Everything Lead to You

By Laurmila_yo

2.8K 107 12

Lauren Jauregui, the schools most popular girl, falls in love with none other than Camila Cabello, arguably t... More

Real quick authors note.
A lil teaser
Fresh Starts
Good Distractions
A Stupid Agreement?
A Stupid Agreement (pt 2)
The Guilt and Realizations.
I don't love you.
Keep on dreaming
Brown Eyed Devil
I have questions.

Dirty Little Secret

134 6 2
By Laurmila_yo

Lauren was stressing and for all the right reasons.

"How the FUCK did you get this number?"


Lauren awaited an answer from the other end as she tapped her foot anxious against the tile floor.

"I asked."

A soft sigh left Lauren's lips. Her fingers pinched at the bridge of her nose as she felt a headache coming on from the girl who decided to call her in the first place.

"Lucy look, I don't know why you feel like you have to do this bu-"

"I have to do it because you're a FUCKING liar. Camila was bound to find out sooner or later. I might as well fucking do it for you."

Before Lauren could even get a word out the line dropped. She felt the pit in her stomach erupt in nervousness. Her face lit on fire and her chest got tight. She needed to do something. And she needed to do it quick.

The green eyed girl flung her door open. Feet pounding against asphalt. Camila lived a few minutes away and Lauren wasn't going to waste any time. She ran as fast as she could to the younger girls house, pounding on the large red door when she got there.

She began to pace as time ticked away (it had only been seconds since she knocked). She slammed her fist against the door time and time again until the the Cabello girl opened the door. Her hair was up in a towel and her tooth brush was still in her mouth.

"We need to talk."

"Hi to you too. Oh yeah my day is fine so far. Thanks for the kiss babe", Camila scoffed as she walked back up the stairs allowing an anxious Lauren to follow.

Camila finished getting ready as her girlfriend paced holes into her carpet. Lauren's nervousness was giving Camila a stomach ache. It LITERALLY made her feel sick... and she didn't even know what was wrong.

Camila grabbed Lauren's hand gently, grasping at the ivory skinned girls fingers. It didn't get her to stop pacing. She tried grabbing her face, her waist, anything she could to get Lauren to just calm down and talk.

"Okay.. Okay... LAUREN! Stop baby please, just tell me what's wrong."

Lauren couldn't even look Camila in the eye. It was now or never.

"I'm the reason....."

Camila looked at Lauren with her doe brown eyes filled with every ounce of curiosity in the world. Her eyes shifted from green to pink. Lauren's eyes studied Camila's face as the next few words left her mouth.

She sighed, Lauren had no choice but to tell the truth, no matter how badly she didn't want to.

"ugh.... i'm the reason Victoria broke up with you."

Camila scoffed. Of course Lauren was the reason her and Tori. Lauren was the one she stepped out with and-

"I told her Liz was into her... I told her she should cheat on you... I told her that she's better off with Liz... But it's okay because it's you and me now Cam it's you and me right?"

Camila stood there staring at Lauren blankly. She didn't know how to feel. She wanted to be happy because she finally has Lauren but part of her wants to scream and cry and punch everything in sight.

Camila clenched her jaw. Hot tears fell from her eyes and streamed down her face. Her hands balled into fists as she turned from the girl standing in front of her.

"Leave", Camila's voice came out rough and icy.

"Wait I,"

"I said. leave."

Camila sat on her bed sobbing into her hands as Lauren stood helpless. She wanted to comfort the girl but wanted to respect her choices. So Lauren slipped out of the room, shutting the door softly and making her way out the front door. Camila sat wondering, why?

How could Lauren lie for months like that. How could she lead her on for so long. Camila sank into her pillows and let the case get soaked in the salty water the poured down her face. She trusted Lauren and cheated on Tori who was one of the SWEETEST people on this planet.

Lauren made Tori cheat on Camila with some goth girl no one even fucking knew about. Camila was furious. Camila was sad. Camila was hurt.

Camila was just so confused.

She looked at her phone and turned it off. She needed the weekend to think, away from all of this. Away from Lauren. She knew she'd need a few days, or a week maybe. She stared at her ceiling trying to find the answers in the glow in the dark stars stuck to it.

Lauren had shut the front door and let herself break down. She could hear Camila's sobs from the open window. She reached into her pocket and found her phone.

She dialed the number at the top of her recently called and started her somber walk back to her home.

"Go for Lucy."

"You don't have to tell Camila shit. I did what you were going to. Thanks for ruining my relationship."

"I ruined your relationship?", Lucy scoffed, she'd never heard something so arbitrary before, "I didn't ruin shit Lauren. I never told you to go and tell Camila that you did what you did. I never told you to tell Tori to cheat on your precious little Camz. I never told you to do anything. I just thought your little girlfriend deserved the fucking truth for once. Look past your pride for a minute, you're a GRADE A asshole. You deserve what you got."

Lauren hung up the phone. Lucy was right. Lauren was at fault for this. She was greedy. She wanted something so badly she willingly risked the exact thing she wanted to get it.

She scuffed her shoes along the concrete and really wished she was in an episode of Glee right now. Singing out her feelings instead of sobbing on a busy street would be lovely right now. She'd love to just take it all back honestly.

She wishes she could just go back and fix her fucking problem but now the words are out there lingering in the universe. She typed in Camila's name into the phone and shot her a few texts. She wanted to at least know she was okay.

hey. please let me know you're fine baby... i'm sorry i shouldn't have fucked up like that. please forgive me baby please.

Lauren locked her phone and shoved it back into her pocket as she walked into her house. Her feet left heavy thuds against the stairs as she walked up to her room. Her sheets engulfed her as she laid face down and drifted off into one of the most pitiful sad naps she's ever taken in her life.

Camila didn't have any tears left to cry at this point. She was so angry and sad and everything. She felt literally fucking everything. She knew her parents were going to be heading home at some point and would ask about what Camila wanted to eat. She wasn't even hungry. She didn't want to get up. Or go out. She wanted to lie there and be upset at the world, at Lauren, at everything. She never wanted to get up.

If she did she'd have to see the pictures of her and Lauren. She'd have to look at the t-shirt from their Khalid concert. She'd have to walk past that damn car they've made out in. She'd have to go to the school where she met Lauren. She'd have to see Lauren. She'd want to kiss her and hold her and want her. She'd just want to fall back into place right now.

Is that what Camila really wanted? Did she really need Lauren that badly? She'd be fine on her own, right?

No no, she's right. She'll be fine without those beautiful green eyes that make her feel everything on the planet. She'll be okay without those rosy pink lips that kiss her good morning and goodnight and i love you and you'll be okay and just kiss her in general. She'll be fine without that husky voice that makes her heart melt and that little giggle that's reserved for her awful jokes and... who was she kidding.

It's been the better part of two hours and Camila wants to rush to Lauren's house and just be okay. She wants to forget about it but it's just so unsettling.

So instead of getting up from the bed she laid in, she turned over and let the tears come on again. They took over her body as she violently sobbed. She sobbed herself to sleep, managing to only almost hyperventilate twice.

She fell asleep exhausted, not exactly sure of what her plans would be when she woke. What she did know for certain, is that right now is definitely no time for forgiving the devishly beautiful Lauren Jauregui.

There was no chance in hell it'd happen.

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