Chapter 3

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When Niall awoke, he was not surrounded by the  stench of beer for once. Although he could not smell the beer Niall knew where he was from a different familiar smell. The hospital. All of a sudden Nialls hearing clicked in and he could hear the annoying but comforting sound of the heart monitor. Niall was afraid to open his eyes, in fear of what, or who was around him.

‘Who would bring me to the hospital?”. Niall asked himself before finally manning up and opening his eyes. When he did he was blinded by the bright lights, and had to immediately shut his eyes again. Niall groaned when he realised the heavy pain in his head. “Good you’re awake.”  Niall heard a voice, unable to identify it as one he had ever heard before. “What am I doing here?”. Niall asked as his opened his eyes with some difficulty. When the doctor realised he dimmed the lights quite a bit for  Niall.

“Niall do you remember what happened what happened to you that might make you end up in a hospital?”. The doctor asked sitting in the seat next to his bed. Niall thought about it. He infact did remember what happened but now what was he gonna do? Of he caused even a little bit of trouble with the police, his father would certainly destroy him. So Niall just simply shook his head.

“Well, you had a bottle of some sort smashed against your head. We had to go through some surgery to remove the glass from your head, but I am ninety percent sure we got it all out. You father told us someone broke in and attacked the both of you, he got to you before your father could do anything. Does this re jog your memory Niall?”. Niall nodded his head hesitantly, deciding that would be the better decision. “Did you see who the intruder was Niall?” The doctor asked. Niall aging shook his head. The doctor sighed. “ Okay Niall, the police will do what they can given that they don't have any evidence. I don't think he will ever bother your family ever again, Okay? I will be back later to brief you on your general health considering your condition, okay?”. The doctor asked. Niall nodded and watch the doctor smile and then walk out of the room.

So his father had brought him to the hospital, why? Probably just so that he wouldn't get in trouble. Niall was feeling a little relieved but mostly sad. Why couldn't his father just let him die, he hated the  boy anyway so why not say the intruder killed him? They he would have no one to beat up, Niall guessed.

A few Minutes later the doctor came back and told him mostly all the normal things, he was weak, bones frial, have to be careful, things like that. But this time there was also something new. Apparently along with Nialls weak body the medicine that e has to take to try and be normal has increased to a higher dosage. All that the medication does is make his immune system stronger. Niall knew what that meant, his body would be more weak. The doctor insisted that if he didn't take the medication his immune system would which would lead to death. So Niall really had no other choice. Niall was later released with his new drugs and able to go home, if you can call it home.

Because Nialls father sucked at being a father, Niall had to walk home. He was a little scared to be walking home alone, as slowly as he was. You never know what can happen out here to some one like Niall.  When Niall finally got home he was saddened to see that his father was home, he complimented walking into the forest that surrounded his house but then realized that was a stupid idea, but maybe, if things get bad, an idea for later.

Niall walked up to the house and slowly opened the door. “Finally you little fuck up, I was wondering when you would get here. How was the little babies trip to the hospital? Huh? Did you enjoy all the attention you little attention whore?”. Bobby growled at him. Niall shrunk back afraid of the man in front of him. “Answer me you little Fag”. Baby yelled spitting in his face. Nialls body shook but he replied. “N-no I-I d-didn't”. Niall's voice shook as he spoke.

“I wish I would have killed you, I should have.” Bobby spoke slowly. Niall was even more afraid now. Was this crazy man really capable of killing him? Of course he was. When Bobby didn't get any reaction from the boy, he threw him to the floor. Niall grunted, his chest hitting hard on the floor. Niall struggled as he felt the air get knocked out of him, he felt as if his ribs were broken once again.  

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