Stay Strong

By SarahWood6

120K 2.8K 603

Niall James Horan was born two months and three days premature. He is very weak and there is a lot of things... More

Stay Strong
Chapter Two+ important A/N
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
New Story
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter One/Niall

11.7K 322 29
By SarahWood6

Niall James Horan walked down the main hallway of the school, he was very slow and wobbly. People started to get tired of having to be slow also, so  just started to push past him. With all the students pushing him, Niall fell to the floor and gasped in pain. Niall curled in a ball on the floor and after awhile people started to just step on him instead of around him because he was in the way.

After a few minutes went by, the sea of people began to fade. Niall was finding it very hard to breathe. Niall's body was in the fetal position on the floor, not being able move out of it. He figured he must of been laying there for ten minutes before his breathing started to even out.

A little while later Niall started to try to to move, he tried and he tried, but he just couldn't get his body to move more then a few inches.

"Niall? Is that you buddy" Niall heard. In his mind he was screaming for joy, but in reality,  he could barly move. 'Josh! Josh, help me' Niall cried in his mind. The blond haired boy moved best he could to show Josh he needed help.

Josh was the closest thing he had to a friend. Josh had chestnut brown hair with identical eyes. He was kind, caring, and also the only person to ever help Niall. The two boys never talked outseide school and didn't meet out at school all that often, but Josh always helped Niall when no one eles would, Josh protected him.

When Josh got over to Niall, he gasped in shock. The boys nose was bleeding, he had a huge gash on his forehead, and had foot prints all over him.

Josh picked Niall up and set him down on his two feet making sure Niall still had a good grip on his shoulder. "What happened Niall?" Josh asked worried, even though they were barly with each other Josh still thought of him as the little brother he never had, he was very protective over the boy. Josh kept meaning to be with the boy more so he coukd keep him safe.

" I-I was b-being s-s-slow in the h-h-hallway s-so p-people p-pushed me o-out of the w-way, and I f-fell" Niall stuttered, trying to catch his breath. Josh was discussed with the actions of his class mates, how could they do that to this poor boy, everyone was aware of the boys situation, some more than others, yet they still do this to him.

Josh gave an angry sigh and brushed the hair off Niall's eyes while helping the boy into a sitting position. Niall groaned,  his body aching. After about ten minutes Josh was  able to get Niall to stand up and they stared walking  to there English class, Josh having to slow down so Niall could keep up.

When they finally made it Niall was so out of breath that he was leaning against the wall for more than five minutes.  "Niall, buddy, wheres your inhaler," Josh asked. Niall made movements trying to shiw thay it was in his bag. Josh walked behind Niall and opened the smallest pocket, takeing the inhaler out. "Breath for me Nialler, please" Josh placed the inhaler to his lips and pushed down the top. Niall took in about five puffs of the medicated air before he was ready to go into the class room.

When the two boys walked into the class room, the teacher,  Miss Ashburn, glared at Niall, completely ignoring Josh's existence.  "NIALL JAMES HORAN! Why are you so damn late!" She hollered.  "I f-fell" Niall spoke weakly. Josh gave the her evil eyes, even the teachers pick on the poor boy, it was simply horrifying.

After school the two boys went their separate ways to go home. "Call me if you need me, okay?" Josh said honestly, finally giving Niall his number. "O-Okay"  Niall stuttered. Josh smiled at him and walked away. Niall started his long walk home and thought to himself

'Please don't go'

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