be, if it was one our towns residents or a passerby who just happened upon the body or someone that just accidentally stumbled upon the body and didn't want to deal with the police so she created this elaborate story about Maria's ghost leading her to the body.  Whenever someone would bring up the Ghost chaser I would either leave the conversation, making up an excuse to leave or change the subject. The last thing I wanted was to be reminded of the whole ordeal.

The days started to feel longer than the last and the nightmares still came, but not every night like it did in the beginning. I hated those nights, I kept wondering if it was real, if I would see that persons ghost and they would lead me to their body too. Ethan would sneak into my room most nights, but some nights and some days, he would stay away, he never says where he goes or what he does...

I hope I haven't scared him off. He always looks like he's lost in his thoughts, and sometimes I would catch him staring at me with sadness in his eyes.

I walked up to my locker and tiredly spun the dial to open it. Putting my books away I noticed the kid next to me. I don't see him much, he's always hanging out in the dark with his dark make up and his long lank hair hanging in his eyes. His name was Shaun, and he didn't really have any friends, he mostly kept to himself and didn't say much. He wasn't always like this, I remember a time when Shaun was always laughing and playing around with the guys, and then all of a sudden he just... withdrew. Talking to no-one, he started wearing a lot of black and skipping classes. I often thought of what could have happened to him to cause him to pull away from everyone, including his friends and becoming our schools only Goth.

I peeked over into his locker, because I had never seen the inside of his locker, even though we were locker neighbors, he was just never around when I was and I was kind of curious to see what a guy like Shaun would have in his locker. I saw a picture of Shaun, what he used to look like before all the black and the make-up, he was smiling, while a little girl squeezed his waist smiling up at him. I immediately recognized the little girl,

"Hey, that's Anna." I blurted out looking a little closer at the picture.

He slammed his locker closed and he glared at me, staring me in the eyes menacingly.

"And how do you know her?" He sneered.

"I-I met her when I was at the hospital." He looked shocked, his mouth popping open then closed like a fish.

"Y-you met her when you were at the hospital? When was this?" He asked curiously, he looked like there where a thousand emotions running through him in that one moment.

"Er... yea, I met her a few months ago, when I was shot. How's she doing by the way. I hadn't seen her in a while."

"But that's impossible." I didn't say anything; I watched the emotions playing across his face, until it settled on anger.

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" I looked at him confusingly.

"Why would you think that?"

"Because... Violet, Anna is... was my sister." I gasped... was - past tense

"Oh no, did she die?" I asked, feeling the little pricks of tears behind my eyelids, as my hand went to my mouth.

"She died two years ago Violet, as if you didn't know. I didn't expect this from you, from Terry but never from you." Then he slammed his locker shut and stormed off, as the students around scrambled to get out of his way.

I do faintly remember Vicky telling me that he had lost his sister, but that would mean...

As the realization set in I sank to my butt, leaning my back against my locker, and resting my head in my hands.

That would mean that Anna was a ghost and Maria hadn't been the first ghost I had seen... Anna was.

I've been talking to ghosts since I had woken up in the hospital. I hadn't even realized she was a ghost, she looked so... real. I mean I could even touch her for crying out loud. I couldn't tell... when I met her, she seemed ... normal, even when I touched her, she felt... damp like mist. Why didn't I notice? Maybe I was so dazed when I had come out of the coma, but then after? Why can't I tell the difference between the living and the dead?

What is wrong with me?

"Violet..." I looked up to see Vicky and Van hurriedly coming towards me, looking worried that I was sitting on my butt in front of my locker.

As they neared they sank down next to me, "Violet what's wrong? Why are you sitting on the ground?"

"It's er... nothing, just had a rough day that's all."

"Oh Vi what happened? Is it Ethan?" Van asked sympathetically patting my back.

"No, no it wasn't him. I er need to go, will talk to you later." I said as I got up.

"What about school?" Vicky asked looking a little more concerned as I started for the school door. This wasn't like me, I never used to skip classes and I would never skip school. I wasn't an emotional roller coaster that was always uncertain about myself, even though life hadn't been very easy.

"I'll catch up later, I need to do something first." I said barely spearing them a glance as I made my way to the exit and straight to my little beat up beetle. Ethan wasn't in school today; in fact he wasn't in school most days, neither were his cousins.

I drove straight to the hospital, a part of me still in denial about Anna being a ghost and the other part was still in shock about everything that I had learned.

I pulled into the parking lot and rushed to the entrance.

It kind of makes sense, I mean I didn't even know were her room was or  the fact that she keep's disappearing into thin air whenever we're together.

I walked around the hospital, looking for her, not really knowing where to look, just hoping she would find me or something. I walked around for nearly three hours and after a while I stopped looking just thinking, getting lost in my own thoughts. Why is all this happening to me? Is it because I was shot? Did I die and then come back to life?

I remember watching a movie where the girl dies and then she comes back to life only to be able to see ghosts. Is that's what happening to me? Is that why all this stuff is happening?

I figured since I wasn't having any luck finding Anna I would visit my mom, seen as school was out already and I would need to leave soon to pick Lily up. So I walked down the deserted corridor towards the now familiar hospital room. When I got to her room, it was empty.

Where could they have taken her? I rushed down to the nurses' station and stopped the first nurse I saw.

 "Excuse me, can you tell me where had you taken Rose Spenser? She was in room 502 on the fifth floor."

"Erm... can you hold one sec, just let me check our system."

"Okay sure." I said anxiously as she walked over to the computer and started typing away.

"What did you say the patients name was?"

"It's Rose Spenser." She typed a little bit more and then said,

"Ah... it says here that Mrs. Spenser was checked out of the hospital to continue further care at home."

"Checked out? Checked out by who?"

"That's odd, it doesn't say who checked her out, but her doctor confirmed that it would be alright to let her go home."

"Oh...okay. Thanks." Maybe it was my aunt. I backed away from the desk and pulled out my phone, dialing my aunt's number. It rang three times before she picked it up.

"Carry speaking."

"Aunt Carry, it's Violet. Is my mom home?"

"Oh yes she is. The doctor said it's fine to release her. Apparently your boyfriend pulled some strings and got her to continue her care at home. Isn't that great, now she won't be in that creepy place any more. He also managed to get a nurse to help care for her."

"He did? When did he do this? How are we going to pay for the nurse?"

"He did it today, it was supposed to be a surprise for you and Lily, and the medical aid is sorting out the extra care."

Okay what is going on, right now I'm kind of not sure how I'm feeling about Ethan doing that. I'm not sure if I should be happy or shocked or even angry that he would just go behind my back and pull my mom out of the hospital to set her up at home with a nurse that he hired.

"Hello Violet are you still there?"

"oh er yes. I'm on my way home."

"Okay sweetie, drive safe."

"I will bye." Then I hung up. Leaning against the wall as I thought things through.

Why did Ethan do that? How did he do that? I guess I'm glad mom won't be in this place anymore and that would mean I don't have to come here. Is that why he was out of school so much?

"Violet?" I heard a small voice next me and I turned around.

"Anna, I've been looking for you." I said, not sure what to do now that I had found her and now that I know that she's a ghost.

"Violet what are you doing here? They're going to find you, you can't be here." She said sounding scared and kept glancing around like she was doing something she wasn't supposed to.

"Anna, I know what you are. "

"You do? H-how did you find out?" She asked looking directly at me for the first time, a little saddened.

"I know that you're... that you're not alive anymore. Your brother told me."

"My brother? Is he alright? I hadn't seen him in a while and I..." She trailed like she was unable to carry on.

"We er... don't really hang out much, because he kind of distances himself from everyone. He's kind of a loner now."

"Oh." Was all she said and then looked sadly down.

"Anna, what did you mean they're going to find me? Who are they?" She looked back up at me and quickly looked around then whispered.

"The other ghosts, they're coming for you."

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