
By a-writing-potato

41.8K 683 1K

it's chaos... but it's their family chaos. and they love it. ◈¨°◑¸»¯✺﹢°⇤∴∝∗ [[ D I S C O N T I N U E D ]] ◈¨°... More

letters from asshole aunts
surprise, bitch
penthouse life
planting love with lilies
i'm problematic lmao why did i start a book
meet the malfoys
crazy rich wizards
unknown numbers
i'm sorry
glasses ; oneshot

finding out

4K 92 84
By a-writing-potato

"With great fame, come great fandoms,
And with great fandoms, come weirdos."


"Good morning, Malfoy family!" Blaise yells as he enters the penthouse main living room.

"Nghhhh... Why so early, Uncle Blaise?" Leo rubs his eyes, coming out of his room.

"It's already 7:00PM. Your family's dinner reservations are at 8:30PM. Y'all have one and a half hours to get ready." Blaise checked his watch.

"But it's s-so e-earl-ly, Uncle." Ara yawned.

"Uh-huh. And you are a family of 5 who has 90 minutes to get up, get dressed, and walk out of that damn door. So get your arses up!" Blaise barked.

"Mm... Hello Blaise." Hermione smiled at him as she straightens her red, short-sleeved dress that reached an inch below her knees and it's neckline was just above her cleavage

"Hello, Mrs. Malfoy. Where are your blond headed Gryffindors?" Blaise asked.

"Still napping." Hermione took a sip of her coffee.

"I'll go wake Scorpius!" Ara yelled and ran to Scorpius' room.

Leo groaned, having to wake Hydra up. He padded over to his sister's room and knocked twice before entering the room.

"Hya?" Leo whispered.

"What?" Hydra groaned, her face buried in the fluffy pillows.

"Are you gonna.... Get up yet?" He had his arms behind his back and crouched over her bed.

"Give me two minutes." She said and sat up. Her eyes were droopy and her eyebrows were raised, still recovering from the comfortable sleep.

"Okay." Leo said and backed up the door, leaving it slightly ajar, and running when he was out of sight.


"Lin! Wake. The. Fuck. Up!" Say shouted at her twin, throwing a pillow at her.

"It's too early to swear, sister" Lin glared at her, giving a middle finger.

"It's too early to be so fucking LOUD AND ANNOYING!" Liz got up and flicked at their foreheads.

"LANGUAGE!" Chad bellows. He hates being hated by his daughters, but they give him so many reasons to discipline them.

"C'mon girls, get dressed. We have an hour to get ready for the dinner and we have to show that know-it-all cousin of yours that she is not better than us." Gladys applied lipstick on.

"Right. Girls, you remember those body con dresses we bought?" Liz asks.

"Yup. Sleeveless. Yours was pink. Mine was orange. Lin's was yellow." Say recalls.

"Right. Let's say we wear our spandex, best tights, and a waist trainer later, huh?" Liz asks.

"And maybe even a few layers of makeup." Lin thinks.

"For sure." Say nods.

"Let's get to it then."


"Alex, we have an hour to get ready." Jazz throws a pillow at him.

"AN HOUR?! THAT'S NOT NEARLY ENOUGH TIME TO DO MY HAIR!" Alex complains, jumping on the bed, arms flailing around.

"Al! Are you trying to get Belle mad at you or something? You'll wake baby Wes." Ced whisper-yells at him.

"Yeah." Jazz nods, stirring her tea.

"Oh please, they're next door. How thin could the walls be-" Alex begins.

"WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" A high-pitched cry was heard that spread across the room. Lots of banging was heard in the next room and seconds later a mad set of knocks was heard on the door.

Jazz looked into the peephole. She gulped and grabbed a pillow, pulling it in front of her and staying flush behind the door. Then, she suddenly opens the door.

A mad Belle Adams nee Granger stomps angrily across the room, glaring straight at Alex.

"Alex Granger, do you have any idea how to raise a child?" Jazz squints her eyes at him, her tone ice cold.

"N-no ma'am." Alex stutters.

"Do you know how to make a baby sleep?" Jazz pushes the hypothetical dagger in deeper.

"No, dear sister. I'm sor-"

"WELL YOU ARE BRILLIANT HOW TO WAKE ONE UP! How many hours of sleep do you get?"

"Usual-usually seven or eight hours." Alex was near tears.

"Well then, Alexander Charles Granger, you have no right to scream or shout at all near an exhausted mother who gets barely five hours of sleep and her sleeping child. Okay?" Belle gave him a sickeningly sweet smile.

"Understood." Alex manages to choke out.

"Good." And Belle walks out, smiling serenely at her siblings before closing the door gently behind her.

"Well, I'd say you were pretty fucked there buddy." Jazz sips her tea as Alex exhales the breath he's been holding.

"No shit, Jazmine." Ced smirks at her and his brother, who sent him a glare.


"Scorpius! You aren't even of age yet! You cannot bring your wand downstairs!" Hermione yelled at her son.

"But Mu-um! I'll hide it in my suit!" Scorpius said. He wore a maroon suit over a white shirt that said 'I'm a M _ _ _ _ _ !'. He also wore dark blue jeans and brown leather shoes.

"What is that shirt?" Leo asked.

"I made it. It's for this occasion. No one knows that the famous, richest, most eligible bachelor of all of England was in fact married and has four beautiful children. So I made it to at least give them all a hint." Scorpius explained.

"Hm." Leo hummed.

"Want one?" Scorpius asked. "I made one for you in green font. It'll go nice with your black suit and dark green jeans. Also, wear your white Converse. The low cut." Scorpius said.

"Sheesh, someone's a fashioholic." Hydra rolls her eyes, overhearing their conversation as she read her book silently.

"No, I just have a good definition as to what looks good. Examples are my outfits, my Instagram feed, and a mirror in front of me." Scorpius said, rolling up his sleeves up to his elbows and putting on an army soldier necklace around his neck.

Leo copies him and rolls his sleeves up as well, wearing a gold watch around his left wrist.

"Sure, Scorp, keep telling yourself that." Ara rolls her eyes as she slips on her black strapped heels.

She wore a cream-colored spaghetti strap dress that had a floral lace design. She charmed her hair into a neat updo, having it twisted up all by itself.

"Yeah, I have more Instagram followers than you. And I only have 114 posts." Hydra rolled her eyes, wearing a watercolor flower design, which she paired with mustard yellow matte flats.

"Hey! You act like we have such a big difference. I only have 138." Scorpius huffed.

"Anyway," Leo said loudly, "I-"

"Great! I knew you'd want it! Here, it's your size." Scorpius cuts him off, throwing the shirt in his face.

Leo scrunches up his nose. Why does he have to be such a pushover sometimes?


"Good evening, Mrs. Malf-" the waiter started, but got cut off.

"Shhhhhhhh!" Hermione stopped him before he could finish.

"Oh! Sorry, Ms. Granger. I forgot." His face flushed as he looked down, embarrassed.

"Quite alright, Derek. Just remember." Hermione patted him on the back and gestured her children as well as the other family members, excluding Chad's family.

As they sat down, Alex frowned as he tried to recall what the waiter said. He almost called Hermione by her wedded surname, and he was more than curious when the waiter said 'Mrs. Malf-"

He looked around at his family and it seems as if he was the only one who paid much attention to the almost- slip up. He looked at Scorpius and Leo's shirts. Could it be?

He had one person in mind, but that can't be right. How could she have met him?

Maybe in the advanced school she attended. It would explain a lot. And look at Scorpius. The resemblance is uncanny. And Hya's hair, it's the same exact shade of blond. Plus, they have the penthouse all to themselves, and he knew that this hotel is exclusively owned by him and Blaise Zabini.

Alex let out a gasp that had a mixture of surprise and gladness of figuring out who the father was by himself.

"Alex? Are you alright?" Hermione asked.

"Huh? Oh. Uh.... Hermione, can we talk for a minute? Alone?" Alex asked her.

Hermione turned her head to the rest of their family. "Please excuse us."

"Go ahead." Aunt Mary nodded at them.

Hermione led Alex to a secluded corner, muttering a silence charm around them to not be heard.

"What's wrong?"

"I know who the father of your children is."

"What?! How?"

"Scorpius and Hya are pretty dead giveaways. And I'm not stupid. You know fair well that I am the brightest out of all of us after you." Alex shrugged.

Hermione sighed. She can't deny that.

"But damn girl, what did you do to get a hottie like Draco Malfoy?" Alex smirked which earned him a very forceful hit on the head with a nearby menu book.


"Shut it."


holy shit, my head hurts so much.

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