Maid for you

By 4evainlovee

63.4K 2.1K 132

"Can I have a hug?" Hennessy said, tears running down her cheeks. He walked over to her, and wrapped his arms... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen

chapter fourteen

2.8K 93 2
By 4evainlovee

"So, Hennessy." Alexander said, as she was making his breakfast. She was flipping bacon, and glanced over to him. It had been a couple days since George paid them a visit. And things have gone back to normal.


"I was wondering if you wanted to go to an event with me." He said, sipping his coffee out of a clear glass mug at the kitchen island.

"An event? Like what do you mean." Hennessy said, suddenly aware of her surroundings. What did he mean? An event? She was his maid.

"It's a charity gala. I would like you to go with me." Alexander said, and she looked back at him. What? Why would he want her to be his date at an event, when he could have anybody.

"Why? You could-god. You could have anyone you wanted. Ask someone else." She didn't want to go, uncomfortable dresses, mean rich people, she would much rather stay at the apartment.

"Because Hennessy, I really want to treat you like you should be treated. Please!!" He said, a smile on his face. He knew this is a step in the right direction. For her to be able to see that she can live life to the fullest.

"Fine. Okay." She said, smiling to herself. He was cute when he said please. Cuter than usual.

"Really! Wow. It's tonight." He said, a huge smile on his face, but Hennessy was still on the border.

"What. Tonight? That's so soon. I don't think I'm ready." Hennessy said, putting the finished bacon on a plate and placing it in front on Alexander.

"That's why I took the day off work, and we are going to be shopping. We will get you a dress, your nails done, hair done." He said, droning on.

"Wow. Rude." She said, turning back around to the oven to start eggs.


"You are basically saying I need all that stuff because I'm not pretty now." Hennessy said. She was completely joking, but liked to mess with him.

"No, no. That's not what I'm saying. I just-"

"I know. I'm just messing with you." She chuckled and started mixing around the eggs, scrambling them as Alexander ate his bacon.

"Wow. Alright then. So after breakfast we can head out and look for dresses. Okay?" He droned on, already planning their day.

"Of course, yeah. But promise me you will stay with me at the party. I don't want to be left all alone mingling with the upper-class." Hennessy said, and he leaned back in his seat.

"I promise." Alexander continued to watch her walk gracefully around the kitchen. "You are very beautiful Hennessy. So beautiful." He said, wanting to make sure she knew. Wanting to make sure she felt beautiful.

"Oh, thanks." She chuckled, shaking her head at his antics.

They were in Saks, browsing the dress selection. Alexander had his arm around her waist, and she tried not to melt into the touch. She tried not to imagine what it would be like, to be held like this all the time.

"What about this one?" He said, holding out a light pink dress with his free hand. It was tight fitting, and gorgeously flowed down the bottom.

"It's pretty, yeah." Hennessy said, but then glanced at the price tag. "No way. $5,000! Jesus christ."

"It's okay. Hennessy. Try it on."

"No. $5,000, Xander! That's insane!" She whispered to him, trying to move on to the next rack of dresses. But his arm pulled her back, pulling her into his chest.

"Hennessy. Don't worry about prices." Alexander whispered in her ear, taking the dress off the rack.

Alexander's arms were soon full of dresses, and he beckoned over a saleslady. While Hennessy was rolling her eyes. She hated trying things on, it was such a tiring experience and she usually never got bought any of the things she tried on.

"Hello sir." The saleslady said, smiling widely at Alexander, not even acknowledging Hennessy.

"Hi, can you please set this beautiful lady up with a dressing room?" He said, staring at Hennessy. He smiled at her and she couldn't help but smile back.

"Of course. I can grab those dresses from you."

"Here." He handed her the dresses and Hennessy followed her to the back. Flipping Alexander off as she walked away. He chuckled and sat down in a chair, waiting to see her choices.

She stepped into the dressing room and started changing. The first thing she grabbed was a red, velvet body-con dress. Hennessy examined herself in the mirror. It was tight fitting, like a second skin. She stepped out of the dressing room, and looked at Alexander.

"Wow." He said, stroking his hand across his jawline.

"Is that good or bad?" She spun around and his eyes raked down her small, luxurious figure. That he wanted to run his hands all over.

"Good. Very good." Alexander said, meeting eyes with Hennessy. "Ma'am, please set this one aside." He told the saleslady.

"You can call me Sophie."

"Okay, Sophie." He said, not moving eye contact from Hennessy.

"No!" She mouthed, shaking her head, but he just smiled and nodded.

"Alright, thank you Sophie. Let's see the next dress."

They were done with their shopping, and Hennessy's hair and makeup. She was currently in her room getting changed into the dress she decided on.

She thought it was a little inappropriate, for the formal night but Alexander approved so she thought it was okay. Getting into her tall 4 inch heels, she walked out of her room and carefully down the stairs to where Alexander was sitting.

"So, do you like it?" Hennessy did a twirl, as since she was a stripper she was a master at walking in heels.

"I love it." Alexander said, this was his favorite dress by far. It looked gorgeous on her. Accentuating her already prominent breasts, and her small waist.

"Really?" She smiled and looked up at him. And god when she did. He looked like a snack. In his all black tux, and hair perfectly done, how she wished it was more than just a formal date for the night.


"Are you ready?" Hennessy said, reaching out her arm. Even with her heels she only reached to the bottom of Alexander's chin, so she constantly had to look up at him. Literally and figuratively.

"Yes. Let's go." He said, lacing his hand with hers. They walked to the garage and Alexander grabbed the keys to a matte black Maserati. He unlocked the door and opened the passenger side for Hennessy. When Alexander got in she began talking.

"This is my favorite of your cars."

"Really?" He said, pulling out of the garage.

"Mmhm. It's a nice looking car. I could sleep in here it's so cozy too."

"Well there are both seat warmers and coolers so let me know if you need either."

"Okay. So what exactly is this gala for?"

"It's a charity gala, for homeless teens."

"That's nice." She said, looking out the window. Houses were passing fast and it was already late. 9 o'clock. She would already want to be cozy in bed by then.


"You know once-" This is how their conversation went for the rest of the trip, Hennessy rambling on, feeling as if she was bugging him. Whilst Alexander was hanging onto her every word.

Soon they pulled up to a large restaurant, so big Hennessy almost mistook it for a house. They both got out, Alexander giving the valet his keys and Hennessy holding his hand.

"I'm scared, Xander." She whispered to him, as they walked into the restaurant.

"Why?" He was genuinely concerned, she seemed fine up until now. Why was she scared?

"What if they make fun of me? Or talk shit about me."

"Hennessy, they are going to talk about you. But I can't tell you whether it will be good or bad. But just remember you are here for me okay?"

"Like that makes anything better."

"Hennessy, we can leave if you want." He said, stopping before they entered the building.

"No, lets do it." She smiled and they walked in. Preparing herself for the night ahead.

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