Karamel's Little Comet

By MelwoodReylo

62K 1.4K 120

Kara has shared some exiting news with Mon El. They both are so happy and excited to take the next step toget... More

He Sounds Perfect
Is Someone Dying
It Was Worth It
I'll Be Back Soon
See You In The Real World
He's dead
Something's Not Right
It's A Miracle
I'd Love To
Who's Imra
How Can He Be With Someone Who's Dead
But He Was Too Fast
I Love You
Mommy Is Waiting
Okay, I'm ready
We Did Good
I know


2.8K 71 2
By MelwoodReylo

The DEO had cleaned Kara's loft from the attack and any evidence that was linked anyway to Imra. Alex told Kara it was safe for her to take Mon El home.
She thought that after Mon El had gotten stabbed in the chest that she'd be the one supporting him on the way home, but because she's a pregnant woman with twins who's going to give birth within this month, he was supporting her weight.
"I can walk by myself Mon El." Kara said lightly laughing.
"I know, but it's not everyday I can help my pregnant girlfriend get home." He said taking Kara's keys to open the door.
He opened it, walked in and helped Kara sit down on the couch. Kara winced.
"Are you okay?" Mon El asked worried.
Kara placed a hand on Mon El's arm. "I'm okay." A tear ran down her face.
Mon El sat down beside her and placed his hand on her face wiping away her tear. "No you're not." He softly whispered.
Kara looked down avoiding his eyes and Mon El saw.
"Kara?" She didn't answer. Mon El took a deep breath. "Is this because of what happened?"
Mon El couldn't See Kara's face but she let out a noice that told him she was holding back tears and was on the brink of crying. He pulled her into a hug and she cried into his shoulder.
"Kara, you have to know that when it comes down to you, the twins and me, that I am always going to chose you three. No matter what."
She pulled away and looked straight into his eyes. "You died! Okay?" Kara took a breath. "You left seven months ago and I didn't know if you were even alive and then you came back to me." She said in between sobs. "And because of how weak I was....I couldn't save you."
"I watched you die, Mon El! I watched you lying there with that knife in your chest....dying......" She took another breath. "And I just can't......I get stop seeing you....f-fall to the ground and......just lying there, lifeless." Kara said rubbing her eyes and head with her hands as if she was trying to get rid of the memory.
"I know. And I'm sorry."
"You don't know Mon El. You don't know what it's like being in the position I was in."
"Yes I do!" Mon El said louder than he intended. "If you would have had the strength then, what would you have done Kara?"
"I would have taken the knife for you!"
"Exactly!" He said almost cutting her off. "Kara, I was in that exact position you were when I walked through that door. I walked in happy and excited about giving you your present I got you, and when I opened the door, I saw you laying there, on the ground. Because of the knife there were green lines all over your body and grey lines all over your stomach. I saw Imra holding the knife in the air about to bring it down on you and our unborn babies. I know exactly what it feels like. So like you would have done, I took the knife for the three people I care most about in the world without hesitation." He held Kara's face in his hands. "I love you Kara Danvers. And I love Mike and Cat. You have to know that. Do you?"
Kara wrapped her arms around Mon El and continued to cry. "I'm s-sorry." She said trying to catch her breath. "I do know it." Kara pulled away and kissed Mon El with her fingers running through his hair down to his neck. "I love you too."
Mon El smiled.
Kara moaned in pain wrapped her arms around her stomach.
"Kara? Kara what's wrong?" Mon El said starting to panic.
"Get Alex....." Kara said under her breath.
"Ok! Ok!" Mon El ran over and called Alex on Kara's phone.
"Hello?" Mon El heard Alex ask.
"Yeah...Mon El? What's wrong?"
"I don't know. Somethings wrong with Kara." Mon El said panicking even more.
"What do you mean something's wrong with Kara?" Alex asked almost sounding angry.
"She's in too much pain to talk."
"Ok, tell me what's happening"
"I don't know, she was fine a minute ago and now she's in pain." Mon El didn't know what to say since he had no clue what was happening.
"Mon El, ask Kara where the pain is."
Mon El walked over to Kara and sat down on the couch. "Kara, Alex wants to know where the pain is coming from."
Kara continued to moan that turned into small screams.
"Mon El? I need you to bring Kara to the DEO now!"
"Why? What's wrong!"
"I think she's going into labor."
"Oh my god." Mon El said as he hung up. "Ok. Ok. Kara? Hey, Kara. I'm going to take you to the DEO now okay?"
Mon El wrapped one arm under her knees and another around her back and was about to pick her up.
"No, Mon El......"
"I have to Kara. I'm sorry." Mon El picked her up and Kara screamed in pain. This was all new to both of them since Mon El has never seen a woman be in labor or give both before.
Once they got to the DEO, Alex was waiting at the door with a bed and a whole bunch of doctors ready to go. Mon El placed Kara on the bed and Alex took her hand.
"Alex........" Kara mumbled turning her head from side to side on the bed.
"It's gonna be okay Kara" Alex smiled. Alex waved a hand in the air. "Let's go!"
Mon El was about to follow before Winn grabbed his arm.
"Woah!" Winn said. "We don't go in there."
"What do you mean?"
"We have to wait, at least until Alex confirms she's actually going into labor."
"Ok, how long will that take?" Mon El asked anxious.
"I don't know, every woman is different. Alex will let you in if Kara is going into labor."
"Okay." Mon El said fiddling with the bottom of his shirt. Winn saw and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Mon El, Kara's going to be fine. Relax" Winn smiled and walked back to his desk leaving Mon El pacing back and forth in front of the room Kara and Alex were in.
An hour later, Alex opened the door to reveal Kara still on the bed screaming louder in pain.
Alex smiled. "It's time." She said walking back into the room.
"Relax. Relax. Relax." Mon El whispered to himself. He took a deep breath and followed Alex into the room closing the door behind him.

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