Torn Between Two Lovers

By sh6ring6n

6K 169 22

This story is going under MASSIVE revision. Please stay tuned. More

My First Match Against A Champion
A Year Into My Career As Diva
This Is A Hell Of A Storyline
You Think I'm Beautiful?- Part One
You Think I'm Beautiful?- Part Two
Seth Do You Like Me?- Part One
Seth Do You Like Me?- Part Two
How Could You Do This!- Part One
How Could You Do This!- Part Two


1.2K 21 1
By sh6ring6n

Kaitlyn and I had been resting on a couple of oversized crates when she nudges me, asking, "Look, I know you're new and all, but has anyone caught your eye?"

"Not anyone I've come across so far. What about you?", giving a small smile as I counter her question.

Her cheeks had turned a light shade of pink before she attempted to quickly turn away from me, swatting her hand slightly, "Pfft – no..!"

"Did you know you're the worst liar on the planet?", she had joined me in laughing at her discreetness, "Now spill the beans, ma'am!"

"Alright, alright – his name is Seth. Seth Rollins.", blushing harder when she said his name aloud.

"Now, was that so hard?", I said as I shook my head. "Anywho, what does your loverman look like? I haven't seen you crush this hard since high school.", I grinned.

She glanced over at the clock on the wall. "Actually, he should be having a tag match right now; let's go to the locker room and watch.", she moved her head in the direction of the Women's Locker Room sign, hopping off the crate.

We make our way into the empty locker room, only hearing the echoes of commentary on the flatscreen. I seated myself next to her on the bench as she caught me up on appearances.

"There he is! The guy with the blonde streak that just beautifully executed that Shooting Star Press.", she pointed at him before doing a chef's kiss. "He's just so.. graceful."

And to be fair, she was right – I thought to myself.

I panned my attention back to my now celebrating best friend. "Seth won, he won the match!"

I watched her jump around the bench, celebrating her crush's fresh victory. "Why don't you go congratulate him?", I asked, "Make the first move and you know –", cutting myself off, I press my hands together while making kissing noises.

Kaitlyn swats at my hands as she turns tomato red, "You know what, AJ? Maybe I will."

I stared at her for a minute before saying, "I bet you won't."

And with that, she had zoomed out of the locker room.

Some day, I'll come across someone that makes me feel like that – somehow in this crazy wrestling world.

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