Assassin's Creed ONESHOTS

By nopeh_ruski

90.2K 1.6K 373

It's all in the title. I will try with all of my heart to update every weekend/as often as I can, but AD/HD a... More

Connor Kenway x Reader (Watch Out!)
Jacob Frye x Assassin!Reader (Cargo Hijack)
A Note
Edward Kenway x Pirate!Reader (Jackdaw)
Shay Cormac x Reader (Spy)
Arno Dorian x Reader (Street Fights)
Jacob Frye x Assassin Reader (Crazy Train)
Evie Frye x Female Assassin Reader! (Secret Admirer)
Ezio x Assassin Reader (To Kill a Killer)
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad (Yandere) x Reader (Bloody Valentine)
Lydia Frye x Male Soldier Reader (Espionage)
Modern! Aguilar de Nerha x Reader (Madre)
taking a break
Assassin's Favorite Songs!
Edward Kenway x Modern!Reader (Sailing)
SMUT! Malik Al-Sayf x Reader (My Favorite Novice)
Evie Frye x Yandere!Female Reader (Mine)
not exactly an update
Jacob Frye x Modern!Reader (JUST ASK HER!)
Connor x Modern!Reader (Dakota)
{Preferences} His Name In Your Phone
Yandere!Shay Cormac x Shy!Reader (Don't Be Afraid, Love)
Ezio Auditore x Reader (Ciao, Bella)
Jacob Frye x Reader (A Drink)
Shay Cormac x Modern!Reader (Game Day)
Dating Altaïr Would Include
Dating Ezio Would Include
Dating Connor Would Include
Dating Jacob Would Include
Dating Evie Would Include
Kassandra x Female!Reader (Modified Blade)
Alexios x Reader (Ωραίος)
Jacob Frye x Reader (A Drink) Pt 2!
Kassandra x Evie (Different) MODERN AU!

Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad x Novice!Reader (Training)

3.4K 61 17
By nopeh_ruski

        As a novice, you tend to get pushed around a lot. You know that the best, of course, as a novice female. In other words, you are currently at the bottom of the food chain. The only safe place away from bullies is the training grounds, where you watch the Master Assassin Altaïr train the others.

        You copy their moves from afar, mirroring every punch, step, and kick. Everyone is far too absorbed in their training to notice you. At least, so you thought. 

        Later on, when you are wandering around and exploring the Bureau, you feel a strong hand grab your wrist. Malik is such an idiot!

       "Malik!" You yell, turning around slowly, "You're such an-" You are stopped mid-sentence. The one who grabbed you, you quickly realized, was not Malik, but Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad. 

        "What is your name, novice, and why do you watch me?" He asks, his tone harsh, and grip tightening on your wrist.

        "My name is (Y/N) (L/N)!" You squeak out, "Please let me go, this hurts!" Altaïr obeyed, loosening his grip on your wrist, eyebrows furrowed. He studies you for a second, and then opens his mouth to speak.

        "(Y/N), have you nothing better to do than watch us train?" Asked Altaïr. That's a question that even you don't know the answer to. Do you have a purpose to the brotherhood?

        "Sir, I'm afraid I do not have anything better to do. The others exclude me. I am worthless to them. That is why I do not train like the others. There is no purpose for me." You say, and you feel your eyes getting wet. Altaïr's expression softens, turning into a look of pity. You hate it when people look at you like that.

        "I didn't realize that you felt that way, (Y/N). If you would like to train with me, you are welcome to." He offers. You nod your head yes and run to him, hugging him and crying happy tears. He tenses up at first, but soon relaxes and hugs you back.

        "Thank you, sir! I won't disappoint you!" You yell in excitement. He smirks slightly, which makes his lip scar turn more white. 

        "I know you will not, (Y/N)." He replies, "Now you should go occupy yourself before I begin my training again." He says. You nod, and run off to find something to do. 

        While you are making your way around, humming and smiling, you run into one of your closest friends, Malik Al-Sayf, at his desk near the Bureau entrance. Seeing how cheery you are, he decides to ask.

        "What happened to your face, novice?" He asks, "It looks... Warped... Could that be a smile?" He asks. You give him a goofy grin, and he smiles back at you.

        "Well, Altaïr is going to train me today!" You nearly yell, you are so excited. Malik's smile instantly fades.

        "Do not idolize Altaïr, novice. He is self centered, egotistical, and arrogant. He constantly goes against the creed, and compromises the brotherhood. He is the reason that I lost my arm... And my yonger brother, Kadar." Malik shows deep sadness in his eyes, something that you have never seen on his face before.

        "I'm so sorry, Malik." You say, "I did not know." He smiles back at you, even though you can tell that he is full of pain.

        "It is alright. Do not worry about my sadness. Continue your training. Prove the others wrong. You can do great things, (Y/N). Great things." He says, and you give him a quick nod.

        "I must go now, Malik. I have training to do." You say, sighing and blushing a bit, which makes Malik suspicious. As you walk towards the training grounds, Malik yells after you.

        "Don't tell me you love him, novice!" Yells Malik, "He will only hurt you!" You turn around to face Malik, and yell back.

        "Maybe I love him, maybe I don't." You say. Malik grumbles, and rolls his eyes at you.

        "Don't say I didn't warn you, (Y/N)!" Yells Malik, and you smirk to yourself as you begin to make your way to the training ground. Suddenly, you feel a tight grip on your shoulder. It must be Altaïr. You turn around and lo and behold, there he is, in all his golden eyed beautifully tanned glory.

        "I'm sorry, Altaïr, but could you please stop grabbing me?" You asked, "A simple-"

        "-I heard everything." Altaïr interrupts. His words cut through you like a sword. You feel your blood rising in your cheeks, and a spike of embarrassment rising in the pit of your stomach.

        "I...I feel the same way, (Y/N). I...I think...I think that I might love you as well!" He says. You couldn't help but smile. He is so cute, with his little blush. What a guy.

        "Well, Altaïr... I think we should get on with our training." You said. He smirks back at you with a bit of a devilish glint in his eye.

        "But first... I'm going to do this." He says, and pulls you in for a kiss. It shocks you at first, but you soon give in, kissing him passionately back. You are sure that you must be dreaming. Once the kiss breaks, you both gasp for air a little, and look each other in the eyes. 

        "We should...we should get started." Altaïr offers. You only nod your head in agreement, still caught off guard by the kiss. Little did you know that as you are walking with Altaïr to the training ground hand in hand, Malik is watching you from the Bureau, shaking his head in utter disappointment.

           You train for hours, sparring, hand to hand, and stealth. Altaïr bests you in about everything, which is to be expected. When you finally finish your last match, Altaïr once again emerges victorious, knocking you to the ground and pinning you.

            "Damn it!" You yell, making Altaïr chuckle loudly. 

            "Looks like I am the winner once again." He teases,  poking at your pinned shoulders. He gets off of you and helps you to your feet. 

             "It seems our training is done for the day." He said, beginning to walk back towards the Bureau. 

              "Just one more thing." You said, slowly walking towards him.

             "And what would that be?" He asks you, biting his lip. You smile, an evil gleam in your eyes.

             "It would be... THIS!" You yell, kicking him in his knees, forcing them to buckle down unexpectedly. You then push him onto the ground on his back, laughing. 

              "Who's the winner now?" You ask Altaïr, "Should I come again tomorrow?" He frowns deeply, yelling after you ask you walk back towards the Bureau.

                "YOUR TRAINING WILL RESUME TOMORROW! YOU HAVE DEFEATED ME FOR THE LAST TIME, (Y/N)!" You laugh, and then sigh loudly.

                 "He's so cute when he's mad." You think to yourself. After that training session, to Malik's dismay, you and Altaïr trained together a lot more, and became very close in the process.

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________

  So that was my first kinda long one shot! Hope you enjoy! Man sorry if this sux i'm REALLY tired (it's like 2:00 in the am) and I got ZERO sleep last night as well.   My sister won't stop crying about her homework, lol she's in SIXTH GRADE. I SHOULD BE THE ONE CRYING! 😂 If I do another one shot tomorrow, it's probs gunna be Edward or Shay, but idk for sure. Request what you want! Sleep tight, ~❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Natasha      

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